Haven't Had Enough

Two very different worlds collided and clashed at the same time during just a few moments of conversation but it was amazing at how just those few minutes could mix both worlds together into one. Neither party would really admit that the whole exchange wasn't just wholly for information reasons but a chance for the both of them to size the other up and in those few precious seconds they found each other flirting back and forth. It wasn't something one party would do on a normal basis which is what confused him the most as he continued to smile and eyes hardly leaving the other in front of him. As much as the other party enjoyed the attention he was getting from the man that caught his own attention the most, he knew what they were doing and why they were there. Which is why he would play along with this game of flirting but even he had to admit near the end it did become genuine.

Sam Winchester, the youngest of the family had by this time realized that a lot of the people he loved ended up dying, which was part of this wonderful family curse Dean and him had gotten themselves into. That is why he was trying to estrange himself from feelings altogether yet he found himself being attracted to this janitor, of all people and to make it even more confusing for him it was a man. He would admit that at times he may have found another man appealing but there wasn't really another man quite like this one. It was a surprise that Dean didn't notice the difference of how he treated the janitor compared to anyone else they have questioned. He was smiling and laughing, his usual small flirtation he did with people that have caught his eye. What made it worth it was the other male was taking it lightheartedly and even seemed to be flirting back.

It wasn't just young Sam that was going through the same kind of turmoil either. The janitor himself found his eyes traveling the taller male's physique a couple times during the duration of the conversation. The first words that popped into his mind when he started to talk were tall, tanned, and muscular. He had absolutely no reason to even need to see him without a shirt to know the other was toned but not disgusting, bulging out of every piece of clothing body builder type. There was no reason why he wasn't thinking of how nice it would be to see the other just remove his shirt, even if it was just to quickly change into another one. Not just the gorgeous body caught his attention either since he could tell compared to his brother he already knew who these men were, that he was the brains of the two. What made it all fit into place and just make his night was when the other was flirting with him. Albeit it was small and happening on the fly, it was still cute. I will definitely need to take some rec time tonight.

As first meetings would go, both men would agree that it was the strangest while most truthful situation that could have happened at the time. They both had secrets which only took days to figure out and they didn't leave each other on the best of terms. One thinking the other was dead while the other had a reason for revenge. Both of them also left that college with lingering thoughts and even dreams about what possibly could have been but they knew better. Sam was a hunter he got rid of the evil supernatural beings that hurt people. The janitor was a Trickster and faked his own death to get off free and start a new life somewhere else. It would be difficult to see how the two would ever cross paths again but a statement that the janitor found very misleading up until the moment he ran into Sam happened to be how their relationship will grow: "He that can have Patience, can have what he will"