Ch. 13: The Super Extra Long Finale

Saturday, October 25th, Homecoming...

After much anticipation, the day had finally arrived, as everyone throughout Elmore were getting themselves ready for what's going to be the biggest night of their lives. Gumball and Darwin were no different from the rest, as they were getting themselves ready at home, wearing their chosen tuxedos, as well as putting some cologne on themselves at their dad's insistence, claiming it'll make them more charming.

"Ugh! I thought this cologne stuff was supposed to smell good. They smell like wet dogs!" Gumball complained, after trying some of the cologne for himself.

"I don't know what you're complaining about, Gumball. I think they actually smell nice," Darwin said otherwise with his usual happy demeanor.

"Of course you wouldn't," Gumball sarcastically said.

"We can argue later. Right now, we need to head to school now before everyone else does," Darwin reminded his brother.

"...Alright, Darwin. Let's get going," Gumball, of course, wasn't looking forward to it, but he needed to stop Textegear before he fulfill whatever evil plan he was concocting, especially after what Carrie had told him after her meeting with Penny, as he and his brother headed out.

After the brothers say their farewells to their parents, as well as Anais, Gumball and Darwin decided to drop by at the Krueger residence to pick up Carrie. Yesterday, she agreed to go out with them to Homecoming, under the condition that they simply go out as friends. As the two dropped by at her house, with Gumball ringing the doorbell, they waited patiently for her to show up, before Darwin spoke up, if only to past the time.

"So…" Darwin began. "Feeling nervous."

"I guess," Gumball admitted.

"Me too," Darwin simply said. "After all, it's our first time going out to a high school dance. I just hope the night would end in a bang."

'In a good and non-destructive way,' Gumball thought.

Just then, the brothers' conversation was interrupted by the click of the door, as it opened up to reveal Carrie in her chosen attire, looking ready to take on the night.

"Hey guys," she greeted the boys. "Sorry it took a little longer than usual."

"It's alright, Carrie. It wasn't that long," Gumball assured her.

"Now that we're all here, let's head out to the school dance and have a good night," Darwin proclaimed.

"Y-Yeah, let's do that," Gumball nervously said, as he and Carrie faked a smile for Darwin, as they head to Homecoming. Both weren't so sure what or how this night will turn out, but one thing is for certain: whatever is about to happen, they need to end it right then and there.

The high school gym was, unsurprisingly, beginning to fill up, as almost every student had arrived to celebrate tonight's Homecoming, with Gumball, Carrie and Darwin being among them. Not only was everyone looking forward to the dance, but they were eager to find out who was going to be the Homecoming King and Queen of this year since the beginning; the anticipation was starting to get to them and they don't know how long they can contain it.

"This is a lot bigger than I thought," Darwin spoke loud. "Isn't this exciting, you guys?"

"I guess it is," Gumball said, trying to pretend he was happy.

"As long as we have a good time, then that's all that matters," Carrie added, playing along with Gumball.

"It's ashamed that you and Penny aren't going to be crowned the Homecoming King and Queen. I was so certain that you guys would win the title," Darwin remarked. "Come to think of it, I don't think I see Penny here at all."

"Say, why don't I get some drinks for ourselves?" Gumball suddenly asked, as he head to the drinks.

"Sounds good to me," Carrie agreed, as she followed Gumball to the drinks, leaving a dumbfounded Darwin on his own.

"Well...that was pretty weird," he commented.

"Enjoying yourself?" a voice spoke out, one that Darwin hadn't heard for a very long time.

"Tobias? Is that you?" asked a surprised Darwin, as he looked for any sign of him. "Where are you?"

"Just follow my voice and you'll find out," Tobias replied gleefully,

Darwin didn't like the tone Tobias gave to him, but he was also suspicious at the same time. He hadn't seen Tobias around since he, along with Penny, didn't show up at school that much and Darwin did wanted some answer out of him about his unexpected disappearance.

"Where do I start?" asked Darwin.

"I'm over here," Tobias' voice called out from the corner of the gym, as Darwin followed his voice. When he arrived, however, he didn't see a sight of him, much to his surprise.

"I don't see you."

"Right here," Tobias called out from the bleachers, his voice being louder than usual. Despite his hesitation, Darwin followed his voice, but once again, he couldn't see him anywhere.

"Tobias, you need to stop playing around. Just show yourself already," Darwin demanded.

"Don't worry. Just come over here," Darwin squinted his eyes hard enough to see his figure behind the bleachers; after he was certain that it was him, Darwin got closer to Tobias and sure enough, it was him in the flesh.

"Aright Tobias, what's going on?" Darwin demanded an answer from him.

"Nothing much, except I have you where I wanted," Tobias replied with a smirk, before he pulled out a laser gun and shot him without hesitation.

Gumball needed to calm his nerves down, as he head to the drinks to get some refreshments for Darwin, Carrie and himself. He still needs to know how to stop Textegear, but he has no idea when he'll show up; all he can do is simply keep a level-head about it and not cowered in fear. It was something that both Textegear and Tobias wanted him to be, especially for tonight's event.

'Alright Gumball, you can pull this off,' he thought to himself. 'I need to keep my guard up and make sure that I stop Textegear when the time comes.'

"Gumball, are you alright?" Carrie asked, as she approached him with concern.

"...No, I'm not," Gumball honestly answered. "I'm just a bit jumpy, that's all."

"Look, if it's about what happened yesterday, I don't blame you…" Carrie began, before becoming serious. "But you need to be calm. After all, you always managed to improvise with whatever bad happens."

"Except that this is the world we're talking about!" Gumball countered. "I don't want to make one mistake and doom everyone because of it."

"I know who you really are Gumball. You're not a clumsy coward that everyone thinks you are. You're brave and selfless, that's who you are," Carrie assured him, which seemed to have an effect on him.

"Thanks Carrie, I really needed that."

"Don't mention it, Gumball. That's what friends are for," Carrie insisted, before she noticed that everyone was gathered around at what seemed to be a slow dance at the dance floor. "What do you say, Gumball? Want to dance?"

"Sure Carrie," Gumball happily agreed, as he followed her to the dance and soon, he found himself dancing with Carrie along with the rest of the dancers. The heavy burden on his shoulders started to become less heavy and his anxiety was replaced with calmness. For the first time, he was starting to enjoy himself.

"How are you feeling now?" Carrie asked, as she and Gumball twirled around each other.

"I feel...relaxed," Gumball replied. "Actually, I haven't felt like this since...ever."

"That's how it should be," Carrie said with a smile. She was happy that her suggestion made some improvement for her friend. As they continued to dance without a care in the world, seemingly like forever, both she and Gumball suddenly stopped dead in their tracks, as they looked at one another.

"Gumball…" Carrie began.

"Carrie…" Gumball began as well.

"May I have your attention please!" a teacher announced through the microphone, unknowingly interrupting Gumball and Carrie's moments, as every student stopped dancing and gathered to hear the announcements.

"I wanted to thank everyone for coming at tonight's Homecoming. I hope that this will be one night no one forgets, so I'll cut right to the chase. The moment you all been waiting, I'll be finally announcing this year's Homecoming King and Queen!"

As soon as the teacher said those four words, everyone clapped their hands, the air-filled with excitements over the news. Gumball and Carrie, however, had the opposite reaction towards this.

"Are you ready, Gumball?" Carrie whispered to him.

"As ready as I'll be," Gumball whispered back, before they slowly trudged their way, just as the teacher was about to reveal the outcome.

"This year's Homecoming King and Queen are-"

Without warning, a black smoke poof out of nowhere at the auditorium, interrupting the crowning ceremony, as student and teacher alike stopped what they were doing, as the smoke cleared up to reveal a stranger drab in a black cloak, much to their confusion.

"Who is that?"

"Is this part of the Homecoming?"

"I don't recall this being part of the event."

Unfazed by their curiosity, Textegear suddenly began to shoot all over the gym, leaving various holes all over the walls, as the student and teachers' curiosity was replaced by fear and panic by this unexpected surprise.

"Silence!" Textegear shouted, as everyone quickly quieted down, their bodies still filled with fear and horror. "Now that I got everyone's attention, I am here to do something none of your minds will comprehend…"

As Textegear continued on his speech about what he intended to do, Gumball and Carrie continued to silently trudged their way, being careful not to draw out attentions towards themselves or their attempts to stop Textegear is all for nothing.

"Looks like he doesn't know where here," Carrie noted.

"Let's not take any chances," Gumball said otherwise. "We only got one shot with this."

Carrie nodded her head, understanding the situation, as she and Gumball finally arrived at the auditorium, much to their relief. They finally made it this far and there was no going back once they made their next move.

"Alright Carrie, let's do this," Gumball stated.

Soon, he and Carrie quickly rushed towards Textegear as fast as they could. But before they could even reached him, a figure popped out of nowhere, stopping the duo dead in their tracks. It didn't take them too long to realize who it is.

"Penny!" Carrie and Gumball simultaneously shouted, prompting Textegear to turn his attention towards them with a smirk.

"You two arrived just in time to see what I'm about to do," he spoke with amusement, before turning his attention to Penny. "Kill them!"

Nodding her head in agreement, Penny began to make the first move, using her knives to try to take both of her targets down. Gumball and Carrie, however, managed to evade her attack, the latter quickly punching Penny in the face without hesitation.

"Sorry about that Gumball, but I promised Penny if she was going to pull a move like that," Carrie explained.

"Don't mention it, Carrie," Gumball assured, understanding her action, as he dodged Penny's kicks.

"Don't just stand there, Gumball! Just go there and stop Textegear!" Carrie instructed, before she blocked Penny's punch.

Gumball nodded his head, leaving Carrie to fight Penny on her own, as he continued to head towards Textegear. But then, without warning, another figure popped out, one that Gumball is already familiar with.

"D-Darwin?" Gumball was speechless. Instead of his usual happy self, he looked very peeved...and aggressive. It took him to realize the sudden change in his brother's behavior.

'Of course, this is your doing, Tobias. Are you that low just to get even with me?!'

"It's payback time!" Darwin shouted, as he lunged towards his own brother.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," Gumball said to himself, before he raised his fist at his brother, punching him straight in the face, as he tumbled back. Darwin, however, quickly got up, albeit, with a black eye.

"Is that all you got?!" Darwin mockingly asked, as he rushed towards Gumball once again, head-butting him in the stomach.

Textegear, meanwhile, continued to watch Gumball and Carrie's fights with their respective friends, ignoring the screams from the background. It was all going according to plan and nothing was going to stop him. Nothing.

"Hey Textegear!" Tobias called out, as he reached towards the auditorium, trying to catch his breath. "I'm sorry for not coming here this soon."

"Actually, you made it right on time," Textegear corrected him. "Now, you know what to do."

Tobias nodded his head, understanding Textegear's instruction, as he made his way to the center of the auditorium; closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Tobias raised both arms and sure enough, a summoning circle formed out of nowhere and shortly afterwards, a portal was starting to form in the same circle, that soon began to grow larger with each seconds, leaving Tobias ecstatic.

"At last; victory will be mine!" he shouted, having accomplished his goal.

"Correction...victory will be mine!" Textegear yelled, as he unleashed a very powerful shot from his hand, sending a shocked Tobias to the gym floor.

"...T-Textegear, what gives?!" Tobias demanded. He couldn't believe that he was actually attacked, as he saw Textegear smiling sadistically.

"Come now, Tobias…" he began. "Did you honestly believe I was actually helping you from the moment we met? I needed some fool I can manipulate to do my bidding and all it took was your own pathetic love for a girl who would never love you back! Now that you completed your task, you are no use to me!"

Tobias continued to listen on, still in disbelief that he was nothing more than a mere puppet, as his consciousness slowly faded out, with Textegear's laughter being the last thing he could hear.

"Darwin, you have to snap out of this! This isn't like you!" Gumball pleaded, both blocking and punching his brother at the same time.

"Don't give me that excuse, Gumball!" Darwin rebuffed, as he made a few kicks at his brother. "I know what you've been up to. You decided to win Carrie's heart after you couldn't get Penny's attention!"

"I don't know what Tobias filled your mind with, but you have to fight it off!" Gumball attempted to reach out.

"Sure, I believe you!" Darwin sarcastically responded. "Enough talk! Time to meet your maker!"

Darwin then let out a war cry, leaping right at Gumball with his feet sticking out. All Gumball could do is sigh with regret, as he took a deep breath and faced his brother.

"Forgive me, Darwin," Gumball sadly apologized, as he grabbed his brother's leg and slammed Darwin to the nearest wall, knocking him out. "I swear, I'll make Tobias pay."

Once he said those words, Gumball immediately checked up on both Carrie and Penny, hoping that neither girl were in serious harms.

Carrie was struggling with all of her might; even though she managed to land a few punches and kicks towards Penny, Penny herself was starting to get the upper hand, combining her speed with her knife fighting skills, forcing Carrie to distance herself, allowing Penny to land a few punches and kicks of her own.

'You have to be kidding me!' Carrie thought, as she tried to catch her breath. 'At this rate, I can't help Gumball out!'

"What's wrong, Carrie? Feeling tired?" Penny sarcastically asked, as she brought her knives out. "Don't worry; I'll end this now!"

Penny let out a war cry and quickly dashed towards Carrie, as Carrie herself closed her eyes, seemingly resigned to her fate.

'I hope this works,' Carrie thought, as she dropped to her back, barely dodging Penny's knives and raised her foot up to forcefully throw Penny to the nearest wall, knocking her out in the process.

"I can't believe that actually work," said a surprised Carrie, just as Gumball finally caught up with her.

"Carrie, are you alright?" Gumball asked worriedly, as he helped her up, before he noticed Penny unconscious from a distance.

"Gumball, I'm sorry, but I didn't have any choice," Carrie explained.

"It's all good, Carrie. You did what you have to do," Gumball assured her. "We can apologize to her when this is over."

"Speaking of which...look!" Carrie then pointed her finger, prompting Gumball to turn around and saw Textegear next to the portal, which continued to grow even larger.

"Aw man! I almost forgot about him!" Gumball complained, as he and Carrie rushed right back towards him.

"There's no time for that! We can still stop him!" Carrie insisted.

"How?" asked Gumball. "We can't just approached him. He'll blast us within seconds!"

Carrie was about to open her mouth when she noticed the laser gun right next to the now unconscious Tobias and before long, an idea came to her.

"Gumball, you keep Textegear busy!" Carrie ordered. "Don't ask! Just go! I got an idea!"

Despite his reluctance, Gumball sighed and smiled, deciding to trust Carrie, as she rushed to the opposite direction, while he continued to face Textegear on his own.

'Alright Textegear! This ends now!'

Textegear laughed with triumph that rang out throughout the school gym. Not only had he succeeded in manipulating a gullible fool to do his own bidding, but victory will soon come to his grasp. It was going to be a matter of time before the portal opened and nothing will stand in his way, not even-

"Hey Textegear!" he turned around and saw Gumball staring at him very seriously.

"Well, well, look at who finally showed up, just in time to see his biggest failure ever," Textegear remarked, before he notice one other person missing. "I see that girl abandoned you in your time of need."

"You have no right to speak to Carrie or anyone like that!" Gumball rebuffed. "I'm here to end this once and for all!"

"Challenge accepted," Textegear agreed, before he shoot out a dark beam from his hand.

Anticipating such a move, Gumball quickly dodged, before attempting to land an uppercut right at Textegear. Amused by this, Textegear disappeared before it happened and reappeared from behind, shooting yet another beam. Gumball, however, barely managed to avoid his surprise attack and attempted to retaliate with a flying kick. Once again, Textegear disappeared out of sight, preventing Gumball's attempt, as he teleported in another place and raised both arms, preparing to attack his target.

"Face the facts, Gumball…" he began, as he began to shoot out a barrage of beams, forcing Gumball to evade them with all of his might. "You don't have what it takes to stop me. You're nothing more than just a child who has no idea on how the world works. What can someone like you do to stop me?"

Gumball didn't answer, as he continued to dodge Textegear's attacks, before one beam managed to knock him to the ground, as Textegear finally approached him and grab him by the neck.

"Now, before I gave you a quick and painless death, is there anything you wanted to say?" Textegear asked, not expecting an answer out of him. But then, he noticed that Gumball was oddly smirking, much to his surprise.

"I wanted you right where we needed," Gumball simply replied.

Without warning, Textegear was struck by something hard, forcing him to drop Gumball, as he was sent directly at the portal; he attempted to leave, but the same force was pinning him down, as Carrie continued to hold down the trigger on the laser gun as hard as she can.

"Thanks for the save, Carrie," Gumball expressed his gratitude, as he helped himself up.

"We're not done yet!" Carrie stated otherwise, as she and Gumball spotted Textegear trying to come out of the portal. "I don't know how much this laser will hold him down!"

"Don't worry, let me help you!" Gumball rushed towards her side and helped Carrie steady the gun, allowing them a better aim at Textegear.

"You really think a laser beam is going to stop me?" Textegear mockingly asked and once again, attempted to exit out.

But then, the laser beam suddenly strengthened itself, forcing Textegear back in, as Gumball quickly turned the dial up to its limits, before helping Carrie with her aim. Tried as he might, Textegear was unable to get himself out of the portal, in spite of his efforts.

It was then that Textegear took noticed on the portal itself; it was starting to decreased in size, slowly shrinking itself, with him still in it. The confidence that he once had on his face was now replaced by panic and fear.

"Oh no!" Textegear shouted, desperately tried to get himself out of the portal, but the laser was proving to be too strong for him to break free. As he struggled to get himself out, the portal continued to shrink within seconds, until it finally trapped Textegear in his place.

"No! This wasn't so supposed to happen!" Textegear yelled, as he could feel himself being crushed by the portal. "It was supposed to be my victory! I was supposed to rule the world, not end in such a-"

But Textegear didn't even finished his words, as the portal imploded without warning, taking its unfortunate prisoner with him, until there was nothing left at the auditorium, to Gumball and Carrie's relief, as they landed on their knees, exhausted but happy that they ended such a big threat.

"That...was insane," Gumball simply commented.

"That' understatement," Carrie said otherwise, before she and Gumball catch their breath. "That's take care of one problem, but what should we do about Tobias?" she reminded her friend, as she looked at the unconscious jock from behind.

Gumball turned to see Tobias lying on his back, still unconscious from the entire deal, as his emotions was filled with a mixed of anger and pity; a part of him wanted to make Tobias pay for what he put him and everyone else through, especially Penny. But another part of him felt sorry that he was used by Textegear, who simply manipulated him for his own selfish needs.

"Well…" Gumball began, rubbing his chin, before an idea came to him. "First things first, let's make sure he doesn't use this on anyone else again."

Carrie nodded her head, understanding his intention, as she handed Gumball the laser gun and watched him stomped it as hard as he could. He wanted to make sure that not even a single part of it could be used for its recreation.

"Ugh, what happened?" Darwin asked, finally recovering from his fight with his brother. Likewise, Penny was starting to regain consciousness as well, as she staggered up to her feet.

"Don't worry, Penny, I got you," Carrie rushed over to her friend's aid, with Gumball doing the same thing with his brother.

"Hey Darwin, how are you feeling?" Gumball asked, hoping his brother wasn't too mad for what he had to do back there.

"Besides a big headache, I'm alright," Darwin replied. "Although I do felt like I was under some sort of control."

Gumball could only laughed nervously, as his brother had no idea how half-right he was.

"Gumball…" Gumball turned to see Penny from behind, holding Carrie to help her regain her composure. "Are you alright? I'm sorry for what I did in the last few days. It was beyond my control."

"Don't worry, Penny. It wasn't your fault," Gumball assured her, much to Penny's relief. "If there is someone to blame, it's Tobias. He's the one who needs to pay!"

"Speaking of which, he's starting to wake up," Carrie pointed her finger at him, as Tobias was starting to stir up.

"Ugh! What happened?" Tobias asked no one in particular, his vision was still blurry, as he could see a few figures approaching him. Eventually, his vision cleared up to see four familiar faces, much to his discomfort, before he noticed the now broken laser gun from a few inches. It didn't take him too long to realize what just happened.

"Wait!" Tobias pleaded, as he got up and slowly backed away. "I can ex-"

But his pleas quickly felled on deaf ears, as an enraged Penny made her first move, punching Tobias' face as hard as she could.

"This is for stealing my first kiss!"

Tobias staggered back, both distraught and in disbelief that the girl who was under his control had now punched him and on Homecoming, of all nights.

"This is for endangering everyone!" Carrie shouted, as she punched him point-blank in the eye.

"This is for trying to make my life miserable!" Gumball yelled, punching in the gut. "And this is for controlling my brother!" Gumball then uppercut Tobias, sending him up for a few seconds, before he quickly fell down to the floor, unable to move his body.

"This can't be happening to me," Tobias blurted out, his spirit completely broken. "It was supposed to be me!"

As Tobias lamented that everything he had planned was all in vain, Gumball, Penny and Carrie let out a big sigh, satisfied that they were able to let Tobias know how they felt, before they were approached by an astonished Darwin.

"What was that about?" he asked in confusion, before facing his brother. "Gumball, I didn't expect you to beat him up like that."

"After what he's been putting us through, he got what he deserves," Gumball bluntly explained.

"I still don't know what's going on, but if he did something to get you this upset, then I got no problems," said Darwin, deciding not to question his brother further.

While the four continued on with their discussion, every student and teacher that had cowered in cover slowly came out, both uncertain and worried about what had happened in the last few minutes.

"Is everyone still here despite the fiasco?" a teacher called out, as he got on the auditorium, surveying everyone in the school gym. After double and triple checking, he seemed quite happy, as he spoke once more. "Without further ado, I would like to announce this year's Homecoming King and Queen…Mick and Molly!"

Once the announcement was mad, two people, a purple humanoid and a red dog, went up to the auditorium to receive their crowns, as the audience applaud for them, while Gumball, Carrie, Penny and Gumball watched from a distance.

"Sorry you two didn't received the crowns," Darwin expressed his sorry to Gumball and Penny.

"It's alright, Darwin," Gumball insisted. "It didn't seem that important."

"Gumball's right," Penny agreed. "I'm just happy to get Tobias off of my back for good."

"There's always next year," Carrie commented with a smile.

"On the contrary, my friend," an older voice spoke, one that was very familiar to Gumball.

" that you?" Gumball asked incredulously.

As if to answer his question, a flash of light appeared out of nowhere, disappearing as soon as it appeared, revealing a pale old monkey to Gumball and his friends.

"You did it, Gumball. I knew you and Carrie would be the one to take down Textegear," Clockwerek praised him with a smile.

"Oh, it was nothing," Gumball sheepishly insisted, as he rubbed his head. "But what brings you over here?"

"Besides congratulating you, I want to offer my condolence by resetting everything back to 15 days ago, with a few alterations, of course," Clockwerek explained.

"What?!" Carrie and Gumball shouted in shock.

"I'm sorry but if I don't do this, everyone will keep memories of this horrific event. I must make sure they do not. Everything will go back to the way it was before," Clockwerek said with a sad face. "I'm sorry but it must be done…"

"...What alterations?" asked a defeated Carrie, saddened that Gumball will go back to Penny and Carrie will be left alone… or with Darwin if that somehow happens. Clockwerk chuckled in response.

"If I tell you, it would simply spoil the surprise. But before I reset everything the way it was, is there something you wanted to do first?"

Carrie was about to open her mouth, but stopped at the last moment, turning her attention towards Gumball. While Darwin looked on with confusion, Penny, however, seemed to realize what was going on and so did Gumball.

"Wait a minute!" Gumball feverishly spoke. "Are you sure you wanted to do this? I mean, it's just that I-"

"Gumball…" Penny began, as Gumball turned his attention to her. "It's alright. I say go for it; this may be the only time you have."

As much as Gumball didn't like being pressured, he let out a sigh and smile at Penny, happy that she understood what was going on, as he and Carrie slowly approached one another, their eyes locking on to each other.

"If this is how it's going to end, let's make this count," said Gumball.

"Don't worry about it, Gumball. This is our one and only opportunity," Carrie added.

Soon, the two closed their eyes, their faces inching closer, until their lips finally made contact, affirming their love for another. Clockwerk, meanwhile, closed his eyes, putting his hands together, until a ball of light suddenly formed in his palms, as he quickly stretched his arms, with the ball of light quickly engulfing everyone, as well as the entire town.

Friday, October 10th, 15 days till the dance…

Gumball woke up to the sound of an obnoxious alarm clock, wishing he didn't have to go to school that day, while his brother was starting to get up, having also heard the alarm clock as well.

"Good morning, Gumball!" Darwin greeted his brother.

"Good morning, Darwin!" Gumball greeted back, as he stretched his arms out. "Man, I have the weirdest dream last night."

"What dream?" Darwin asked, as he got off from the top bunk to face his brother.

"I dreamt that Homecoming came and you, me, Carrie, Penny and Tobias were in it, along with some weird dude who tried to take over the world and everything just got crazy from there."

"That is very weird," Darwin commented. "Are you sure you're feeling fine?"

"Oddly, I am," Gumball answered. "I don't know why, but I don't feel grumpy or anything. In fact, I'm actually feeling great!"

"Now that's the spirit!" Darwin happily exclaimed. "Now come on, let's go down for some breakfast!"

With that, the boys got themselves dressed up, as Darwin was the first to head downstairs. Gumball was about to do the same thing when he sensed something off, prompting to turn around to see...nothing.

"For a minute, I thought someone was watching me," Gumball muttered, before shrugging his shoulders. "Oh well, I guess it was nothing then."

Gumball headed downstairs, intending to join up with his family, before he gets ready for school. Unbeknownst to him, however, a certain old pale monkey teleported in his bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Have a good life, Gumball. You deserve it," Clockwerk happily said, before he disappeared, leaving no trace of his existence, content that Gumball, despite his ordeals, would lead a very joyful life.

A/N Originally this was going to be two chapters but then that would have ruined the flow so we just went with one. But on the plus side: THIS STORY IS FINALLY OVER! YES! *Party streamers fall from the ceiling, clown on unicycle rolls in, rocking music plays in background*

Thank you for putting up with this test of patience and show of no dedication!

Till next time, Sal out!