I've decided on something, guys. I'm going to do 'round about these size chapters now, because I'll get it done and down more quickly, equalling the story progressing. I've noticed that this is probably the best action, recounting the time I'd ignored this story.

So, y'all will get chapters quick, but they will be shorter than usual.

Note* The break-line has been replaced with 's-S-s', due to internet issues. (Boy, my phone comes in handy!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog. All related characters go to SEGA.


The jet-ski sped across the weird liquid, causing the female on board to give a childish squeal.

"Ohhhhhhh! Just think! We coulda' discovered a new area! Behold...Liquid Lake!"

Tails rolled his eyes, still eying the strangely purple liquid from the corner of his blue irises.

It reminded him too much of the good, old days in Chemical Zone... and Sonic.

Shaking that off to prevent himself from breaking, he focused his attention back onto the watery road, the raccoon excitedly bouncing about behind him.

Blue eyes, belonging to the anthropomorphic female, looked at the strange place brightly, both confused and fascinated. Pulling out a rock from the back of the watercraft, the orange creature dropped it into the water, hoping for some sort of reaction. As they sped away, the eyes were filled with excitement as they stared at the trail behind them. Pupils suddenly dilated as ripples became insanely large, not caused by the water-vehicle's paddling.

Tails, glancing about determinedly, looked to a nearby glowing light in the corner of the area, somewhat interested.


The fox jerked his head around, before being pushed into the back seat himself. Fazed, he squinted at the highjack-er, seeing it's owner rightfully sat at the controls. The jet-ski accelerated forward, causing the young kitsune to almost slip off the thing itself. Hands gripped the back of the watercraft, the legs flying out behind as the object quickened in pace. A blue eye glanced at him, the other on the road of dark, murky, purple water. The handles were turned, causing it to hasten more quickly.

"Hold on, Tails, mate! We gotta' take a turn 'ere!"

The vehicle jerked to the right.

Tails held on for his life, wondering what the heck Marine was up to.


"Nearly there, mate! Easy does it!"

It jerked to the left, causing water to splatter against the yellow fox's muzzle, who quickly shook that off.

It wasn't until they turned another corner, that Tails noticed what they were running from.

Pupils dilated yet again.

The whole time, they had been followed by some water-proof robot.

The metallic structure gave the impression that it was built sturdily for weather, diving, swimming, and such. Splashes grew closer, causing the fox to immediately scramble onto the back seat. Gripping onto the edge of the seat tightly, he eyed the creature situated as Captain, before preparing himself for another turn.






Where the heck was Marine going?

"Tails, be a look out, will ya'?"

Tails shook his head. "I can't."

"Eh? And why's that jibber jabber so?" Turning her head, the female scratched her ear.

"Well... practically, it's vanished."

"HUH?" The orange creature began to look even more bewildered. "There's hocus pocus 'bout, is there? Oh, well! Ain't anythin' to be frettin' over, right?" As the raccoon turned her attention back to her previous position, she gave another hefty jerk of the watercraft. Looking at Tails, she grinned sheepishly. "And, 'ere I was doubtin' the bladdy magic existed!"

Bright lights shot from behind them, shortly followed by splashes which suggested impact on the water. Giving an annoyed huff, the captain controlled the S.S Marine with much needed effort and care, being careful to topple or fall off the jet-ski itself. The S.S Marine surfed elegantly on the rippling waves, it's owner's teeth clenched as she steered clear of any obstacles.

As they remained this way, for what seemed to be an hour, Tails took this convenient time to think, wondering of the possibilities which may lie ahead of him. Carefully, he pulled the wrist device from behind his back, hoping to search for some previous clues whilst not overlooking them. On command, the screen booted up, causing Tails to immediately read the menu, scanning swiftly for the correct option needed. As he reached 'Previous Readings', he hesitated, as if considering the decision carefully, or trying to predict it in the least.

Hesitation was replaced with determination, as the kitsune shook his head before tapping the option, which was followed by the irritating 'Loading' button. Moments passed, as he tried desperately to hold on to the side of the seat.

Marine was squealing with excitement, as if she hadn't had so much fun in her life, despite the fact that she had done before.

Ignoring the racket, Tails glanced at the readings, which were previously from that of the scientist's invention.

He wanted to know exactly what Eggman had tried to fire at him.

At that thought, he gave a shudder, imagining himself like Sonic in the present.

Bad idea.

He pushed the thought out of his mind quickly, not wanting to come across it again.

He tapped a few more buttons on the device, causing a unique screen to pop up, which represented many lines going up and down. With bafflement, the fox watched as the meters fell upwards, and downwards. Luckily, recording the weapon's energy levels had proven somewhat useful to his aid. He eyed the readings incredulously, inspecting every bump and low ditch. As he proceeded to see if such readings had a certain source, or story, to them, the boat turned yet again, causing the fox to almost fall out of it's seat. Before he, himself, could fall into the watery depths, a tanned, gloved hand grabbed him before he did so. Unfortunately, the device fumbled about within his fingers, and, to his dismay, fell into the ocean-like area below.

Pupils truly dilated, as they watched the device dive into the purple liquid.

His hope withered slightly, as he pushed a gloved hand under the sea, trying to fish out the device before it was truly lost forever.

That was his only hope to help Sonic, having watched the weapon do the intended thing with his very eyes.

He had to get it.

Before he could do so, however, the raccoon pulled her friend up, almost wildly as they took another turn.

"By strewth, Tails! Ya' don't jus' pop over the side like that!"

Tails hopelessly watched the area where the useful device once sank move away from view. As he turned to face the female, shock filled his blue irises. His gloved index finger pointed towards a thick, cement wall.


"Wuh-what...?" Marine turned her head to the front again, obviously not paying attention. Her mouth opened slightly. "Oh, crikey."


The pieces of the jet-ski flew everywhere, causing the two sat on it to roll onto the side-path, their eyes alight with astonishment.

Rubble fell from the wall, covering the whole area with debris.

The young kitsune spluttered as he pulled himself up, weakly glancing about. Shielding his eyes from the dust, he moved his eyeballs about, looking for the other passenger once aboard the S.S Marine. He breathed ruggedly while limping forward, eying the debris with suspicion and worry, both.


No debris moved.

He heard no Australian accent.

His tails drooped, as he sat down on a nearby rock, staring at his shoes.


Tails almost jumped out of his fur.


"Marine? What're you doing?" Tails looked slightly puzzled as he stood up, tilting his head to see the raccoon behind a misshapen rock. The raccoon jumped in front of the fox, her arms frantically flailing. They calmed down for a moment.

"Oh, hey there, mate!" A few moments later, she began again. "I WON'T GET ANYWHERE! I'LL BE A BORIN' NOBODY! BABY S.S MARINE IS DOWN! WHY, OH, WHY—?"

'Why does she have to be so melodramatic?' Tails sweat-dropped, before interrupting, "Sorry... Could we get back to this later...?"

"Oh..." The female sighed. "I guess so... But ma' baby a'll never be the same again!"

"I would fix it up... but I don't have time."

A red vein bulged on Marine's head. "WHADDYA' MEAN YA' 'DON'T HAVE TIME'?!"

"I... I have to find out what happened to Sonic..."

A confused expression fell on the orange mammal's face. "Sonic...? Ya' mean he's ill, an' stuff?"

Tails didn't answer; he was too busy looking to the centre of the lake, where, somewhere, the device sat. The concerned expression was clearly shown, to which Marine frowned a little.

"Tails? Mate? Ya' bein' blank! Y'ello!"

'Don't worry, bud. I'll be fine, you'll see!'

Tails clenched his fist, gritting his teeth as he pictured the madman giving poor Sonic even more orders. It made his blood boil.

Marine tilted her head, folding her arms as she placed one hand on her muzzle. "Hm... Somethin's up, 'round 'ere. What've I missed?"


Tails has lost the thing which could unravel the mystery about Sonic! What is he gonna' do now, though? But, we know that Tails doesn't give up that easily, don't we? Why am I asking all these questions when I should be typing up the story?

Well, I will be getting on with the next chapter.

A thank you to Ember, and Guest who reviewed the last chappie! ;)

-Toxic : )