So I finally got the first chapter posted! I'm feeling very proud of myself now. anyway, this chapter just sorta kinda explains why Ryoma suddenly goes off to live in Japan and ends up attending Ouran instead of Seigaku.

To be honest I'm still working out most of the details such as if Ryoma will somehow meet the Seigaku Regulars and how. But for the main part Ryoma is 15 and in his first year of high school. Atobe is 17 going on 18. And yes I know Ryoma is actaully twelve in the Anime/Manga and Atobe is 14. I did this because Ouran is a High School.

Summary: After the loss of both his parents Ryoma goes to live with his child hood friend Atobe Keigo, whom he considers to be like a brother. After some persausion from Atobe, Ryoma decideds to enter at Ouran High School, where he meets none other than the prestigious Host Club.

Warning: Ummm, I'll post some when I think of them.


Chapter 1

Grey Skies

"Are the days of winter sunshine just as sad for you, too? When it is misty, in the evenings, and I am out walking by myself, it seems to me that the rain is falling through my heart and causing it to crumble into ruins"

Gustave Flaubert, November

Bare grey clouds glided through the skies overhead, blocking out the sun. A cold hollow wind blew through the thick winter clothes of everyone in the graveyard. A layer of fresh, glittering winter snow blanketed the barren ground everyone stood on.

In the middle of the otherwise deserted graveyard stood a small crowd of people. They were all situated in front of two small frost covered grave stones. A cold wind blew through the crowd, chilling everyone to the bone. The air was thick with tension, no one spoke.

The ceremony soon began, everyone standing silently. The priest said a few heartfelt words as two coffins were lowered into two separate graves. A look of sorrow passed across every person there. No one wanted to be there. No one wanted to be at a funeral for two very kind people.

The graves were soon filled back up with dirt. Each shovelful landing in the grave with a thump. The crowd watched with sorrow, some even starting to tear up. Each shovel of dirt sent the bodies closer towards heaven and farther from them.

Once the graves were filled to the brim the priest stepped forward. He very carefully offered for anyone to say a few words. Only 2 from the crowd walked up to say something about the dead of couple. The others situated in the crowd prayed silently for the couple to reach heaven safely.

The priest finished with a final prayer. The crowd soon began to evaporate, each going their separate ways. A few stayed a few seconds to place flowers upon the grave, but left shortly after.

Soon the only person left was a small boy with jet black hair, which held an emerald tint that glinted in the reflecting snow. His large golden cat-like eyes were screwed shut, holding back tears. His body shook with silent sobs as he stood in front of the graves.

Another boy, only a couple years older, walked up beside the grieving boy. He had violet hair with silver streaks and ice blue eyes. He rested a strong hand on the boys shoulder. "It's time to go."

The small boy just stood there, gaze never leaving the graves. "Do you think they're in a better place?" He asked, eyes still holding back long deserved tears.

The other boy just nodded as he stared silently at the graves. "Of course they are Ryo."

The emerald haired boy just continued to silently stare at the grave, until a couple seconds later he burst out into racking sobs, tears streaming from hollow, grief stricken eyes. "Why did they have to die? Why did they leave me? They said they would never leave me! Why Aniki? Why?"

"I don't know Ryoma, I don't know," He answered truthfully, embracing the younger in a warm hug, offering protecting from the cold winter air. "Ne Ryoma? Would you like to come live with me in Japan? I'm sure father wouldn't mind. We have lots of extra rooms."

"Really?" The boy asked, looking up at Atobe with tear filled eyes.

"Of course, I could never let my younger brother live alone. I could never, ever leave you anywhere to fend for yourself." Atobe smiled down at the younger boy, who he considered a brother. He wiped the tears from the boy's eyes with the sleeve of his jacket.

"I love you Niisan," Ryoma whispered.

"I love you to Otouto." Together they walked away from the graves, neither looking back at the place where they had been standing seconds before. The graves were soon left to the gentle fall of snow, the clear black lettering standing out against the whiteness that blanketed the ground.

'Here lies Rinko and Nanjirou Echizen'


Yes I know it's short, but please be patient with me.

Anyway I really do have very little ideas for where to take this story. I really would apprieciate to hear your ideas and advice.

So please review and tell me what you think and if there's anything you want to happen. I guarantee this will hep me get the next chapter out ten times faster.