I am running out of ideas for The After life, chapter 7! _ Can you guys give me ideas? Think of any adventure Wendy and Romeo will fit in! I just need help… -_-" It's supposed to be in a forest, and I don't know where I got my self into… Please give me ideas! In the review, or PM me! I'll give you credit! I feel helpless right now… PEACE TO THE PEOPLE WHO'RE WAITING! :P Also to my other story, The Exchange!

Here, I tried a Lisanna is back and Lucy is being ignored story. It's I am not sure if it's great! It's my first time! I will make a poll—MY FIRST TIME! *excited*-of who you want Lucy to end up with! But I'll only put it up once you got to know my OC. That's right people, I'M FINALLY GONNA HAVE AN OC! Around the next chapter, maybe!

PS: Here, Lucy doesn't have a crush on Natsu! Too depressing! :) She doesn't like anyone… yet… :) And, it's her first time to encounter Sting and Rogue, since the grand magic games haven't started yet. Did Sabertooth even exist before Tenroujima…? Also, I don't know the plot of this story, so yeah. I don't know what will happen!

~~~~ The Story ~~~~

Lucy was strolling around Magnolia. Right now, she was on a bridge that connects the two sides of the land between the river. There was clearly nothing to do. Since Lisanna was back, people have been ignoring her for the past 2 months. No one would talk to her, and she started doing solo missions, because Team Natsu is busy 'catching up' with Lisanna. So much for family.

Lucy was starring off in space, that she didn't notice someone walking.

"OW!" Lucy moaned, as she collided with the person.

"Watch where you are going, Blondie!" a voice said.

Lucy looked up, only finding Sting Eucliffe of Sabertooth, with Rogue Cheney. They also had their exceeds Frosch and Lector. "Hey, you're a Blondie too you know! And who are you?" Lucy asked.

"Why do you need to know?" the blond man asked instead of answering her question.

"I am Rogue Cheney, and he is Sting Eucliffe. We are from Sabertooth. Not found any where here." Rogue answered her and helped her up. "Do you know where the Magnolia Diamond Shop is? We are getting kind of lost around here. It's our first time." Rogue blushed in embarrassment. Which Lucy thought was cute.

"Yeah, it's close by. My name is Lucy Heartfilia, by the way. I could take you there." Lucy said taking his hand.

Sting got annoyed since Rogue helped the 'stranger' instead of him, his best friend. And another reason he got annoyed, is because this 'stranger' called Lucy, is with Rogue. And he doesn't know why he is getting annoyed.

Rogue and Lucy started to walk with the exceeds, exchanging words, completely forgetting that Sting existed, which made Sting more annoyed. He ended up trailing behind them, not any one noticing him.

"Here we are!" Lucy said, pointing at a huge white building that had a Magnolia Diamond Shop sign on top. Inside was filled with jewels—not Jewels as in currency. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, tiaras, everything was there.

"Thanks again, Lucy!" Rogue said. He smiled at her and Lucy smiled back.

"You're welcome, Rogue!" She said.

Sting scoffed and went inside instead of thanking.

"No thank you?" Lucy grumbled.

"Don't worry about him. He's usually grouchy. Or jealous…" Rogue snickered. The last part left poor Lucy confuse.

"Anyway, I think I have to go. It's getting pretty late."Lucy said looking at the clock stuck in one side of the building inside. It was 6:46 in the evening.

"Yeah, I guess so…" Rogue pouted.

Lucy was about to go, when Rogue grabbed her wrist. "Uhh, could we meet at the same place again? Hmm… Around 3 in the afternoon tomorrow?" Rogue asked shyly.

Lucy smiled at him. "Sure, bye!" she said and off she went.

"Rogue!" he heard Sting calling for him.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Rogue replied.

When he went in, he saw Sting having an envious expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Sting? You look like you've seen your crush with someone else." Rogue asked teasingly.

"No! I'll never like a girl like her!" Sting said a bit too loudly, catching a lot of attention.

"You said, 'A girl like her' not 'her'" Rogue snickered.

"Whatever…"Sting said looking away.

"You didn't deny it…" Rogue said.

Sting just scowled and walked towards the counter.

"This'll be interesting…" Rogue said with a smirk on his face.

~~~~ NEXT DAY ~~~~

Lucy was at the guild. Of course, being ignored as usual. But despite that, she was still in a good mood. Because of her two new friends, maybe? Well, at least one of them is her friend. The other won't even say a word to her. And I thought Rogue was the quiet one… Also, the two exceeds.

Right now, it's currently 10:56 in the morning. She didn't mind the wait. But, it was getting a bit boring around here.

Lucy was in deep thought, thinking about anything, just to make time fly. She didn't notice her surroundings, and she didn't notice a dragon slayer nearing her.

Suddenly, Natsu came up to Lucy. "Hey, Lucy!"

He didn't get any answer from her.

"Hello?" He called out.

Silence was all he received.

Natsu was losing his patience. He tapped her shoulder, and Lucy jumped in surprise. Of course she would, no one bothered talking to her for the past 2 months. Better statement, everyone in the guild forgot all about her, and never knew she existed anymore.

When Lucy saw who it was, instead of smiling and greeting back, she sighed and asked, "What do you want?"

Harsh. Natsu thought. She would usually be glad to see him. At least, before he started ignoring her. Well, now he noticed her. Isn't that a good thing? But to Lucy, noticing her now is not really her problem. "Uhh, how's your day?" he tried to ask.

"Not you problem." She said.

What is her problem? Natsu asked himself. Maybe she's in a bad mood?

Instead of complaining of her rudeness, he sat down beside her. "Do you wanna go on a mission?" he asked.

"No." Lucy said. She didn't feel, happy or guilty. She is supposed to be happy, since Natsu started talking to her. She should feel guilty, since she's being mean to Natsu. But, she didn't feel any of those emotions. Right now, she didn't like his presence. She didn't know why she's acting like this. "What do you want, really?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you. That's all! No harm done." Natsu said.

"Suit your self." Lucy said and ordered a drink.

Natsu didn't know what to say. He felt guilty for not talking to Lucy these past 2 months. He ignored her. Only now he got to his senses.

There was silence between the two. Only Natsu felt uncomfortable. Lucy probably got used to it.

"Why are you still here?" Lucy said, breaking the silence between them.

Natsu stayed quiet for a while.

"Look, if you don't need—"

"I'm sorry, Luce…" Natsu disturbed. He hid his eyes in his bangs.

"Lucy examined Natsu, if it's all a joke. But, fortunately, it wasn't. Her eyes softened. "It's okay." Lucy said quietly. Enough for Natsu to hear.

Natsu perked up. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry too, for being harsh awhile ago." Lucy said and smiled at him.

From there to 2:59 in the afternoon, they started to chat like the old times. Of course, there is always a limit to everything.

Lucy looked at the time and her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh… I'm late!" Lucy mumbled. "Umm… sorry Natsu, but I have to go!" she said, and dashed out the guild doors.

"Awe…" Natsu complained. He wanted to spend more time with Lucy. But sadly, things weren't going the way he wanted. What could possibly be more important to Lucy besides him? Or who? "Bye…" Natsu uttered as he watched the guild doors. Despite the fact Lucy already left, he still felt grateful. That Lucy had forgiven him, and that he at least got to spend time with her.

~~~~ Sting, Rogue, and their exceeds, Frosch and Lector ~~~~

"Why do I need to go?" Sting whined. Rogue has been pressuring him to join him to see Lucy. Which, I may add, Sting called a date. But of course, our shadow dragon slayer denies.

"So you will never bug me about this again! Plus, you'll like her once you get to know her" Rogue said. Like he doesn't like her enough. Sting is acting so childish right now. All he's doing is hanging out with a new friend. No harm done, right? Well, Sting thinks it does. For one: She's a girl. Two: She belongs to a guild, non other than Fairy Tail, which their master, Master Jiemma, said to avoid. And three: Sting, like it was said earlier, likes her. That's right. The Great and Powerful Sting Eucliffe, likes Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia.

"Fine, but this time only. I will never, as in ever come again after this!" Sting said getting up.

~~~~ At the bridge ~~~~

"Where could she possibly be?" Sting complained. It was 3:04 in the afternoon. Past four minutes they're supposed to meet. Sting was so kind enough to be late four minutes, as he put it in.

"Her guild, where else?" Rogue answered him, despite the fact that Sting wasn't even waiting for an answer.

"Home!" Sting said. Of course you could be home. But when you're at a guild, a partying guild to be exact, who would be at home in 3 in the afternoon?

Sting and Rogue waited a little longer and saw Lucy running towards them. She panted before speaking. "S-Sorry I made you guys wait… I lost track of time…" Lucy said.

"Here," Rogue said, handing her a bottle of water. Lucy immediately accepted and drank.

"Why do you have that?" Sting asked.

"I get thirsty! Plus, there are times I ask if I could drink, but you denied." Rogue explained to him.

"T-Thank you!" Lucy said, breathing more easily.

"No problem!" Rogue said.

Rogue and Lucy was usually the one who was talking to each other. Sting was, of course, usually being ignored.

So much for 'getting to know her'! I am barely talking! A better statement, NOT TALKING AT ALL! Sting thought annoyingly.

Fortunately, Rogue went away to use the Men's bathroom and do his business, leaving Sting and Lucy alone to talk. Unfortunately, there was awkward silence between them.

"So…" Sting tried to change the atmosphere. Clue word: tried.

"Yeah?" Lucy asked.

Sting was left with nothing else to say. He tried to say something to start a conversation, but again, the clue word is: tried.

Sting gave up sighing. He was bad at being social. Actually, he was the worst at it.

"Your name is Sting, right?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah…" Sting answered.

"You're the best friend and team mate of Rogue, am I correct?" She asked.

Best friend and team mate of Rogue, that's her title to him. He feels so low right now. Imagine being the most popular guy at school. Getting all the attention. Then a new student came and everyone started ignoring you. That's how he felt now. But, sounds worse in Lucys' case. "Yeah…" Sting answered anyway.

"Rogue told me stories about you. You just didn't seem to listen to us when talking. Is there something wrong?" Lucy asked her eyes with curiosity.

"Well, for once: you've been ignoring me. Two: it's like you both don't even know I exist! And three—"Sting got cut off when she laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Sting asked, glaring at her with annoyance.

"Well, maybe Rogue ignored you, not that much at least. But you never noticed me always glancing back at you from time to time, wondering why you won't join our conversation." Lucy said with a tint of pink on her cheek. I mean, who wouldn't? You just admitted you glance at a person time to time like a love sick girl. But not as much as Juvia is love sick with Gray… "I actually wanted to talk to you too. Not only Rogue!" she added.

This actually made Sting happy inside. He smirked at Lucy. "So, you admit you have a crush on me, Blondie?" Sting asked.

"I don't like you! And stop calling me Blondie! You're blond too, you know!" Lucy pouted.

Sting laughed at her and pats her head.

~~~~ With Rogue ~~~~

After a few minutes, Rogue had finished doing his thing, and went out. He saw Lucy and Sting talking to each other, constantly smiling or laughing.

Finally! Rogue thought. It was hard to get Sting to be social, even him, he admits. But when he met this girl, he was able to open up a bit. Well, to her. He wanted Sting to open a bit too. He knew Sting. He knew all Sting needed was a little push. Not literally, of course. He actually asked Lucy about him, she said to give him a little push, he misunderstood her. He literally pushed Sting of their bed one night. He told Lucy it didn't work, Lucy laughed at him. She told him, not to literally push him. It was just a statement. He had to open him out. Rogue didn't try to open him up of course. Sting should've been dead. He knew better. Plus, Sting banned him from the bed after that little 'push'. And he was smarter than to open up a man. It would be gross, and it would have blood that will stain his clothes. Not that he just cared about that only or anything but, yeah…

Rogue didn't try to disturb them. He watched them, amused by how Sting was acting around her. The tough great Sting was now being soft to this girl.

Only after an hour or so Sting and Lucy noticed Rogue. Rogue hid his smile and went up to them.

"Well, it's getting late. So I guess we better go! Bye Lucy!" Rogue said.

Lucy and Sting frowned. Yeah, that's right. Sting didn't want Lucy to go yet. He was actually enjoying her company.

Sting sighed. Rogue was right. It was 5:53 in late afternoon. "I guess he's right. Bye Lucy!" Sting said.

This amused Rogue even more. Sting frowned, and he didn't insult Lucy or call her names like he used to. This is so going to be interesting…

~~~~ At the Guild ~~~~

"What happened, Natsu? You seem a little different." Mirajane asked.

Natsu sighed. "It's nothing, Mirajane." He said and grinned.

Mirajane just became more curious. Natsu had a look of happiness. If only she can read minds…

Currently, Natsu was thinking about Lucy. He was super happy that he was able to talk to Lucy. He wanted to give a sorry present actually, since he was still a bit guilty. But, what would he give her?

"Hey, Mirajane, do you know what I can give as a present?" Natsu asked.

"To whom, Natsu?" she asked. "Is it a girl?"

"Yeah!" Natsu said. This surprised Mirajane. Natsu was never the romantic kind. At least she thought it was for romance. Her best thought was confessing.

Mirajane had a smirk on her face, and this time, it made Natsu confuse. But he just shrugged it off.

Mirajane started to tell Natsu what to get and what to do. Practice lasted until 6:43 in the evening. This will be interesting…

(How many times will I say that? XD)

~~~~ At Lucy's Apartment ~~~~

Natsu was nervous. Mirajane gave him lots of lines he needed to memorize. And with a mind like his, well, who wouldn't be?

He was currently in Lucy's front door. Unusual, yes, but there's a lot of unusual things happening today, so, why not?

Natsu knocked on the door, yes, not Natsu-like at all. But that's what Mirajane said to do. She said it would not be much of a romance scene if he didn't enter properly or something.

"Who is it?" he heard Lucy faintly ask from inside. He also heard foot steps emerging to the door.

"It is me, Natsu." He replied her. It took a while before Lucy opened the door.

"Uhh, hello… what are you doing here and knocking on my door?" Lucy asked.

"May I come in?" Natsu asked instead of answering.

What happened to him? Has he been brainwashed? Lucy asked herself.

"Don't worry. Nothing happened to me. I'm totally fine!" Natsu said as if reading her mind.

"If you insist…" Lucy said unsure. Is he a mind reader or something?

"Thank you, and by the way, I'm not a mind reader. I can just tell." Natsu asked as he entered her apartment.

"So what do you want, Natsu?" Lucy asked as she went in front of him.

Natsu went to one knee with bit difficulty. Lucy looked at him confuse.

"Lucy, I love you so much! Please accept my love!" Natsu said as he held Lucy's hand.

"Mirajane did this, didn't she?" Lucy asked as she raised a brow.

"Yeah…" Natsu said, nodding his head.

Lucy sighed. "Get up, Natsu…" she said as she grabbed his hand to help him. "

"I have a sorry present for you!" Natsu said as he searched through his pockets. When he found it, he showed it to Lucy. It was a diamond ring.

"Did Mirajane even know it was supposed to be a sorry present? I think she taught it was and engagement or confession..." Lucy said.

"Ooohhh…" Natsu looked away and walked to the other side of the room with his arms behind his head and whistling as if nothing happened.

Lucy giggled at his reaction. He was an idiot, but that's one thing that made him her best friend. He always had a way to make her smile, one way or another.

"You know what? That wasn't my gift! I have another one! This ring is… is… is for Happy! He wanted to give it to Charles!" Natsu said.

"Where's is my gift then?" Lucy asked playfully.

"You know what Lucy, you are so demanding! Who said I would give it now? I left it at the shop! I mean the house! My house!" Natsu said.

Lucy laughed.

"I'll prove it!" Natsu said and dashed through the doors and into 'his house'. After a few minutes, Natsu came back panting, holding out a silver necklace and a receipt.

"Hey, Natsu, why do you have a receipt with you?" Lucy asked with an amuse smile.

Natsus' eyes widened and crumpled the paper and through it out the window.

"Ow!" they heard someone say. Lucy was holding her laughter while Natsu was panicked and sweating bullets.

"I'm sorry!" Natsu yelled.

"So what is that?" Lucy asked.

"It's my gift!" Natsu said proudly. He showed the necklace to her, and Lucy watched with awe. The necklace was silver all over. It had a flame with a star in the middle while the sides had silver. There were very tiny letters Lucy saw, but she had to squint. It had said 'N + L = Forever'.

She smiled brightly. "Thank you, Natsu!" she said and hugged him. Natsu blushed, but he didn't know why. "But how much Jewels did it cost?"

Natsus' eyes widened. "Oh crap!" he cursed. The amount was 30, 000 Jewels, but he was so in a rush, he dumped every thing he had and ran back. And how much did he have? Well, he was carrying 50, Jewels! What a waste of 20, 00 Jewels!

"I am so broke…" Natsu said as he simultaneously bump his head in the wall.

Lucy looked at him in confusion, but smiled.

"Whatever it is, thanks for doing it for me!" Lucy said and kissed his cheek. Natsus' face turned crimson and he freezed. Lucy already went back to her room, and lest Natsu out side. Today was great! For all of them…

I think I put a bit too much fluffy in the NaLu part. Sorry! You know, I'm more of an expert in NaLu than anything else. And sorry if I put the NaLu, RoLu, and StiCy all in one chapter! I wanted to go to the OC part already! He'll show up in the next chapter! And also, the poll! :D Please help me with the last name, and please help me with my other story! And, remember my old story, The Reason? Well, I added a few things to it! I made it up! Please read it~

So, what do you think about the story so far? I would appreciate if you reviewed! Questions will be answered! Thank you for reading, and please review~