Secrets come out
Chapter 1; (No one P.O.V.)
Kim woke up naked in bed. She turned to slap the other side of the bed, thinking her husband of 6 months would be next to her. She groaned. Kim sat up, rubbed her eyes, stretched, and looked around the room. She groaned again, then swung her legs on the side of the bed. She went to the dresser across the room and took out a black bra, black thongs, black short shorts. Sleepily, she put them on as well as one of Jacks' red and black plaid button up shirt. Kim didn't bother buttoning it up although. After, she went over to the mirror. She sighed while brushing her naturally wavy hair and tying it in a messy bun. Halfway down the stairs, she could smell something good coming from the kitchen. When she reached the kitchen, she gave a half smile to herself, seeing Jack's shirtless back to her, he was cooking. Jack was only wearing loose grey sweatpants. Kim walked over to him and put her hands on his eyes, smiling. Jack smiled to himself.
"Guess who." She whispered in his ear while going on her tip toes, considering how tall he was. Jack smiled again and played along. He put his hands behind Kim to feel her. His hands went from her back to her butt.
"Hmmm, let's see. Nice ass." Kim shook her head at this. Jack moved his hands to the front and felt her bra/boobs . "Ok, big boobs." Kim shook her head again. Jack turned around, Kim's hands still on his eyes. "Is it Kim?" She smiled and said,
"Yes." Jack put his hands on her arms and pulled her hands down from his eyes. Kim flashed him a big smile. She went on her tip toes again and kissed him. Then peered behind him. "Whatcha makin'?" Jack looked behind him, then realization hit him. He shrugged.
"Bacon." Kim rolled her eyes.
"Again? I swear you're going to kill us." She says before turning around to go to the fridge. Jack shrugged again.
"Meh, at least I'll die happy." Kim put down the water bottle on the counter before going up to Jack again and slapped his bare chest a few times, playfully ,while saying,
"Well, put on a shirt, bacon boy." Jack smirked. Kim didn't notice as she was turned around grabbing a banana on the fruit basket on the kitchen island/bar. He then wrapped his arms around Kim's waist and put his chin on Kim's shoulder. Jack whispered in her ear.
"You didn't seem to mind last night." Kim's mouth hung wide open. She dropped the banana and turned around in his arms. Jack put his forehead on hers. She squinted at him. Kim kept opening and closing her mouth, trying to think of a comeback. Through the years, this boy or now man made her weak. Even more so when they started dating and got married. Jack smirked, gave her a quick peck and turned to the now burning bacon. Kim sighed and just wrapped her arms around him, enjoying his warmth. She was about to say something when the phone rang.
"I got it." Kim's voice was muffled, for her face was against Jacks' back. Kim went over to the archway in between the dining room and kitchen and picked up their house phone. She looked at the caller I.D., she gasped a little and had her eyes wide open. Before Jack could see her reaction, Kim quickly answered. Her voice became unsteady and nervous. "Hell-hello?"
"Hello is this the Anderson house hold?" The deep male voice said on the other line. Kim quietly gulped and nodded, even though the person on the other line could not see her. "Hello?" Kim quickly realized what she done.
"Uh, yeah. I'm here."
"Well, Mrs. Anderson, congrats! You are pregnant." Kim's jaw dropped. She was speechless and scared a bit. Her eyes widen even more.
"Uh, um." Jack looked at her concerned. Kim smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. Jack raised his eyebrows because her eyes told him a whole different story. She turned away not wanting to face him for a while. "Really is that so Jerry?" Kim says, her voice an octave higher than usual. She cleared her throat. On the other line the doctor nodded in understanding. This happened to most of his patients whenever he would call to tell them she was pregnant, they would make up one of their friends. But this doctor or Dr. Diaz knew the family personally also, which meant he did know who Jerry was.
"Ah, Jack around?"
"YES, JERRY." Kim said loudly.
"Well, Mrs. Anderson, congrats again and I will be sending a letter of the results soon, so unless you tell him before, watch out." Kim sighed in relief, although she knew that she wasn't out in the clear just yet.
"Thanks, D- JERRY!" Kim said quickly catching her mistake. Her eyes widen a little.
"Which reminds me to call the Martinez's, they forgot their appointment again." Kim smiled weakly. Grace had been pregnant for 5 months now.
"Kay, bye Jer." Dr. Diaz smiled on the other line. They hung up at the same time. When Kim put the phone back into place, she stared at the holder for a few minutes thinking, how the hell was she suppose to tell Jack. Kim turned around with her heels. Jack stood there, eyebrow raised. Looking for a explanation. "Uh- Jerry was saying um saying that he and the others are coming over." Kim says rather quickly, then runs past Jack to the stairwell, upstairs. She slammed their bedroom door shut, leaned on the door, and slid down, closing her eyes. She stood up after a while and went to the side table beside her side of the bed. Kim grabbed her IPhone and quickly texted Grace;
"Grace, what am I going to do? It was positive"- K
"Obviously tell him. Duh."-G Kim rolled her eyes at her text.
"I can't do that!"-K
"Sure you can. All you have to do is say, "Jackson Anderson I'm pregnant." Easy, problem solved."-G
"I didn't mean like that! I meant we both decided to wait for a few years."-K
"Can't do that when you guys do it practically every day. ;)"- G Kim face palmed herself. But she had to say it was true.
"Ughhhh! You're no help. "-K
"Alright Ms. Moody chill. Besides it was bond to happen sometime anyway. Look I'll call Eddie and Kelsey and all four of us will be there in a half an hour."-G
"What about Julie and Milton?"-K
"Their at a geek thing."-G
"Ah. See ya."- K
"See ya whore."-G
"Whatever Anderson."-G Kim cheered up a little. Grace and her just had that friendship where they could call each other anything but never be offended. She put down her IPhone back into its place and flopped down on the bed sighing. She spread out her arms and legs on the huge California King bed.
(Hey! :) What is up? Was it good? Please Review, Favorite, and Follow. Be nice! 3rd Kickin' it story. :) )