Okay, let's set the scene. Danny, Sam, and Jazz are all alone at a beach. Danny is in black and blue swim trunks, Jazz is in a powder blue one piece, and Sam is in a dark purple string bikini. Sam and Jazz are playing in the water and Danny is watching from the shore, and that is where our story begins.

"Wow, Sam is beautiful. I can't believe I'm dating someone like her." Says Danny a he admires his girlfriend from afar. He continues gazing for a minute when he feels a tightening in his trunks.

'Crap. Go down!' Danny thinks embarrassedly at his crotch, the bulge getting larger by the second. Suddenly he is pulled back by his arm.

"Come on Danny! Let's play volleyball!" Says Sam as she pulls him to his feet.

"Nah, I don't feel like it." He says, already halfway standing.

"Come on, don't be a wuss." Says Jazz as she joins them.

"NO!" Shouts a desperate Danny as he is forced to stand, allowing the girls a view of his bulge. The two girls stare wide-eyed before they walk off, giggling all the way.

"Where's a Fenton thermos when you really need one?" Danny mumbles dejectedly to himself as he sits down again.

"Hey Danny, look!" calls Jazz. He looks over and promptly blushes as he sees Sam blowing a kiss and shaking her ass next to an arrow shaped sign saying "At Sam's Butt "

"Aww. Is my little baby brother being mocked by his girlfriend for getting a boner in public?" Coos Jazz, standing next to him.

"It's not as bad as it seems, Danny. Just imagine your "problem" could have been so tiny that we wouldn't even have noticed it! And I'm sure it's getting smaller by the second!" Says Sam as she walks over to the boy sitting on the ground.

"After all, it's a completely natural bodily reaction that no one has to be ashamed of." States Jazz from the opposite side of Danny.

"Except when it happens in public, and right in front of your own girlfriend!" Says Sam, causing the girls to laugh at his obvious discomfort. All of this laughing, however, has an unwanted effect on Sam. The bouncing caused the strings on her bikini top to loosen and fall off. Revealing a front row glimpse of heaven to Danny, who promptly freezes up.

After tying the string to her bikini Sam blushes heavily and looks over to Danny, who is flickering and fading in and out of visability.

"Danny?" Asks Sam without a response.

"Da-nny" She calls out, elongating the 'ann' part.

"What's wrong with Danny?" Asks Sam as she pokes his arm.

"I think the embarrassment of us teasing him, combined with the shock value of you flashing him might have caused him to go into a protective seudo-hibernation to wait out the stress. I would bet if we checked he would barely be breathing and his heart rate would be even slower than usual." Says Jazz as scientifically as possible. She walks off to sunbathe, leaving Sam and the frozen Danny all alone. Sam gets a mischievous look on her face and flashes him again, causing the flickering of visibility to worsen dramatically.

"Hmm. I could have some fun with this." She says as she walks foreword as the scene fades to black.

Yes, I know Sam is OOC in this but I'm basing this off comics 393 to 396 of the webcomic Sandra And Woo.