A/N: Nahhh, I don't feel like writing those long author notes I always do.. :P Oh well. This chapter's song: Crazier - Taylor Swift. AHHHHHHG. I have some kind aof obssession with her songs, idk :P Enjoy, R&R! ^.^

Tinka's POV.

I'm nervous.. Ty's nervous.. It's nervous time.

"Dinner's ready!" mama randomly screamed, cutting off papa, from the kicthen. We walk to the supper table.

"We better thank her.." I whispered at Ty and laughed a bit.

"Yeah," he laughed. "But the problem is that he's sure gonna ask me what happend while we're eating." he said.

"I already took care of this, Ty." I winked at him. "I've got the perfect plan.." I said in my 'evil tone'.

We sit at the supper table. Papa's in the corner, mama's in the other, and I'm in the middle of Ty and Gunther. There are still three seats left.. perfect.

"So, Ty.." papa was about to try to ask him again, when the doorbell rang. "Wow, who must it be?" papa asked, staring at the door.

"Well... I kinda of did invite little Klaus, and two of his friends." I said walking up to the door.

That was my plan I talked to Ty about. Since they're kids, papa will probably be polite, and not say anything about it in front of them. I opened the door, and saw Klaus, and other two boys.

"Hello, baybees! Come in!" I said as they were already running in.

They sat down on those three empty seats. Perfect.

"So, Ty, I think there's something we wanted to tell everyone.." I said rubbing my shoulder on his, and smiling.

I've never gone with the wind,

I just let it flow...

Let it take me where it wants to go,

Till you open the door.

There's so much more,

I've never seen it before.

"Okay, okay.." he got it. I could see it in his eyes. "Well, the truth is that.. We're in love." he pointed one finger at himself, and one at me. Everyones' faces dropped. Even Klaus'.

"What!" they all said.

"S-s-since when?" Gunther turned at me and asked.

"Since this afternoon, in detention." I replied.

"Aw, love birdies." Klaus made a little fun of us. Me and Ty looked at each other, laughing.

I was trying to fly..

But I couldn't find wings.

But you came along,

And you changed everything.

The problem was- Papa didn't say nothing at all but sat there as mad as me or Gunther when other people steal any of our betwinklers. Very mad.

"Papa?.. You're okay with us dating, right..?" I looked at my father.

"No no no, I'm totally fine with it.. But.. You're just growing up so fast.." he covered his face with his hand.

"It's okay. It happens with all girls. But on the bright side, it's a good thing!" I said, cheering him up.

"What bright side?" Ty whispered to me. He was right, I'm not sure if there really is a bright side of this... Well, I just ignored Ty and continued talking to my father.

"Papa, it's just growing up." I laughed, just to cheer him up. "I'm telling you, this happens to everyone. Even boys." I said.

"Not actually.." Ty whispered again.

"Shush, handsome." I whispered back, laughing. It really doesn't happen to boys.. but, whatever.

We ate the gulasto, talked, laughed and more. It was mostly like a party, you know? Me and Ty were close to each other all the time.

You lift my feet off the ground..

You spin me around,

You make me crazier, crazier!

Feels like I'm falling and I'm,

Lost in your eyes.

Then Klaus and his friends went to my room. They really wanted for Ty to play with them. Odd, I know. They went to my room as me and Gunther washed the dishes.

"So happy for you, twin." Gunther said, smiling.

"Thanks." I replied. "I kinda of thought you'd freak out when finding out about it, but it all went better than I thought." I laughed.

When I was done with my part of the dishes, I walked to my room.

"What's going on?!" I asked, about to laugh, when I saw the kids making Ty lay down, and betwinkle his back.

"We're betwinkling him! Duhhhh!" Klaus said. They seem to be annoying Ty. Wait, who am I kidding.. They are annoying him.

"Kids kids, listen up!" I screamed a bit, so they all could hear me trough their laughs.
"Gunther is baking you all cake! If you wanna be the first one to taste it, he's in the kitchen!" I said. They ran to the kitchen.

"See, I always have the perfect plan to say you." I looked at Ty playfully crossing my arms and laughing.

"You sure do!" he laughed. "Now can you help me over here? They tied me up, and I think they betwinkled my back.." Ty turned his back at me.

"Yeah, they sure betwinkled your jacket.." I said untying Ty's hand, looking at his jacket, and laughing.

"Thanks." I said turning around. "Are you sure your dad's okay with us?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure he is. He's a very honest man, you know?" I said sitting on my bed, next to him.

"Oh, okay." he said. "I love you by the way." he took my hand.

"Love you too, baybee." I laughed and I sat closer to him.

We sat there lokking at each other, just having those "cute couple moments" you know? Looking at each other the whole time.. Randomly saying "I love you baby." and such.. Lost in each others eyes.. And I just love that.

You lift my feet off the ground!

You spin me around.

You make me crazier, crazier!

Feels like I'm falling and I'm,

Lost in your eyes.

You make me crazier, crazier, crazier.

A/N: So, yeah, this was the last chapter ^.^ I remember when I told tons of little kids that my brother was baking cake just so I could be alone in my room.. XD And yeah, that's another half true half fake story ^.~

~xoxo, Brenda.