Thanks to the Great reviews for the new story! I really love hearing that you like it! So I won't take long. The wait for it is finally O-V-E-R, OVER!

Disclaimer: Even if I wish every night that I could own Austin & Ally, we all know that it won't happen. so I (unfortunately) do not own A&A.

Sorry guys. I uploaded the unfinished one. Here's the real one

Here you go!-

"That Austin was a nobody! And nobody loved me when I was a nobody!"

"I DID!" I blurted out. Austin's mouth dropped and I sighed. "You know, before all of this, the money, the fame, and the lies," I pointed to myself. "To me, you were a somebody Austin. You were my best friend. You were my best friend that loved to sing for fun, eat pancakes until his stomach was about to burst, the best friend that was carefree and fun loving. The one that would stay up all night with me writing a song for a gig. The best friend that stole my song, but ended up trying to cure my stage fright in disaster. I loved you before all of this, Austin. Now, you're a completely different person. I don't even know you any more. You're nothing but a jerk who practically lost his best friends in less than a week."

"Ally,-" Austin started but I backed up.

"Don't." I turned away and started walking to my car. But I stopped. "Do you know when Dez's birthday is?"

"Yeah, July 23rd." He replied.

"Well, what's the date today?" I asked him, without turning around.

"July 2...24th." Austin realized.

"Yeah. His birthday was yesterday. Yesterday, Austin. Your best friend since 3rd grade's birthday was yesterday. And you completely forgot about it." I gave him one more look. "I fell in love with my best friend that loved pancakes, performing, just being himself, but most importantly my best friend that would never do this to his friends." I started walking again. Before going too far, I looked over my shoulder. "Tell me when you find him."

One Month Earlier...

Ally's POV-

"How much is this signed guitar?" A man asked and I looked over. He meant the guitar that Austin had Bruno Mars sign for me when he felt bad about blowing me off. It was really sweet of him to do that. I quickly jogged over to the customer.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. But that's not for sale." I gave him a sad smile. The man nodded and thanked me anyways before leaving the store. Right when he left, Austin came sprinting in. I walked in front of the counter holding my hands up. "Whoa whoa! Austin, where's the fire?" I laughed.

"Al-ly, you..'re me..." He panted. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, but first, sit down, you look like you're gonna pass out. Did you run all the way down here from the studio?" He sat down and took a deep breath.

"Yeah." I handed him a bottle of water and he gulped it down.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked him. He looked up at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes and laughed. Oh this boy...

"You ran in here to tell me something." His face lights up.

"Oh yeah!" He stood up. "Guess who's going to California!"

"Ross Lynch?" I laughed and Austin glared at me. Ross Lynch was an actor that looked a lot like Austin. He lives in California because he's doing this new show, Houston & Hally.

"No. ME!" He confirmed. My face fell.

"You're moving to California?" I said, trying to hide the saddness in my voice. But I guess he noticed.

"Yeah, but I'm not the only one going. Trish and Dez are going too." I slowly nodded. I started walking away and Austin grabbed my arm. He started laughing. "Did you really think that you're not going too?"

I playfully slapped his arm. "You're terrible you know that?" He shrugged and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"But you love me anyways." He whispered in my ear. That sent chills down my spine and I blushed.

"Sadly, that's true." We started swaying.

"Hey!" He said. I laughed. Trish and Dez walked in, arguing as usual.

"What makes you think I'm gonna do that with you?!" Trish questioned.

"Because we're friends!" Dez insisted. Trish faked a laugh.

"Aw, how cute! You think we're actually friends!" Just then, Trish looked over at me and Austin, whose arms are still around me, and I'm pretty sure she did a double take. "Aren't you two a little cozy." She smirked.

Austin quickly let go and pretended to scratch the back of his neck. "W-we weren't doing anything." We said in unison.

"Sure you weren't..." Dez sang. We all looked at him weirdly.

"Anyway..."Austin raised his eyebrow. "We're moving to California!"

"Whoa! I knew it! There is something going on with you and Ally! You're even moving in together!" Trish accused. Austin was drinking his water when he suddenly sprayed it out from his mouth.

"WHAT?!" I yelled shocked. "What made you think that?!"

"Well, Austin just said you were moving to California." Trish said. I rolled my eyes.

"No, he means that WE," I gestured to all of us. "Are moving to California, together!" We all screamed and jumped up and down.

A week later...

"Now just be careful okay? Don't talk to any strangers, or do anything you're not sure off." My dad reminded me. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Dad, I'm not a little girl anymore." He hugged me.

"I know, Ally-cat." He patted me on the back. "It's just that you're growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday you were running around with poopy diapers."

"Dad!" I whined. "I'll try to call you everyday, okay?" He nodded and I pulled away from our hug. "I love you daddy!"

"I love you too, my little Ally-Cat." He kissed the top of my head. My dad helped me with my bags and he slid them into the trunk of the car. We drove to Sonic Boom, where we agreed to meet before our flight to LA. When we got there, Dez and Austin were already there. Dez was running around and I assumed he was looking for something.

"Hey Austin! Hey Dez!" I hollered out as I got out of the car. Austin smiled when he saw me and Dez just gave me a weird wave. Austin jogged over and took the bags I had from my dad and set them down right next to his and Dez's.

"What is he doing?" I whispered to Austin. The both of us stared at Dez frantically pacing back and forth.

"He misplaced his gingerbread family. Now he's trying to remember the last place he put them." Austin explained. I nodded, still staring at the strange, but funny human being known as Dez. "Is Trish coming yet? Our plane leaves in an hour and it takes a while to get to the airport if we get caught in traffic."

"Hold on let me text her." I pulled out my phone and quickly typed,

To: Trish

From: Ally

Hey! Where are you? We're already here waiting for you!

It didn't take long for my phone to buzz with a reply from her.

To: Ally

From: Trish

Hey! Sorry :/ My brother wouldn't get out of the bathroom fast enough. And plus, you really think it's easy to fit my stuff in a tiny bag? Be there in 10. Oh! Tell Dez to look in the fridge in the practice room.

"What did she say?" Austin asked, looking over my shoulder down at my phone.

"She said she'll be her in 10 minutes." I repeated. He nodded. I turned to Dez. "Dez, Trish said to look in the fridge?"

"WHAT?!" He sped into the store and up the stairs.

"What's in the fri-" He was interrupted by a girlish scream. Me, Austin and my dad whipped our heads around in the direction of the practice room.

"I think we're about to find out." I took his hand and we made our way up the stairs. We entered the practice room to find Dez on the floor, the refridgerator door open and a half eaten gingerbread family on a plate.

"Hey Dez, I found your gingerbread house!" Austin said excitedly. I looked at him and his smile disappeared as he shrugged. "Sorry."

"What happened?" I turned my attention to Dez, who was sobbing.

"I see you've found what you were looking for." A familiar voice said. We turned to see our little petite Latina standing in the doorway, a smirk on her face.

"YOU!" Dez suddenly accused and he jumped to his feet. "How could you do this to them? What have they ever done to you?" Dez held up one of the headless gingerbread men.

"Well, I was in the practice room. I got hungry. And they just so happened to be in the fridge, mocking me and so I decided away with them." She took the gingerbread man from his hands and bit off the legs of it. Dez let out a loud shriek, snatching it back from her.

"No! Carlos!" He studied the poor cookie. "You monster!" Trish smiled happily and continued chewing the gingerbread.

"Guy!" Austin gained their attention. "Can we all just get into the van so we can go to the airport?"

"Right." We all said. We walked outside and saw Trish had about 10 more luggage bags than we had. She received raised eyebrows from us.

"What? You really expected me to bring only like 2 or 3 bags? Pluh-leaze! It's like you guys don't know me at all!" She hopped into the back seat of the van and rolled down the window. "And those are just my weekend clothes!"

"She knows she can just go shopping there right?" Dez asked.

"Oh yeah, she knows." I assured him. The rest of us climbed into the back, while my dad and Mr. Moon sat in the front.

"You know what I think is funny?" Austin asked, playing with his Ipod. I took out my earphones from my ears.

"What's that?" I answered. He smiled.

"Our dad's said we had a bazillion in one chance to make it in music." He replied. I shifted so that I would be facing him.

"Yeah, and?" I waited for him to continue. He put down his Ipod and smiled at me.

"Well, look where we're going now." I sighed happily and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I know. It seems like it's all going so fast. But as long as I'm with you guys, I'm living my dream and I wouldn't replace it for anything in the entire world."

We got to the airport a while later. Austin and I hugged our dads goodbye when we got our luggage from the trunk.

"Take care of my little girl, okay, Austin?" My dad asked him. I blushed and Austin nodded a 'yes'. The four of us went inside and headed to the security check. One by one we emptied out our pockets and easily walked through the metal detector. Well, all of us, except for Dez. He was still taking out random junk from his pocket. There was a rubber spider, a Florida keychain, a pair of Aviators, a couple of coins, and other useless things. It got to the point where Trish got irritated and yelled at Dez.

"HURRY UP YOU BIG BOZO!" She shouted, making him jump and take out the last thing out of his pocket, which was his turtle, and place it in the bucket. Then he passed through the detector, Trish let out a loud sigh. "Finally!" Until she realized that he had to put the stuff back into his pocket.

"Well, that didn't take long at all." I said sarcastically. I looked at the clock on the wall. "Guys, we have 20 minutes before the flight leaves and the checkpoint is all the way on the other side!"

"Well, then let's go!" Austin takes my hand and we all drag our carry-ons behind us. We push and shove people out of the way. We were almost there when Dez trips on his shoe lace.

"Oh no!" He yelled. He reached out to us. "Go, go on with out me! I'll be fine."

"I'm good with leaving him." Trish admitted. Dez glared at her.

"Dez, get up." Austin let go of my hand and rolled his eyes.

"No, Austin. Just go! You're going to miss the flight because of me! I can't even get up. Something's crushing my legs." He pretended to sob.

"Dez, seriously. Just get up," I told him. "The gate is right here," I gestured to the gate behind me. Dez looked up, surprised.

"Oh," He said. "But I still can't get up. Something is on my legs." Austin walked over to him and pulled his duffle back from his legs.

"That's your bag." Austin showed him his green bag. Dez casually got up and wipes his pants.

"I knew that." We walked over to the checkpoint lady and she scanned out tickets.

"Here you go," She handed us back the tickets. "Have a nice flight!"

Dez and Trish sprinted into the tunnel, but I grabbed Austin's arm and pulled him back. "Austin, wait!"

"What's wrong Ally?" He asked turning back to me and setting down his backpack.

"What's going to be waiting for us in LA?" I asked him. He looked around and shrugged.

"I'm not sure Alls. But all I know is that what ever comes at us, it won't go any harm." He replied.

"Yeah, but what if it comes close? You know, this is a really big step in our careers. And we're only 17, we've already pretty much moved out from our parents into a life of our own. It's going all so fast. What if...what if we can't handle it? What if, it changes us?" I looked into his eyes, my voice full of worry. He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ally, I promise, nothing is going to change. You're still going to be the amazingly talented and beautiful, Ally Dawson," I blushed,but kept listening to him. "I'm still going to be the same old Austin Monica Moon, Trish is still going to be the bossy manager and friend she is,"

"Hey! I heard that!" Trish's voice echoed through the tunnel. I laughed and Austin sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"And Dez will remain strange and crazy. Most importantly, Team Austin, will always be Team Austin. Nothing, or no one will change that. I know we can handle it, you know why?" He smiled. I shrugged. He took out a music note necklace. "Because, we, are Austin and Ally."

Well, there you have it! The first chapter! It's finally up! Love it? Hate it? Tell me what you think!

Review! PLEASE! At least 15 for the next chapter?

