A/N: Part II of Rolling like Thunder (part I still M/R/18 rated) and the T rated conclusion. Tagging hpshipweeks, barmy-owl and justwantogethere 'cause she's busy being amazing. Part II is Ace-friendly (innuendo for those of you in Blackpool) and Rose being precocious.
Ron woke first to Hugo's whimpering. He pulled on some pants and sleep trousers before sliding out of bed and grabbed the vest from the floor. He slipped out of their room and went to his son's room. Hugo was up on the edge of the crib, crying for someone to comfort him. His hair was a mess, much like Hermione's first thing in the morning and his cheeks were bright red.
Ron picked him up and Hugo still wailed, at least until Ron snuggled him into his shoulder under his chin.
A noxious scent erupted and Hugo settled down.
"Son, I need to let Uncle George sniff that. It's better than dung bombs!"
Ron took him to the bathroom and started running the warm water in the tub. They quietly played for a few while Ron cleaned him up and tidied for the day. After, he dried him off in a magically warmed towel and wrapped him in a fresh nappy along with a clean sleepsuit. "Come on, little man. I know you're hungry. Merlin knows I am too."
Ron took him to the kitchen and got a bottle for him, along with some cut fruit. Hugo took after his mum in that he wasn't much of a meat eater yet and preferred porridge and fruit.
Ron went to work making breakfast for everyone else, keeping a close eye on Hugo. He hoped Hermione would sleep, like she normally did when she took a rare day off from the office and he satiated her other appetite. But then the rare days when Hermione was home and not working on something from the office were even more precious – and more cherished.
Crookshanks waddled into the kitchen, erupting with a meow. Ron put down a tiny piece of rasher for him. "Now don't go sharing that, alright? Hermione will have my bits if she knows I'm helping you cheat your diet."
Crookshanks twirled his tail once before taking it to his poofy pillow in the den. "Yeah, I thought so."
Ron plated the rest of the rashers and turned back to Hugo. His face was a mess from his fruit but Ron could only grin. "Yeah, you are my kid. Messy eater and never enough, is it?" Ron picked Hugo up and burped him, feeling that his tummy was full from porridge and bananas – his favorite breakfast right now. With Hugo on his very lean hip, he heated the skillet back hot to make eggs and beans for him, and more porridge and fruit for Hermione. Rose would take egg toasties which he learned to make from his Mum.
Hermione came in while he was making Rose's breakfast and received a warm kiss on his scruffy cheek. "Thanks for letting me sleep. You knew I needed it."
He leaned over to kiss her and present Hugo who shifted to her arms. Hugo snuggled in immediately while he watched Ron continue to finish breakfast. "Did you hear Rosie yet?"
"No, not yet. I thought she would have been awake before I was today."
Ron put the saucepan on the back burner with the rest of Hermione's porridge. "Well I know I didn't hear her in the night so maybe she was tired out from playing all afternoon yesterday. But she'll come running once breakfast is served."
Hermione poured a cup of tea and added some milk to it, taking a sip for good measure. Hugo tried to reach for the cup and she put it out of harm's way, instead offering him a spoonful of her porridge.
"Daddy!" a yell came from the hallway. Sure enough, Rose came running from her room, with Komodo under her arm and her hair as large as Hermione's used to be. She was wearing her sleeping suit, covered in orange Quaffles that she insisted on wearing.
"Hey sweetie," Ron picked her up for a kiss on the cheek and a spinning hug that she squealed in laughter. Ron set her back down and she crawled into her seat, adjusted upwards with a cushion secured with a sticking charm, to the floor and to the seat. Rose sat up at the table, like her Mummy did with Hugo on her lap, waiting seconds for her egg toasty for breakfast.
Ron plated her meal and sat down next to Hermione with his, tucking into his eggs, beans, rashers and toast.
"Mummy," Rose asked after she had her first bite of breakfast, "Daddy dancing last night."
"You did?" She asked half-mindedly while scanning the morning Daily Prophet.
Rose crawled down from her chair, holding her toasty in her hand, and started wiggling and gyrating.
"Mummy, like this." She was mimicking what Ron did last night. He groaned and turned away from his daughter. "Mummy, like this, on your bum."
Hermione looked up from her paper now, painfully aware of the statement she just heard from her very precocious daughter. "My bum?" Very slow realization was driving her to hold Hugo gently but also give a side-ways glance at her mortified husband.
Rose took another sloppy bite and continued her dancing, much to Ron's chagrin. "She couldn't have!" he whispered and Hermione kicked his shin.
Rose nodded proudly, half the egg toasty sticking out of her mouth. She finished her bite and grinned, smiling at her Daddy who had turned a rather profound shade of tomato. "He dances funny. But dancing on your bum?"
Hermione took a sip of tea, stalling the conversation. Ron was looking like an overripe aubergine at his chair, refusing to look at her. "Last night, sweetie? Did you get out of bed after you went to sleep?"
"Uh huh," she said proudly. "I heard a noise. I came to your bedroom. I saw Daddy dancing on your butt." Her grin melted. "I saw Daddy's bum."
"Really?" She gave Ron a pointed stare that he completely ignored, looking hard at the eggs on his plate. "Why didn't you say anything when you saw Daddy dancing last night?"
"I saw Daddy dancing. It looked fun."
"It was," Ron added before Hermione shot him a withering look.
"Shut it," Hermione hissed. "Well," she shifted Hugo to her other leg on her lap, looking at her very proud daughter. "Mummy felt like dancing and Daddy was too kind to oblige me. It was hot so he didn't have anything on, like you do when you get a wild hair. You know how Hugo will run out of the bath before he's dried off?"
Rose started wobbling again, trying to dance like her Daddy. Hermione bit her lip, trying to keep from laughing including at her eternally mortified husband. "Well, you certainly know how to dance, dear."
"So Daddy will dance funny again? I wanna see it." She changed the cadence and movements and Ron erupted in laughter. Hermione chuckled while holding Hugo, who was laughing too.
"Daddy dance with me?"
Hermione bit her lip and kicked Ron under the table. He slid out of his chair and got down on his knees, trying to dance funny with his daughter while keeping from melting from mortification. Rose wiggled as best as she could, dancing with her Daddy while Hermione couldn't contain her laughter any longer.
Ron looked up from his precious daughter to his wife laughing. He fell onto the ground laughing too, with Rose on him, giggling up a storm.