Harry awoke with an abrupt start, breathing quickly trying to remember what woke him up.

"BOY", bellowed his uncle.

"That must be what woke me up" Harry thought to him self. "I have better go see what he wants this time" as he slowly started moving.

"Coming", he called down the stairs to his uncle.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS" his uncle yelled as he came into the kitchen.

Harry looked around the kitchen with a look of surprise on his face. There was parcels all around the room taking up the entire table and most of the counter space.

"I have no idea" Harry replied honestly though it did him no good. Right as he said that thought a brown and white speckled owl swooped into the kitchen from the open window and dropped a letter on top of one Mr. Dursley's head.


"I'm sorry but I have no control over the owls" Harry said to his uncle as he opened the letter the owl brought.

The letter written of course on parchment in a messy hurried handwritten read:

Dear my favorite godson,

Wormtail was caught last night! I'm free at last! Wormtail was caught by my favorite cat in the whole wide world. Professor Mcgonagall was going about Hogwarts in her cat form and caught him. I have been pardoned by the ministry of magic and given a very large compensation for my false imprisonment. You no longer have to stay with those bloody muggles any longer. I have done a little shopping for you. (Harry scoffed as he read that line) I have to get a Black property in living condition for us but then you will be able to come. I will be coming to get you on Saturday night. I will be having a little talk with your "relatives" when I arrive. I can not wait to see you again Harry.

Love Padfoot.

I'm not sure if this will be a one shot or not it will just depend on you guys. This is my first story so be nice. All reviews are welcome