It was a beautiful sunrise, the sun painted the sky red. Birdsong filled the air.

It was sad that only a few people were awake to see the amazing sight, and they were way too busy to enjoy it.

''Come on Rachel, you're getting married!'' a voice echoed through the houses.

''Quinn! You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood!'' Rachel whispered loud.

''But you have to do your hair!'' Quinn said a little bit more quiet.

''Ok, ok, ok,'' Rachel said. ''But why does it matter, who will look at me, when you're one of my bridesmaids,''

''Nobody will be able to take their eyes of you when I'm done with you,''


''Who would have thought Finnocence would be the first one getting married,'' Puck laughed.

''I didn't,'' Mike said.

''Neither did I,'' Rory said.

''And who knows, maybe we'll become uncles soon,'' Sam said.

''Two months ago, I would have laughed at you, but now I think your may be right,'' Kurt said.

''We'll just wait and see,''


''Finn Christopher Hudson, will you take Rachel Barbra Berry as your wife, and promise to love her every moment forever?''


''Do you, Rachel Barbara Berry take Finn Christopher Hudson as your husband, and promise to love her every moment forever?''

''Hell yeah!''

From that moment on, Rachel Barbra Berry didn't exist anymore, but a Rachel Barbra Hudson…

Snipp, snapp, snut, så var sagan slut...