This.. I don't know if it's as good as the first chapter, oh well. :|I don't own Fruits Basket.
"Good morning, Sweet Tohru!" Akito poked the sleeping girl. Tohru got back from school early since it was an early release day, helped Kyo and Yuki fix the door ( which they had broken down, for the millionth time. ), and also finished all of her homework. Tohru opened an eye at Akito and yawned.
"...I'm tired. Whatever it is that you want can't it wait until later?" Tohru rolled over on her side and stared at Akito.
"Nope, I'm afraid not. Now wake up.." Akito smirked and caressed her cheek gently.
"Nnn.." Tohru put a pillow over her head and tried to go back to sleep.
"I said wake up." Akito scowled and pulled the covers off of Tohru's bed.
Tohru only shivered, but yet she still didn't get up. Akito's eye twitched, he was starting to lose his patience.
"Wake up." Akito lowered his voice this time, he grabbed Tohru's wrists and roughly pulling her up.
"Calm down.." Tohru flinched.
"...Whatever. I'm bored.. You're my pet, do something interesting." Akito crossed his arms and stared at her.
"I'm not your pet!" Tohru threw a pillow at him.
"You are. Maybe I'll even buy you a collar later." Akito dodged the pillow and smirked at her.
"Ugh.." Tohru yawned again.
"What should I do today? I know, I'll just follow you around and see how boring your pathetic life is!" Akito smiled.
"But, can you even go out in the daytime?" Tohru wondered about that for a while. She never saw him until the afternoon or later.
"Of course I can. What do you think I am, a vampire? No, I'm an incubi. It's true I have more fun at night.., but I can do things during the day as well." Akito grinned at the look of horror that came across Tohru's face.
"N-No! I'll get a cross necklace and then you'll have to go away! Or at least it works like that in the movies and t.v. shows..." Tohru gulped.
"Don't trust what you hear on television. It's only made up of babbling morons." Akito shrugged.
"Really?..." Tohru always wondered how on "reality t.v." they always managed to catch awkward moments and fights. Do people really act like that regularly in front of a camera? She didn't care much for t.v. anyway though.
"Tohru! Yuki and I made a hole in the wall, could you help me cover it up before Shigure notices and freaks out? Geez, it was all that damn rats fault.. Why do I even have to try and fix it while he sits around like the lazy ass he is?" Kyo who opened Tohru's bedroom door without even asking sighed and crossed his arms, too busy complaining about Yuki to notice Akito who was scowling at him.
"Uh, okay!" Tohru was a little relieved that Kyo didn't notice Akito, she walked out of her room quickly and shut the door, leaving Akito in her room alone.
"Damn that girl.., leaving me in here." Akito made a pouting face, "Oh well, I'll just find something to do." He looked around her room trying to find some source of entertainment. Akito frowned in disappointment when he thought he wouldn't find anything, but he spotted a book with a leather blue cover with a navy bow and was immediantly drawn to it.
"...Please don't touch anything in my room." Tohru yelled so Akito could hear.
"Who are you yelling at, Miss Honda?" Yuki gave Tohru a weird yet concerned look.
"Eh, just.. err.. never mind." Tohru shook her head.
"Hmm, if there really is something she didn't want me to touch would she really be dumb enough to leave it out in the open?" Akito snickered and picked up the book anyway, it seemed like he had actually managed to find something worth reading now, Tohru's diary. A smirk spread across his face, this could be interesting.
( About an hour and a half later. )
Tohru wiped the sweat off her forehead. She managed to fix the door again but somehow it kept falling back down, eventually they got it to stay though. Tohru just hoped Akito didn't do anything to troublesome while she was out of her room.. With an anxious sigh she walked into her room.
"What are you reading?.." Tohru tried to take a peak at whatever it was that Akito was holding.
"Nothing!" Akito's voice sounded so sickly innocent.
"It didn't look like nothing..." Tohru tried to reach for the book but Akito refused to give it to her, "Is it one of my books?"
Akito just shrugged innocently.
"You being quiet and so almost angelic makes me think you did something." Tohru crossed her arms.
"I read your diary." Akito dropped the diary on Tohru's bed and laughed.
"W-What?! Haven't you ever heard of privacy?" Tohru's whole face turned read.
"Haven't you ever heard of hiding things better? You really are dumb, Tohru." Akito patted her on the head.
"...Please don't tell anyone about anything you read from it." Tohru was starting to feel a bit uneasy.
"Why not? Maybe I will." Akito stuck his tongue out at her.
"Please don't, and I mean it!" Tohru frowned.
"Fine, fine. How would I tell anyway? I did learn some interesting things though." Akito grinned.
"Eh?" Tohru wondered what he would find interesting from it.
"Now I know all of your secrets. Heh heh.." Akito winked at her.
"Pervert!" Tohru glared at him.
"What'd I do?" Akito rolled his eyes.
"Whatever." Tohru crossed her arms.
( The next day )
Tohru jumped up, she didn't really like getting up in the mornings.
"What's the schedule for today, Tohru?" Akito wrapped his arms around her waist, earning a surprised shriek from Tohru.
"Do you ever go away? I have school. Good luck following me there, nothing goes unnoticed." Tohru sighed.
"Nope, and it just so happens. I filled out a bunch of paper work and guess what? I'll be going to your school now!" Akito grinned.
"WHAT?!" Tohru almost fell over, did he just say what she thought he said?!
"Yep. In fact, I'll be in some of the same classes as you. Not all of them sadly, but we have three together." Akito smiled.
"You don't even have the school uniform though.." Tohru stared at him.
"Actually, I borrowed one of Yuki's for the time being." Akito shrugged.
"Great.., well let's not be late." Tohru frowned and picked up her bag.
"Mhmm." Akito smiled, she was so cute when she was annoyed.
( At Tohru's school )
"Class, this is Akito Sohma, he's a new student. He transfered her from... well somewhere." There teacher scratched the back of her neck.
"Where may I sit?" Akito smiled at their teacher.
"You can sit beside Tohru Honda." The teacher pointed at Tohru.
"Lucky me.." Tohru forced a smile as Akito sat down beside her.
"Tohru, after homeroom is over, could you be a dear and give Akito a tour of the school? I would, but I have to make sure Yuki and Kyo don't start fighting again this morning." Their teacher sighed.
Tohru just nodded and stared at Akito.
"What, are you starting to take an interest in me?" Akito smirked and moved his seat closer to hers.
"No, I was just wondering how you managed to not stand out.." Tohru scooted away from him.
"What do you mean?" Akito moved his chair back near hers again.
"Well, you look a bit like Yuki so I'm surpised a lot of people aren't either screaming out of joy or just gawking at you." Tohru moved her chair further away from his.
"Wow you're slow. Did you notice my last name?" Akito smirked when her jaw dropped.
"You can't just pretend to be related to them!" Tohru yelled and pointed at him.
The room got quiet after that..
"Miss Honda, is everything alright?" Yuki asked while glaring suspiciously at Akito.
"Yeah..., just, yanno, talking." Tohru smiled nervously.
"Akito..., why did you transfer here, why are you bugging Tohru?" Kyo crossed his arms and stared at him and Tohru.
"You people are no fun." Akito shrugged.
"Wait, you know Yuki and Kyo?" Tohru felt confused.
"Obviously, I'm the son of the head of the Sohma's. Did I forget to mention that?" Akito smirked.
"WHAT?! Then are they all..?" Tohru felt like she was about be sick.
"No, moron. Just me, my parents never knew why though. Anyhow, no one else knows. So it's our little secret." Akito whispered to her.
"I'm starting to have my doubts about you.." Tohru glared at him.
"Hey, I'm just telling you the truth. One of my parents died when I was young and the other hates my guts, so I can't really give you an explanation of why things are how they are." Akito shrugged.
"Oh.." Tohru felt bad for him now.
"Anyway, Yuki and Kyo hate me too. Because, well, things I've done." Akito sort of smiled.
"What did you do?" Tohru looked at him, she was a bit curious to know why.
"Why should I tell you?" Akito laughed.
"You read my diary. It would only be fair.." Tohru crossed her arms stubbornly.
"Oh that reminds me.., I have something to tell Yuki." Akito smirked while standing up and making his way over to Yuki's desk.
"What?" Yuki glared at him.
"Aww, you look like you had a bad morning... Did you start your period?" Akito mocked the boy in front of him.
"What do you want?" Yuki frowned and rolled his eyes.
"Is it that bad that I want to talk to you?" Akito pretended to sob dramatically.
"Yes, now spit it out." Yuki glared at him.
"Watch your tongue. Do you want to know something interesting?" Akito looked over at Tohru for a moment and then back at Yuki.
"Just tell me." Yuki shrugged.
"Okay! And I really hope this gives you nightmares for the rest of your pathetic and miserable life." Akito smirked and leaned close to Yuki while whispering, "Tohru really wants you and Kyo to get a long, so much, that whens she imagines that actually happening.., she imagines you and Kyo being gay and in love with each other. I find it quite fitting."
"..." When the thought finally sunk in Yuki had fainted.
"Now I'll just tell Kyo." Akito grinned mischieviously.
Kyo's reaction was different though..
"TOHRU!" Kyo yelled across the classroom.
Tohru sweat dropped and got out of her seat. She began slowly and nervously walking over to Kyo and Akito. After being yelled at by Yuki and Kyo for what Akito had told them, Tohru was about to go crazy. All she could do was apologize and sigh.
( After school )
"I can't believe you would tell them that when I specifically told you not to tell anyone anything you read from my diary!" Tohru narrowed her eyes at Akito and sighed, "I give up."
"On what?" Akito ignored most of what she had said.
"On, ugh, I don't even know." Tohru frowned.
"Aww, would a hug help?" Akito smiled innocently and wrapped his arms around her neck.
"No, it reall-..." Tohru felt dizzy all the sudden, like the room was spinning, and all the colors were beginning to fade away. Tohru couldn't move and she felt her arms go numb, and her eyes shut slowly.
"Sweet dreams, and thanks for letting me be able to 'borrow' some of your energy, Tohru." Akito laughed sadistically.
"S-Stupid incubi..." And with that, Tohru passed out.