transformer to vampire:
in the emptiness of space one lone ship was travelling to a well know planet. the ship itself wasn't very big and resembled a alien like jet more than anything else. as the ship neared the familiar blue planet the pilot couldn't help but marvel at the sight. "no matter how many times i see this i can't imagine i more interesting planet. the organics here are just to interesting" the pilot spoke to himself. he was now entering the atmosphere as his purple ship began to glow red as his speed increased. his speed was cut short as he pulled up and avoided crashing in to a crater. the now hovering alien ship was still too high in the sky for any normal person to see, but there just so happened to be a not so normal person watching the ship.
down below a man in white priest clothes was watching the purple ship with some thoughts going through his head. "it looks like i have a new student" he chuckled darkly to himself as he began to walk down a dark a gloomy alleyway.
still in the sky the purple ship hover and surveyed the area around him. "i don't want to land in the city. last time i did that those damn autobots attacked me and forced me away" he thought to himself as he spun his ship around looking for a more appropriate place to land. off in the distance he found the perfect place to land. from his hover position he flew in the direction of a clearing far outside of the city he was currently hovering over. as he got nearer the clearing the sky changed to a more autumn colour as did the trees and the ocean beside it turned blood red. this did not go unnoticed. "well that is quite strange" the pilot thought to himself as he descended to the ground below. with the wind below him thrusting outwards, the already dead trees began to sway as the ship slowly landed and deployed it's landing gear. when the ship touched down everything went quite. soon the ship came back to life but it did not return to the skies. the armour plating that covered the ship began to move and change position as the gears and circuits changed position as well. the wings on the side of the ship folding in to the ship as did the front. the mid section flipped and rose upwards. circuits and wires began to move and change as metal plates moved and what looked like two feet toughed the ground below the ship. the midsection rose and centred itself to look like a chest piece. the wings jetted out from the back and hocked in with a click. the armour plating began to form legs as the wires beneath the armour settled. the chest opened slightly and more wires and circuits unfolded and soon two arms extended outwards. the arms were fitted with purple clawed hands as the armour plating settled down and clicked together. on top of the chest unfolded a head. the face was a flat hexagon shape with a single eye directly in the middle of it. the hexagon shaped head had two small wings on each side of it that pointed upwards like ears.
(if you want to really know what it looks like go to Google and search for..transformers fall of cybertron SHOCKWAVE...THAT IS WHAT I AM GOING FOR)
the diamond shaped chest piece of this being glowed a faint purple colour as the eye came to life. flexing his hands the being turned and walk to the edge of a cliff where a lone tree was located. beside the tree was a scarecrow with a sign hanging from its neck. "Yokai academy. must be the building over the hill" the being thought to himself. "i was wonder when you would get here" someone said from behind the mecha. "you were expecting me" the being asked in his automated voice as he turned to see a man standing there in priest clothing. "yes. i would like to offer you a place at my school" he stated. "you realise that i am not an organic" the being stated. "yes, but this is not a normal school" he said and looked up reviling gold glowing eyes. "interesting. i might take you up on that offer" the being said. "as expected but you will need a human disguise" the man stated. "give me a moment" the being side and left his arm in front of him. one of the armour plates flicked upwards reviling a array of buttons and circuits. the being began to tinker with the circuits and soon his body began to move again. each plat, circuit and wire moved and rearranged itself in front of the robed man. soon the being was the same size as him if not smaller. "that is quite a talent you have there" the priest commented. "it was a simple rearranging of my circuits one you said a needed a disguise" the being asked. "yes, this school is made so everyone hides their true forms" the priest informed him. "what do you mean by true forms" the being asked. "you will find out in due time" the priest said and watched as the being began to tinker with the buttons on his arm. the being closed the hatch and the light around him began to flicker. soon a teenage boy was standing there instead of the robotic being. the boy had spiky purple hair and purple eyes that could pierce your very soul. "will this do" the being asked. "yes, can you change the outfit to this school uniform" the priest asked holding up a green blaze with a white shirt underneath and black trousers. without a word the being held up his now human hand and a light emitted from his arm and started scanning the clothes the priest was holding. when the scan finished the beings clothes had changed from the purple T-shirt and blue trousers to the school uniform. "more surprises every minute" the priest commented. "may i ask you name" the priest asked. "the name is shockwave" the being now known as shockwave stated. "very good, you may call me the chairman now head to the building you see over the hill and the staff member at the front will give you a timetable and room assignment" the chairman stated and started walking off. "looks like i have a place to stay for a while" shockwave thought to himself as he started walking up a small path that he thought would lead him to the school.
about ten minutes later shockwave was still walking. "maybe this school it further away than i thought" he thought to himself as his sound receptors started picking up a sound coming from the left of him. turning to face the sound he readied himself for whatever came over the hill. "look out" a female voice screamed as a bike and its rider flew over the hill and collided with the robot. as shockwave and this girl tumbled together that soon came to a stop. shockwave was the first to regain his senses and sit up, he rested his hand on something very soft at the same time. turning to face what he had put his hand on he realised it was the girls thigh. "hmm...organics have soft skin who would have thought it" shockwave thought to himself as the girl picked herself up. when she got up she opened her emerald eyes to see the boy she had crashed in to. "oh I'm sorry" she said and shockwave took this moment to see all of her features. she had bright pink hair and emerald eyes. she had a beautiful face to any organic but to shockwave he didn't really care. "are you alright" she asked. "you worry over someone you have yet to meet, interesting" shockwave mused to himself. "yes i am fine" shockwave said and got off of the ground. "would you like a hand" he said and offered his hand to the girl. she took the hand and he pulled her to her feet. what he didn't expect is for her to lose her balance and cause them both to fall back to the ground. "oh I'm sorry" she apologised. "hmm...her pupils have dilated for some reason i wonder what's wrong" shockwave thought himself as he stared in to her eyes. "this smell" she said as grabbed on to his shockwaves shoulders. "is something wrong miss" shockwave asked with more concern from himself than her. "it's just I'm a vampire" she said and exposed her fangs to his neck. she dug her fangs in to his neck and puckered his energon pipes on his neck. shockwave didn't move but did wonder what she was doing. "you mind releasing me" he asked and this snapped her back to reality. she shot up and started bow and apologising to him. "sorry it's just your blood tasted so good" she exclaimed. "well i don't know about that but please don't bite in to my neck again" he stated and stood up. "are you going to Yokai as well" she asked. "yes" shockwave replied and looked over at the destroyed bike. "looks like you're walking to the academy" he said and pointed out the wrecked bike. "would-would you like to be friends" she asked. "hmm...never had a friend before" shockwave thought to himself. "i see nothing wrong with it my name is shockwave" he said. "oh that's strange name. my name is Moka pleased to meet you" she said. "pleaser now shall we" he said and started walking, he still has yet to learn to wait for people. "huh?" she said and rushed to grab her bike and follow him. "are you a first year as well" she asked catching u to the transformer. "i would think so" he replied blankly. "i wonder if i can create a lab nearby" he thought to himself as they neared the building. "hmm...this place looks like an old mansion" shockwave mused out loud. "well i have to get to my class see you later" Moka said and ran off. "oh well" shockwave shrugged and follow the directions his on board map gave him. finding his class room, shockwave sat down as the teacher walked in. "hello everyone as you all know this is a school for monsters" the teacher stated. "so monsters" shockwave thought to himself. "there are a couple of rules that you need to know. first you must stay in your human forms at all times. this is because humans rule the world right now and in order to survive we must adapt" she explained. "hmm...they are right but the decepticons have been trying to change that for years" shockwave mused to himself. "second you must not tell anyone what type of monster you are" she would have continued if not for one rude child. "teach why don't we just eat all of the humans" she said smugly. "to think an organic with such a sick idea" shockwave stated out loud. "what did you just say" the child growled. "your sizeo. well to answer your question it wouldn't matter as Yokai academy is cover in a barrier that humans can't pass through" the teacher explained. she was going to continue with the rules if the door hadn't been thrown open. "sorry I'm late" a female voice panted. "it's alright it is your first day just take a seat" the teacher said and pointed to the seat behind shockwave. "oh shockwave" Moka exclaimed and tackled him in a hug. "I'm so glad we are in the same class" she said and ever guy in the class groan out comments. "how does he know her" was one of them. "this isn't fair" was another and a very common one.
it was now after class and Moka was gripping on to shockwaves arm pulling him along the hallways. "you know you don't have to pull me along" shockwave complained this was the first time interacting with organics, torturing them doesn't count. Moka wasn't even listening to him as she happily pulled him along. soon they found themselves outside sitting on a bench. shockwave bought her a can of tomato juice and grabbed himself a soda. "might as well try it" he thought and started drinking it. "hmm...i think i can use this to recharge my energon supplies for a short time" he thought out loud. "so what do you think of the school" Moka asked while fiddling with the can in her hands. "your Moka right" someone asked just before shockwave could reply. "huh?" she replied and they both turned to see the brown haired man eater sizeo. "I'm sizeo why don't you ditch the punk and hang out with a real man" he said. "mm...sorry but i am having fun with shockwave now" she said getting uncomfortable with the guy looking down at her. "what i stupid name" he said and picked shockwave up by his shirt and pushed him against a wall. "unhand me" shockwave stated. "and what if i don't" sizeo growled, he didn't even get an answer when a knee smashed against his arm realising shockwave from his grasp. "i will have to do it by force" shockwave stated calmly. sizeo clutched his arm and was about to yell something when Moka stood up between them. "sorry but we have to go" she said and grabbed shockwave and pulled him away. "interesting she is stronger than i thought" shockwave mused to himself as he allowed himself to be dragged away.
shockwave and Moka were now on the roof of the school. "wow that was scary, are you ok" Moka asked. "i don't see why you are scared, but i am fine" shockwave stated plainly. "i never got to ask you but do you hate vampires" Moka asked completely forgetting about the rule not to tell another student your monster form. "no. you are the first i have met and from what i see there is nothing to hate" shockwave explained. "great! by the way what is your monster form. oh wait never mind" she said and franticly waved her hands in front of her face. "you should relax your heart right is speeding up" shockwave pointed out. "huh?" she replied completely confused by his statement. "may i ask, why do you not look much like a vampire" shockwave asked. "it's because of this" she said and pulled her shirt apart to revile a cross attached to her neck. "what does the cross do exactly" he asked. "it's a Rosario and it is used to seal my powers till i am old enough to use them" she explained. "interesting. a piece of jewellery can cute the amount of power you have very interesting" shockwave mused to himself. "well Moka i think it is time we return to class don't you" shockwave said and walked past her. "he is a strange boy but cute" Moka thought happily to herself as she followed shockwave back to class, well grabbed on to his arm and continued to get shockwave death glares.
it was after class and shockwave and Moka were walking back to the dorm rooms. "wow this place looks amazing" Moka exclaimed as they both came in sight of the dorm rooms. "this looks like an old hotel from a horror movie" shockwave stated looking over the design of the building on his on board computer. "i think it add character" Moka stated. "if you say so, but isn't the girls dorms further away from here" shockwave questioned. "would you mind walking me there" she asked. "i don't see why not" shockwave stated and they began to walk to the girls dorms. soon they arrived and shockwave said good bye and started walking away when " you want to come in" Moka asked. "sorry but i have some things to do, i will see you tomorrow" shockwave stated not even turning around to address her. when he was out of sight Moka finally stopped staring. "i wonder where he is going" she thought and started off after him. she found herself in the dead forest as she continued to follow shockwave was walking. "i wonder where he could" she didn't even get to finish her thought when she heard someone walking up behind her. she hopefully turned thinking it was shockwave but she was wrong. "so Moka what are you doing out here all on your own" sizeo asked with a smug look on his face. "sorry but i am looking for someone" Moka said and started backing away from him but he grabbed hold of her arm. "i can't seem to control myself when I'm around you" he stated and his body began to morph and transform. "AAAAAAA" Moka screamed.
shockwave was now standing at the tree looking over the cliff he had first touched down at. "AAAAAAAAA" shockwave heard the scream and recognised the voice. "might as well go and help" shockwave thought to himself and started walking towards the source of the scream. he soon arrived at a clearing where a huge monster throw Moka in to a tree. "why don't you show me your true form" the creature taunted while hoping on the ground. "it's against school rules" Moka retorted. "we're nowhere near the school so it's ok" the beast stated and reviled a huge tongue from his mouth. the tongue then shot out and wrapped itself around Moka's leg. she was going to scream when "unhand the female" a calm voice stated. both Moka and the creature turned to see shockwave standing there with an emotionless expression on his face. "and if i don't" the creature barked, even if it's tongue was out of its mouth it was able to talk normally. "then i will force you" shockwave stated calmly. the beast lost its cool and throw Moka at the disguised robot. he got quite a surprise when shockwave caught the girl in one hand and set her down. "quite reckless aren't you" shockwave stated and calmly started walking towards the beast. "i think I'm going to kill you for embarrassing me in front of the school today" the beast stated and lunged at shockwave. shockwave didn't expect the creature to be as fast as it was when seeing its huge size. the huge fist connected to shockwaves chest and sent him up and over the hill where he tumbled back towards the cliff edge. "shockwave" Moka yelled and ran after him. "she still goes after him. hay wait up" the beast called and charge after the two. shockwave was slowly picking himself up. "hmm...need to watch how fast those big creatures are" he mused to himself as Moka came in to his vision. "shockwave are you ok" she asked while helping him up. "just fine, now step aside while i eliminate this threat" shockwave stated and they both looked to see sizeo slide down the hill looking at them. "attacking the female was one thing" shockwave stated calmly. "but now you pose a threat to me" shockwave stated darkly as the sounds of metal being moved could be heard. "you think a weakling like you can beat me. I'm an orc" sizeo stated. shockwave lifted his hand a made a gesture of holding a gun. pulling the trigger a serrated disk four times bigger than his hand appeared and shot out of the area just in front of his hand. as the disk soured through the air the hologram that was covering shockwaves body dissipated and reviled the purple mecha in front of the two organic but one of his hands was replaced with a crab claw like launcher and instead of the clean purple armour that covered that arm it was replaced with strakes of blue glowing lines. before sizeo could say anything the disk sliced in to his shoulder and continued to spin for a couple of seconds. "interesting my hologram dissipates when i fire my weapon" shockwave mused to himself. "what did you do to me" the orc roared which shockwave gave a dark chuckle to. "you voice suggests that you are scared of me" he chuckled in his now automated voice. "I'm going to kill you" the orc roared and charged at the cybertronion. shockwave jumped and kneed the beast in the chest with his spiked armoured knee. the impact throw the orc back while shockwave jumped back beside Moka. stumbling as he landed shockwave found that he had grabbed hold of something small. with a click he rebalanced himself and looked at the cross that was now in his hand. "well this is interesting" shockwave stated and the sky turned a blood red colour and bats began to swarm around Moka's body. a strong aura surfaced that went unnoticed by the sentient being but it was another story for the now standing orc. "that stories are true. the silver hair, the blood red eyes. she's a S-class monster a..a vampire" the orc stammered out. "those fact are a little late" shockwave stated and he observed the new appearance of Moka. "so you must be the person who awakened me" the new Moka questioned as she looked over shockwaves metal body. "you would be correct, now if you will excuse me i have a orc to kill" shockwave stated and turned towards the now trembling orc. "pull it together man if you beat a vampire the whole school will name you the strongest" sizeo said to himself. "seeing as he is afraid of you more than me have your fun with him" shockwave stated as his weapon started to shift its position and his hand reformed. "when i am done i will be expecting answers" Moka stated. "agreed" shockwave replied and soon the vampire disappeared from his side and reappeared in the air above the orc. "i think it's time you know your place" she stated and smashed a powerful kick in to the side of his face, sending back towards the school. "weakling" she grunted. "an impressive show of power" shockwave commented. "i don't like to play game what are you" she demanded. "if you believe you are going to scare me you will need to rethink you approach" shockwave advised. "the question still stands what are you, i have never seen a monster like you" she questioned. "that is because i am not a monster. i am a cybertronion a sentient race from the planet cybertron" shockwave explained. "you expect me to believe in aliens" Moka growled. "you can believe what you want. now i have a question you have this power yet you seal it away why" shockwave asked. "i don't need to tell you" she stated. "fine but you know it is incredible inefficient" shockwave explained. "what do you mean" she asked. "i scanned it while you were taking care of the orc. the result show that only a few people are able to pull it off and searches over this world internet i have found that this cross is made to only be pulled off by the wearers mate" shockwave stated. "and you think that you will be my mate" Moka scuffed. "not in the slightest. to believe that this trinket is to tell you who is your mate is a idea an idiot would create. and the fact that i am not organic says a lot about this" shockwave said holding up the cross. "hmm...maybe you are more worthy than i first thought" Moka stated quietly to herself. "i suppose i could change the features of this cross to allow you to switch you form without having someone pull it off" shockwave thought out loud. "how could you do that" Moka asked in disbelief. "that is a question for another time for now i will need to do research but until then here if you stay in that from any longer you will be stuck like that" shockwave in formed her. "how do you know that" she asked. "i do remember saying i scanned it" shockwave explained and handed it to her. "protect my other half" Moka stated with a wink as she clipped the cross back on. the vampire fainted as her eyes and hair returned to normal. catching the girl Shockwave sat her down against the tree and moved to sit at the edge of the cliff.
it was some time later that Moka final woke up. "huh" she muttered as she opened her eyes to see shockwave still without his hologram sitting on the edge of the cliff with one leg dangling off it and the other supporting his arm. "you took your time to awaken" shockwave mentioned and didn't even turn to her. "what happened" Moka asked. "do you not remember when you changed your form" shockwave questioned and at that Moka began to remember and her face blushed when she went over how shockwave is meant to be her mate sense he pulled off the Rosario. "i remember bits of it" she explained. "we should return to our rooms" shockwave mentioned and started walking away from her. "well come along" she said and turned to see her just standing there. "don't you need to return to your human form" Moka advised. "must have slipped my mind" shockwave explained and flicked up the panel on his wrist. a few button later shockwave was covered in light and returned to his human form. "now then" he said and continued walking. "he sure is an interesting one" inner Moka mused to herself. "huh?" Moka muttered as she thought she heard someone but waved if off and ran to catch up with shockwave.
it was the following morning and shockwave was calmly walking towards the school when. "morning shockwave" Moka greeted when she ran up beside him. "morning" shockwave replied plainly. "um...i missed breakfast would you mind" Moka trailed off while looking at the ground in embarrassment. "is something wrong" shockwave asked and stopped to face the girl. he didn't get an answer when she lunged at his neck and bit down. "i will never understand organics" shockwave mused to himself as the young vampire drank the energon from his neck. "let's hope this doesn't affect her to much" shockwave thought to himself but it did interest him what affects it would have on the female. "oh your blood is delicious i think I'm addicted" Moka exclaimed happily. "i would like to see the affect before i lose too much energon" shockwave thought and quickened his pace towards the school. the young vampire realised shockwave had left and gave chase after him.