Hello! Sorry for the summary, I was feeling lazy so I just put in a line from the story. Ok, so this is the first story I've uploaded so I'm hoping it doesn't suck too much haha. Anyways this is Asura/Maka so enjoy! (and sorry if this is kind if ooc)
Oh yeah, Soul Eater belongs to Atsushi Ookhubo (is that how you spell his name?)
I own nothing, sadly *goes and curls up in sock drawer*
He pulled out of her, his breathing heavy as he pressed his forehead to hers. His hair brushed into her face as he looked into her emerald eyes. They screamed hate. "So beautiful..."
She was exhausted from the activities he had forced her into, her body and muscles tired and burning. Her cheeks were stained red from tears and there were dark circles under her eyes. Her ash blonde hair was sprawled across the pillow behind her head, the sweat on her face and neck causing it to cling to her as her chest heaved. "I hate you," she snarled weakly. She could feel herself falling into unconsciousness. He chuckled softly and nuzzled her neck.
"I love you too, Maka."
He wasn't sure when he had come to the realization but he remembered it scared him, knowing how much he wanted her, needed her. He wanted to kill her for it. After all, he did that to the last person who made him feel that way. That spider witch, Arachne. But there was something in those terrified, innocent eyes that told him he didn't have to. He could dominate her, control her and bend her to do as he willed. And that was exactly what he intended to do.
"You're a monster."
Asura grinned. Of course, it would take them a few more nights like this to break the stubborn creature beneath him but he didn't mind. Her whole being was intoxicating. Her soft, pale skin and passionate screams of pain and fear sent him further into madness while her emerald eyes, the tears that generally graced them making them even more so, were lit with a terror that he would gladly become lost in. It thrilled him to see his lover become as terrified as he was yet he knew it was for reasons different to his own. Maka was afraid of him because of the level of madness inside of him and because she knew what he was capable of. He was scared of losing her, was scared of anyone else touching his property. He needed her and so he took what he saw was his. His Maka.
He kissed her neck, feeling her lovely skin once more before he was gone from her, the cold air hitting her naked and bruised body.
"Until tomorrow night, my love." He would be back. She could only be left alone for so long before she tried to escape again. She was persistent, he would give her that. He smirked to himself as he watched his forced lover pass out on the silken sheets. It wouldn't last long though. The remains of her sanity, what remains of her grigori soul, will be wiped away by the time he is finished and she won't even remember a reason for wanting to leave.
She'll accept it without question.
Until she does, however, he will continue to visit her, breaking her bit by bit until she finally snaps completely. And when she does it will be beautiful.
So beautiful.
So...what do you think? Good? Bad? Ok? Cause it's my first story i'm kind of hoping that there are no flames but I won't mind too much if there are. I'll probably be uploading some more stories (if i get my assignments done haha) so if you did like this one then keep an eye out. Hope you enjoyed it! ^_^