before, they were the kings and queens. beautiful - powerful - unstoppable.
reyna-and-jason. jason-and-reyna. the two invincible praetors of new rome, with their glossy smiles and sweeping capes and shiny swords.
alone, she knew, she could never do it. the responsibility would be too heavy for her shoulders to take and eventually, she'd crack and break and crumble.
but together, she felt like she could do anything, take on anything.
( bring it on, the rest of the world. )
when he vanishes, she feels like her world is shattering, the sharp edges of the broken pieces piercing at her soul and tearing at her heart.
all along she had shared her throne - her praetorship. she's never felt so alone.
( just-reyna )
and without him there to help her bear the weight of the world, she's crackingbreakingcrumbling.
( she can't do this on her own. )
when he returns, she's so filled with relief and hope and joy she almost can't breathe. for a second, she dares to hope that it could be like old times, where they were the kings and queens and they were together, unstoppable.
then she catches sight of the pretty girl who's holding his hand and that fantasy crumbles like dust.
( like her heart. )
she knows, then, there will never be a jason-and-reyna, reyna-and-jason again.
it will be just her, just-reyna - a lone queen trying to bear a burden that she can't carry.
it leaves a bitter taste on her tongue that she can't seem to get rid of.
she's the daughter of bellona. she was born to fight, to lead. and she will.
she will continue to rule the world with an empty throne next to her, continue to pretend she's okay.
but she knows, eventually, she will crack.
( but she can't do anything about it, now, can she? )
before, they were the kings and queens. beautiful - powerful - unstoppable.
now, she's just a a girl who's crackingbreakingcrumbling under the weight of the world and who's just a little too brave and a little too alone.