A/N: Okay, so I thought it pretty unrealistic that Merlin is considered so physically weak in the show, when he has to do so many physically taxing things. So, here ya go! Hope you like it. :D And, just,FYI, I have not been slacking on My Demons Lay in Wait, but just wanted to write something else to clear my head for a bit. Enjoy!


Arthur peeled off the sticky shirt, relishing in the cold against his skin. He tilted his head back and breathed deeply of the air, which smelled of sunshine and the grass now cushioning his back. He sighed deeply. These few minutes of recovery after training with the knights were the highlight of his weeks. He folded his hands behind his head and relaxed into the soft ground, soaking the sun into his bare chest and face, the four knights around him doing much the same.

Finally, peace…that was then interrupted by a loud, derisive, and so very rude snort. Arthur sighed. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

"What, Merlin?" he asked, cracking one eye open to glare at his servant. The man was hunched over a large chainmail shirt, polishing furiously and with an odd smirk on his face that belied the furrow to his brow,

"Oh, nothing, sire. It's just…" here, he snorted with laughter again, "Any chance to get your shirt off, huh?" Arthur frowned. What? Gwaine bellowed with laughter from his place on the grass a few paces to Arthur's left,

"He's got you pegged, Princess," he teased. Leon, Percival and Elyan all laughed, also. Arthur scowled. Loyal knights of the realm, indeed. Alright then, if that's the way they wanted it. He turned to Merlin with a smug glare,

"Oh, really?" he said, "Well, sorry to muss your fur, Merlin, but some of us can be proud of the way we look. You've got about as much muscle as new born babe, and half the fat. It's no wonder you wear such baggy clothes," The knights all laughed in agreement, elbowing each other from where they lay sprawled on the ground and chuckling. Merlin looked up from his work and blinked owlishly, looking at Arthur as if he were a small, ignorant child,

"Arthur…when was the last time you've seen me without a shirt?" he asked slowly, tutor like. Arthur scoffed. Actually he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Merlin without his usually ill-fitted attire. Merlin nodded conclusively when Arthur failed to answer,

"Ahh, so, yet again, your dollop-headedness has led you to blabber-mouthing! Honestly, Arthur, it's not becoming of a king to speak of things he has no idea about," Merlin then went back to systematically polishing the chain-mail. The knights were starting to look disinterested, but Arthur wasn't done yet.

"Okay, then," he sneered, "take off your shirt, Merlin," The knights made various hooting, impressed sounds. Merlin rolled his eyes but didn't look up,

"Prat, why would I do th-?"

"See boys!" Arthur yelled, turning to his comrades, "He's ashamed of his, no doubt, herculean physique!" Merlin flushed a bright red, frowned a bit, and set down his work and stood,

"Fine then," he growled. Arthur and the knights snickered amusedly. Oh, this is going to be good, Arthur thought.

However, when Merlin lifted off his tunic, Arthur realized his own mouth had gone slightly agape. In place of where Arthur had been expecting gawky, scrawny limbs and maybe a bit of baby fat at the belly and armpits, stood lean, muscular arms and prominent abs. His skin was porcelain, except for the areas where pink, various scars stood out. He was well muscled -still achingly skinny- but impressive, nonetheless. By Jove, the man had pecs! The rest of the knights sat looking somewhat cowed and more than a little surprised. Arthur, however, found himself smiling brilliantly, instead of feeling bad,

"Looks like my training paid off!" he cried, rather proud of himself. Merlin scowled down at him, and Arthur realized that he did not look unintimidating,

"Yeah, right," he said, "It's the baling hay, mucking stables, polishing armor and hundreds of boots, scrubbing floors, handling pampered, stubborn horses, and lugging giant buckets of your bath water that did it,"

Arthur felt a twinge in his gut that might have been mistaken for guilt if he hadn't known better. Merlin smiled then, a sharp, unsavory thing that contrasted the twinkle in his cerulean eyes,

"The labor of the common man, Arthur," he said, "It's a beautiful, terrible thing,"

Arthur decided to take Merlin's word for it.

A/N: What did you think? I had fun with this, even if it would never, ever happen in the show. Please REVIEW!