First chaps short sorry for the inconvenience butttttt gets better believe me. It does.
Marceline POV
I was walking home from The Candy Kingdom, every inch of me regretting my actions, hating myself. Finn and Jake were at her house too and we were all in PB's lab watching her experiment on Cinnamon Bun. She had conjured up a liquid that supposedly would enhance his nervous system making his reaction/response time faster. The experiment failed, however and the result was Cinnamon Bun going hyper crazy, flailing his arms, and running screaming like a maniac. Finn and Jake tried to stop him and I laughed so hard I bumped into a shelf causing vials and bottles to pour onto Bonnie's head. Seconds later her perfect bubblegum hair was smoking an started falling off her head in chunks. She spun on me with pure rage, screaming as loud as I ever heard her scream for me to get out.
And now here I am walking instead of flying home in the rain, alone. I laugh silently to myself. "Isn't this how it's supposed to be" I mumbled. I let myself into my house and went into the kitchen grabbing myself a strawberry and sucked out the delicious red. When I finished I felt a single tear leaking out of my right eye. Angrily, I slapped it away, then I squished the now grey strawberry into pulp.
"What am I doing? Vampire don't have emotions and they sure as hell don't cry." I let out a sigh. "Screw this. I'm going to Stratosphere."
I hopped into the shower and slipped on some clothes then headed out, with an umbrella this time.
When I got to the club, Stratosphere was buzzing with life. The music of a rock band rattling my ears as the bouncer opened the door for me. Stratosphere was mostly a vampire based club although I noticed a few other creatures dancing under the colorful strobe lights. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see Todd a tall lean built guy from a band I used to sing with. I also dated him for a while but dumped him when he tried to be too controlling.
"Marciiii," He purred. "Care to join me for a dance?" He asked winking at me. I looked around, every other decent guy was either dancing with somebody or making out with girls on the leather couches.
"Ugh. I guess but know that you're my last choice." He grinned at me and led me to the dance floor. We danced for a while halfway grinding at parts.
"So… Ready to take me back now Marci?" He asked with a smug grin.
I scoffed, "Not even in your dreams Todd." And with that I turned around and went to the bar.
"One 'Bloody Mary', please." As I drank my drink I turned back around to the band for the first time noticing the lead singer. His hair was done in a messy, careless sort of way that looked kinda sexy on him. He wore a black blazer with a white shirt underneath followed by a clip on tie, black skinny jeans and red converse. He sang with more passion than I've ever heard somebody sing like, he sang like me. When he finished his song his eyes caught mine and he froze. His eyes widened like a deers' in headlights. He motioned something to the drummer and the drummer started the next song as he walked off the stage. As he approached me I noticed he was shaking like a leaf. He floated up to the barstool next to me and sat down, staring me directly in the eye. I tried my hardest not to blink.
"M-M-Mar, Mar?" He asked cautiously.
"How do you know my name?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing in curiousity. "Nobody calls me that anymore."
"I don't think I would forget it, Marceline." He said firmly confusing me even more.
"Uh… Dude, I've never seen you before in my life." Pain, and anger flashed on his sea foam green face.
"Are you seriously pretending you don't know me, right now?" He snapped at me.
"No. I am not pretending. I do NOT know who you are! Hell, I don't even know your name!" I yelled. Who did this dude think he was! Accusing me of stuff!
He gritted his teeth together ," Marshall. Lee. Vampire. King." Seeing my muscles tense. He sighed and relaxed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay? Just please stop acting and talk to me." I felt my incisors grow slightly a signal that I was getting pissed.
"Did Todd put you up to this!? To get back at me!?" I hopped up from my chair and payed for my drink.
"Forget this. I'm outta here." I hissed and got ready to leave.
"Wait!" He jumped up from his seat slipping a piece of paper out of his pocket and scribbling some letters on it.
"Here's where I'm staying," He said, handing me the paper. "Come by when you stop acting." Giving him the nasty eye, I balled it up and stuck it in my bra. Then indignantly left the club and floated back home taking the paper out of my bra and placing it on my nightstand.
HOWS THAT FOR CHAPTER ONE!? no seriously. Tell me. I'll be posting chapter 2 very soon. Since it's already written. Every time i get writers block. I look at my little printout of marceline and marshall lee holding their Hambo's and write again. ITS A MIRACLE! Well I'm tired. Nyan Cat says to give you guys a poptart if you review c: