Sorry it took so long to update! I'll be able to update faster when school get's out on the sixth (PRAISE THE LORD). I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think! Also review and let me know where you'd like to see this story go!
Fin adjusted himself, trying to get comfortable in the hospital chair. He tried to be quiet, knowing that Amanda really needed her sleep. He had been sitting by her hospital bed for the past couple hours, just watching her breath. He had never been so thankful to watch someone sleep. He really hadn't had time to reflect on how close he'd come to losing his partner. Just the thought that the next time he could have seen her might have been on the autopsy table truly frightened him.
She looked so peaceful, sleeping without pain. Probably not thinking about what she had just recently endured. Her blond hair was spread out over her pillow with her bangs sprawled across her porcelain face. She was adjusted on her side, with pillows placed strategically to take pressure off the broken ribs. Her hands were crossed loosely over her chest, almost as if she was trying to warm up as she was falling asleep. The skin on her cheeks still showed the red trails that her tears took as they cascaded down. It had not been a pleasant few hours.
Fin thought back to when the ambulance pulled up to the hospital and the doors opened. Amanda shivered as the rush of cold winter air cascaded in. The paramedic covered her up with a blanket at Fin's request. Some hospital personnel came and help lift her stretcher out of the ambulance and on to the wheels. Amanda grasped Fins hand with both of hers for dear life, whimpering for him not to let her go. The nurses stood, waiting for permission to wheel her away.
Fin used his free hand to brush the stray pieces of her bangs away from her face, then he cupped her cheek and wiped her tears. "You got this Amanda. I'll be there waiting when they're done. But you can do it. I believe in you."
The helpless blond let out a shaky sigh. "But Fin, what if they try-"
Fin didn't let her finish. "They won't. And if they do, they'll have a whole squad of cops gunning them down before they can." He waited for her to give him a nod before letting go of her hands and watching the doctors wheel her through double doors to the trauma center. He turned around and buried his face in his shaky hands.
Why the hell would a son of a bitch do this to a woman like Amanda? What would posses someone to put her through hell like that? To break her like that? To make her completely and utterly fall apart like that?
He was broken out of his trance when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He turned around to see Nick standing before him, looking down. "She's gonna be okay man. Rollins is a fighter. She'll be bustin perps again in no time."
Fin shook his head, "No man. It's bad. She's really bad. Not physically, but she's emotionally, nah man it's not good."
Amaro looked at him. "Just be there for her man. Be there through it all. The PTSD, the nightmares, the crying, the flashbacks, the trial, be there for it all. Be there for her." Fin looked at him and nodded. Amaro took the hint to walk away and give him his space. He knew what Fin was going through. He had gone through the same thing when his wife came home. Amanda and Fin weren't married, but you don't need to be married to help someone you care about so much.
For the next few hours Fin just sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear from the doctor. Captain, Liv, and Munch all stopped by and told him to go home and get some sleep, but there was no way in hell he was going to have Amanda wake up and him not be here. After a few more hours of waiting, the doctor walking in to the waiting room and summoned him over.
"How is she?" Fin asked, not wasting anytime.
"She's going to be okay, just in pain. She has 3 broken ribs, a mild concussion, and a fractured collar bone. She was in too much pain for us just to examine her so we put her out for a little bit, she should be waking up soon" She said quietly.
Fin nodded.
"We did preform a rape kit while she was unconscious. You shouldn't have any problem finding evidence to bust these guys detective. Put them away, they deserve to be locked up in hell for what they did."
He hated hearing that they preformed a rape kit on his partner. She was raped. All of her power was stripped away from her.
"Detective? Are you okay?" The nurse asked Fin.
"Yeah yeah I am. When can I see her?" He shook out of his trance.
"Well we like to have family see her fir-"
"She doesn't have any here. The family she does have doesn't give a damn." He interrupted bluntly.
"Okay, I can let you up to see her, because you seem to be close. She' s still sleeping and we shouldn't wake her up. It's the first time she's been able to sleep comfortably in a while." The nurse said, leading him down the hallways of the hospital.
"Is she on pain medication?" Fin asked. It was important to him that she wasn't in too much physical pain on top of her emotional pain.
"Yes she is, so if she is slurring her words when she wakes up thats why." She led him to the door leading to Amanda's room. "Oh and nightmares are common after this sort of trauma, I'm sure you're aware. If you suspect she's having one wake her up gently. We wouldn't want her having a panic attack."
"Thank you." Fin nodded and gently opened the door. He slipped through and stood for a minute to take in the appearance of his partner. She looked comfortable on the bed. There was a mad bruise on her forehead and his blood boiled when he saw the hickies on her neck. He walked over to the side of her bed and took a seat in his chair. He wanted so badly to grasp her hard, but he knew it would wake her.
Now, he still sat in his chair. A nurse had brought him coffee a few moments ago, which he appreciated. He was texting Liv, telling her about Amanda's condition. The only other person that could see her right now was Cragen, and he decided to respect her privacy and he would come visit when she was ready.
Fin looked up from his iMessage conversation with Liv when she noticed Amanda fidgeting him her sleep. She groaned as pressure was put on her ribs. She was jolted from her sleep by the shooting pain. Her eyes shot open and she sighed in pain trying to readjust herself.
"Here 'Manda I gotcha." Fin leaned over and placed a pillow in a place that took the pressure off of her ribs.
"Thanks Fin" She offered a weak smile. Her voice was quiet and shaky. It was obvious she had just been sleeping for awhile.
"No problem girl, how you feeling?" He said, lightly placing his hand on hers and giving it a squeeze.
"Other than my ribs, I feel okay. I'm afraid to look in the mirror though." She giggled. It seemed as though her pain medication was keeping her in good spirits.
"Nah you don't look that bad. Just a few bruises that will fade." He brushed a few stray hairs out of her face.
She looked at him with her grayish blue eyes. "Fin?"
"Thanks, for everything. It- it means a lot to me, you're helping a lot." She let a tear leak from her eye.
"Thats what I'm here for. I'll be here every step of the way, whenever you need me." He said, giving her hand a squeeze.
She closed her eyes. "Im seriously so lucky to have you as my partner."
He looked into her eyes. "I'm lucky to still have my partner."