"Time to load up your questions;

pick up your sticks and your stones.

pretend I'm a shelter for heartaches that done have a home.

choose the words that cut like a razor.

All that I will say,

is fire away."

Fire away - Chris Stapleton

The vision slammed against her skull like an unrelenting force. She jerked under its harsh thrashing. Eve could hardly contain it. Part of her wished not to show him. To hide the very things that haunted her sanity; but a demonic voice from within demanded that he knew the truth.

See what plagues our mind, priest. It sneered.

She pulled him in and dipped into his embrace. Tongues dancing. Bodies craving more then either was willing to admit. Her skin was close to scalding against his own golden tone. She curled around him. Her core abuzz with a thick need. She could feel his fingers tangling in her hair. Tightening until the strands threatened to snap. It was nearly painful but she couldn't bring herself to think more of it.

Suddenly she could feel that itching behind her eyes. The feeling of a blurry face trying to etch its way into her image felt like a snake slithering beneath her skin. It pushed at the back of her throat, slimy and slick against the muscle residing there. She nearly gaged on it, that is, until she felt Imhotep sinking further into her being. Prodding that unknown magic within her mouth. Inviting it into himself.

Her chest nearly exploded once it entwined them both within it's grasp.

The concubine sat flush against the wall. Slowly pulling an unknown man her direction with come hither eyes. A mirth on her lips. He swooped her up into his arms before promptly smashing her body back into the wall.

Her breath hitched. Body arching into his own. Lips battling like opposite forces. She ran a hand down the man's naked chest. Skin slick with sweat, with need.

Somewhere admits the madness and delusions they had moved. The only thing that made her realize such events was the fact her Priest had slammed her body into pool's stairs. The edges dug into her spine with such force that it cut deep into the skin of her back. She winced. The pain burned with every splash of water against the new wound.

She scowled at the fact they where almost mimicking the events being played out before them. Her heart rose in her chest. A small fear playing out in her heart. Hopefully this was not going to go as far as she assumed it would. There was no bloody way she was giving that harlet the satisfaction of their first coupling.

His calloused hands played against her painted skin. Adoring the way the fragile colours swirled against his fingertips. A hiss left her lips the moment he attached to her puckered nipple. His moist tongue swirling around the bud. His finger sunk into the flesh if her backside. Snickering at the was it moulded to his firm grip, slipping through his fingers in a most succulent way.

She bucked against him. Smirking hotly at the ridged length that rushed against the apex of her thighs. She adorned a sultry laugh. Agile fingers creeping down the curvature of his abs. "Promise me." She cooed. She arched back, allowing the space for her hand to grasp his manhood. He let out a low groan at the way her hand circled his member in light sweeps. Falling, face heavy into her heavy breast. "Say it."

He sounded horse. A snarl leaving his lips. "I cannot promise you such things." He ground out against against her chest.

"No, no my heart." Her grip tightened on his quivering form. Forcing him to suck in the humid air from around their forms. A free hand pulled his face forward, forcing him to look her in the eye.

This is always where the image would distort. The face always unseen. It confused her. It hurt. She clearly referred the the man in her arms as 'her heart'. Imhotep was the only heart she knew of the concubine owning.

Oh Gods, Eve could feel him groping at her lathered skin. It goosed at his tender touch. On edge with the way he manage to unravel every nerve in his path. She could not suppress the moan of bliss that dances across her vocals. The fatty flesh of her ass squeezed between his heavy hands. His large flesh raking a burning path against her sex.

Her head fell back. She hated how the visions made her feel. It was intoxicating. Made her head sway and dance until thoughts could no longer be composed.

"Please." She stroked tender touches down his face. kissing each trail tenderly. "Please save me from him."

She could feel him begin to turn away. Fighting the need to take her word. "I cannot my-"

She shoved him back harshly, so hard that their bodies no longer remained connected. "You cannot say no too me!" She cried. Angry tears tinting the hazel of her eyes. "You owe this to me!"

The man hushed her cries wiping the water droplets from her face. His lips brushed against her own. Stopping only to hush the woes she cried. "Yes." He mumbled. Almost to frightened to say such things. "I will end the Pharaoh as-"

Evelyn did not think Imhotep could have shoved her away fast enough. Her brows creased in anger. Eyes wide with denial. "No." He growled. Tossing hateful honey eyes her direction. "No, it is not possible."

She sat still against her perch on the steps. Her back screaming at her open wounds. "Imhotep-"

"No." He ground, unwilling to hear what else she had to say. He shot passed her, seeking the entrance and distance from her.

"She always gets what she wants in the end, Imhotep." It was harsh and low, but enough for him to sever his movements. "Some things we cannot change."

she watched with sad eyes as he looked over his shoulder hesitantly. Fear corrupted his handsome features, a sadness that he did not wish to accept. Emotion he did not want to admit. He pulled away once more. Naked feet clapping wetly on stone until he could no longer be seen.

She stared at that open door. So long, in fact, she did not notice the small gasps from the temple women coming to check up on her. They rushed to her side, Chirping about how deep the cuts on her back were. Were they truly that bad? She shot a worried glance at the watery step below her to find a red smoke clouding the water. Shit. How long had she been sitting there? Was her twenty-four hours over?

"My dear, by the heaven's, what happened?" The mother hen came. A clean rage at the ready. She instantly began cleaning her wounds with a worried tsk. She flinched away from the contact. The cuts were raw. Burning at the quips of demanding hands.

"I had a vision and lost my whereabouts" She uttered bitterly. Unwilling to admit exactly what had occurred. That damn man choose his black hearted temptress; as always. She snorted. The anger built up like a wave in her chest. Rolling against the cage of her abdominal with a rumbling force.

"Oh my sweet child. Come let us get you cleaned up, then you can go rest."

"Forgive me." She stood, pulling free of fumbling fingers. "I need a moment to myself." Without another moments notice she walked away from the group. In her haste she tugged the awaiting robe over her shoulders to cover her nakedness but left the other parchments of clothing behind. Her mind was humming; abuzz with what had occurred.

Somewhere in the back of her thoughts she acknowledged the calls of worried women, pleading for her to address the wounds on her back. She snuffed out the idea. Feet dreading to stop; so frightened of breaking down where anyone could witness. She broke out into a run, unable to stop herself from finding sanctuary. She needed to be alone. Away from everyone.

Damn it, she was such a fool hearty child. She nearly whimpered. She had know that he would not take the news well, but she hoped. She wanted to believe that he would finally have reason to let go of that two faced witch.

Once she reach her champers she raced around the corner of the doorframe. Hand clasped around the edge in order to swing herself into safety the fastest way she could fathom. Slowing herself, she placed a sweaty brow to the wall. Breath misting of the coolness of its status. Her shoulders bounced with unheard weeping. Throat tight with bitterness.

Such a fool.

"Nefertiri," the voice behind her caused her to choke on a sob. "Gods, your bleeding everywhere. What happened?!"

She turned a tired glance towards Parushta. His hazel eyes thick with mixed emotions. She was too tired to figure out which. He quickly traced a hand over the dirtied robe, a grimness sweeping over his form.

"I fell." She chuckled harshly before bowing her brow against the wall once more.

His fingers hooked into the tops of the her robe. Gently slipping it from her shoulders in hopes to assess the weeping wound below. He nearly stumbled when it fell to hook around her elbows, reviling to him a very naked back along with how ever that mess looked.

He hissed. She did not know whether or not it was due to her bare state of dress or the horror of her spine. "Oh my sweet..." She bit back a sob when she felt him rush forward to cup her face. He hushed her silently, sweeping her cheeks in comfort. There was twinge of familiarity in his actions, almost like she had seen him do it before. "Do not shed tears, I am no good with tears."

She could help but let out a wet snicker at the comment. She shoved his shoulders playfully. "It is not always about you."

He snorted, a playful mirth in his lips. "Says you."

She caught his eyes taking in a bit more of the scenery then she would have enjoyed. "Really?" She ground. "Must you look at me like I am your next meal?"

"Well, a man needs to take his pleasures as he goes." She realize he regretted the comment the moment it left his mouth. He became stiff as a board. Eyes downcast, almost afraid to catch her reaction.


He cleared his throat. "Come, you need to dress those wounds." She simply nodded, unknowing of what else she could say to lessen his worries. So instead she complied without further question and allowed him to ease her from the wall. Smiling softly he direct her towards a more comfortable place to sit.

In all honestly she was irked by the comment, but at this point she was far to tired to complain and be angry at him for it. She sighed as she sunk down to the bed below. She felt heavy. Today had already been to much to handle... Or was it the last twenty-four hours? Had she slept? She groaned. No, no she hadn't. Wonderful, no wonder she felt dead on her feet.

She felt him return to her side. He must had left at some point to retrieve a wrap for her back. "I figured you wished not to be bothered. I hope you do not mind me doing this myself."

Eve attempted a smile before gesturing it towards the wonderful man behind her. Always looking out for her benefit. She chuckled. Somethings will never change; even through the ages. "I do not mind, I would rather not see anyone else."

The silence between them was tense. There was an apology sitting on the curve of Parushta's lips, wanting to be let free. The fact of the matter was that he would never free it from its confines, he knew she was not ready for an apology. Let alone anything else. "I overheard the high priest speaking to the Pharaoh." His voice rumbled delicately against the tender skin on her back. Hands lightly slipping front to back, Brushing over the sensitive buds of her bust. She smirked at the way he took his time brushing over her tender bosom. Enjoying pleasures where you find them indeed. He continued each slow circle of clean wrap around her torso. "Is it true that you have become the temples oracle?"

Her lips pulled back into a frown. Last things she wanted to remember was the visions. "It seems so." A bitterness slipped over her. "Because, I am ever so lucky."

He shook his head at her before tying the wrap firmly in place. "Can nothing be simple with you?" She heard him mutter humorously. A grin began to pull her cheek upwards at the thought. Simple would be nice. The smile did not faultier as he leaned forward, hot air brushing against her ear. Breath in her lungs stilled and a shiver ran up her spine. "Shall I remove this dirtied robe, my sweet Nefertiri?" Sweet lips pressed against the crook her neck.

Damn, she could not bring herself to say anything. Coyly Parushta began to slip it the rest of the way from her body. Eve pressed teeth into the slick muscle within her mouth as the garment fell from her firm. Timidly she found herself curling inwards, before looking back him once more. She knew her chest was covered due to the wrappings but he had this way to make her feel like she was naked regardless.

"C-can you find me something new?"

She caught the slight disappointment linger in his presence, but he smiled anyway. "Of course my princess."

Her lips curled off to the side in an tasteless manner. He was trying to create distance between them by switching to honourifics. She sighed when he handed her a new gown. Parushta was not looking at her; instead he was attempting to distract himself with something in the distance. "Thank you."

"It is my pleasure, Princess." He directed a small smile her way once the grown had been sliped over her head. "If that is all -"

"Wait." Eve felt a rush build up in her chest. She hooked his hand into her grasp and tug him forward before he can a chance to retreat. "Please do not leave. I do not want to be alone." The pang of guilt caused her eyes to fall to the floor. In truth she found comfort in Parushta's familiarity. Part of him would always feel like her American. That soul, his warm presence, was something she would forever find comfort in. She pulled him forward until her head was able to lean against his abdominal. She breathed in his essence, eyes sliding close. "Please."

He pulled her against him, lifting her up higher in his arms. "For you Nefertiri, I would do anything."

She found herself snuggling in while he laid them back against the bed. tucked securely into his side. It felt like home; like she could close her eyes and everything would be normal. She would be plain, old Eve again who laid lazily in bed with Rick. Laughing about their adventures and curled around each other. No ancient Egypt and no Priest. It would just be them at home...in London.

The sadness grew once more. She had not realized how lonely she had become. Her mind had been so consumed with her situation that there had been no time to asses how emotional she was. It swelled in her soul, forcing her into an inward curl. Encircling herself around this secure man until she tangled like twine. Fists tight in a white knuckle cringe. Shoulders arching towards eardrums.

Parushta began to draw a roundness in her spine. Hoping to calm the chaos in her heart. Her chest heaved and his chin came to rest atop her brow; arms tightening around her waist with a heavy sigh releasing from his chest. "All will be right." He promised, free hand coming to lace fingers through the length of her black length.

Her head hurt. She wanted to speak out about the life she lived with him. The one in her own time. How happy they could have been if she had ignored these memories of old. She wanted to talk about the wonders of London and how she used to forget herself in the museum walls. Things she could not speak because only one other person knew that she was not from this era.

Could anything really be alright again?

Her lids grew heavy. Snuggling deeper into his warm embrace. Gods, Parushta and Rick even smelt the same. Every inch of him held a piece of Rick O'Connell, the dashing American rouge. It eased a sense peace into her uneasy soul. Thoughts slowed, body relaxed. She drifted inwards towards the dark oblivion of much needed rest.

Mindlessly rubbing her face deeper into the crease of his neck, a nearly unheard mumble slipped from her sleepy voice. "I missed you O'Connell."

Had she not have fallen asleep she would have noticed that Parushta ceased all movement once his other-half's name left her mouth.

A/N: goodness! That took ages.

Forgive me everyone, life has not been easy on me the past while.

I am now a single mama of three lovely babies and my word, does it ever eat up AAAALL your time. Haha

We are coming close to an end of this story though!

Don't worry, the connection between Eve and her priest will soon start barring fruit.

Love for someone is not easily thrown away and it is something I really wanted to make sure I got right. His love for the concubine survived years of torture. Years of being entrapped in a tomb without no true death to save him. Him accepting that she is only out to serve her own purpose would not be something that he could willingly do.

Also, Parushta does play a very important role. He's not just there for conflict. Haha

Anyway my dearies, I hope you enjoyed.

Please review. I love hearing from you all!

A Special thanks to:

vampgirliegirl; Guest; me-halcyon;


Ignorance is utterly bliss. Imhotep's love towards the concubine has been nothing but that. He could not see passed this persona she created, and still struggles to do so. He can not so willing accept that she is, in fact, a two faced and selfish woman.


Haha, yes her ability as an Oracle has be hinted from the beginning. It is what allowed to to remember her past-life and led to back to Imhotep's side.

It warms my heart to know you are enjoying the tale!

I very much agree. Even I dislike the version of the concubine in my story. She is very heartless. Mean, Nasty lady. I get all angry every time she passes through my fingers and into the words of the page. Writing her is horrid, specially when she takes pleasure in hurting our Eve. Haha

I thank you for not giving up on me either!


I agree, if Eve does ever return that knowledge will always fallow her. It is like seeing the true nature of someone's soul then attempting force yourself to forget how stained it looked. For now she find comfort in its depths, but things will not always be so pleasant.

Thank you again everyone!

Love you all!