A/N: And so the journey comes to an end. I want to that Itlnbrt for making this story shine. To CullensTwiMistress for issuing the drabble challenge and to my fellow participants: Mandi, Missy & Bel- you ladies rock! But most importantly.. to all you that read and followed the simple story of a Little Beauty and her White Knight... I give you.. their Happily Ever After... ENJOY!


3 Years Later

Life on the road wasn't always a barrel of fun. There were nights when we were feeling tired and cramped for privacy, and space, and we snapped. But we dealt with it. We made sure everyone had their own down time, individual and as a couple.

Jasper and Alice got engaged at the end of the tour. During a promo for the band's new album in Vegas, they got married. It was a true rock-n-roll wedding complete with a leather mini-dress for Alice and ratty jeans and t-shirt for Jasper. The officiate was a dead ringer for Jon Bon Jovi. Edward and I attended as their wedding party and witnesses.

Kate joined us when she could during the summer months, as she and Garrett were trying to make things work. They were famous for having knockdown, drag-out fights and then very noisy and intense make up sex.

Much to Renee's dismay, I dropped out of school. I never went back after spring break. I figured school would always be there. But time with Edward was never truly guaranteed. I never regretted my choice.

Instead, Jasper took me under his wing. With my schooling, I helped him manage the business side of things. When he felt I had a firm grasp and knowledge of what I was doing, he made me the band's official business manager. I loved hammering out contracts for appearances, clubs, and other deals. Jasper focused more on promotions and day to day dealings for the band. It was the perfect set-up.

Even better was that I got to be a part of something that meant so much to Edward. The passion and drive he had for music was inspiring. There were too many nights I'd wake up to find him hunched over his composition book, scribbling furiously and humming to himself. It was magical to watch as he worked hard to turn his music into a polished product for the album.

So, on that day, as I sat in the Kodak Theatre for the Grammys, I never felt prouder of Edward and couldn't have been happier that I was along on this journey with him.

As the members of Green Day took to the stage to announce the nominees for best emerging artist, I felt Edward's grasp on my hand tighten. I knew he was nervous. He kept telling me just how much of an honor it was to be nominated. But I knew him, he wanted to win and he wanted it bad. The whole band deserved it. Their first album with Midnight Sun, appropriately titled Always Remember, had already gone gold once. They had several hits being played and they were close to inking their first headlining tour.

I watched with bated breath as the envelope was opened and Billie Joe announced, "The Grammy for Best Emerging Artist goes to … Breaking Midnight!" I hugged him tight and watched with tears in my eyes as the band took the stage.

"We want to thank our label Midnight Sun and Peter Graves for taking a chance on us. To all our fans who support us one hundred percent. We couldn't have done it without you. To Jasper who puts up with our crap day in and day out, thanks man. Lastly, to my Bella, I love you and I can't wait to spend forever with you. Marry me, please."

Without thinking I jumped up and screamed out, "YES!"

A/N: *sigh* It's the end... please.. leave me your parting words... THANK YOU ALL! *mwah*