"How many times shall I say I'm sorry? How many times do you want me to open my heart for you?" Hikaru was almost about to cry. Almost.

Kaoru turned around and started to walk away from Hikaru.

"How many times do I have to say 'I love you'?" Hikaru almost whispered, but it was loud enough to stop Kaoru from walking.

"Figure it out by yourself." He started to walk again, slowly.

"I've said I'm sorry! I don't know what to do!" Hikaru started to get desperate. Tears started showing in his eyes, and he didn't like it. He didn't know what to do with himself. "Just tell me what to do. Please."

Kaoru quickly turned around to face his brother. To let him see that he meant what he was saying. "No, Hikaru, not this time. I won't tell you what to do, you have to figure it out by yourself." He turned around again and took a few steps, before he heard his brother again.

"It was just a prank..." he said.

"'Just a prank'?" Kaoru started to get angry and upset. He turned around for the fourth time and walked close to his twin. "Was it just a prank to you!? No, Hikaru, it was not 'just a prank'! This was the worst thing you could ever do, and I will never forgive you!" He quickly turned away and started walking fast. He had to get away as fast as he could. "I've called mom and dad. I'm sleeping at home tonight," he said loud enough so Hikaru could hear him. Then he started to run, left Hikaru alone. Didn't want Hikaru to know he was crying. Didn't want him to know his weakness.

Hikaru just stood there for a moment. Then rain started to fall, and he suddenly knew what he had done; he had hurt one of his dearest friends, not on purpose of course; he had made his other friends hate him for that stupid prank; and worst of all he had made his own brother, his twin, his other half, turn him his back.