Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Champion Nobel Wishes and Painful Goodbyes
"Ah look at him" Serena 21 said as they all watched the newly healed Zato sleep.
"Ahhh and I almost don't want to wake him up but he's got a prize to accept soooo" Kento 0 said.
"WAKE THE HELL UP YOU BRAT!" Reyoto 21 yelled.
"YAAAAA!" Zato 21 yelled jumping out of bed and looked all around to see all the heroes of Universe 0, 16, 18, 21, 22 and 24.
"Good morning sleepy head" Kento 22 said.
"Have a nice sleep you lazy bum?" Reyoto 0 asked.
"Yeah...why the hell is everyone in my room?" Zato 21 asked as Pan 21 hit him in the head.
"Okay! Sheesh you didn't have to hit me" Zato 21 said rubbing his head.
"Oh! We need to get Zato ready!" Serena 21 said.
"Ready for what?" Zato asked.
"The ceremony! You won and when you get your prize I want you to look nice" Serena 21 said.
"What's wrong with my clothes?" Zato asked.
"There's beyond repair" Kento 0 said holding up the torn up gi.
"Here" Azumuri said snapping his fingers as Zato was dressed in a nice white and black suit (the one teen Gohan wore before the Cell Games.)
"Nice" Kento 0 said.
"Okay let's go!" Pan 21 yelled grabbed Zato arm and yanked him out of the room.
"Whoa!" Zato 21 said when they reached their balcony to see all the decorations.
"And now ladies and gentlemen there he is the winner of the Multiverse Tournament Zato Hoshi!" the announcer said as Zato appeared on the screen and it began to rain confetti as the spectators clapped and cheered and others called Zato name.
"Wow" Zato said as he looked to Mia balcony but only saw Mia standing there clapping for him with a smile on her face.
"Please step in the ring winner so you can receive your prize!"
"O-okay" Zato said flying to the ring where a Namekian waited for him with the dragon balls as the Namekian spoke and summoned the dragon in Namekian as the dragon balls glowed and the sky grew dark as the light shot up and the massive dragon Porunga emerged.
"State your wish!"
"Okay for my first wish I wish for everything that the demons done since their return to be undone!" Zato said.
"So be it" Porunga said as his eyes glowed.
"My second wish..." Zato said as he began to blush, "I wish for my dad to have his mom back."
"As you wish."
"He wished for what?" Reyoto 21 said as a light flashed in their balcony as Kora 21 emerged from it.
"Oh! How did I get here?" Kora 21 said.
"Mom" Kento 21 said.
"Kento, brother!" Kora 21 smiled as Reyoto 21 hugged her.
"What is your final wish?"
"My final wish...I wish for everyone who entered this tournament and planned to use the dragon balls for good intention to have their wishes come true!" Zato said.
"What?!" Kento 0 said.
"If the dragon that powerful that means our wish to make sure those demons never rise again will come true" Reyoto 0 said.
"Can this be done?" Zato asked.
"It can be done" he said as Zato smiled as he turned to the camera and held out the Saiyan Peace Sign high in the air as all others followed doing the same.
"Your wishes has been granted, farewell" Porunga said disappearing.
Later that day ships began to take all the universes home as Zato looked at his ship then back as he clenched his fist, "Guy's I'll be right back!" Zato said to his family as he ran down all the ships.
"You know where he's going right?" Kento 21 asked.
"Yep, he's going to her" Serena 21 smiled.
Zato ran as he spotted Mia universe and saw Mia run out of the ship and spot Zato.
"Zato!" Mia said running down.
"Mia remember that promise I made I want to add to it! I promise you that someday I'll come to your universe and make everything right! I'll always be with you! I come to you! I promise!" Zato said as Mia hugged him.
"I am going to miss you so much!" Mia cried.
"Here" Zato said giving her a round crystal.
"What's this?" Mia asked.
"A piece to remember me bye, it's called a Zatora it has the abilities to show your emotions, it will turn red when you're mad, blue when you sad, green when your happy" Zato said as the gem turned blue.
"Here" Mia said removing her necklace and putting it around his neck, "this was made from my first hunt, please Zato never forget me" Mia said with tears in her eyes.
"Never!" Zato said hugging her close.
"MIA! Where are you?!" Ota yelled.
"Goodbye" Mia said.
"Bye" Zato said as Mia touched his face and kissed his lips as she moved away both not wanting to let go of each other hands but had to as she walked onto the ship looking at Zato the whole time as the door closed and the ship began to take off as Zato watched.
"Oh this is so sad!" Serena 0 cried.
"They will be together, don't worry he'll save his princess" Bardock 0 said.
"I WILL GET STRONGER MIA!" Zato yelled to the sky with tears in his eyes, "I WIL COME FOR YOU! I PROMISE!"
"Man this has been some tournaments" Kento 0 said as they all flew on their ship back home.
"Zato will join the school in a month after training with Universe 22 in their home Universe" Trunk 0 said.
"Still, now we need to plan to aid those universe that need us" Reyoto 0 said.
"We already agreed that they will do it, when the time comes" Azumuri 0 said looking at Nathan and the others gathered together at a table laughing and talking.
"Yeah, they got this and with Zato as one of them it'll be easier" Bardock 0 said as their ship landed.
One week later
"What the?!" Hope said seeing a fast approaching item enter the planet atmosphere as he hit the alarm.
"What is it?!" Bardock said running down the hall as he looks outside to see a glowing red ball of energy fall from the clouds and crash in the forest.
"Something crashed!" Trunks said as he flew towards the forest fast and made it to the crash site as hit eye widen.
In a large creator with small fragment of red crystals was a boy coughing, covering in blood an cuts.
"MY GOD!" Trunks yelled running and helped held the boy in his arms, "what is your name? Who did this to you?"
"G-Golan" the boy groaned before passing out.
"What the hell happened to him?!" Akina said flying in.
"We need to get him to the med wing now!" Trunks yelled.
Later that day the boy lay groaning and sweating in a hospital bed covered in bandages as Bulma typed on the computer.
"So what did this?" Trunks asked.
"He was trapped in this crystal" Bulma said showing the image of the gem when it entered the atmosphere, "but before he was put in there someone torture this poor boy."
"Like Nathan" Kento said.
"Golan huh? Funny his name as an anagram spells Logan" Azumuri said.
"I guess we can call him that if he wants" Trunks said.
"Will he make a full recovery Bulma?" Naomi asked.
"Of course, all he needs now is rest and from the looks of it the poor dear is having a horrible nightmare" Bulma said.
"Here" Azumuri said touching the boy head as the boy quit moaning, "that should last until he fully recovers and when the shipment of Senzu Beans get in."
"Poor guy, well when he wakes up maybe he can tell us what happened" Frost said.
"Maybe but for now, let him rest" Trunks said as they all began to leave the room.
"Ash" Logan said in his sleep.
"Looks like all is going according to plan" Towa smiled.
"Yes, thing look that way" Nightmare smiled from his throne.
"What now my lord?"
"Now we move onto phase two, finding the Thirteenth Saiyan God."
To Be Continue.
A.N. Please Review and Thank you for being patient with me, now before I beginning the New Dragonball Heroes I am going to finish up all my other stories oh and be ready because Cross Epoch Heroes II is going to be published next with new the One piece cast returning with the cast of Toriko! So Summer coming up meaning I will have a lot of spare time to write write write! So thanks again!