(A/N) Okay, I know it's a short chapter, but I've been having trouble writing recently. I felt bad about not updating in a long time, so I decided to put this up regardless of not being that long.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long, but thank you for being patient. And thank you so much for all the reviews, favs, follows (300+ :D), and even the communities that added this! I still can't believe how many people have enjoyed my story. ^^

A Truly Wonderful Day

Tsuna eagerly ate his french toast with Reborn and Giotto. He could hear Nana humming in the kitchen already making seconds.

He stuffed another slice of the syrup-covered toast into his mouth. His shoulders were tense in anticipation as Reborn was already eyeing his food, and the raven wasn't even half-way done with his own plate.

Crap, there was that gleam in Reborn's eyes! Tsuna watched Reborn's chopsticks launch towards his plate, and he barely countered the front door slammed open.

"NANA~!" A man's voice shouted.

Tsuna took a sharp intake of breath, and Reborn was able to break through his defenses as the piece of toast he was in the middle of chewing lodged in his throat.

Nana ran out from the kitchen and through the dining room. "DEAR~!" She squealed.

Reborn smacked Tsuna's back, while Nana ran into the hall. A few more coughs and painful hits from Reborn, Tsuna was able to dislodge the food from his throat. After regaining his breath, and a concerned look from Giotto, Tsuna realized that sometime during his choking and helping him, Reborn had swiped the rest of his breakfast.

The brunet glared towards Reborn, but didn't bother trying to snatch his meal back – there was no way he was going to make that mistake again.

He glanced at Giotto briefly and he had only shook his head smiling as he finished his breakfast. "Looks like dad's back." Giotto said smiling.

Tsuna smiled back, and leaned back in his chair listening to the cooing of the two lovebirds. It was a while before he heard Nana excuse herself, so she could go buy ingredients for a welcome home dinner. Tsuna waited excitedly for Giotto's dad, he couldn't wait to see what kind of person the 'Young Lion' of the Vongola was.

The man who entered the dining room had short blonde hair and was muscly, but… Tsuna wasn't quite expecting a goofy smiling man. Maybe this was better than the cold, slyness one would expect from a mafioso, but it still would've been more interesting if that kind of man had somehow managed to procure a warm family.

Giotto stood up and hugged him. "Hey Dad."

Iemitsu grinned and hugged back, "You've grown 'Yasu-kun." Giotto frowned at his father, and Iemitsu laughed in return. "I mean, Giotto."

Reborn reclined cooly in his own chair. "What brings you here Iemitsu?" He asked. Giotto looked eagerly at his father.

Iemitsu grinned and winked, "Not with my son and his friend around." Giotto huffed in disappointment, but went back to his food accepting what his father had said. Iemitsu glanced around curiously, "Where's Bambi anyway?"

Tsuna twitched. It was generally a good thing for him that people suspected an adult, but he can't help but feel a bit insulted. "I'm Bambi."

Iemitsu's eyebrows shot up. "Oh…" he scratched his cheek, "Sorry boy. I was just… Just, um…-"

"Expecting someone different." Tsuna spoke poking at his empty plate.

The burly man licked his lips, "Yep."

They dissolved into silence with Iemitsu studying the boy in front of him, confusion pooling in his gaze the longer he stared until Giotto got up and put his plate in the sink.

"Nice to see you dad, but Tsuna and I have to go to school now!" The grinning blonde gave Iemitsu a quick hug before grabbing Tsuna; in a matter of seconds the two were out the door and on the street.

Iemitsu stared at the retreating figures of his son and Bambi. Or 'Chuna' as his son called him, or was it 'Suna'…? He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, he hadn't really been able to get a good look at Bambi, but something about the boy seemed oddly familiar, and something about the boy's name was nagging him.*

Reborn tilted his hat down and a smirk played on his lips. "If you think too much, you'll hurt yourself."

Iemitsu looked surprised, before chuckling. "I sure missed your remarks, Reborn."

The raven's smirk only widened, "You're obviously not smart enough to know an insult."

Iemitsu grinned good-naturedly, completely forgetting his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Tsuna was being dragged down the street by Giotto. He didn't bother trying to yank his arm out from Giotto's grip, already used to him panicking and rushing to school with Tsuna being dragged right behind.

Giotto grinned back at Tsuna. "I wonder why dad's back, but I hope he stays longer this time!"

Tsuna smiled unsure of how to respond. Giotto's grin widened, taking that for an answer, and turned his attention back to running.

After a short while, Giotto had dropped Tsuna off and continued on his way. Tsuna had no idea why Giotto always insisted on taking him, but he secretly enjoyed the brotherly action.

The brunet walked to his class, purposely avoiding making contact with the younger Hibari. He settled down behind his desk once he entered the classroom.

"Morning, Tsuna!" Yamamoto greeted from next to him.

Tsuna smiled towards his friend, Yamamoto. "Good morning." He greeted back. Gokudera burst into to the classroom, then, and immediately ran to Tsuna's desk.

"Good morning, Bambi-sama!" The silver-haired teen exclaimed bowing fervently.

Tsuna's smile strained at Gokudera's antics; no matter how much he insisted, Gokudera wouldn't call him Tsuna. As long as no one important heard, then he supposed it was all right. "Good morning, Gokudera-kun."

Gokudera grinned back like he had just won first prize. Tsuna watched as he went back to his seat gleefully with girls swooning over him. The female population in this school were an oddity, in every country he had been to, Tsuna had never seen girls actually make a fan club for a boy in their class.

Japan was a strange country.

Tsuna didn't pay much attention when class began, except for when the time for Algebra came. Tsuna and the rest of the slightly normal class thanked their luck when 'Reboyama-sensei' had a substitute.*

Reborn put his expresso down, and he pulled his hat over his eyes. "Are you sure?"

After the kids had left, Iemitsu had explained their findings along with another concern.

The Gesso didn't have it. While this was good as they didn't now have to find a way to snatch the ring back, but this also meant they didn't know who had it. The only other viable suspicions they had, was the Varia, but if that trail ended up dry too….

Iemitsu nodded, "There is no evidence that the Gesso stole the ring, but their sudden increased activity in Namimori is a new concern."

Reborn took a sip of his expresso.

Iemitsu had also told him the Gesso were showing interest in residents. They couldn't be looking for Nana or Giotto, because they already knew where this house was located; the Vongola had made sure the Gesso knew why it was a bad idea to do any harm to their family. So who were they interested in? "What does the Ninth believe the best course of action is?" He asked.

The blonde shook his head, "He says we've already gone beyond our boundaries, it is best to keep watch and wait unless we'll risk upsetting them." He then grinned widely, his hand framing his face in a 'L' shape for extra effect, "That's what I'm here for."

Reborn choose to ignore the blonde's behavior; he could alway shoot Iemitsu after he told him everything.

Byakuran was having a wonderful day. His marshmallows had the perfect balance of moisture to fluffiness ratio, and he was able to trick Zakuro and Kikyo into doing his share of the workload.

He popped another deliciously fluffy, and so very, very perfectly squishy marshmallow into his mouth. He chewed hummed in delight as he chewed and made his way towards Soichi's office. The red-head said he had found a possible identity for this mysterious little 'Tanaka'~.

The smiling man popped another marshmallow into his mouth. 'Tanaka' wouldn't last much longer in this game of hide-and-seek.

Yes, today was truly a wonderful day.

* I'm not sure how many people understand Japanese suffixes, so I'll give a quick run-down (if not late) to avoid any possible confusion. '-san' is generic, pretty much mr., mrs., ms., and is the normal suffix applied to the name of anyone for politeness; used for both genders. '-sama' is used for people of higher status than you, and is the really polite version of '-san'. '-sensei' is used for teachers, mentors, and doctors. '-chan' is a casual form applied to girls (usually), and is for people who are close. '-kun' is like '-chan', but for usually used for boys.

*Random Fact: 'Chūna' or チューナ is one way to say 'tuna' in Japanese. (The other word being 'maguro' or マグロ.)