Olivia's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" I asked while Jonathan led me into the bedroom.

"Just lie down on the bed." He instructed me for the third or fourth time.

"Why?" I questioned again before I did as he asked. This isn't how he would initiate sex so something else had to be going on.

"I want to try something." He answered before pulling out a fetal Doppler.

"Where did you get that?" I questioned. I realized he was asked me to lay down so we could hear the baby's heartbeat.

"I borrowed it from the asylum." He answered as I lifted my shirt up so he could squirt some of that weird goo onto my stomach. I wasn't expecting that answer. Why would Arkham have a fetal Doppler? I debated on asking Jonathan but he had the Doppler turned on and had just placed it on my stomach.

I watched and listened and he glided the wand across my abdomen. It only took a couple of seconds before he found the baby.

"There we are." Jonathan smirked. He looked to me before looking back down at the Doppler. "The baby has a good strong heartbeat."

I had to say this was definitely a perk of being married to a medical doctor. I couldn't help but smile as we listened to the heartbeat.


Time went on as it always does. The ultrasound went well. I loved seeing my baby move around. I also loved having Jonathan there to see our child. Everything looked well and our baby looked healthy and active.

A few more weeks went by and I was now 18 weeks along. Another day of work had just ended and I was working on some dinner while Jonathan was in his office.

I placed the casserole in the oven and had just picked up a cup from the cupboard when I felt a small flutter from my stomach. I jumped slightly and dropped the cup. My hand instinctively moved to my stomach so see if I could feel another flutter. A loud sound was heard as the cup I had been holding shattered on the floor.

"Olivia?" I heard Jonathan call from his office. I felt another flutter and a smile spread across my face. Jonathan appeared from around the corner. He walked up to me, his eyes spotted the hand on my stomach and he quickly walked up to me.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded, grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach.

"The baby," I started "it's moving!"


Jonathan's P.O.V

A couple of weeks passed since Olivia started to feel the baby move. Everything was going smoothly so far and with some luck and proper care they would continue to do so.

"How was your morning?" I asked Olivia as we made our way to my office. We mostly ate lunch at the employee's lounge but I wasn't in the mood to deal with our coworkers at the moment. Olivia and I were getting tired of our coworkers asking random and some rather inappropriate questions about the pregnancy.

"It was good, just busy as usual." She answered. "You?"

"The most exciting thing that's happened today was one of my patients had a manic episode and I had to have the guards strap him down to a chair so I could give him his medication." I replied. It was been a hectic morning and I was ready for an hour break with my wife.

I had just opened the door to my office when Olivia stopped and leaned against the doorframe. Her face was concentrated and her hand moved to her stomach.

"Are you alright?" I asked. She had done this a couple of times before usually when she was feeling the baby move. Olivia nodded, quickly grabbed my hand and put it to her stomach. I hadn't felt the baby move before. It seemed like every time Olivia felt the baby move, he or she would stop moving as soon as I put my hand on her stomach to try to feel him/her move. Needless to say I was surprised when I actually felt a small kick come from my wife's stomach.

"Did you feel that?" Olivia asked. She watched me closely. I nodded as a smile formed on my lips.

"The toxin is almost complete." I told my employer over the phone. "The order can be fulfilled and dispelled within the walls of Arkham. I need a team to compile the amount you are requesting within the time you need it."

"There are plenty of people in Gotham that would be willing to work for the right price. I'll need to send you a larger supply of the rare blue flower as well. Talk with the drug lord Carmine Falcone. I will send you the money to offer him for his services." The man on the other end of the line instructed.

"Alright." I agreed. I needed the supply he had to offer to continue with my experiments. I could handle the scum of Gotham. Plus filling the city with my toxin would cause a mass hysteria. That would prove to be interesting and fascinating.

Once my phone conversation with Mr. Al Ghul ended and I picked up my paperwork for one of my patients. I needed to read through some charts and decide what would be an appropriate course of action for his treatment.

At work I was normally busy enough I could shut out my personal life and even Scarecrow on occasion. Today was different though. Olivia was 20 weeks along in her pregnancy now and we would be finding out the gender of our child the next day. She was anxious to know if we were getting a son or daughter and in all honesty so was I.

It didn't matter if we were getting a boy or girl; my plan for my child would stay the same. Still it would be nice to know.

I worked in my office for a few hours before I decided to make my evening rounds and meet Olivia at the pharmacy. As much as I hated her in the Narrows I did like having her close by, especially with the pregnancy.

"How do you think Olivia will react to spreading the toxin across all of Gotham?" Scarecrow questioned. "Do you think she'll go along with it?"

"She's my wife. She'll do whatever I tell her." I replied. Even at that, Olivia didn't need to know all the details. I would simply tell her the same story Ra's Al Ghul thought I believed. I would tell her we were going to use the toxin to hold the city to ransom.

I didn't believe this story of course. No one would want the amount of toxin Ra's Al Ghul wanted if he didn't intend on using it. I would simply leave out the 'unimportant' details.

"I wish they would just call us back, already." Olivia sighed. One of her hands rested in mine while she tapped the arm of her chair with her other hand.

"Just relax." I instructed. "They'll call us back soon enough."

"These things never start on time do they?" she questioned. I smirked at her. She was right though. Our appointment was supposed to be forty-five minutes ago and just sitting around when we needed to get back to work was highly annoying.

Olivia was about to continue her little rant when her name was called.

"Let's go." I told her before I stood up. I helped her to her feet and we followed the ultrasound tech to the back.

Olivia relaxed on the bed-like bench while I took a seat next to her. After the tech had her prepped she moved the wand across my wife's abdomen and almost immediately we saw our child appear on the screen.

Olivia took my hand as the tech went through and explained all the measurements she was taking.

"Did you want to know the gender?" she asked after she finished measuring the baby's abdomen.

"Yes." Olivia quickly replied.

It wasn't too hard to tell what the gender of the baby was. He was active but he wasn't exactly hiding it. In medical school I had to take a basic obstetrician class and reading ultrasounds was something I had learned how to do.

"He's a boy." I told my wife, I looked down to her. The tech quickly agreed with me. A smile spread across Olivia's lips.

"He looks like a strong, healthy boy." The tech added. Everything on the ultrasound agreed with that statement. I had done a good job at making sure Olivia was healthy during her pregnancy. Twenty more weeks give or take a few and we would have a newborn.

"What do you think of this crib set?" Olivia asked, her hand rested on her barely noticeable baby bump. I inspected the crib as thoroughly as I could. Only the best would be suitable for my son. Between the money I earned from Arkham and Ra's Al Ghul, I wouldn't have to settle for anything less than the best.

"It's a possibility but I'd like to look through all our options." I told her. She nodded as we continued our shopping trip for baby items.

Olivia had been anxious to start baby shopping before we knew what we were having. Now that we knew we were having a boy it was even harder to keep her away from baby shopping websites. It was the weekend and I was finally available to look at cribs, car seats, swings and anything else we deemed our child needed.

"How about you go look at some baby clothes and I'll choose a crib?" I suggested. She was more interested in baby bedding, baby clothes and nursery decor than I was. If we split up we could cover more ground and I wouldn't be stuck choosing baby bedding when I had chosen a crib.

Olivia's P.O.V

I was surprised Jonathan would recommend I go look at baby clothes. I thought we'd choose a crib together but Jonathan seemed to know what he was looking for while I knew nothing about cribs.

"Ok." I nodded. I gave him a quick kiss and made my way over to the clothing section of the store. It was too far away from the cribs so I didn't have far to go. I looked through the mostly blue clothing when I felt a small contraction hit. It didn't last very long so I shrugged it off. A couple minutes later it happened again only it lasted a little longer and was a little harder. I put my hand to my stomach and waited for the braxton hick to finish.

I brushed it aside and continued on with my shopping. It happened a few more times. It wasn't consistent but I was worried now. I didn't remember having this during my previous pregnancy.

I was in the middle of one of these tightening sensations when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned as best I could to see my husband.

"I've gone ahead and ordered a crib I...Liv?" he asked, his face grew concerned. "Are you alright?"

The contraction was tightening instead of releasing like I thought it would. I shook my head.

"Jonathan." I managed to choke out, "Something's wrong."


Author's Note: Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. Life and school has been crazy busy! (I blame it on my Chemistry class.) Thanks to everyone for reading my story. Thanks to those who are following/favoring my story.

Push to Shove: Thanks for the review!

WarriorDragonElf54: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry cliffhangers are something I'm good at. Thanks for the review!

Forgetmenotflowers: Thanks! I'm glad that you love the story so far. I hope you will continue to like it. Thanks for the review!

AlainHotCoco1: Yay for tackle hugs! Lol. I think I updated a little faster with this chapter. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for the review!

ZennyZootSuit: Thanks! I'm glad that you're enjoying the story! Manipulation is definitely part of Jonathan's personality. I hope you'll like where the story is heading. Thanks for the review!

I think I got everyone. I hope I did. Sorry this chapter is so short. Between school, homework and trying to sleep it's the best I could do with the little breaks I have. I will try to have the next chapter out within the week and hopefully it'll be longer! Please leave a review if you have a moment! Constructive criticism is always welcome! Thanks again!-Lin