Author's Note: Yeah... A new KaZe story, I hope u all enjoy it :)

Disclaimer: This idea came to me when I was thinking about a Korean drama series I watched years ago, and as usual... I couldn't resist -_-

Anyway, anything about the 49 days is not true; it's just an old legend that has nothing to do with the reality.

Warnings: Spellings and grammars mistakes.

Summary: He stared down at his own pale sleeping face, Zero Kiryu. His lifeless unmoving body was lying on the hospital white bed, while his broken spirit was standing far away waiting to be noticed. If Kuran was the one who killed him, why was he trying desperately to wake him up?!


Zero shut his eyes tightly while he was running to the woods, why Yuuki has to adore that damn pureblood monster so much?! Damn it!

Stopping and leaning on the tree while he was panting heavily, he lifted his hand to his burning throat, he is nothing but a burden to her, it just like Kuran had said, he is just one of her most worries and fears.

I have to destroy all of her fears.

He gasped when his knees gave out and he sat shakily on the cold grass. He lifted his crimson eyes up to the dark sky.

And that includes me.

He shut his eyes tightly and scratches his pale neck with his clawed fingers, what's happening?! These thoughts ... Are they his own?

He held his Bloody Rose tightly in his shaking fists ... He stared with awe when he lifted his own hand and pointed the gun at his chest...

No! That's not me...!

For her sake...

I have to disappear.

And the sound of a loud gunshot was heard in the field of Cross Academy.


Lavender eyes opened widely all of sudden; he groaned softly and lifted his hand to his own chest. He froze, when he realized there wasn't any pain, he stared with wide shocked eyes at his blooded white shirt, but there wasn't any wound, is he already dead?!

"Zero Kiryu"

He lifted his wide-eyes up, then he noticed the darkness around him, where did that voice has come from?!

His gaze turned wary, he turned around hoping to see any form of light, but there was nothing other than the gravely darkness that surrounds him.

"Do you want to die that badly?"

Clinching his hands to fists, he gritted his teeth "Who are you?! Show yourself!"

He turned his wary narrowed eyes all around him, no matter how he searched, he found nothing!

"Poor child, do you think you are still alive?"

His clinched fists loosened, he shouldn't be surprised, he remembers the gunshot, it doesn't matter if he had done it to himself or he had been manipulated to do it to himself, maybe that pureblood has played with his mind and done it.

His shoulders slumped in defeat, it doesn't matter if it was that bastard's doing or not, he is already dead.

He mumbled with a somber gaze in his lavender pale eyes "I didn't kill myself"

"You didn't cross the line to the afterlife yet, you still have a chance"

He lifted his eyes hopefully at the darkness; he took hold of himself and bit his lower lip, why he wants to live anyway? Wasn't he always wishing he would just die?! Why is he still clinging on the damn life so helplessly?!

Is it because of Yuuki..?

No ... She would be sad but, she has that pureblood she loves so much beside her, she would be just fine.

Then why?

Does he want to continue living like a Level D vampire hunter? He was going to his end anyway, so why he doesn't end it here and now?

To end his suffering existence.


He flinched when he heard the voice that called out for him, it was from afar, so far, but it was there!

'Damn you Zero! Wake up!'

He covered his eyes with his arm when a sudden bright light blinded his vision.

'You can't just die!'

Whose was ... That voice?! It wasn't Yuuki's.

He shut his eyes tightly, he felt himself starting to doze off, before he blacked out completely he heard a low whispers

"If you want to ever wake up, you have to find a person who truly loves you, the only one who will give you a pure true tear"

"49 days, if you didn't have the true tear before that time, you will never wake up, ever"

'49 days'

So be it.


Day 1

Waking up with a gasp, he sat up swiftly to survey the room with his wide-eyes, his sudden movement caused him to lose his balance, and he reached his arm out to lean on something ... Anything!

He cursed loudly when he meets nothing but thin air; he closed his eyes when he fell awkwardly on the hard floor.

"Damn it!" He rubbed his butt and froze when he noticed it wasn't hurting all, his face paled when he remembered the nightmare he had. He lifted his wide eyes to look around him, a relieved sigh escaped his lips when he knew he was in a hospital room, and he had just fallen from the bed.

If they had brought him to the hospital then he must be ok, or at least alive. He shivered slightly when he remembered that nightmare, it was plainly weird!

A small smile graced his lips when he saw the door opening, and the headmaster and Yuuki have entered the room. He swiftly rose on his feet, he never thought he will be happy to see the two of them so much someday, he walked away from the bed to meets them, it's all that stupid nightmare fault.

He stopped walking with a light frown on his face, they didn't seem happy in seeing him awake, how long was he sleeping anyway?

He furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed how their gazes were resting on the bed behind him. He murmured "Headmaster ... Yuuki ..."

Yuuki was walking towards him, but her eyes never met his, her somber gaze was focusing on the bed right behind him. The fear has started to consume him, he yelled at the still walking Yuuki "Yuuki I'm here right in front of you! Stop playing around it's not funny!"

He froze, and his eyes widened in shock when Yuuki has walked right through his body. He turned around slowly, while his mind was trying to register what just has happened. Yuuki didn't just walk through him, did she?!

He stared wide-eyes at the two figures standing next to the bed; he walked slowly to the headmaster who was wiping his tears "Headmaster, I'm here! Can't you see me?!"

"Please, wake up soon, Zero"

He stared shocked at the headmaster; he followed the older man's gaze and froze when he saw the figure that was lying unmoving on the hospital white bed.

The skin that was paler than normal, the short silver hair that was slightly messy, the silver earrings on his ear, it was Him!

He stepped back with wide pale lavender eyes, that wasn't a nightmare, he wasn't dead, but he wasn't alive either.

That explain why they didn't notice him, they aren't able to see him, it's like in the legends and the imaginary stories, he was just a spirit.

A spirit that only have 49 days to find a true tear, from a person who truly loves him. If he didn't, those closed eyelids won't open ever again.

He stepped back till his back meets the wall behind him, his eyes were doll when he kept his gaze rested on the two figures standing in front of him. He isn't stupid; he has no hope at all. The headmaster was crying at the moment, and he could see the tears that run down Yuuki's cheek, if their tears weren't what he is suppose to find, then who else would cry for him?!

He sat slowly on the cold floor, it just a matter of days before he is gone for good. He even doesn't remember he had made his choice to take the chance, no he didn't give that mysterious voice an answer, but maybe ... His heart did, after he heard the voice who was calling out for him.

His blank eyes stared at Yuuki and the headmaster's backs, they shouldn't waste their time here, and they shouldn't bother, because from now on, he is as good as dead.

He heard the headmaster's quiet and hoarse voice "It has been a week already, do you think he is going to wake up, Yuuki?"

An impish smile appeared on his lips when Yuuki hit the old man hard on his back "Of course he will headmaster! You know how stubborn Zero is!" Her teary eyes glanced at his lying body "I hope he will wake up soon, though"

He closed his eyes when he felt the sting of tears, he leaned his head on his knee and mumbled in a shaky voice "I'm sorry Yuuki; I don't think I'm going to make it this time"


Day 2

Zero stared with sorrowful gaze at Yuuki's back, she was sitting quietly on a chair next the bed, and she had brought a picture for them with her and put it on the nightstand next to his bed.

As for the nightstand, the old man had brought it, and he also felled the room with stupid bright flowers.

"You have to wake up Zero, please" Yuuki's voice was quiet but he was able to hear it clearly "I don't understand what happened..." Her voice was shaking when she continued "Kaname-sinpai said you didn't shoot yourself, he told me is going to find who was responsible for this"

He snorted at the last statement, there is no one responsible for this but Kuran. Apparently he thought he wasn't useful anymore, thus he decided to move him from his way.

He doesn't want to leave Yuuki on her own, but he knows Kuran won't harm her, if anything, he might have killed Zero just protect Yuuki. His thirst has become dangerous, and maybe Kuran doesn't want to give him his blood anymore.

The pureblood has offered his own blood instead of Yuuki's, whenever he was suffering from his thirst the bastard always finds him. He was demanding him to drink, and he never hesitated to use any violence at the matter.

He shifted slightly on his position on the floor, he didn't move from yesterday, spirits don't sleep, and they don't get tired.

He frowned lightly when a thought crossed his mind; Yuuki loves him like a brother, that's why her tears didn't affect him. That means he must find someone who loves him romantically, he chuckled to himself when a face of a certain day class girl with glasses popped into his mind, the girl might likes him, but she definitely wasn't in love with him. Hell, if she was, he won't be stuck here until this time.


Day 3

Still sitting calmly on his position on the floor, he lifted his blank gaze to the window above his head. He stared at the dark sky outside, those twinkle stars, so far away, had there not been happiness for him very long ago?

Even in his dying, he has to suffer. Full two days have left, and the third is on their steps. He hates waiting; he always hated waiting things, and now for him to wait for his inventible death to come ... It's suffocating him.

Why he was given a chance anyway? Oh yeah ... An extra suffering.

He flinched when he heard the door opening then closing softly, could it possibly be a nurse?

His eyes widened and he rose swiftly to his feet, a nurse won't wear a black shirt and black pants. Of course, who else comes in the night other the night creature, vampire, or to be exact ... Pureblood.

He glared hatefully at the dark figure that was walking gracefully towards the bed. Why is he even here? Did he come to finish him off?!

He clinched his fists tightly, now he can see Kuran's features clearly from the moonlight that was entering through the window.

Kuran was standing quietly on the other side of the bed; he was looking down at his sleeping body with indifferent eyes.

He walked towards the bed and stood facing Kuran with the bed between them, he hissed even if he knows the other won't be able to hear him "Happy now? Seeing me at this state makes you pleased?! Or you want me to suffer more than this?!"

He blinked the tears away from his eyes; he lifted his shaking hand to wipe the tears that ran down his cheek with the back of his palm. Why he felt all these emotions when he saw this bastard? He was fine before he came here.

He watched Kuran's indifferent features for a moment, lowering his shoulders helplessly, he said in a slightly shuddered voice "If you came here to finish what you started, just do it already"


He flinched when he heard that deep calm voice, he stared wide eyes when Kuran lifted his hand and brushed his silver bangs gently away from his pale sleeping face.

He returned his shocked gaze to Kuran's still blank face, is he ... Dreaming?!

His wide lavender eyes watched without blinking, when Kuran bit his wrist and drown his own blood, before he leaned on the bed and covered his lips with Zero's pale and slightly cold lips gently.

He gasped in shock when his mind registered what was happening in front of him, Kuran was giving him his precious blood, while using this intimate way!

Just what's this pureblood is thinking?!

He felt his hands turned cold when the realization hit him, Kuran wasn't the one who killed him, and right now ... He was trying to help him, he was trying to wake him up.

He wasn't aware of the lonely tear that ran down his cheek; he watched silently when Kuran finely moved away from his lips with a deep frown on his beautiful face.

He chocked "I'm not going to wake up, Kuran" an impish smile appeared on his pale lips, when he continued "But ... Thank you"


AN: I used 'Killed' instead of 'Tried to kill' because Zero thinks he was dead and he will never wake up.