Last chapter peoples! Woohoo and boohoo! I dont understand y I just said that... Enjoy!
No One's POV
When Rein woke up again, she realized that the vehicle had just started descending from the sky. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. Then she looked at the others to see that most of them were still asleep. "Oh, Rein you're awake." Lione said as she looked over the seat in front of her. Rein saw her hand suddenly cover her face but was too tired to ask.
"Yeah. What time is it?" Rein asked drowsily.
"It's around four in the morning." she replied. Her hand still covered her mouth.
"We still have about an hour till we land too." Auler said popping up next to Lione. Rein saw a smile flash across his face.
"What?" she asked. Lione finally removed her hand which revealed a restrained smile. She pointed somewhere near her but Rein was still to confused to notice. Even Auler had started pointing as well. Rein tried to shift her body to see what they were pointing at when she realized something was laying on her shoulder. "Eh?"
Rein turned her head to her shoulder and noticed the purple hair first. SH...SHADE! she thought as her mouth dropped. Auler and Lione had fallen back behind the seat by then. W-WHY?! She started panicking on the inside of her head. WHY IS HE SITTING NEXT TO ME?! IT MAKES NO SENSE?! She started fidgeting around uncomfortably, forgetting that Shade was sitting next to her.
"Hn? Rein? I thought you were asleep." Shade said with a yawn. He sat up and pushed his hand against his head. "Ugh. I just need 5 more... minutes." Shade said as he fell sideways. His head resting right on Rein's lap.
"How mean Rein. Stealing Fine's BF after they just got together recently." Lione said she saw her head pop up again.
"Well it's not my fault!" Rein silently screamed. She just giggled.
"Don't worry, I won't Fine about this." Lione said as she slid back into her chair.
"BUT!" But she had already stopped listening to her after she fell sat back in her chair. Rein grumbled and sighed as she watched Shade's sleeping face. Unconsciously, she started petting his head careful not to wake him up. She started talking to him, knowing she wouldn't hear him.
"Hey Shade." she whispered. "About the confession, you can just forget about it. It only gets in the way of the relationship you have with Fine. But in the end I hope we can still be friends, Shade." she whispered as she closed her eyes, falling asleep again. Once Rein had fallen completely asleep, Shade opened his eyes slightly and looked up at Rein. He lifted his hand and placed it against her cheek. Then slowly brought it back down to his side.
"Man! That was a long ride!" Fine said as she stretched and jumped out of the vehicle. Rein, Shade and Bright followed her off, Rein staying a certain distance away from Shade.
"Why are the others staying on?" Rein asked Bright since she didn't want to talk to Shade.
"They still need to be dropped off at their own houses. The vehicle is still on auto-pilot so they'll stop at their homes." Bright stated. They watched as the vehicle flew off into the sky, the ones who were awake waving good-bye to them. Once the vehicle was too far away, they all stood there in awkward silence. Rein noticed Shade start walking towards Fine and her and started back away.
"Ok then! That was a fun trip! I'm glad we went there but I still feel very tired and it's very early in the morning so dangerous things can actually happen, ya know? So bye!" she said rapidly as she ran off towards her house. Rein just didn't want to see Shade and Fine together again.
"What happened to her?" Fine asked as she watched her twin run off in the distance. Bright lifted his hands in an 'I don't know' gesture. But Shade's face seemed to show that he knew what was wrong.
"Well, we should start heading home. It's too early to be doing things right now." Shade said. "I'll walk you home, Fine." There was a small edge to his voice but Fine and Bright never noticed it.
"Ok! Bye Bright! See you later!" Fine said as she walked next to Shade. He started walking Fine home, and once Fine entered her house, Shade leaned against their door.
"What am I doing..." Shade said as he looked up at the sky.
After about two weeks had past, Shade had come over to visit again. "Hm? Shade, why do you keep on visiting?" Fine asked as she opened the door.
"I wanted to ask if you and Rein would like to go out for some ice cream or something." Shade said as he leaned against the door frame.
"Oh, if it's about Rein then she said she didn't want to talk to you but she never gave me a reason." Fine said. "But the both of us could still go together! It'll be our second date!" (Yes they still never went on their second date yet.) Fine shouted happily.
Shade sighed, "Ok, come on." But Shade offered no indication of it being a date.
Rein watched sadly from the window of her room as Fine and Shade walked side by side. Then she closed her curtains and sat against the wall. She felt the urge to go after him but fought against it. Suddenly there was a knock on her door and she went down wondering who it was.
"Yes?" Rein said as she opened the door to see Bright.
"Good morning Rein." he said happily. I eyed him suspiciously.
"Good morning Bright." she replied normally. "What are you here for?"
"I came to ask if you could come get ice cream with me. You know, just as friends." Bright said. Rein stared at him for a second, deciding what to do. I need to do something to forget about Fine and Shade anyways. she thought.
"Alright. Beats sitting in a house alone all day." Rein said. She followed him towards an ice cream place. The walk was long, but it wasn't boring. They chatted along the way about some random stuff. They finally reached an ice cream place near a mall.
"I'll have Cookies & Cream please." Rein said. She watched as the lady scooped up the ice cream in the cookies & cream container and turn it into a perfectly rounded ball, then place it into a cup. Then she handed it to Rein. Bright ordered next.
"I'll have Chocolate please." Bright said. He waited for his cup and once he received it, they both took a seat somewhere in the ice cream shop.
There was a short silence as both of them ate their ice cream. "Bright, why did you ask to go out anyways?" Rein asked curiously.
"Well, I thought that Fine, you, Shade, and I could have all gone out together. But I saw Shade with Fine so I just decided to ask you alone." Bright said with a casual smile. I'm at least glad you called me your second choice in a nice way Bright... Rein thought.
"I'm just glad that I got to get out of the house." Rein sighed as she placed down her ice cream. "I'll be right back. I need to get a cap for my ice cream." Rein then got up and headed towards the counter. "Can I get a cap for my ice cream please?" she asked.
"Wait one sec." the counter lady said. So Rein did as she was told and waited. When the counter lady got back, she handed her the cap and Rein thanked her. She started walking back to Bright when she saw something appear out of the corner of her eye. She dropped her stuff when she was halfway from the table Bright. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Shade and Fine past the ice cream shop.
"Rein, what's wrong?" Bright asked as he walked over to her. But she ignored him and did a dash for the door. She tried to fight the urge to chase after Shade but Rein couldn't seem to fight it off this time. So instead, she shoved her way through the crowd until she finally reached Shade. She grabbed his shirt before he took one step any farther.
"Shade!" Rein shouted behind him. He turned around and looked at her, Fine doing that too when she felt a small tug backwards.
"Rein?!" Shade said. Rein finally realized what she did and let go of his shirt.
"Oh um, I just came to say hi and that was all! See you!" Rein said as she suddenly ran off again. The clouds in the sky seemed to grow darker, indicating that it will rain soon.
Shade looked eagerly back and forth between Fine and Rein. Suddenly Fine grabbed his wrist. "Shade, I know I'm not the brightest girl you have I have known for a long time now. So run after her. I know you want to." Fine said as she let go of his shirt. Shade got ready to run, but flashed Fine and apologetic smile. Then he started running after Rein.
"Wait Rein!" Shade called out, but Rein kept on running anyways. "Rein! Wait!" Shade called out again. The rain started falling out of the sky as a light a drizzle. But as Shade continuously chased Rein, the rain started falling harder. So as they ran, Rein suddenly slipped and fell a few feet in front of Shade. "Rein, are you okay?" Shade said as he ran up to her.
She gave a slight nod, her head facing the ground. Shade helped her stand but her eyes didn't waver off the ground. "Rein, answer me. Why have you been avoiding me these past weeks?" She didn't answer. "Rein, look at me." Shade said again. Still no response. Shade, irritated by her emotionless response, grabbed the side of her face and lifted it up to face his. He noticed the small tears in her eyes. "Rein, answer my question. Why have you been avoiding me?" Shade said.
Rein's eyes wandered off of Shade back to the floor. "I just didn't want to be a burden on your relationship." Rein said. "I thought it was best that you forget about my confession." Rein said. Shade seemed even more irritated about this.
"How can you expect me to forget about your confession if I can't even get you out of my head!" Shade shouted making sure she could here it though the sound of the Rein. Rein's eyes lightened up, the rain falling harder on her face.
"After reading your confession, no, after you hanging out with some other guy, you were all I could ever think about. I got jealous because of how much you seemed to trust Toma. I got worried about you when I heard about your past. I always thought about how miserable my life would have been if I could have never seen your smile ever again. Everything, every thought, was about you." Shade stated firmly as he stared directly into her eyes. "Do you really think that I would say I would never leave your side again without loving you?" Shade asked as the rain dripped off their faces and onto the floor.
Then he suddenly bent down low enough so that he could pull Rein's face to his, giving her a kiss. This sudden gesture shocked Rein, but she accepted it and brought her hand up to Shade's hand and held it there. You always seem to know how to capture my heart, Shade. 3
WOOO! It's finally done! I didnt know how to set things up in the story so part of it is partially messed up and the ending I had problems figuring out so its not the best. I probably could hav done a better ending though Review plz! And I hope u enjoyed this story. I hav a bunch of other stories I need to update though... *sighs curses having so many stories