Once I fully recover...

I meet Yukari on my way to school, just before the school gates.
"Morning. Ikutski-san wants to talk to you today. After school come to the 4th floor."
"Don't stalk me there, okay?"
Yukari gave me the bird and walked off.

After school

I head back to the dorm, making sure Yukari doesn't stalk me on my way there, and find the other dorm mates on the fourth floor.
"Find the computer room!" Vector the Crocodile shouts at me most annoyingly.
"Yes, I'm onto that."
"Find the computer room!" He repeats.
"Yes, give me some goddamn time!"
"Find the compu-"
I shove a computer in his mouth. "Found it."
Yukari is waiting for me outside the control room.
"Oh, there you are!"
"Were you sta-"
"Jesus christ, get over it!"
We proceed to enter the control room. Ikutski, Mitsuru and Akihiko are already seated.
"Ah, there you are. I'm glad that you're okay. The reason I asked you here is because I needed to talk to you." Ikutski explained to me upon arrival. "Please, have a seat."
"The floor's fine for me."
"Please, just sit! I reserved a seat for you and everything!"
I let out a frustrated sigh and sit against my will.
"Okay, let me start off by asking you this... Would you believe me if I said that a day consists of more than 24 hours?"
"Ooh, you're asking for it! I'll spend all of tomorrow counting the time and prove you wrong!" I got up from my seat and angrily shook my fist at Ikutski.
"Don't worry, there's no need to."
"You're reverse psychology won't work on me!"
"Minato, just sit down!" Yukari ordered me.
"This is the worst meeting ever!" I complain in a childish manner.
"Do you remember the night you came here? You had to have noticed the signs... The streetlights went out... Nothing was working... There were coffins everywhere... Didn't it feel like you were in a different time...? That's the Dark Hour-a time period hidden between one day and the next." Mitsuru told me of the Dark Hour.
"So it's like the Octember eclipse*?" I compare.
"Normal people don't realize it, since they're all sleeping inside their coffins. But, that's not what makes the Dark Hour so interesting. ...You saw those creatures. We call them Shadows. They only appear during the Dark Hour, and attack anyone not in a coffin." Akihiko suddenly got up from his seat mid-sentence and swung his arm. "It's our job to defeat them. ...Sounds exciting, huh?"
"Akihiko! Why are you always like that? You got hurt the other day!" Mitsuru scolded Akihiko for his bad decisions.
"Now, now. He does his job well."

Akihiko sat back down, questioning why he got up just then, other than to swing his arm. "Long story short, we're the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad – S.E.E.S for short." Ikutski told me the name of the party.
"Uh… S.E.E.S?"
"Yeah, well it's better than the first idea we had for a name… Specialized Heroic Immediate Terminators."
"Ah, you mean…"
Mitsuru got up and opened up the briefcase on the table. Inside was a gun. "What he's trying to say is, we'd like you to join us. We've prepared an Evoker for you. We'd like you to lend us your strength."
"It depends. What's my salary?"
"What, you mean like a job? You don't get paid."
"Then screw you."
"Please, we need your help."
"And I need your money! But if I can't have that, neither sides are happy! Good day, sir! Hmph!" I storm out of the room.
Just as I'm about to make my way downstairs, Mitsuru and Akihiko sneak up behind me and pull a potato sack over my head. The next thing I know, I'm back in the control room, this time tied up to a chair.
"Wait, so this has escalated into a kidnapping?!"
I get slapped on the face. "If you join S.H.I—I mean, S.E.E.S, we'll pay you…. 500 yen." Ikutski had said 500 yen in his hand.
"Hm… you drive a hard bargain…" I snatched the yen. "Okay!"
"Well that turned a bit messy in the end, but it all turned out for the best." Ikutski concluded. Suddenly, a voice ringed inside my head. Before my vision appeared a card. "What the hell is going on?" I ask out loud.
Thou shalt have our blessing when thou choosest to create a Persona of the Fool Arcana…
"What do you mean? What's the Fool Acarna? I didn't choose anything! Answer me!" Little do I know everyone in the room is staring at me.
"You know, he says he doesn't do drugs but… I beg to differ."

Later That Night

I was dreaming up more stupid jokes for this abridged series when suddenly I'm awoken by somebody's presence. I look to the side of me to see that kid in pyjamas from the night I first entered the dorm.
"Any doubt that you're an absoloute creep have been put to rest." I greet him.
"Yes, I know. And I'll come into your room for many more nights to come. But tonight, I wanted to tell you that soon the end will come."
"What, the end of the world?"
"Jup. I remembered, so I thought I'd tell you."
"Good, my life got really fucked up ever since I got here, and now you're gonna come into my room at night all the time. Hell, now I'm gonna be sitting around waiting for the world to end!"
"Really? If you say so... Honestly, I can't tell you much about it yet."

Dawn of the Final Day

24 Hours Remain

"Oh, looks like you've awakened to your power... And an unusual power it is. A power that takes many forms, yet is bound by none... It may prove to be your salvation, depending on where you end up." He told me.
"What you talkin' bout, Pharos?" I reply.
"Who the hell is Pharos?"
"That's just what I'm gonna call you. Like a pet."
Pharos used Chaos Control to reappear at a different spot in the room. "Do you remember when we first met? I expect you to honor your commitment."
"I can't honor being dragged into fighting some fucking creatures that turn people into coffins, let me tell you that much." I act more and more rude as the conversation goes on.
"Remember, I'll always be watching you, even if you forget me. Okay then, see you later..."
"Sadly, I can't forget you no matter how hard I try."

The next day, after school...

After school I decide to play Persona 3 in my room. Yukari opens the door to talk to me.
"Minato, can you come downstairs for something?" She asked me.
"Whatever." I pause the game.
"Uhh, wait a minute... What game were you playing just then?"
"What, this one? It's Persona 3."
"Exactly. That's what worries me."
"I know, video games rot your brain, but I don't care."
"No, it's that you're pretty much playing the game in the same univserse as ours. You're playing Persona 3 in an abridged series about Persona 3!" She explained the big issue.
"Oh my god, I can play whatever damn game I want. I'm pretty sure you're the only one who cares."

Once we get downstairs...

"Yeah, you just don't do that sort of thing, Minato." Akihiko agreed with Yukari.
"Looks like it's two against one." Yukari told me.
"What kind of stupid fucking rule is it that I'm not allowed to play the same game this is an abridges series of? Ask Junpei, he won't give a shit!" I've lost my temper.
"Speaking of Junpei, he's gonna be staying with us in the dorm from now on." Akihiko announced.
"What do you mean he's staying with us?!" Yukari panicked.
"Hey, hurry up." Akihiko called out to the other side of the door.
"Hold your horses. This is freaking heavy." Sure enough, Junpei came through the door.
"That's it, this is where I cross the line." Yukari got her Evoker and held it up to her mouth. "That's right, they're for Personas. God dammit."
Hmm... Maybe I'm off the hook now. I thought to myself.
"I bumped into him the other night. He has the potential, but he just awoke to it recently. I told him about us, and he agreed to help."
"You have the potential? For real?! This is gonna be a very long journey, I can just tell."
"Well, enough with the introductions. I think we're about ready..."
"Ooh, we're gonna do something? Sweetness!"
"With this many people, we can finally start exploring that place..."
"You mean... Tartarus?"
"Tartarus? What's that? Sounds like toothpaste."
"Yes Junpei, we're exploring toothpaste. Now go get your ears cleaned!"
"And by the way... Just a moment ago, Minato here was playing Persona 3, in an abridged series about Persona 3." Akihko informed Junpei, because they totally have to let everyone in Iwatodi know.
"Woah! Why the hell would you do that?!"
"I can't take it anymore!" I put my Evoker up to the side of my face. Then, I throw it away and grab a real handgun that was just conveniantlly (or inconveniantlly, depending on your thoughts about suicide) lying around.


"Sweetness!" Junpei commented.

Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey.
One is always aware that it lies in wait.
Though life is merely a journey to the grave, it must not be undertaken without - Y'know what? Screw this onslaught of Game Over jokes. This is, what, the third, fourth time we've done it in just four chapters? It's getting really stale! I just won't bother with the speech next time!

"Well in that case..." Akihiko told me, seeing as I just got resurrected for no real reason. "...Stop dying, dickhead."
"No." I refuse.

*The eclipse that appears on the 31st of October every year, and looking at it will take you to Octember, the month hidden between the 31st of October and the 1st of November.