Yep, this is the last chapter.
I want to say thank you for all of you readres who stuck with my story all the way until the end. It really means a lot to me - and all of your reviews brightened up my day.
Also, it has been brought to my attention that I have yet to do the disclamer...
Broccolio: Maka, can you please do the disclaimer?
Maka: No.
Broccolio: Why not?
Maka: Because I hate you.
Broccolio: How... How could you say such a thing to me?! *goes into corner and cries*
Black Star: Ha, serves you right! I mean you did kill Soul. YAHOO!
Broccolio: *comes out of corner* Fine then, I'll just get Kid to do it. Kid-
Death the Kid: No, not to so done as asymmetrical as you!
Patty: It's ok Broccolio! My big sis can do the disclaimer!
Liz: Ok... Fine.
Tsubaki: How nice of you Liz!
Liz: Broccolio does not nor ever will own Soul Eater or any of the characters except the ones she made up.
Chapter 23 Last Chapter!
*1 day after the fight with Kilkay and Kayto*
Maka walked through the doors of the Death Room only to meet up with
her father and Lord Death.
"Oh Maka! I'm so glad your ok!" Spirit said as he hugged his daughter.
However, all she did was push him away.
"How can you be so cheerful when..." Maka was unable to finish her
sentence when she broke into tears.
"I'm very sorry for your loss Maka. Soul's death will be very hard on
all of us," Lord Death said compassionately.
But upon hearing the word death, Maka cried harder. She didn't want to
accept the fact he was gone. They had been through so much together and
he was always protecting her. He would always put his life on the line
to keep her alive - and in the end, he died because of that.
"Listen Maka, if it makes you feel any better, we are going to hold a
big funeral for Soul in two or three days." Lord Death said.
"How would that make me feel any better?!" Maka said between sobs as
she ran out of the death room. Pushing her father out of the way in the process.
Once maka was gone, Spirit leaned against the wall and said to Lord Death, "Personally, I think it's better for maka the little octopus head is out of her life."
"Reaper Chop!" Lord Death said while hitting spirit up side the head
harder than usual.
"Ow! What the heck was that for?!" Spirit yelled.
"After all your daughter' s been through - your happy that she lost her
best friend?!" Lord Death said quite angry.
"Well, what can I say" Spirit said calmly.
"Just shut up spirit before reaper chop you so hard you actually die!"
Lord Death said.
"Whoa, don't get all violent!" Spirit said a little intimidated.
*With Maka in the DWMA*
"Maka! I'm so sorry about soul! If you don't mind - I prepared a speech
for him and so has Black Star for the funeral. And I'm pretty sure Kid, Liz, and Patty are working on one all together." Tsubaki said kindly.
"That's very kind of all of you. And I'm happy you guys are all ok from
the fight." Maka said putting a fake smile on her face.
Once Maka walked off Tsubaki walked over to Black Star and said, "You
know, I think maka is feeling a little better."
"Why would you say that?" Black Star asked.
"Because, today she was smiling!" Tsubaki said happily.
"I thought you were smarter than that Tsubaki... If losing Soul was
hard on me - then it must have crushed Maka," Black Star said
"I figured that was the case. I just wish she would smile without
hiding something. Like things could go back to the way they were. But,
since they won't - you have to write a heart felt letter for the
funeral." Tsubaki said.
"What?! I have to write some depressing speech for my best friend's
funeral?! I doubt Soul would want that from me," Black Star stated.
"Actually, I want you to write something happy. You know, so we can
lift everyone's spirit up!" Tsubaki said.
"Alright, I'll try..." Black Star said.
*with Kid, Liz, and Patty*
"Ok! We finished the speech!" Kid said happily.
"More like you finished the speech." Liz said calmly.
"Yeah, apparently we aren't symmetrical enough to help." Patty said.
"Well, there are no worries. Cause I made it eight sentences with eight
words in those sentences." Kid said happily.
"Don't you think that's too much?I doubt Maka wants an overly
symmetrical speech." Liz asked.
"Nonsense! How could you even think that? Everyone likes things to be
symmetrical!" Kid replied shocked.
"Can I read it to everyone?" Patty asked.
"No I am. You will stand in the back and agree with what I wrote." Kid
"Aww," Patty said.
"Whatever," Liz said.
*At the funeral*
"We are all going to miss the weapon, Soul 'Eater' Evans. He was a very
good partner for Maka and would do anything for her. Though the two of
them fought a lot, you could tell they were best friends. So as his
friend - I can say I will miss him greatly." Tsubaki said as she
started off with the speeches.
Black Star took the stage next. "I don't think it's fair! I spend my
entire life trying to be number one and be better then the gods - but then
Soul goes and joins the gods up in the heavens! How am I supposed to beat
the coolest person ever? Soul was my best friend and I know wherever he
is - he will always be watching over Maka. I hope wherever he is - that
Soul thinks its "cool" enough for him!"
When Black Star sat down - Kid, Liz, and Patty took the stage. "We all know Soul was a
great weapon. He managed to stay cool, even though unsymmetrical.
Wherever he is now - he will watch over Maka. Soul always cared for
Maka, no matter what. He better become symmetrical wherever he is now.
He will be on Maka's mind forever. We will all miss him so very much.
Soul Eater will always be in out hearts."
"We loved Souk and are going to miss him. We are really sorry for you
Maka." Liz said at the end of Kid's speech.
Kid fainted upon Liz speaking.
"Oh great... I made him faint..." Liz said.
"Well, that's what happens when you make Kid's perfectly symmetrical
speech, unsymmetrical by adding in the last part." Patty said as she
and Liz carried Kid back to their seat.
Finally, Maka walked up on stage. "Soul was more than just a weapon, he
was my roommate, classmate, and my best friend. Even though he was
incredibly stubborn and hard to get through to - he cared. He cared
about all of his friends. He was the only person I fully opened up to -
so losing him was extremely hard. I am going to miss him greatly as I
know all of you are as well. I wanted..." Maka began to tear up before
she could finish.
Tsubaki ran up to her and tried to console her, but maka pushed her
away and ran off.
*that night*
Maka left the apartment cause it felt to empty without Soul. Once
outside she saw Soul's motor cycle. As much as she hated the thing - she
got on it and drove off. Soon enough she came to a field.
She jumped off of the bike and walked onto the soft grass.
Maka looked up at the stars and yelled at them. "You idiot, Soul! Why?
Why did you have to leave me?"
She soon started crying again as she sat down in the grass and put her
head between her knees.
"Tell me Soul... How am I supposed to get stronger when the reason I
had wanted to is gone? Were you not strong enough?! Why Soul! You...
You jerk!" Maka said in between sobs.
"Why did you have to die for me? I love you soul - and I always will.
But your gone now! How do I get stronger when the only thing that
mattered to me is dead. It's all my fault. I'm sorry..."
That concludes my first fanfiction!
I'm sorry for it being so sad - I hadn't planned it like that...
Once again, thank you all for sticking with my story.
Let me know if you want a sequel to this story or not. :)
Please review one last time!
For the last time on this story,