Chapter 56 :
Epilogue :
Ten years passed since Amanda gave birth to Serena and Liliane. Only a few days after giving birth, Amanda was released from the hospital and remained on maternity leave for eight weeks before finally going back to work. During their maternity leaves both Amanda and Olivia spent a fair amount of time reflecting on their new lives and responsibilities and agreed that extending their family required making some adjustments and compromises. So, Amanda decided to ask to be transferred to the computer crime units where her computer skills and experience with sex crimes were greatly appreciated and Olivia, upon Munch retirement, decided to take the Sergent exam, which she passed with flying colours. Because those two new positions required less time in the fields, the two women were able to find the perfect balance between helping those in needs and spending time with their children without neglecting one or the other, and they even got to work together whenever Amanda and her team found themselves investigating cyber crimes involving young children.
Although Amanda immediately settled into her new position and hit it off with her new team right away, Olivia found herself missing the field work and often felt that spending hours talking to the press or filling up paper work wasn't exactly the best way to help victims. Thankfully, from time to time, she still manages to set her administrative duties aside to take a more prominent part in the investigations, by spending time with victims to help them through their testimony or sometimes even through trial. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how boring her new position sometimes feels, there is nothing that could make her regret her decision, not when it allows her to be home every night for dinner or go on romantic week ends with her beautiful wife.
Now, after ten years of marriage, Olivia and Amanda are as in love as they were when they started dating if not more.
"What do you think is this big news he wanted to tell us about?" Sitting on the edge on her seat, Amanda can't help but wonder why Calvin called a family meeting, on a Wednesday night non the less. Ever since Calvin came to live with them, Amanda took it upon herself to be as caring, loving and supportive with him as she is with the twins and even if adjusting to having two little sisters brought its lot of challenges, Calvin became is full member of the Rollins-Benson clan.
"I don't know. Maybe he got promoted. Alex told me he did exceptionally well during his last trial." Olivia replies, as she gently snakes her arm around her wife's shoulder. Around them are Serena and Liliane who are now almost ten years old, Adele who decided to move to New York a few years back to be closer to her family and implant the family business there, Dorothy who is still living in New-York and who even got remarried to a Veterinarian she met when the family dog got run over by a drunk driver a couple of years back.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Calvin suddenly says as he steps into the living room, a large tray full in his hands. He's now twenty-five years old and after graduating with honours from Colombia law school, specialising in family law just last year, he got hired by a charitable foundation that advocates for battered women or abused children and helps them fight their abusers in court and rebuild their lives.
"It's my fault, I must say I'm slightly nervous." Standing right besides Calvin is Laura, his girlfriend of two years who he met during law school.
"Don't be, well, unless you did something illegal or to hurt Calvin, in which case I'd have to either arrest you or break your legs." Olivia says, laughing, knowing just how nervous Laura is around her, even after two years. When Calvin first introduced Laura to the family, Olivia could not understand what he could see in her, especially since she studied corporate law and seemed to have little in common with him. Thankfully, with time, Olivia started to get to know her better and see just how compassionate, funny and smart the young woman was. Now, despite believing that no woman could ever be good enough for her son, Olivia considers Laura as a full member of her family.
"Ma! Damn it. You know she's kidding right?" Sending the most disapproving look to Olivia, Calvin quickly reaches out to his beautiful girlfriend, snaking his arm around her knowing just how terrified the brunette can be.
"Damn, can you imagine what's gonna happen when we start bringing our dates home?" Liliane says, as she starts to picture Olivia and Amanda questioning her and her sister's potential boyfriends.
"Don't worry about what Ma is gonna say or do to your boyfriends if they ever hurt you because it will be nothing to what I'll do to them. No guy will ever get away after hurting my little sisters." Calvin, even though he started college when the twins were only two, was always and still remains the perfect big brother, caring, supportive, present when ever they needed a confident. Actually, while most of his classmates were more than delighted to live in dorms away from their parents and enjoy every single minute of their newly found freedom, Calvin chose to remain at the family house until he and Laura moved in together a year ago, even though it meant driving to school every day, sometimes during rush hour.
"Why do you assume that we're going bring boys home? Liliane did use the word dates, not boys." And here comes Serena, the most rebel of the pair, who takes pleasure in challenging her parents' authority just for the thrill of contradicting them and see how far she can push them.
"Nice attempt to pull the cover to you Serena. Laura, please, continue, I'll deal with my daughter's rebellion later." Narrowing her eye brows as she looks at Serena, Olivia can't help but seeing herself in her daughter. Serena, on top of being rebellious, is also extremely passionate, loyal and possesses a profound intolerance for injustice, which lead her to often step up whenever children were bullied in school. Liliane on the other hand, is much calmer, she always considers the pros and cons before making any important decision, she's very studious and while Serena enjoys spending her free time running or playing basket ball with Olivia, she prefers reading and sharing her opinions with her Amanda, in one word, they couldn't be more different and yet nothing ever seems to sever the natural bond that was created in utero.
"Well... Laura and I were celebrating our two year anniversary last night and I proposed to her but you already knew that since you all helped me to pick up the ring..." Standing in front of his entire family, feeling like a complete idiot, Calvin can barely find his words. Despite knowing how happy they all are that he finally decided to pop the question, there's something else Laura and him need to announce and he has a strong feeling that they, especially Olivia might not be completely happy about it.
"Well, she said yes, right?" Looking at Calvin's face turning strangely pale, Amanda is starting to wonder if Laura didn't turn him down.
"Yes, of course I said yes, but there's something else you need to know. Yesterday, only a few hours before Calvin proposed, I found out that I was pregnant. We're having a baby." Shrugging her shoulders as she finally lets the words slip through her teeth, Laura squeezes Calvin's hand as hard as she can, her mouth is dry, her heart is hammering her chest and her head is pounding and that's not one of the effect of her pregnancy, she's terrified of Olivia and Amanda's reaction.
"OH MY GOD! That's a terrific news, congratulations!" Bouncing off the couch, Amanda immediately rushes towards the young couple and pulls them into a warm embrace.
"Thank you mom, ma, aren't you happy for us?" Amanda's support was never Calvin's main concern because of his two parents, she's always the one encouraging him to explore and enjoy life, to stop being so serious. Olivia, on the other hand, always pushes him to study and work hard, even if it means neglecting his social life. Thankfully, Olivia's rather severe education never bothered Calvin because he knows that all the she wants is for him to succeed, because she loves him. Sadly, announcing Laura's pregnancy just a few months after they both stepped into adulthood by finding their first job, is something he fears Olivia might not approve of.
"I'm definitely too young to be a grand mother but you my son, aren't too young to be a father and you Laura will make a wonderful mother." Son, that's how Olivia and Amanda finally got to call Calvin, ever since they adopted him nine years ago. When Olivia first told Calvin that she and Amanda wanted to adopt him, just after the twins were born, Calvin was in shock, completely overwhelmed and also incredibly torn between his desire to be a part of this family and his love for his biological mother. For the following year, Calvin weighted the pros and cons, over and over, until one day he finally came to realize that, just like Olivia explained, becoming a Benson wouldn't erase his mother from his life or his heart and a few months later, things were made official. Sadly, Calvin never heard from his mother and to this day he still wonders if she's dead or alive but he's determined to live his life without torturing himself over it, now that he's going to be a father, he determined to look towards the future, not cry over the past.
"Oh thank God, I thought you were gonna tell us that we're too young, that we just started working and that it's ludicrous to even consider raising a child with the hour we both work." Calvin replies, relieved that he won't have to justify his desire to keep this child.
"Yes, you're young but you're both very mature and you got a good job, so you'll be able to provide for this child and besides, your mother and I will always be there to babysit or do what ever grand parents are supposed to do. We love you." Her arms snaked around Calvin and Laura, Olivia is barely able to hold her tears. When she met Amanda at the age of 43, she had given of hope of meeting that special someone, that would make her forget her past and help her work through her deepest fears and most importantly she had given up the idea of having a child. Now, twelve years later, she's surrounded by those three smart, passionate, caring children she'd give her life for in a heart beat and this gorgeous woman who agreed to married her ten years ago. Despite all the darkness, pain and suffering she put her through during the first few months of their relationship, Amanda never gave up on her and she continues to amaze with by her humour, her tenderness, her passion every single time they make love and with that incredible ability she has to make her heart jump every single time she steps foot into a room, or her jaw drop every single time she undresses in front of her. Yes, it took 43 years for her to allow herself to love and others to love her back and as chaotic and frightening as this journey has been, it was worth starting over...
Alright, I know there are so many things I could have included in this epilogue, but quite frankly I didn't have the inspiration for it but I hope you still enjoyed this epilogue!
Thank you all for reading this story, for giving me ideas and encouraging me whenever I felt down. I never expected this story to be as popular as my rizzles stories. At first I thought I'd be lucky to receive a couple of review per chapter but this story quickly became very popular and I'm so grateful for all your support! Maybe I don't suck as much as my anon hater(s) think(s)!
I will see you guys in a few days , when I publish my new story! I know a few of you followed me from the Rizzles fandom to the Rolivia fandom and I hope that you'll follow me to my next story regardless of the pairing I will choose to write about! So please subscribe to me as an author, just in case this next fiction isn't an SVU story!
Thank you again for the support! I love you guys!
PS : Feel free to send me private messages with ideas. I'm open to any lesbian pairing, from any shows(if I actually watch that show.) Actually, I'd consider it a nice challenge to explore a pairing I never wrote about before!