Hello, and um...To avoid confusion I'll call Fem!Prussia Julchen from now in this story ^^;;
Anyways enjoy!

-Nine Months Ago-
A lone man walked through the snow-filled streets in an early winter afternoon in the city of Stockholm. The streets were unusually quiet, he sighed to himself, and it was all thanks to the Soviet Union that his people were too terrified to come out.
"F'n, why ar' yo' do'ng th's? " He mumbled with a heavy Swedish accent, looking around the vacant streets, his people barricaded with themselves in their homes, with blocks of wood covering the windows. His blue eyes showed sadness and lonesomeness
"Now I wonder, Sve. Is why are you crying?" A familiar Danish voice spoke. Sweden turned to see Denmark, his old friend, and an old enemy.
"D'n, yo' wo'ldn't und'rst'nd" He replied.
"Of course I would understand! Fin is in danger or better yet" Denmark grinned arrogantly, his blue eyes full of annoyance. "Putting US in danger."
"F'n wo'ld n'ver do th't" The Swedish man sighed in irritation, and really wished Denmark would go away, but he also wished he would stay.
"If you say so Sve, anyways I'm going to join NATO, alongside Ice, and Norge. So while you sit on your ass all day depressed, the rest of us Nordics will save him." Denmark growled in displeasure, and walked towards him. "You really need to get a god damn grip okay?" His tone changing, putting a hand on his shoulder, and looked at him with anxiety. "If you really care about him, then next time you see him." He smiled. "Tell him, how you REALLY feel" He let go of his grip, and walked away. Sweden slowly smiled, and blushed a bit.
"Th'nk y'u, D'n" He whispered, he heard someone's footsteps from behind, It was Japan. His brown eyes calm, as he walked towards him. "H'llo J'p'n "
"Ah, hello Sweden" He bowed politely in greeting, Sweden noticed Japan was in pain, as the Japanese man winced.
"Ar' y'u ok'y?" He asked, showing concern for him. He heard about America attacking Japan with two nuclear atom bombs, which killed thousands of Japan's people. He'll remember to tell his son, not to blow up nation's land.
"I'm fine, but thanks for your concern, sorry, but we shouldn't keep Austria waiting" Japan sighed.
"Of c'urse" He nodded, and left with Japan.

-Present Time-
Vienna, Austria.
October 22, 1956 3:39 PM

"It seems that Russia has just now kidnapped the other Prussia." Austria reported, with a sadden look on his face, his family is splitting up, by joining NATO or the Soviet Union. "And Germany is in torment at the moment, when he heard about it, but. Italy said himself that he'll take care of him." He looked at Japan, who was busy writing notes for the meeting; it was only the three of them, as the third party.
"How troublesome and heartbreaking for Germany, but we must not forget our objective, yes?" Japan spoke up, looking at Sweden, who nodded, as he got out of his chair and stood up.
"To s've o'r l'ved on's fr'm Russ'a, 'nd st'p N'T' 'nd S'viet Uni'n fr'm f'ght'ng"

Soviet Union, Moscow
October 23, 1956 12:38 PM

Julchen sighed to herself; here she was being forced to work for the Soviet Union, as she and Russia walked through the front doors, she noticed the other members were there to greet him.
"Welcome back, Russia." They said at the time, although I noticed a few were avoiding his gaze.
"Where's Hungary?" Russia asked, Julchen noticed that her older brother, Prussia. Looked scared when Russia said her name, She wondered why though.
"I don't know…..sir" Finland spoke up, finding it hard to talk to him.
"Well, then We'll go look for her! Or better yet. Prussia." The Russian spoke to her brother.
"Where is Hungary"
"I don't know" Prussia growled, in annoyance, and was trying not to show himself panicking.
"Prussia. You should know by now. That you can never lie to me" Russia chuckled darkly, all of a sudden the room got cold, and they heard a frightening sound. "KolKolKol…KolKolKol…."
"I said, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, RUSS-"Prussia yelled, but he couldn't finish his sentence at the moment, as Russia grabbed his arm and throws him at a wall. Prussia hit his back against the wall as he cough up blood, but Russia wasn't finished with him.
"Belarus, get my pipe. He needs to be taught a lesson…."The Russian demanded coldly, I noticed the other looked terrified, when Russia mentioned the word pipe.
"Yes brother dearest." Belarus smiled sadistically, another girl who looked similar to Russia and Belarus, started to cry, Finland hugged her in comfort, and he started to whisper to her.
"It's okay Ukraine, you don't have to see this…..neither do I…" Belarus came back with a metal pipe, Julchen gasped quietly, as she saw the dried blood stains, Belarus handed to him with such happiness, like she did something very good!
"I'll ask you again Prussia, Where is Hungary?" Russia frowned, while the Prussian tried to stand up.
"I don't know!" He snapped back, in a swift motion, Russia hit him with the pipe, as Prussia held his stomach in pain, and the rest of the members had to watch this...Every time Prussia kept saying I don't know, Russia would keep hitting him.
"Please stop Russia, he had enough!" Julchen started begging for her brother's life, but the Russian ignored her, as he kept asking the same question over and over, and Prussia kept replying the same thing. Finally, after so many hits,
"So do you now know where Hungary is?" Russia asked.
"I-I...F-Fuck...Sorry Liz..." Prussia growled in defeat, Julchen sighed in relief that her brother finally decided to say it. "She left us, okay?! She said she's done with us, and went to join N.A.T.O!"
"Hungary, will never leave us, I'll make sure of that! Da?" Russia growled, his darker self-showing, like it did when Julchen herself got attacked by him. "Belarus, prepare the chopper. I'm going to have a "talk" with Hungary!"
"Yes, Brother Dearest!" Belarus saluted him quickly, as she ran to tell Russia's boss.
"You" He pointed to Prussia, who started getting up. "You'll watch me inflict her punishment!"
"What, Aw Hell n-" Prussia began to protest, but noticed Russia still holding the pipe."...Yes, Sir!" Julchen saw him run off to get ready, and she followed him to his bedroom.
"G-Gilbert?" She called out to him, as he was busy wrapping bandages around his wounds.
"What, Jul?" He grunted, as he finished.
"I was wondering if you were okay..." She muttered, noticing the look he gave her.
"I'm fine sis, just stay away from Russia." He ordered her, as he walked past her.
"I know you hate me, bruder, but I hate it when you don't show it... Or do you really love me?" She thought sadly as she watched him leave.

Good luck wondering, why Gilbert hates Julchen! :D
Also, I said this story is somewhat AU! ^^;; So I added a third party!

Ivan: I can't wait to "Play" with Hungary! ^J^
Gilbert: Over my dead body! :I
Me: -sweat drops- ... Review please, it makes me want to write more chapters...and also to make Ivan not kill Gilbert...