Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight and all recognizable content and characters contained therein. All original content and characters in this story are property of the author. Story is rated M for Mature, and may contain strong sexual content, graphic language, underage drinking and use of marijuana.
A/N: Sorry for the long delay between updates! I promise I will do my best to update in a more timely fashion from here on out!
**Sam POV from last chapter**
I shift my weight and freeze, scrunching my face up and closing my eyes tight as the floor under me goes creeaaak. Shit! Opening my eyes they immediately lock with Bella's. Her big brown eyes are wide open, I'm betting we both look like deer trapped in the headlights.
At first I think she's going to start screaming, but instead she just shifts around on the bed, not even bothering to cover up her gorgeous body, and then it happens…
She smiles, almost smirks as she reaches out, and using the finger that just moments ago was about to make her cum, she gestures for me to come over to her.
My mind is fuzzy, but my body responds, and before I've even registered the fact that I've moved I'm at the side of her bed. She looks up at me, and her voice is pure sex making my dick throb and twitch as she asks, "Did you like watching me?"
I nod, and she asks, "Do you want me?"
Is she kidding? I barely know my own name! This girl has me so stuck on stupid that I can't even function, and she's asking if I want her? I mean shit, do I want world peace? Do I want a million dollars? Do I want the Mariners to win the World Series?
My throat feels like it's stuffed with sawdust, but I manage to choke out, "Fuck yeah…"
She giggles, reaching out to me, and I finally snap out of it.
It's my turn to smirk. I grab her wrist, and I bring her hand up to my face, closing my eyes and inhaling the scent of pussy on her fingers.
Holy fuck that's good… Staring into her deep brown eyes, I flick my tongue out and lick the side of her finger lightly, practically moaning as the fucking unbelievable taste hits my tongue. I'm about to suck her finger into my mouth, when I hear the front door open with an audible creak, and heavy footsteps enter the foyer.
We both freeze… our eyes lock… her eyes are wide with fear, and all the peachy sex flush has drained out of her face.
Fuck we are so fucking caught! Shit!
After a few seconds that feel like an eternity, my brain kicks out of stupid mode, and enters 'I don't want to get shot by her Police Chief Dad' mode. I jump back, and run out of her bedroom, hearing her moving around the room frantically behind me as I meet none other than Billy Black's shithead son about to start up the steps.
Hurrying down the stairs I back him up, my voice raised so Bella can hear me upstairs, "Jacob Black! What the fuck are you doing here?"
He freezes, but the guilt on his face quickly fades into his usual snotty self-important attitude as he answers, "I could ask you the same thing, Uley."
I give him a 'duh' look, "Uh, I'm working, dumbass! I know that you don't know a hell of a lot about work, but seeing as you've seen me here working before, I would have thought it would be obvious! Anyway, your buddy isn't home…which I'm sure you know. So what makes you think that you can just walk right into Chief Swan's house?"
He scrutinizes me carefully, and I cross my arms over my chest and fix him with a glare…
We stare each other down for what feels like forever, but is probably only a minute tops, when a thump sounds from Bella's room followed by a muffled, "Shit!"
I look back over my shoulder and the kid takes the opportunity to shove past me, shouting, "BELLA!"
Fuck! I hope she got some clothes on. Following right behind Jake, I breathe a sigh of relief as Bella steps into the hall in loose cotton short shorts and a spaghetti strap tank. Her full breasts heaving, hard nips straining against the thin fabric leaving absolutely no doubt to the fact that she is wearing nothing underneath it.
She levels Black with a glare, "What the fuck are you doing here, Jacob!"
He glares right back at her, looking like a spoiled brat who's had his favorite toy taken away from him, as he snaps, "I wanted to talk to you, but just fucking forget it! No need to ask what you were just doing! I'm sure your dad would love to hear about how I walked in on you banging the guy he's paying to fix things around his house. Fucking slut!"
Bella's voice is tight with anger and frustration, as she lets Black have it, "Ok… you know what? Go fuck yourself, Jacob! Sam is working here, you know that! Even if you had walked in on Sam and I doing it, let me remind you that what, and who, I do is none of your fucking business! I didn't cheat on you, you cheated on me, and yes I've heard your side of it about 100 times more than I needed to! She told you that I agreed to a threesome, and to go ahead and start without me… I mean Jesus Christ, Jake! All the years we've known each other, did you ever really know me at all? You did what you wanted to do! Guess what though, there are consequences to those actions Jake. First and foremost being the end of us. We're done, we're not even friends. We are over! We have been for a few months now, and it's time you got it through your thick fucking skull that it's not going to change! We are NEVER getting back together. EVER. Not in this lifetime, ok? Get over it!"
**Bella POV**
Jake looks equal parts pissed and crushed after my outburst. He doesn't say anything, just turns and stomps out the door.
I can't say I regret it, or that he didn't deserve it… but the miniscule part of me that still has a tiny bit of love for him as someone who had been my oldest friend, my first love, my first everything… feels for him.
That's the weak pathetic part of me that still cries over what he and Angela did to me. It's the part of me that sometimes picks up my phone, looks at his number, and aches to call him.
I never do it though, when I have that urge I call Leah instead and she puts it in perspective for me.
Sam clears his throat, and I feel myself flush with embarrassment. He puts a hand on my shoulder… and I pull away. What was I thinking up there? What had I been about to do with this guy? I mean shit, the only things I know about this guy are his name, and the names of his ex and his current girlfriend. Is that really who I am now? Is that who I want to be? Just a boyfriend stealing bitch like Angela? True in Emily's case it would be karma, but then wouldn't I be owed the same type of karma?
I have to get out of here. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face Sam. He smiles at me, not the cocky almost predatory grin I've gotten all the other times I've seen him, but more of a genuine 'hey, it's gonna be okay' smile.
Putting my hand up between us, I ask him, "Hey, would you mind giving me about 10 minutes to get my stuff together, and get out of your way?"
A flash of emotion passes over his face, it could be regret, or annoyance, but almost as soon as it shows he hides it and just shrugs, "Sure, no problem. You really don't have to go you know…"
Shrugging, I reply awkwardly, "Yeah… I really do… Maybe I'll see you around sometime."
He smiles, his cocky smile this time, and my body responds as he laughs, "I'm sure you will. This job's going to take a while…"
Nodding, I turn and head upstairs.
Going into my room, I hurriedly change into a purple bikini underneath a pair of tiny denim shorts and a white tank top with a sugar skull on it. I grab my low top purple converse and slip them on before grabbing my cell, and a pair of sunglasses and heading out the door.
Not really sure where to go, I wander down towards the park. I don't want to bother Leah and Paul, I'm sure they're not even halfway through their first sex sesh. Jesus who else do I even know anymore? After I caught Angela and Jake in bed together I had effectively dumped not just Jake, but all of my friends who had any association with Angela, which is to say basically everyone in Forks.
None of them knew the truth. I hadn't bothered to tell anyone, so they believed the shit Angela spewed about her and Jake falling head over heels in love, and I fell back on my strong friendship with Leah. She had never been a fan of Jess and Lauren, or Angela. And I think she was relieved that we could hang out and she wouldn't have to make small talk with them and pretend to like them.
I make my way into the park towards the swing set. It's still relatively early and the park is pretty empty. Taking a seat on one of the swings I lean against the chain and go through my phone. Jess is my only hope at this point… and really my only chance on that end is that she's not with Angela.
Taking a deep breath and holding it, I hit call and wait as it rings once, twice, and then she answers, "Bella?"
Letting out the breath I was holding, I say, "Heyyyy Jess… Uh…how's it going?"
She replies, "uhh….", and trails off seemingly confused. I can't blame her. I haven't really spoken to her at all since late April, the week before Jr. Prom, which was when the shit hit the fan.
I had been running late coming back from a dress fitting, I was supposed to be meeting the rest of the gang at Lauren's house for a party. Jake texted me, letting me know that the party had been changed to Angela's.
I had gotten to Angela's and the first thing I thought was, 'How could I be running so late and still beat everyone else but Jake here?'
Mr. and Mrs. Webber had been out of town at a church thing that weekend, her brothers were sleeping at one of their friends', and when I walked in the door I had immediately heard the sex sounds.
My blood froze in my veins… my voice got stuck in my throat, I tried to call out, but I couldn't make a sound.
I blindly made my way towards the noise. I knew it was Jake before I even hit the steps, I could hear him very clearly. I wanted to turn around and run out, but I had to know if it was really true.
Part of me hoped it was just a joke, that I'd get up there and Jake would jump out from behind the door fully dressed and laughing at the horror stricken look on my face. I'd smack him, and then we'd laugh and go back to his house so he could make those sounds for real.
By the time I got to the landing my hands were sweating, my stomach was turning, and I wasn't sure if I was going to puke or pass out. I got to the door and I took a deep breath, steeling myself, but it didn't work, I opened the door and I saw them.
Angela was on top of him, facing the door. I could see everything, her tits hanging down, bouncing against her soft stomach, curly hair flying everywhere. Her pussy was shaved, proving that she had planned this, she didn't have a boyfriend, and I remembered Lauren teasing her about needing a serious bikini wax like bad the last time we had gone to try on swimsuits which was just last week. I could see Jake's cock thrusting in and out of her.
My stomach turned violently, but then it stopped, and something inside of me either grew the fuck up, or flat fucking died… I'm still not sure which. All the pain I felt turned to anger, and I banged the door against the wall hard enough to crack the drywall.
Jacob smiled at me, actually fucking SMILED! I clutched the doorknob with all of my strength, trying desperately to stand still and not fly at the two of them and murder them mid stroke. Angela's face was a disgusting mask of triumph, and Jake's face went from joy to horror in the space of 2 seconds as he finally focused on my face and demeanor.
His face did it for me, I found my voice, and in a fake cheerful voice, I said, "Oh please…don't let me stop you! I never knew you liked saggy boobs and fat asses, Jake. You guys deserve each other. Hope you both catch herpes!"
I left quickly after that, hearing Jacob trying to run after me, calling my name. I was actually happy that Angela was able to detain him. I called Embry sobbing hysterically from 2 blocks away, and he and Quil came to pick me up.
The two of them are the only ones who know what really happened, well I'm sure that by now Quil's told some people from La Push, I made Embry swear not to tell anyone from Forks the truth. I didn't want to deal with any of it… I just wanted to disappear.
Jessica snaps me out of my memory, as she says, "…pretty good… how are you? Did you want something?"
Nervously, I reply quickly, "well I'm at the park a few blocks from your house and I wondered if you wanted to catch up a little?"
She snorts a bit, and asks, "Oh? Now I'm good enough for you to talk to? What happened to your oh so cool bestie Leah Clearwater down in La Push? I mean Jesus, Bella! I get that Jake and Ang getting together right after he left you was a bummer, especially that he broke up with you the week before prom and took her. I understand why you might not want to be around her, but you dropped all of us!"
Sighing, half in disbelief at the fake ass timeline, I reply, "I know, and I'm really sorry. I'd love to explain if you'd give me a chance?"
She lets out an exasperated breath, "Well it's about damn time. Walk on over. Lauren and I will be waiting for you."
Lauren yells in the background, "You better make it fast Swan, we have plans with Mike and Tyler in a couple hours!"
I assure Jess that I'll be over in 10 minutes, and I text Leah quickly after hanging up with Jess, 'Leah, please call me as soon as you get this. I'm going to Jess's to talk to her and Lauren. I'm going to tell them the truth about Jake and Angela... I might need a rescue. No rush or anything…but maybe in an hour or 2?'
Sticking my phone back in my pocket, I walk the few blocks over to Jessica's and ring her doorbell.
Jess answers, and I hesitate at the door to ask, "Angela isn't here, is she?"
She looks a little confused, but shakes her head, "No, she had a date planned for this morning. Come on in. Lauren's in the living room."
I follow Jess into her house and down the hall to the Stanley's living room. Lauren fake clutches her heart at the sight of me, leaning against the arm of the couch as she exclaims, "Oh my god! It's a ghost!"
Rolling my eyes at her as she laughs, I'm not really mad. Jess had a point, they hadn't ditched me, I had ditched them.
Jessica sits down with her legs up under her next to Lauren, and points at the easy chair across from them, "Have a seat, Bell."
Sitting down, I ask, "Okay, so how do you want to do this? Do you just want me to tell my side of the story? Or do you have specific questions?"
She thinks for a minute, and Lauren blurts out, "Well I mean, what the FUCK happened? I mean you, me, Jess, and the guys have been friends since we were like three, and we've been friends with Angela since she moved here in fourth grade! Why would you just stop talking to all of us?"
Jessica nods, and says, "Yeah, that."
I laugh a little, they have a point, not much of one under the circumstances, but not like they know that.
Taking a breath, I look at my two oldest friends, true they can both be a little superficial and snotty, but they've always been good friends. I owed them better. I smile at them, and tell them so, "Look, I'm really sorry guys, I probably should have told you and everyone the truth from the beginning, I owed you that. It was just so fucked up. I was in shock, I was devastated, I mean honestly I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes. I guess I was just scared that you wouldn't believe me… Hell I'm still scared of that."
Jessica looks confused, and Lauren blurts out, "Why would we not believe you? We love you, Bitch! Do we have to take the oath?"
Jess and I both burst out laughing at that, and Jess cuts in, "I think we should."
Rolling my eyes a little, I answer, "Okay, on three.."
I hold out my hand and put up 1, 2, 3, and we say in unison, "I solemnly swear that all words spoken within the solemn triangle of sisterhood will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If I should lie to my sisters may I lose all my hair, may what's left of it turn orange, may my ass get fat and full of cellulite, and may all the boys I ever date turn out to be gay"
We had come up with this winner during a sleepover in third grade after watching a movie marathon that included Legally Blonde, Clueless, Sweet Home Alabama, and Mean Girls. It was too bad we never took the oath while playing truth with Angela. Maybe I'd have had a clue that she was after my boyfriend.
We giggle, but I get serious again in a hurry, "Okay, so you guys know I've never lied to you, but this might be hard for you to accept. Please know that I would never break The Oath."
Jessica sobers, looking concerned for the first time now, "Wow, I'm a little worried now… ok, let's hear it, Bella."
Looking at Lauren, I ask, "Okay, so you remember the party you were throwing about a week before prom?"
She nods, "Yeah, you and Jake ditched, and Ang got sick and didn't come either. It ended up being just me, Jess, and the guys."
Smirking mirthlessly, I respond, "Oh, she came... I didn't ditch your party Laur, Jake texted me and told me that the party got moved to Angela's because her parents were away at some church thing and her brothers were at a sleepover so the house was empty."
Lauren breathes out, "oh my god…"
Taking a deep breath, I continue, "So I get to her house, and no one's car is there except Jacob's. I walk in because hello that's what we've been doing forever. No one in sight, but I can hear moans and grunting coming from upstairs…"
Jessica half screams, "OH MY GOD, NO!"
I can feel myself starting to break down, and I give my wrist a good hard pinch to bring me back to the present before continuing, "Yeah. I could barely breathe, I couldn't yell out, I wanted to run away, but I couldn't. By the time I got halfway through her kitchen to the stairs I knew it was Jacob upstairs, he was very vocal."
Lauren is staring at me in shocked disbelief, and she just says, "Oh my God Bella. What did you do?"
Fiddling with the hem of my shirt, I answer, "I went upstairs… I had to know if it was true. God part of me thought it was a joke. That I'd get upstairs and Jake would jump out at me from behind a door or something saying 'Gotcha!', but no. I got upstairs, I opened her door, and I saw them! She was on top of him reverse cowgirl style you guys! I saw EVERYTHING! There are days when I don't know how I didn't drop dead from the shock of it. There are days when I don't know how I didn't murder them! I mean she planned it you guys! She planned every fucking second of it right down to me walking in on them!"
Both Lauren and Jess look stunned, Jess asks, "Bella are you sure? I mean maybe it just happened…"
I shake my head, "No! She planned it. Lauren, you remember how you had teased her a couple weeks before about needing a wax when we went to try on swimsuits?"
Lauren nods, "Yeah, I mean her bikini line was out of control…why?"
Snorting with disgust, I answer, "Well she was hairless as a baby that day. There's also the fact that Jake wasn't even upset to see me at first. It wasn't until he really got a good look at my face that he got upset. Oh, and not to mention that Jake himself told me that she told him I was okay with it. She told him that I agreed to a fucking threesome and that I told her to start without me because I was running late."
Jessica exhales shakily, muttering, "I can't believe this… What about Jake, Bella? Why would he just go along with her story?"
A deep voice from the doorway responds, "Because it was easier to let you guys believe that I fell in love with Angela, than for everyone to know that I fucked up the best thing I ever had over stupidity and hormones."
Spinning around I'm shocked to see Jake standing there. He comes into the room and stands behind me. Lauren looks pissed, she demands, "What the fuck are you doing here?"
He sighs, but his tone is the calmest I've heard in a while as he answers, "I went to Bella's house this morning. I left on bad terms. I called Leah to ask if I could speak with Bella."
Shifting his focus to me, he continues, "Leah told me you would be here. I wanted you to know that I broke up with Angela today. I'm not telling you this because I think it will change your mind about us getting back together. I know that I blew my chance and that it's not going to happen for us again. I only hope that one day we can be friends again. I've been an ass Bella, right up to the scene that happened this morning. I had no right to walk into your house, and talk to you the way I did. I'm sorry for what happened between Angela and I that day, and that you were hurt by it. You were right this morning, I let my dick do the thinking, I knew that what she was offering didn't really sound like something you'd be down with, and I went with it anyway because in the moment it sounded like fun to me. I'm sorry Bella."
I worry my lip between my teeth for a moment before replying, "Thank you for saying all that, Jake. It means a lot. Really. I'm not ready to forgive you, but maybe one day that will change. This certainly helps that possibility."
He nods, and turns to Jessica, "Uh, sorry for just walking in. It won't happen again. I'll let myself out."
Jess nods back, "Yeah, I think that would be best… Oh and Jake… maybe change your mind about Angela for a while… We could use a man on the inside for the payback that skank deserves… "
Lauren grins, and exclaims, "Hell yeah!"
Jake actually smirks a little, "I think I can do that… let me know what you need."
He walks out, and Jess catches my eye, "I can't believe you thought we wouldn't be on your side, Bell. Call Leah, I think she would definitely have some fun with this."