Chapter thirteen: A three headed dog and Hagrid

"…and he was stupid enough to accept."

Harry looked over to Dean who had been explaining how Weasley (Ronald that was) had been stupid enough to accept a rising challenge off Malfoy to a wizards duel arranged for the night before.

Not that the apprentice was so bothered but it did confirm that Weasley had been out last night because he was spreading some story about some three-headed dog on the third floor forbidden corridor that they had all been warned away from at the welcoming feast.

"It's his own stupid fault." Harry told his new friends as he finished off eating his yogurt and picking up his bottle of water, he had missed out his running session this morning due to bumping into the dratted headmaster first thing…that hadn't been a welcome encounter.


Harry was jogging down the flight of stairs between the fourth floor where the Gryffindor common room was situated down to the second floor when one of the doors on the third floor opened,

He didn't even pause because it wasn't anything to do with him, plus he had stayed around long enough to know that it was an adult – he could tell by the level of power emitting from that way – thinking about the tournament he didn't see the tripping charm heading his way until he was flat on the floor,

Growling he managed to pull himself to a stop over a few steps and winced as his arm gave a slight twinge; it wasn't broken or even sprained but probably would bruise a little bit from the impact, looking up he saw Dumbledore looking 'concerned' and the old man hurried to his side.

"Mr Potter are you ok?"

"Fine Headmaster." Harry ground out pushing himself up and began walking again, he way was he taking a chance of being tripped again – even if it would get him away from this fool quicker – Dumbledore kept stride with him.

"How do you like Hogwarts?"

"It is a school, what kid likes school?" Harry retorted shrugging, filing away the slightly-smug look that flashed over the wrinkled face. "I have nothing to complain of though, sir."

"Mr Potter…"

"If you are going to use my title then it is Apprentice Raven." Harry said stoically as they came to a stop in the entrance hall where they had been last night, "Or Apprentice Valdesi. Now if you will excuse me,"

"Mr Potter, it is breakfast time." Dumbledore reminded him blocking his way to the front doors, instead of arguing Harry went into the great-hall instead and sat down for breakfast – he would just do the run later.

(End flashback)

"Where you going 'Ry?" Seamus asked as he went to walk away from the table, Harry flashed the water bottle into their view and the Irish student nodded in understand though frowned. "You run every day? My Mams cousin works in a gym and he said only the most dedicated do that."

"It keeps up stamina." Harry agreed before taking his leave, heading down to the lake, he shuddered at the cold pre-winter wait hitting his face. He had ran in snow though because of Lucas so he didn't really care.

It was about an hour of running later that he finally came to a slow stop as he approached a cabin that he hadn't noticed before, a large man (Hagrid, he reminded himself) was stood chopping up firewood by masses and as Harry watched small creatures would appear and take that cut-up wood away.

"Excuse me sir?" Harry asked, Hagrid yelped and dropped his axe – the young apprentice held back a snigger but took a few steps forward. "I was wondering what those…creatures?...are?"

"House-elves lad," Hagrid grunted, going back to his work though keeping an eye on the first year – Harry wasn't unobservant and he knew that he was being watched. He also knew this would probably be reported to the headmaster but he couldn't really give a damn, "Ya' 'Arry right? I knew ya parents I did, great folk those two…you look just like James you do, Lily's eyes though."
"I wouldn't know sir, I don't have a picture." He admitted softly sitting down on an uncut but fallen tree that was nearby, "Sensei Lucas said that I should find some of their old friends and ask but I cant seem to find anything."

"H'mmm try Remus Lupin," Hagrid suggested setting down the axe before sitting opposite him, the wood cracked under the weight and an elf that appeared squeaked and vanished again. "You used to call him 'Unca Moonie' you did, shame that he wasn't allowed to take you in – daft laws against werewolves if you ask me; Remus is as nice as any other fellow I say."

"Was there other friends?"

"Aye, Sirius Black – 'e's in Azkaban though," Hagrid grunted rubbing his shaggy beard and frowning to himself, Harry wondering just who Black was and what he had done to go to a wizarding prison. "The LongBottoms are in St. Mugos an' the Prewitt brothers are dead…maybe try Amelia Bones? She was close to Lily, so was Pr'fessa Snape."

"Thanks…say do you know whats on third floor? I heard growling when I passed," Harry asked the naïve man quickly, he wanted to confirm Weasley's story. If it was true then the headmaster was truly crazy.

"Fluffy, 'e's a bea'tful dog," Hagrid replied. Harry narrowed his eyes though didn't react otherwise waiting for the man to continue, "A three-headed dog, he's mine he is! Leant him to Dumbledore to mind the…the…"


"Never you mind!" Hagrid rebuked jumping up, "Be gone with ya! It's nearly curfew!"

Sorry 'bout the wait :) i've been dumped with, like, four 30mark essays for college to do and i wanted to get them out of the way befoer the holidays.

thanks for the reviews once more,

keep reading!


P.s. should i write out the tourament chapter or just the results? i'm deffo doing one for the 'christmas tourament' so i was unsure...?
