Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer gets all the credit!
Authors Note: This is just some crazy stuff that's been inside my head, so what do I do? Put it on the internet of course! I wrote this a long time ago so I may never finish it…sorry!
My name is Bella Swan. I'm going to tell you a few things about me. I'm 22 years old but I'm not exactly average. Ever since I was little I've had this gift you could call it. I've been ale to do it for as long as I can remember. I live in a house with 5 other people. I'm in college and I can barely keep up with that but my ex is trying to win me back and I can't stand it. Oh and there's one last thing you should know, I'm dead.
This all started about six years ago. I was on my way to see my parents and I was running late; I had just started college and was coming home for the holidays. What I found when I turned the corner onto my street was not what I was expecting. I didn't know how I hadn't seen it from the main road. My house, my childhood home, was engulfed in flames. As I pulled to the sidewalk I jumped out of my car a police man ran up to me and asked if I lived there. All I could do was stare at the only home I had ever known slowly fall apart before my eyes.
"Ma'am?" he questioned me, "are you alright? Please ma'am, do you live here?"
"Yes," I replied but only in a whisper. He didn't answer so I thought I could have to find the strength to say that horrifying word again…yes. I did live there and yes I was supposed to be in that house when it burned.
"I'm sorry ma'am but everyone inside is…gone."
That's the last thing I remember from that night. There's not much else to say about that. I tried to go back to school but I couldn't so I ended up moving in with one of my friends Alice. She had inherited a large house from her grandparents; she couldn't afford to live in it by herself so she had 3 other roommates. She could understand my situation; she had a gift as well.
That first day I woke up after the fire I found a boy in the room with me. I had recognized the room to be in Alice's house.
"Um…hi," I stammered confused as to how I got here.
"Hello." I liked his voice it was almost, soft like velvet.
"Who are you?" was all I could think to say.
"Pardon me ma'am. My name is Jasper, Jasper Whitlock. I live her with Alice." He informed me. Then name sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it.
"Oh…I'm Bella."
"A pleasure to meet you."
"You too. So not to be rude but what are you doing in here? Besides watching me sleep?" I knew I was being a brat but I just felt strange around him.
"Alice told me to watch you; she's down stairs trying to talk some sense into your boyfriend." His vice was almost a whisper.
"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I tried to stand up but my head rushed and my knees buckled, I would have fallen but Jasper was somehow across the room before I fell holding me steady. I just looked up at him in amazement, his eyes were so intense. We both took an awkward step back.
"I'm going to…" I said pointing to the door.
"Oh yes…sorry go ahead," he moved out of the way.
As I was heading down stairs I couldn't help but think of the strange boy that I had just encountered. He was amazingly attractive, and his southern accent-
My thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling.
"Baby! You're ok!" I heard the familiar voice coming from the front entry.
"Hello Edward." He pulled me into a hug; I pushed against his chest talking a step back. He grabbed my face roughly and shoved his lips against mine. I pulled away quickly. "Stop."
"What is it baby? You're not still mad are you?" He rolled his eyes at me as if I were acting like a child.
"You cheated on me Edward; I told you it was over. You need to leave." I didn't look him in the eye afraid he was going to get mad.
"Bella don't be stupid! I told you she was no one!" He was shouting at me, I knew where this was going to go.
"Jessica was my best friend Edward." I spoke slowly and quietly I didn't want to deal with this.
He grabbed the tops of my arms and shook me, "Don't say that sluts name!" He pulled his hand back and was about to back hand me when there was a flash of white and then Jasper was standing there grabbing Edwards arm, preventing him from hitting me.
"I suggest that you remove your hands from the lady." His voice was angry, jaw clenched.
Edward looked between me and Jasper. He took his hand from the top of my arm and stomped out of the house, he turned to look at me, "Don't think this is over," was all he said before slamming the door.
I turned to Jasper to thank him but he was already gone.