Disclaimer: I own nothing of Kim Possible all belongs to Disney the story is just for enjoyment of writing.
"That's enough Dr. Drakken return whatever you stole!" Ron pointed at Drakken with Rufus on his shoulder doing the same.
"Buffoon!" Drakken looks left, then right…then left again. "Where's Kim Possible?"
Before Ron could answer Kim came crashing through the wall with Shego. They were going at it like professional wrestling, you know except it was real and dangerous.
"There they are Dr. D" Ron pointed at them with a smug look.
Shego drove for an uppercut, but Kim swayed away and grabbed her arm pulled her in to kick her right in the stomach sending her into some fortunate placed crates. What's in the crates beats me use your imagination I don't have time to right a description.
Wiping her hands Kim casually walked up to Ron. "So did Drakken give up whatever he stole?"
"Not yet KP he's being completely unsupportive about it." Ron claimed with his arms crossed
"Yea!" Rufus yelled from Ron's shoulder
Kim turned her attention to a very dislodge Dr. "Drakken let's make this easy I got a Latin test, and boy would I hate to miss that." Kim hated Latin class since Ron signed them up thinking it was salsa dancing, not the dead language. And when I mean dead I mean no one cares about it, I know I don't
"Ugh" Drakken was twiddling his fingers looking for inspiration for an idea or plan. His eyes came across a laser he was still testing. Secretly he had absolutely no idea what it would do, but he was hoping it would be very painful.
"Look dude just give up today is 2 for 1 Naco day at Bueno Nacho." Ron whimpered since he was hungry for cheese.
"Mmm Naco!" Rufus squeaked
Hoping his plan would work for once. "Shego attack!" Drakken yelled
Both Kim and Ron took a defensive stance. Kim umm let's say a crane style, and Ron more of monkey style since that's all he knows. However both were dumbfounded as they noticed Shego still lay in the pile up of the undefined crates.
Drakken made his way to laser and took aim and fired at Kim and Ron. Unaware of their situation both the teen heroes turn around with a pink laser a mere foot away from them.
"Great" Kim and Ron thought in unison.
Having absolutely no time to dodge you know unless we start counting milliseconds which we don't, they took the laser dead on. The pink aura from the blast surrounded them and engulfed itself into their bodies. Both the teen heroes looked at one another, and nothing seemed to change.
Kim and Ron shrugged and turn back their attentions to the guilty looking Drakken.
"Well do you feel different do you feel like your eyes are going to explode!" Drakken laughed manically out
Ron looked at his arms, then body and his feet. "No not really."
"What?" Drakken was very confused now. "What about your skin? Does it feel like it's on fire?"
Ron poked his skin "Nope nothin Dr. D" Ron proclaimed with his arms crossed and face unimpressed.
Drakken turned back to his laser. "You're telling me this thing doesn't work?" Drakken started banging on his machine.
"Ohh what a shocker!" Kim had her hands in front of her face to add emphasis to the moment.
Drakken knowing he was defeated tossed the device he stole back at the teen heroes. After some mishaps and Ron destroying the lair team Possible left to school. They decided not to tell Wade about the laser since it didn't seem to do anything to them, and then there's the fact that it completely slipped their minds.
Middleton High – A place where teens can be themselves well except for the fact that there's a social status, a food chain, peer pressure, dodge ball, and the occasional Chess Club incident's. Opps I forgot the one rule about Chess Club
The first Rule of Chess Club is never talk about Chess Club
Ron and Kim enter the lunchroom, ready to chow down on mystery meat and pudding, ohh what joy. Taking their trays with the questionable meals they were given, the duo sat down in their usual table, which happened to be occupied with Monique and Felix.
Quick Side Note
Felix – aka Felix
He is Ron best guy friend and is handicapped with a tricked out robotics cyber-electronics wheelchair. Currently undefeated against Ron in basketball, and has an addiction to videogames like Ron. Felix easily became Ron's friend in less time than it takes for a guy to get over a grudge.
Monique – aka Monique
She is Kim best girl friend and is a fashion expert with a club banana discount card. Always updated on the latest gossip Monique and 411, Kim really hit it off for them being friends. Monique is also a fan wrestling making her and Ron friends and completive at times.
"Hey what's up guys" Felix waved at the two.
Ron was the first to sit down. "Nothin Felix, you all set for our bon diggity night of Zombie Mayhem!" Ron threw his hands up to show his affectionate for videogames.
Kim sat down right after Ron shaking her head with a smile on her face. "Hey Mon"
Monique picked up her fork to point it at Kim. "Hey girl how was the mission?"
"It was no big Drakken tried to take over the world by controlling the rotation of the Moon, don't ask." Kim stated with her arm pushed out.
Shaking her head a little "Whatever look girl there's a sale going on at Club Banana 35% on crop tops, you, me, and mall tonight!" Monique slammed her fist down on the table shaking it a little catching the guy's attention.
"Sure Mon no big"
"The mall hey maybe we should go to Ron." Felix finished his sentence with Ron cupping his hand over his mouth.
"Shhhh don't Felix" Ron whispered into Felix's ear
Moving Ron's hand away from his mouth with a questionable stare "Why not Ron?"
"Why not Ron what?" Kim asked with a grin on her face.
Turning his head toward Kim's "I was asking Ron why we don't go to the mall with you girls."
Ron once again cupped his hand over Felix's mouth moved him closer, but continued looking at Kim. "Felix doesn't know what's saying Kim I think all the blood is rushing to his head from his legs!" Ron gave Kim that I'm scared smile while shaking his head and sweating a little.
It was too late Kim already had made up her mind. "That'll be great! Mon; Felix and Ron are coming with us to the mall!"
"Score!" Monique and Kim high fived each other, before leaving the table and walking to their lockers giggling all the way.
Ron turned his head back to Felix with I'm-so-angry-at-you-look "You have no idea what you've done."
"Tell me Felix exactly what do you think we're going to do at the mall?" Ron had his hand on his chin
"I don't know hang out, why?"
Ron slapped himself "Felix anytime I go shopping with Kim or Monique they always make me carry their bags all day."
"That doesn't mean they will makes us carry the bags all we got to do is say no." Felix held his ground by planting his hands firmly on the table.
"Three words dude. Puppy-dog-pout" Ron stated with three fingers raised up
A horrible realization came right across Felix's face. "I just sent us to hell didn't I?"
"Not just sent us, but gave us an expressed trip on the high-class class seats on a plane." Ron air quoted every word before slamming his head on the table.
Middleton High Afterschool – Nothing's change for all you expecting a description.
Kim and Ron were going to do their usual walk home or hit Bueno Nacho whatever they were in the mood for. As they were walking towards their lockers apparently through the day they both felt weird well more weird than they usually did.
Note to self never eat the lunchroom lady's cooking again.
As they approached their lockers both saw each other and by force faked a smile.
"Hey Ron are you ready to go?" Kim was really hoping to go home and not hit Bueno Nacho she wasn't up for it.
"Yea KP, umm look I don't really feel like Bueno Nacho how about we just go home." Ron was rubbing the back of his head.
Kim was overly delighted and didn't have to fake this smile. "That would be spankin!"
Ron was now overcome with joy "Badical!"
They were both heading out the school doors with joy. That was until the sudden weirdness they felt through the day had overcome them again. Wanting to forget about his body feeling strange Ron started up an everyday conversation.
"So like usual my parents are out of town until tonight." Ron was now a master at hiding behind fake emotions.
Kim was feeling a little worrying for Ron "Ron it must be hard to have your parents never home."
Ahh you get use to it KP no big." Ron finished with flipping his hand.
As they began approaching Ron's house the bizarre feeling had overcome them. Both Kim and Ron knelt down with their hands over their heads. When they noticed one another a new conversation quickly takes place.
"You too!" Both the teen heroes said in unison.
"You mean to tell me you've been feeling out of rhythm like me?" Ron yelled
"Uh-huh" Was all Kim could let out, I mean come on what else is she gonna to say.
Before either Kim or Ron could continue their out of this world conversation that all teenagers have, their bodies began to move on their own.
"Umm KP please tell me that my body isn't the only moving on its own!"
"Umm Ron my body is moving on its own to!" Kim tried to stay calm…
Ron the other hand "This is sick and wrong!"
After a few minutes of useless struggling with their own bodies, they arrived to Ron's house more accurately the front door. Ron went from panic to acceptance on their new found sitch. Wow looks like they skipped a couple of steps, I mean what happened to denial and bargaining.
"So what now KP, do we just stand here?" Ron was puzzled
"I'm not sure? But it's kinda weirding me out." Kim was even more puzzled
Just as Kim finished her sentence Ron's hand began to move into his pockets and pulled out his keys. Ron unlocked the door and both the teen heroes walked in against their wills. As soon as they entered their bodies locked all the doors in the house and closed up all the windows.
"Why do you think our bodies are doing this KP?" Ron had definitely accepted the problem at hand.
"Beats me Ron?" Kim tried to shrug her shoulders, but had no success.
After locking up the house they started going upstairs to Ron's room. As they entered it was cleanish compared to most guys' rooms?
"Please don't tell our bodies are gonna make us clean up this mess!" Cleaning up messes is a guy worst nightmare in some countries.
"Ron our bodies made us lock the doors and close the windows I wouldn't be surprised if it made us clean house." Kim assured him
Instead of cleaning however their bodies had other things in mind. Ron body began by taking off its shirt revealing Ron's upper body to Kim. Strangely this really didn't bother Ron since he always los his pants on missions. No it was Kim who was taken by surprise.
Kim was left speechless while Ron couldn't shut up. "Ohh now what am I'm going to do change my outfit?" Ron was mad, as he was irritated
Kim could only utter up one sentence since she was now bright red as her auburn hair. "Ron where did…those come…from?" Kim started to sweat a little.
"Luckily Ron was facing Kim since he didn't have control over his neck movements anymore only his mouth. "Where did what come from?"
Kim was now stuttering "Those…those muscles!" It was true Ron had he full package that all girls dreamed of.
Ron looked down barely able to see anything "What do you mean those muscles? They came as I got older and hit puberty." Ron stated he still didn't see the big deal. "Don't you remember what Mr. Barkin taught us in health class? He said that guys developed muscles as they hit puberty."
Kim was almost a walking inferno as she started to blush a little. "Yea I remember Mr. Barkin teaching us that. But he also taught us that in order for guys to get those muscles guys most constantly stay in shape."
Ron was beginning to feel like this conversation was starting to become one sided
"Yea I remember that." Ron tone took a more relax nonchalant essence "I guess going on missions, running from bad guys, exploding lairs, traveling through bug infested forest, and carrying all the mission gear on a daily basis was my workout." Ron then took an eager tone. "Why does this surprise you don't all guys have muscles."
"No Ron! Not like that!" Kim yelled wishing she could move her body to emphasize her words.
Ron taken back a little with one eye brow raised, lucky for him their facial expressions were still in their control. "What do you mean not like this?"
"Ron you have muscles that guys have to work at for a long time to earn!" Kim ranted to the dense as a rock Ron Stoppable
"Ohh, well you know the Ron man doesn't like to be normal so it's perfect for me." Ron was a little joyous learning he had something that guys would work at to earn.
Kim was surprised that Ron never knew how lucky he was.
"You know Ron if you wore tighter clothes instead of baggy one you could get any girl you wanted at school." Kim felt like Ron deserved to know since he always struck out with the ladies.
"Really that's badical!" Ron at the moment forgot that his body wasn't under his control, tried to jump up in the air. He tried and he didn't succeed. Now his happy exterior went south and was replaced with unpleasant memories of ohh I don't know like being a puppet to his own body. "Ohh that's right I don't have control over my body damn this tanks!"
As Ron began to remember his body was no longer his own Kim's body began to move.
"Ohh what now?" Kim thought as her body moved her hands to the under flaps of her shirt. And slowly began to take off her shirt. Kim began to grow bright crimson as her shirt hit the floor.
It was Ron's turn to grow bright red, he had never seen Kim once without her shirt, and she looked breathtaking to him. Her body figure was nothing he had imagined when he thought about Kim, truth be told ne never thought about Kim in the sexy category of his mind, because they were best friends. If seeing Kim's shirtless wasn't enough for his teenage mind, Kim began to unclasp her bra.
"Ohh no please no!" Kim frantically yelled in his mind. As gravity took control, her bra hit the floor in slow motion.
Ron eyes followed the bra as it hit the floor and slowly Ron began to look up to Kim's now half-naked body. She was hotter than the sun, in both terms of beauty and blushing.
Kim tried to cover herself, but by now you know why that wasn't going to happen. Instead of covering herself her body moved closer to Ron and embraced him a hug. Ron hands automatically pulled her closer making their bodies as close as possible.
To Ron this hug was a whole new level of comfort. With Kim breast pressed firmly on his hard muscles he couldn't start to explain the excite he felt from this bear skin to skin squeeze. His mind was racing a million miles a second. He tried very hard not to think about Kim, but that was impossible with his hands moving up and down her slender, smooth, and soft skin.
Kim on the other hand was on a whole new level of blushing. There she was giving Ron a hug without either of them wearing a shirt and her with no bra. Her body was radiating heat and was no were close to cooling down. With Ron's body tightly pressed against her own she couldn't stop getting hotter that and the fact her hands began to explore the confides of Ron's back didn't help at all.
Ron was the first to speak. "KP what's going to happen now?" Ron already had an idea in his mind even Ron's wasn't that dense.
Reluctantly Kim looked at Ron "Ron I'm pretty sure you have an idea, but we have to wait to see what our bodies will do." Kim already had a firm idea what was going to happen.
And just as they both anticipated their bodies never leaving their embrace slowly began to move towards the bed. At the very corner of Ron's bed Kim's body pushed him down to the mattress. She sat on top of him as he laid there. She was in a straddling position while Ron's arms had his hands placed on Kim's hip more accurately on her shorts.
"Kim I'm sorry I'm trying my hardest to not let my hands go there." Ron pleaded to Kim as he lay on the mattress with Kim straddling him.
Kim who now had her hands all over Ron's body feeling him "I know Ron; I'm trying to not touch your body." Kim was getting aroused feeling Ron's muscles.
As hard as they fought their bodies did their own thing, first with Ron slowly pulling away Kim's shorts away from her. Second was with Kim unzipping his pants and removing them from their resting place. Now Kim was on top of Ron with only her pink panties on still in the same position, and Ron with his poke-dotted boxers on.
Kim was now extremely close to fainting as her body laid right on top of Ron. Her hips had Ron's body on deadlock while her position made her feel Ron's harder growing member. And to top it off Kim's hands continued to explore Ron's toned body getting her more turned on by the second. Ron was on the same boat except with a different view. He laid there with Kim tightly pressed against him. As he got harder he could feel Kim getting wetter under her now seemingly transparent panties. And to make things super his hands moved up and down her smooth hips and occasionally resting on her rear.
"KP I'm sorry I'm trying so hard not to enjoy this, but my body is telling me otherwise." Ron looked guilty yet his mind was pleased
"I know Ron, it's hard for me not to enjoy exploring your body, but I can't help it." Kim was trying not to blush, but couldn't stop from enjoying herself.
Kim's body got off the bed to remove her last piece of clothing; her body did nothing to cover itself. She now stood in full exposed view, Ron was now on the verge of passing out until Kim grabbed his boxers and pulled them off revealing his erected member. Now it was Kim's turn to almost pass out.
"Ron why is your thing so big?" Kim asked a little shocked and amusing
"KP I'm Jewish I got circumcised a long time ago." That was the one casual thing Ron said in the past half hour. There was no hint of embarrassment in his words or confidence it was simply laid back.
Before Kim could respond her body return to the mattress, hovering her exposed extremely wet clit right over Ron's member.
"Kim I'll try my hardest to not take pleasure in this." Ron pleaded
Kim who almost started to cry "Me too"
As soon as their words left their mouths Kim slowly went down onto Ron. Ron laid their as Kim lowered herself slowly onto him building up the pleasure he was feeling. Eventually after moving back in and forth she was able to completely able to get Ron's member all the way inside of her. Placing her hands on his chest her body began to move up and down picking up speed. Ron's body moved its hands onto Kim's hips and helped her move up and down.
No matter how hard Kim tried to ignore the pleasure she could stop from moaning and panting hard. "Damn this feels…this feels…good!" Kim yelled in her mind as her body continued to pick up speed.
Ron was gasping for air and trying to ignore the warmth he felt from Kim's body. Needless to say that didn't work. "Kim's so tight…I can't stop from feeling…badical!"No matter how Ron looked at Kim riding him was something he couldn't stop from enjoying.
After good amounts of in-synch rhythm orgasm build up they were close to release. By now they no longer had fought their bodies seeing as they couldn't instead they began to enjoy the ride.
Ron was now stuck in pleasure mode "KP I'm gonna…gonna cum!" Ron yelled
"Ron there's nothing I could do about it. So go ahead don't hold back!" Kim was begging now as she continued to get lost in the pleasure. Strangely enough she wanted Ron to release his seed into her.
Seconds later Ron came into Kim who was overtaken by the amount released into her womb. Kim at the same time had an orgasm spilling her womanly juices all over Ron. The intense pleasure was too much for them as Kim's body fell onto Ron's. They were both exhausted and breathing hard. Soon sleep overtook them as Kim rested on Ron's shoulders, while Ron pulled her in closer holding her and covered themselves in his covers as they slept. Surprisingly right before the two teen heroes nodded off their faces formed a very satisfying smile.
Some hours passed
Ron woke up hours later with a very dazed look on his face. He was in a very good mood since he dreamed of him and Kim having sex. As Ron tried to get up he noticed he was no alone in his bed. Turning his head he saw a very exposed pleased looking Kim who had her head rested on his shoulders and her hair unsettled. She had one arm wrapped around Ron, and was snuggly pressed close to him, while she snored softly. It felt almost natural to him. Not wanting to disturb her Ron rested his head again preparing to doze off again. Right before Ron returned back to sleep the realization hit him, and boy did it hit him hard. With eyes wider than dinner plates, and breathing rapidly increasing, he hesitantly tried to wake up Kim.
"Kim…Kimbo…KP" Ron whispered and shook Kim lightly; he didn't want to just abruptly wake Kim.
Kim slowly opened her eyes halfway and let out a soft yawn. "Ron?" Didn't know what she was resting on, but her natural instincts told her it was safe to fall back to sleep.
Kim nuzzled on Ron's shoulder almost drifting off again, until Ron shook her more urgently. "Kim wake up!" Ron impatiently yelled.
This time Kim woke up a little agitated and more in sense with her surroundings. Soon realizing the position she was in with Ron, Kim shoot sat straight up from the bed with her cheeks bright red. "Ron!"
The bed sheets covering her upper body fell revealing her very slender bare self to an unsuspecting Ron. Ron almost passed out both looked away at the last moment. Kim now realizing grabbed for the covers again with embarrassment written all over her face.
"Umm KP…Did what happen actually happened?" Ron unenthusiastically spoke with his head turned away.
Kim started to recall all the previous events that occurred within the past couple hours. She and Ron were walking home feeling bizarre, their bodies taken control, by who knows what, Then entering Ron's house more precisely his room to have sex, until finally passing out. Kim didn't want to believe it; she thought it was all a dream. Then again here they were naked in his bed, both glowing a little, and let's not forget the pile of blood on Ron's bed. Ohh yea all the facts are there.
"Yea Ron it happened" Kim was still covering herself when she realized she could move her body again. "Ron…Ron!"
"Let me guess we shouldn't be friends anymore I understand now if you hate me KP" Ron said in a depress tone as he covered his face in the palm of his hands.
Kim smiled a little. "No you fool we can move again!" Kim jumped out of the bed with joy forgetting for a moment she was underdressed.
Ron took his palms away from his face, and began moving his fingers like it was the greatest thing in the world. "I can move again…I can move!" Ron was overcome with blissful emotions chalked all over his face.
As the two celebrated Kim ran to Ron to hug him. The good times however didn't last long when they both realized they were still naked when they were embracing each other. Both the teen heroes looked at each other blushing wildly, before letting go. Quickly they began putting their clothes back on.
As Kim was putting on her shorts she turned back to Ron. She felt guilty but what girl wouldn't drool over that body Ron had. She constantly checked on him, but making sure she wouldn't dare be caught in the act.
Needless to say one comes around goes around. Ron would turn his head to the very slender looking Kim, heck he was a 16 year old teenage boy. It was only natural to look at a beautiful woman when one was present in the room. But he wouldn't be caught dead if Kim saw him eyeing her.
As they both finished dressing a silent agreement came between them to try and make this as less awkwierd as possible.
Ron walked up to Kim only wearing his pants and black tee he felt he had no reason to wear his jersey shirt. "Umm so what now KP?" Ron was a little less nervous now.
Kim looked at Ron, with a bit of regret in her eyes. "I guess a first thing first is to check what time it is." Kim pulled out her communicator only to drop it with her mouth soon following.
Ron paying close attention to Kim's reaction uneasily picked up the communicator. It took both his hands to grip the little machine.
"11:45P.M" Ron then sat back down on his bed. "Ohh man Felix is so going to blame me."
"Damn I won't hear the end of it from Monique!"Kim clutched her hands tightly "Ohh man my rents are going to ground me for sure!"
Seeing Kim was in urgent need of relaxation Ron thought then grabbed her hand. "KP don't worry we'll just say a mission came up. There problem solved." Ron shot her his signature Ron smile, knowing it would only lessen the blow.
A small hint of hope came across her face. "That's perfect Ron we can just say Drakken had some stupid ray thing and get off scot free." Kim was more cheerful for a second, before turning back upset.
"But that doesn't change what…what…" Kim didn't need to finish the sentence
"What happened between us?" Ron stated calmly trying to make the best of the sitch. Ironic isn't it?
"Yea" Kim sighed pretty hard.
Grabbing both Kim's shoulder Ron got her undivided attention. "Look KP what happened, happened and I wish I knew why."
"I wish I knew why too." Kim then paused for a moment "Did we eat something strange or get hit with a laser or something?" Kim had too many things on her mind to recall all the past events.
"Well we ate the cafeteria grub the lunch lady makes, but a laser I don't…" For a cooler flashback zoom into Ron's eye as he recalls the pink laser that shot them both. "The pink laser" Ron whisper
"The what?" Kim asked urgently
"The pink laser Drakken had, Kim remember Drakken shot us with a laser, and nothing happened to us." Ron kept shaking Kim by the shoulders
The very thought slapped Kim hard. "That's right Ron that laser Drakken shot us with, it must've been the reason we lost control and…and well you know." No matter how hard Kim tried to fight it a small mischievous smile crossed her face as she remembers what had occurred earlier that evening.
The same went for Ron he tried to hide his smile, by coughing a little. "Umm yea Kim so what do we do know? Should we call Wade and ask him about pink lasers?" Ron questioned Kim
Kim didn't want anyone to know what happened here, let alone Wade. "No! Ron I think its best we don't tell him! Knowing him he would tell our rents and I don't even want to think what would happen!"
"Ok then KP so this stays between us then?" Ron moved his finger back and forth between him and Kim.
"Yea Ron I think its best we just try to look past this and forget about it."
"Yea I guess your right KP, so now what?"
"Now it's time for me to get home, before the rents go overboard with fury." Kim was about to open the door, until she remembered she was at Ron's house. "Umm Ron what are the chances your parents are home?"
Ron took a pleasant tone and had a reassuring smile. "Ohh don't worry about it Kim, my parents usually get home around 2:00 A.M and leave while I'm at school."
Kim opened the door walked down the stairs and found that the house was indeed empty, all the doors and windows were as their bodies have left them. "Ohh thank goodness, for a second there I thought we were so busted!" Kim wiped some sweat off her forehead.
Kim made her way for the door, she however reaching the door knob stopped dead in her tracks. Not even turning her head. "So Ron see you at school tomorrow?" Kim tried to force that question out.
Ron knew Kim better than anybody, and he knew Kim forced that question. "You know KP I'm sorry I can't I have to find a way to apologize to Felix, and Monique is probably to give you a thrashing so tomorrow is not looking so good." Ron smiled when he said that knowing Kim would enjoy some alone time to get the awkwierd out of her system.
Kim also knew Ron better than anyone and was thankful for him giving each other some space. "Ohh well ok then Ron, see you on Friday for our Ron-night." Awkwierd or not Ron-night was a must for the two.
Before Ron could respond Kim left his house in a hurry to get home to some most likely over tweaked rents.
Middleton High Afterschool – If you want a description so bad go look at the wiki page.
Ron was in the gym playing Felix a little one on one basketball game.
"So Ron where were you last night I called and you weren't home?" As Felix asked that question he shoots a 2 pointer making it.
Recalling last night's memories, Ron blushes a little. "Ohh sorry dude a mission came up Drakken had some weather machine." Ron claimed as he stole the ball from Felix taking a shot only for it to hit the rim and get intercepted by Felix.
"Really dude oh well maybe next time." Felix unimaginably shoots a 3 pointer from half-court making a swish noise as it goes in. "Game point!"
Somehow during the games Ron had a lead on Felix needing only one point to win the game of 21. Then again Felix manages to catch up and they were tied.
"Ohh you're so going down wheelman!" Ron shouted
"Bring it on Ron, make sure you stay frosty!" Felix countered
Felix began dribbling the ball trying to get past the wall Ron made around him. First by faking to the left and then right Felix took a shot for the basket going for the 2 pointer. Somehow by a force of nature it missed and Ron intercepted it. Now it was Ron's time to shine. Ron jumped in the air ready to shoot when the overwhelming weird feeling once again engulf his entire body, again causing him to fall to the floor. Felix moves his chair to Ron's side.
"Ron! Ron are you ok?" Felix was concerned for his best buddy
Ron opens his eyes and gets up from the floor. He soon begins to move his fingers, only now there is a delayed reaction and were going numb fast!
"Yea Felix…hey dude look I got to go home now! I'll see you tomorrow!" Ron claimed as he ran from the gymnasium.
"Ohh ok then see you tomorrow bro." Felix yelled as he picked up the basketball. "I wonder what that was all about." Felix was now spinning the ball in his finger.
While Ron was playing basketball with Felix, Kim was talking to Monique about Club Banana then about Ron at Monique's lockers.
"So spill girl where were you last night? I called your house and texted you!" Monique claimed as she shut her locker.
"Ohh sorry Mon a mission came up with Dr. Drakken, don't ask." As she told Monique about the lie both her and Ron thought up, Kim couldn't help but blush from the memories that had actually happened the previous night, and the body Ron had.
Monique saw Kim's blush and looked around for a boy, but found none so she definitely wasn't crushing.
"Ok girl spill what's with the dreamy gaze into thin air." Monique asked with her arms crossed.
Kim quickly coming out of her gaze had a guilty look on her face. "Spill what?" Kim was hoping that Monique would leave it.
Wait a minute this is gossip no way she is going to let it go. I mean come on the "Quick Side Note" stated Monique as the 411 on gossip.
"Uh-uh girl that isn't going to fly by me you better spill!" Monique demanded
Feeling there was no way out of Monique's grasp Kim lied to her about what had happened during the fake mission.
"Really girl no way shut up!" Said a very stunned Monique
"No really Mon during the mission instead of the usual Ron loses his pants, he lost his shirt instead, and under it revealed a much toned muscular body." Kim nose almost bled which Monique did happen to catch.
"You're…your actually serious girl aren't you?" Monique was now shaking a little.
"Mon why would I lie about something like this? Under those baggy clothes is a very clean cut body." Kim then went into a daze as she thought about how she learned about Ron's body really. Once again Monique did not miss that reaction Kim made
"So what girl what does he rate on the meter now." Monique pondered
"Let's just say Bonnie would definitely not call him a loser anymore." Kim said with confidence on her face.
"Damn and your serious I got to see this body of his!"
Before Kim could react to her statement she was once again overcome with the eccentric feeling. Pinning herself back against the locker, Kim tried to move her arms up and down. They were still moving, but only slowly and were getting harder to move.
"Hey girl you alright you look a little flushed?"
"Yea... hey Mon look I got to go home now! I'll see you tomorrow!" Kim claimed as she ran out the hall way.
"Ok then Kim see you later!" Monique went back to wondering what Ron's body looked like.
Through the streets of Middleton – You know that place where people drive.
Ron was no longer running home, it wasn't due to the fact he was out of breathe no. If anything he wasn't breathing hard enough. Ron had once again lost control of his body and noticed he was heading home again.
"No this can't be happening to me again! Not again damn it!" Ohh there's denial I thought we skipped that step.
As Ron approached his house he was greeted with a very nervous Kim. And yes you guessed it Kim was once again no longer in control of her body.
"You to huh KP?" Ron asked anxiously
"Yea I have no control over my body again." Kim was now indeed tense as they approached his front door again.
Both thought in unison as their bodies entered the house, locked up, and began making their way upstairs to Ron's bedroom.
"Well looks like there's A New Routine"
The two heroes entered Ron's room with the door shut closed right behind them.