Yes, yes, I know. I know that it's been a while—heck, more than a while. And I apologize that this isn't a new chapter. Honestly, I wish it were.

Let me just say, I am so happy and so grateful for all the positive viewership my fanfic has gained, and if any of you guys are still into the story at this point, then I'm even more appreciative. Now don't worry, because this is NOT an A/N telling you all that the story is being abandoned or discontinued. That is not the case. As I've assured you guys before, this story WILL BE COMPLETED, even it takes a few years (as it has). Which leads me to the real reason behind this update: I'm doing some clean-up on the whole thing.

What do I mean by this? I don't mean that I'm scrapping the whole plot or anything like that. Understand, I started this story when I was much younger, and not as matured in writing as I am now. All this time since the last chapter I posted up, I haven't been able to give new content mainly due to the fact that I had major writer's block. I knew where I wanted the characters to go plot-wise, but I had no idea how to lead them to where they were supposed to be. So due to that, I reflected back to the previous chapters, basically reading through the story, and to be quite honest: I wasn't happy with it. Like I said, I wasn't too good of a writer back when I started this story, and it shows. I kept running into plot holes, inconsistencies, and misspelled words—I even found a POV that flickered between third and first person. I began to question just how you all managed to like Glory Days as you have, because it all seemed to cheesy and half-baked to me.

But even with these opinions, I was surprised to find myself still invested enough to continue on—sequels, included. So, I felt that the only way to properly do that would be to polish the story up before I added anymore. Again, the basic storylines are the same, just slightly altered so they don't come off as rushed as they have been. And no, this doesn't mean that you'll have to wait another couple of years before you receive actual new content. The way I'm going about it, the rewritten chapters of this story will all be put out at once, not one by one, plus some new chapters. Then it'll go from there. I will be keeping the original version of Glory Days up for the time being, possibly until the rewritten version is completed as a whole.

With that, I thank any of you who are still interested in this story for sticking around, and I thank all of you for having any interest at all. It is because of this that I want to put my efforts into writing a fanfic of better quality.

Much Love,

Of Alphas and Airbenders