Briar: So, I decided since I'll be going on holidays april 11-25 where there will be no internet that today I should write and update as many stories as I can. I am sorry for the lack of updates due to the fact I'm a published author; I'm terrified I won't be good enough. I ain't trying to be a newyorks best seller but I want good sales ya know. So, I hope you enjoy the update. Regretably, this will just be one long as chapter and the last of them. I apologize, there was so much more I could have done with it but I figure it is time to end it.

*time skip, 3 months later*(note there will be a little bit of it and going back and forth in time)

Ichigo couldn't help but smile at Hyo, holding his little brothers just as he had practiced with Yuzu's dolls. There were three little boys: Aren, Asher and Micah. They were more western names that Ichigo had found when he was searching babynames and since his children were the first werechildren born from a male he wanted them to be unique. Things had changed a lot and the students had been surprised that Ichigo was going to be a mother. There was a daycare nearby and after a month of being alone with his children they were at the equivalent of human children at six months. Werechildren seemed to age faster which lead to them being able to survive faster. The whole Darwin's theory of evolution took place there since their need for need for survival made them more evolved and advanced than regular humans. Ichigo was sad to go to school again, but even Hyo wanted to go and they had a online program that allowed students to go at their own pace. Both Ichigo and Hyo did their courses that way, Ichigo for the first semester and Hyo for the year. He wanted to graduate with his parents so he took gym class one period during the day, had his fun courses that consisted of classes such as art or cooking and the other periods were used for his online classes.

For someone who hadn't done school before, during the summer Hyo learned to write, already knowing how to read. He advanced very far and since they were almost in their final year Ichigo believed that his son could catch up and if he tried could even complete all his years of high school in one year. However, Hyo wanted to garduate with his parents, having finished his entire grade 10 courses in the first month of school, not counting gym class which was a longer class. The teachers had mistreated Hyo at first, thinking he was stupid but when he got 85%-10% on his modules and test marks they praised him for getting 100% on his first exam. Everyone was shocked but then again, both Ichigo ans Grimmjow weren't idiots.

When Hyo wasn't studying or working he was helping take care of his younger siblings. He didn't have homework since it was mostly modules for him to do. It wasn't something teachers wanted but Grimmjow insisted and with Shiro's pull on Gin it was allowed. Though, Shiro saying he'd withhold sex was very persuasive. Though, after the first week of school, there had been a lot of drama that caused Ichigo to do into labor. Someone had switched Shiro's medicine with candies, but Shiro didn't think anything of them since they weren't chewable so when he started having psychotic tendencies and even jumped Gin in a sexual way, the police got involved after he attacked a student. Ichigo had been so scared of losing his twin, knowing he was being arrested that Ichigo had gone into labor from the stress after Grimmjow told him.

Shiro wasn't there for the birth but Gin was in his stead. Gin was fired for his sexual relations with a student but the principal didn't care, knowing he had to help his lover. When the police threatened students that obstructing justice was a serious offense and could land them charges and jail time of their own, a student piped up that it was a id name Ryou who did it. The kid bragging that it was a practical joke he had given the older twin as just desserts for threatening him when he made fun of Ichigo being pregnant. There was no physical harm done to Ryou, leaving the cops to set Shiro free with an apology and that he kept a better track of his medications, keeping it on his person rather than leaving it in his locker.

It had been a few days of Shiro being in jail and interrogated, but the judge placed Shiro under house arrest with an ankel bracelet that would track his movements. If they kept constant track of him they would notice that Shiro only left his room to go to the bathroom or shower, mainly staying with Ichigo and the triplets, doting on them like any loving uncle would. It gave Ichigo the time to rest, even if Gin was around but even Ichigo was smart enough to know that his brother wouldn't put his nephews in danger just for a quick sex session. Just like Ichigo was one of Shiro's few precious ones, his children would be Shiro's precious ones as well. No one would harm them or deprive them of their needs and Shiro would do everything in his power to protect them.

Times had gotten tough after the cubs were born though, even though they little ones didn't take up much room they cried a lot and kept people awake when they needed sleep. Ichigo could see it was taking its toll on everyone as they spent more money on cofffee, even Yuzu drinking it and without her first cup in the morning she would become a monster in her anger before apologizing frantically. There was a time Isshin fell asleep standing up and the hot liquids poured on his hands, only to wake him up screaming as it spilled on his front, staining his white dress shirt. No one would admit to Ichigo that his offspring made their lives harder, but with Grimmjow staying more and more over Ichigo started to see it. Grimmjow and Ichigo tried to alternate with the triplets during the night but sometimes it was too much, and Ichigo would try his best to handle them. However, when November rolled around, Ichigo took his backpack, made it look like he was talking the triplets to their daycare centre when he was really heading to the habitats. He left a notes on his desk drawer for his family to see but today Ichigo would be going to visit Grimmjow's surrogate mother, Pantera, who had a great influence on her grandcubs. Ichigo trusted the panther with them since she had raised Grimmjow and though he was a beast, he definitely wasn't a blood thirsty monster hell-bent on killing.

At first, Pantera wondered why her precious son in-law was there when Grimmjow was at school but before the other panthers could move closer to the beta, though claimed, Pantera gave a warning growl to deter their minds from Ichigo. The fact that the alphas moved closer to see the orange haired beauty to claim him and the betas to destroy him at a chance to mate with Grimmjow made him nervous, Ichigo knew that none would raise Pantera's ire who seemed to be the pack alpha in that little group.

"Now Ichigo, why are you here?" Pantera asked.

"I came to live here. I've been too much a hassle for my family," Ichigo answered with a sigh. Even Pantera could see the rings under Ichigo's eyes and how tired he appeared with his body straining to stay standing. "The cubs just don't like to sleep at night even with Grimm present."

"It is their call to be in the wild," Pantera informed Ichigo. "Though human by appearance, the call of the wild is too strong for them. Even know you can see them calming."

"Shiro will be coming soon," Ichigo told Pantera. "He won't live without me and his mate, Gin will too. Though, you've met him before. There is Hyo too. It seems we will have our hands full."

"Yes," Pantera hummed in agreement. "The silver fox will have no problems adjusting. When I am allowed out I smell his scent roaming the forest from time to time."

"He's like us?" Ichigo asked in shocked.

Pantera shook her head. "No, not completely. He's more like Shiro but unlike your twin, his genes will remain recessive. They just aren't dominant enough. Shiro is your twin so he had a chance but Gin was born alone so he will remain human. He will have the traits of a fox, the need to mate and even their powers but he will never change shapes."

"That must be confusing," Ichigo thought aloud. "Having the instincts of an animal trapped in human skin."

"Yes, but he will survive," Pantera replied.

Ichigo could feel the exhaustion taking over him and he had to sit down since his legs were killing him. The triplets took a lot out of him and with a c-section he was sore for a couple of days. The triplets were old enough to crawl and even walk if they desired and though they were at the age that human infants could do such a thing, they were not there with their sleeping patterns. They were still at the level of a newborn with their sleeping patterns. Not knowing whether they should be a sleep or awake at night. Their kind were nocturnal, real black panthers and they were like Gin; an animal stuck in human skin. They were too young to shift and lack the instinctual knowledge but Ichigo hoped Pantera was right that they would sleep better in the wild.

Ichigo's eyelid grew heavier as he laid on the grass, Pantera offering to watch them so that Ichigo could sleep. more often than not he was awake doing homework in the middle of the night, knowing the triplets would wake up with their wonky sleep patterns. They were such a handful, though Ichigo loved them no less. They liked to chew on paper and grab it with their little hands, ripping it from the pages and aggravating both parents, knowing it was their homework or school notes. Though it annoyed both parents they knew that they were cubs and didn't know best so they learned fast not to have the notes where the cubs would reach them. They tried climbing sometimes but didn't have the strength to lift themselves up and Ichigo usually caught them before they fell or before they tried. If the cubs did fall then they landed on soft padding. The hardwood floor being replaced with carpet which was a pain since it got stained a few times. There were times Ichigo had to eat in his room and now that the cubs ate pureed food, they spit it up a few times, throwing their messy bibs onto the floor; thank God those portable steam cleaners. more often than not, Misaki would clean the messes while she was at home; Ichigo didn't want to burden his mother with watching the triplets who were quite handful. The daycare warned Ichigo that if they cubs didn't adjust by their two month duration at the daycare that they would have to find another daycare. The cubs would cry for their parents and it was difficult for them and Ichigo feared that they wouldn't be able to stay at the daycare and Ichigo would have to burden his mother.

He was worried with so many burdens or parenthood but the exhaustion wore him out enough that he started to drift away. He was snoozing quietly with Pantera watching over him and the cubs playing quietly for once, enjoying their time in the outdoors. The other Pantera made the habitat very close to a real habitat for black panthers and even had shrubs and bushes for any cubs to hide while the parents would stalk around the place.

Ichigo managed to sleep the whole day, waking up and stretching only to feel himself wrapped up in another body. Blinking in confusion, Ichigo felt someone nuzzling his neck but Ichigo smelled the familiar scent of Grimmjow having him calm down. This was his mate and Grimmjow would never harm him.

"Evening, sunshine," Grimmjow greeted Ichigo.

"Morning," Ichigo mumbled, still a little tired as he snuggled closer to Grimmjow.

"Sleep well?" Grimmjow asked.

"Fantastic," Ichigo purred. "I see you napped too."

"Yeah," Grimmjow agreed.

The sounds of giggling alerted Ichigo, having him roll away from Grimmjow and slowly moved from his hands and knees to sit on his butt. While urging his cubs to come to him, Ichigo could see Pantera walking beside them to keep any danger that lurked in the darkness. Ichigo appreciated the gesture and when he managed to grab Asher, he couldn't help but smile and coo at his middle child. Micah was first and Aren was the youngest. The others were jealous and Grimmjow picked up Asher, cooing that the child just needed Daddy to make him better. Aren was cuddled up to with Pantera as she sat close to Grimmjow and Ichigo.

"Mating season is tomorrow," Pantera noted. "All felines of some group will be in a certain area. Grimmjow has gone there before, but only to supervise."

"Do I go?" Ichigo asked.

"Most likely. You seem to be a very powerful beta and would watch over them." Pantera informed. "Grimmjow or even Shiro will watch over the alphas to make sure they aren't too out of hand. Hyo is old enough to be of mating age soon, not a full adult but he's getting close to a year. Maybe next year but right now he is more a cub in animal form though an adult in human form."

Ichigo nodded his head in agreement. Though he was able to shift and protect his cubs, Ichigo knew that with mating season and Pantera not being in her right mind, Ichigo would have to watch his cubs like a hawk. Hyo would be in danger but whether Ichigo had to chose between Hyo or the triplets safety it would unfortunately be the triplets who couldn't protect themselves yet. Though, Ichigo hoped it wouldn't come to that but females were jealous and cubs were a man reason to mate. They could think that if the cubs were out of the way then Grimmjow would be available to be their mates.

After a few minutes of thinking the sounds of footsteps reached Ichigo's ears, causing him to move closer to the triplets. There was no sense of danger but one could never be too careful. It turned out to be Grimmjow and Ichigo visible relax at knowing that his other half was around to help protect the cubs. Ichigo was self-reliant most of the time but with Grimmjow around it made it easier to watch them. They were in a area with many dangers so with Grimmjow around he didn't have to worry about the females attacking him. Though Ichigo was more powerful than them he didn't want to risk Aren, Asher or Micah's safety. The triplet's were Ichigo's world as was Hyo but he didn't want to lose his first litter to a bunch of jealous animals.
Though it was still early, Ichigo moved to the cubs and curled around them. He gave them a few tickles before he felt tired. There was a lot of weariness around him with parenting and he more often than not had bags under his eyes. With the feeling of Grimmjow's muscled body against his chest a purr erupted from Ichigo's lips. Comfort began to spread throughout Ichigo as he grew tiresome.

The next day was eventful. Pantera woke them up, nudging Ichigo with her nose and at first he tried to go back to sleep but with the loud roar Pantera gave off it woke him up better than any alarm clock. Ichigo's head bashed into Grimmjow's chin causing the elder lycanthrope to swear in aggrivation. Ichigo elbowed Grimmjow in turn, not wanting their children to be cursing like a sailor by the time they were two.
Ichigo managed to get to the tree house that was built for Grimmjow when he was younger and changed. The triplets were dressed and Ichigo took a bag for a week. Most of the bag was filled with diapers and some bottles and since Grimmjow was a alpha he could come and go as he pleased, Ichigo being a alpha-beta made him in charge of the alpha's when in charge. Being the most powerful beta, he could be in charge of the whole feline pack, that is if the males registered Grimmjow as the more powerful alpha.

The triplets weren't too pleased so Ichigo took them out of their onsies and into jeans and hoddies to keep them warm. Grimmjow appeared with a bottles and they took turns feeding the cubs. Asher and Micah were first and then Aren was third, making it easier since the triplets gobbled them up. They ate solids too so Ichigo packed some baby food with him. It would feed them cubs when they weren't getting food, there would be water around in some coolers, not having the lycanthropes relying completely on nature. They would be sleeping in large tens, the ones that were built for eight or more.

"Are you ready for today?" Grimmjow asked Ichigo, knowing it wass hard for him to go out in public some days.

"Yeah," Ichigo answered truthfully. "It can't be too hard."

Grimmjow nuzzled Ichigo's neck, purring in happiness at the tenacity his mate showed. Ichigo was strong and a mate worthy of any alpha. The two began to desend down to the ground, and on their way to the forest of Karakura Town. They bid Pantera farwell as they left but stoppped so Pantera could say goodbye. The teachers were informed of mating season and Ichigo was ahead of class so he was set for a while. Hyo too was ahead for his schooling so he would be able to miss a week of classes.

The sun was shinning out in the cyan blue skies with a few white clouds in the skies. Ichigo had one cub on his front and another on his back while Grimmjow had Aren in a backpack on his back. He was eating a carrot while the others were chewing on a mum's cookie. They were tasty for the cubs and it kept them quiet. The forest thickened but once they made it to the mating area there was a clearing that was as large as a soccer field. The alphas and betas were seperated but it was obvious which side was which. Though, the mated pairs were on the beta side it seemed, and Ichigo even saw Shinji and Nnoitra. The two were leaning against a tree as Shinji waved enthusiastically at Ichigo.

"What's up?" Ichigo asked Shinji as he skipped up towards the two.

Shinji shruggged his shoulder. "Not much, making sure alphas don't tread over the beta territory."

Ichigo nodded his head, noting the betas eyes on him and the alpahs in want. Grimmjow's arm around Ichigo's shoulder deterred a few but not many.

"Has a mated pair been chosen to be the top dogs...cats?" Ichigo asked.

Shinji shook his head and pointed towards the centre. "Those guys are. Ryu and his mate, Mia. There is also Kaworu and his mate Haru. Are you planning on trying?"

Ichigo nodded his head. "Will you watch the cubs?"

"Sure," Shinij agreed, taking the two Ichigo had while Nnoitra took Aren.

The four rolled up towards the other two mated pairs and Shinji moved back a little to show that he wasn't a threat. Ichigo and Grimmjow oozed in power and confidence that there wasn't a slightest hesitation who would be the leader, though, that didn't stop the others from trying. They would have to fight for the position and the males spread out while the females would go to their own form of battle. A circle formed as a group of lycanthropes noticed that no one else would be fighting for top position now.

"You know the rules," Nnoitra shouted. "Females go by form and whoever has hte strongest form and can defeat the other in battle will win. Males, yours is on strength, if you fall you lose."

Ichigo shook his arms and smiled, taking his shirt off and knew it would be easier to shift if he wasn't constricted. A female tried to argue that he was male and couldn't fight but he pointed out that he was a alpha-beta, he had juristiction to be in the female catagory, being a mother and all.
Mia and Haru took full female form, being a complete panther and Ichigo would have too but the sound of his cubs crying and Shinji shouting out had him stopping his shift. A male seemed to have Micah in his arms and Nnoitra was unsure of what to do, looking at Ichigo for assistance. Hyo snarled in anger but he too was pinned beneath a male's body.

"Hyo!" Ichigo shouted in panic. "Please tell me you're okay."

"I am!" Hyo snarled and trie to bite his captor. "Bastard snuck up on me! Same with Shinji and Nnoi."

"I'll kill them," Ichigo growled out in an even tone.

He didn't think he'd have to chose but Micah was in more danger than Hyo was at the moment. Without even thinking, Ichigo shifted but rather than take on a full panther form, Ichigo was more anthro. He had a v-shape on his chest for his fur, with claws and paws while he stood on his legs. His hair and face were human but he couldn't help but feel more feline and aggravated at the fact one dared to hurt his cub. The lesser alpha was scared now but and dropped Micah but Ichigo was fast enough to catch his cub. Micah was close in Ichigo's arms and Ichigo fell but the cub wasn't harmed. Claws ranked down Ichigo's back causing him to scream in pain as ruby red blood erupted from his skin. A burning pain lanced through Ichigo's body at being cut up so easily.
Standing up faster than one could think, Ichigo's claws raked over his opponent's face. Crimson red splashed out and coated Ichigo. Fury was evident in Ichigo's amber orbs, nothing but vengeance in his eyes. Before anything else could happen Ichigo was held in Grimmjow's arms.

"Sssh," Grimmjow hushed.

"He took my cub," Ichigo snarled.

"It's okay, you won," Grimmjow assured.

"And you?" Ichigo asked skeptically.

"Yes," Grimmjow said.

Ichigo purred in happiness and noticed the others looking at him. It never occurred to him that the form he took was one that wasn't used before. He didn't think much of it. This was the first form that was new to the others and he was now dubbed the most powerful beta in the group, the others would follow Ichigo now. Grimmjow was a natural born leader and in turn the alphas would follow him.
The rest of the cubs were surrounded by Ichigo, even Hyo who was held in Ichigo's arms. They were each given a tongue bath, much to Hyo's displeasure but it was to confirm that his family was fine.

Once everyone settled down Ichigo couldn't help but smile at his family. This was his family, his life and his cubs. This was how life would be for them, for better or for worse and though they had the power to protect each other, they would never leave one another. Each day would be cherished and it all happened because of Ichigo; he was supernatural.