'It's cute.'

'It's not cute,' Sebastian huffs. 'It's annoying.' Kurt rolls his eyes, snuggling into his boyfriend's side.

'Blaine's eight, Bas,' he laughs. 'I'm not about to run off into the sunset,' he breathes into Sebastian's neck, sending shivers through his body. 'Unless you're worried he's competition?' he whispers into Sebastian's ear, smiling as he sees goosebumps run up the dark haired boy's neck.

'Don't be stupid,' Sebastian smirks, turning his face towards Kurt. 'Can Blaine do this?' he asks, leaning down to Kurt's collarbone, softly biting the sensitive skin. 'Or this?' he brings his lips slowly towards Kurt's mouth, softly nibbling on his lower lip, hands trailing down Kurt's spine. Kurt smiles, folding into Sebastian's kiss-

'Hi, Kurt!' Sebastian stiffens. Kurt sighs, pushing Sebastian back into the pillows.

'Like fucking clockwork,' Sebastian breathes, placing a pillow over his belt. Kurt gives him a small slap.

'Hi, Blaine,' he smiles, straightening his shirt. 'What's up?' Blaine grins, curls bouncing as he runs onto the bed, then slows suddenly.

'Not much,' he replies nonchalantly, pushing his hair out of his face. 'School, choir, lacrosse, you know.' Kurt bites his lip, holding in giggles.

'Oh, yeah, I heard you got into the A's,' he holds up his hand. 'High five!' Blaine hesitates, then slaps Kurt's hand.

'Hey, Seb,' Blaine says, barely shooting him a glance. Sebastian scowls.

'Hey, little brother,' he scathes. 'Don't you have homework to do? Piano to play? Lego to build?' Kurt shoots him a warning glance. Blaine frowns.

'But I want to hang out with you a Kurt,' he whines. 'You're fun.'

'Don't you have any friends of your own?' Sebastian asks sarcastically, hand gently squeezing Kurt's hipbone. Blaine looks down.

'Not really,' he says softly. Kurt's eyebrows raise.

'What about Casper?' he asks. 'You guys were good friends last time I came around.' Blaine shrugs.

'He doesn't want to be friends anymore.' Now Sebastian sits up, concerned.

'What?' he asks. 'Why did I not hear about this?' Blaine lifts his shoulders again.

'He said that fairies were for girls,' he mumbles. 'So he couldn't play with me.' Kurt's eyes widen, and he shoots Sebastian a concerned look. Sebastian looks furious.

'You know that's not true, right?' he says, pulling Blaine into a hug. 'You're the coolest kid in that school.' Blaine shakes his head.

'I wear bowties,' he wipes his eyes. 'No one else wears bowties.'

'Hey,' Kurt laughs, ruffling his curls. 'I wear bowties. Bowties are cool!' Blaine pulls out of his brother's arms and smiles.

'Just like the Doctor!' he smiles excitedly. Kurt nods.

'Just like the Doctor,' he agrees. 'I, for one, love the way you dress. Those boys don't know what they're missing.' Blaine blushes. 'And don't forget, if any of them give you crap, you've got your big brother here, right, Bas?' Sebastian nods, eyebrow raised.

'Give me the word and I'll beat the living daylights out of the little shits.'

'Sebastian!' Kurt gasps. 'No swearing!' Blaine smiles.

'It's okay, Kurt,' he says. 'I don't need Seb to save my ass. I've got you!' Kurt hesitates, then smiles.

'That's right,' he nods, side-eyeing his scowling boyfriend. 'You've got me, Seb, Santana, and Finn all around your little finger. No one's going to touch you.' Blaine looks deflated, but still smiles.

'Can you come pick me up tomorrow? You've got a free seventh so you could get to St Leonard's by three thirty easily, especially if you drove your car!' Kurt frowns.

'Wait how did you know-'

'Please?' he asks, opening his eyes wide and pouting his bottom lip. Kurt looks to Sebastian, who just rolls his eyes. 'Please, Kurt? Just this once.'

'Fine, fine!' Kurt cries. 'Enough with the puppy eyes!' Blaine jumps up, clapping his hands excitedly.

'Wait 'til Casper sees your car! He's going to be so jealous!' he pulls Kurt into a hug. 'Thank you,' he smiles shyly. Kurt ruffles his curls again.

'No problem, Blaine,' he smiles. Blaine steps back, waves at Seb, who just raises his eyebrow.

'Bye, Sebby!' he grins. 'Oh, Kurt?' he asks shyly, twiddling his thumbs. Kurt holds back a sigh.

'Yes, Blaine?'

'If I'm the Doctor,' he bites his lip, 'will you be my companion?' Kurt's mouth drops open as Sebastian groans, falling back into the pillows.

'I am so done.'