Disclaimer: I own nothing (except for my clothes, etc.) to do with marvel or the X-men.

Author's Note: I thought I'd get a head start on the second chapter but I don't know how to format this right. EEEEK! Help me please!

It Takes All Kinds

People dead everywhere, walls blown away and ice-cream buckets filled with blood. Chairs scattered among the rubble and a little boy in the middle of it all....laughing.

"Oh goddess! What has happened here?!" yelled Ororo, That little boy. Why is he laughing like a madman? She thought frantically for a reason to the madness, Has he caused this?

"Because I am madman, little weather witch! I knew you were to come here with your mutant friends and I can read even the most heavily guarded minds such as yours so I made a reason for you to notice me! Did I manage to catch your attention yet? Because if not there are many onlookers who are at my mercy!"

'Dis boy don't know what he doin'. He'll hurt Stormy! We need ta get dese people outa here, thought Gambit. At the same moment Storm voiced his thoughts to Wolverine.

"We need to evacuate these people Wolverine! Now!" she turned to address the little boy who looked to be around 12 years old, "What do you want from us? We will listen as long as you do not hurt the remaining people. Do you understand me?"

"Of course, do I look like I'm foolish to you, I don't want to hurt them, it's all your fault!" grinned the boy. "If you had not ignored me earlier I wouldn't have had to take such drastic measures!" He laughed evilly with the sound of a sarcastic and bitter old man. Suddenly, the area around the X-men started to evaporate and the ground where the three of them had stood dissapeared. Gambit and Storm were knocked unconcious by rocks and rubble that appeared in the air surrounding them. They were falling at a fast pace into a black hole where the ice cream parlor had recently stood. The only thing Wolverine could hear was the boy's laughter and all else was silent, as he too blacked out.

A while later they all woke up to the sound of running water from a small waterfall. As they inspected their new surroundings they saw green grass with morning dew and the tallest, greenest trees. Everything around them had the feel of freshness and goodness wiith the huge sun shining down on them. Ororo could not help herself, she grinned, she could feel mother nature all around her. She knew they were still on earth and thought to herself that there could be worse places to be at the moment.

"Chere? Stormy? I doubt dat 'dis be da time to grin like a fool, padnat. Are you okay?" asked Remy with a worried frown on his face, he was worried she might have taken a bad hit on the head with a rock by the way she was acting. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was in this place where she looked completely at home.

"I am fine my friend, and do not call me Stormy. We are still on earth for I feel completely in my element, more so then when I was in the mountains!" she grinned even harder. "We must have been transported here somehow, all though I question what that little boy had to do with this. We will rest easy and be fine here for awhile but we must find a way home soon."

"I agree darlin'. We're on an island of some sort, I think we're in Canada, Ontario is a possibility 'cause it smells familiar." Snorted Logan, "Creepy kid to bring us all the way out here and not show up 'imself."

"I doubt we are alone my friend. I believe we are being watched."

"I woulda smelt him!" argued Logan.

"I t'ink petit has a point, homme. Maybe you can't sense 'im 'cause he ain't here. He lookin' from somewhere else, non?" said Remy.

"I concur, technology to advanced for even your nose my friend?" teased Ororo to her friend, when Logan snarled she knew to back off, "Take it lightly Logan. There are many possibilities."

"Actually, you're all wrong. I'm here and live in person! Let me introduce myself, my name is Tann." Smiled a little boy stepping out from behind a tree.

Thank you, and keep reading (and enjoying I hope!)