Well, this is it, guys! Final chapter and epilogue! I hope you enjoyed coming on this little fanfiction journey with me. If you have any prompts or ideas for any other stories (SwanQueen-related) you might like to read, feel free to PM me any time, all interesting suggestions are welcome. Thank you for sticking through to the end of this story with me, I'm proud of all of us!


Tasha V.

When Emma woke, the first thought that came to her was that of hope. Hope that not all was lost, that the battle had been a dream, and that she still had Regina, alive and well, breathing, smiling, teaching Henry how to use his magic and practicing with Lea. But no. A sharp pain in her stomach alerted her to the fact that she was very much flushed back to crappy reality. Snow appeared by her bedside, a relieved, though pained look on her pale face.

''Emma, thank gods, you're awake...''



But the way the word alive barely slid off her mother's tongue, Emma knew that the hidden remainder of that sentence was ''but not for long''. Well, if there was ever a time for that stubborn streak in her to come out, it was then.

''She is NOT dying.''

Ignoring the dizziness and the nausea, she pushed herself up and off the bed, trying to understand where she was.

''We're back at our castle,honey. I explained everything to your father, he's with the soldiers, dealing with the ones that are still somewhat baffled as to what happened.''

''Where are the children?''

''They're with Regina, in Henry's chambers. No matter what I did, I couldn't pry them away. They take their meals by her side, that is, if I can get them to eat anything, and they take turns visiting you. They've pretty much been going back and forth between the two of you.''

''Exactly how long have I been unconscious?''

''You've been in and out for about two weeks now.''

Emma gasped, disbelief written clearly on her features. She felt like no more than five minutes had passed.

''I know, dear, it's all very confusing, but you really must lie down,we have to get the healer check your condition.''

''I'm going to see my children and Gina.''

Snow knew very well there was no point in even trying to talk her daughter out of it,and just looped her arm securely through the blonde's leading her towards Henry's room.

Henry and Lea sat on either side of Regina when they heard their grandma and their blonde mother enter the room.

''I told you, Lea.''

Lea nodded happily and bounded off the bed along with her brother, hugging her mother, squeezing her waist tightly with her tiny arms.

Emma simply hugged them back, tears flowing down her face. She had no strength left to stop herself from crying, the trip to the room alone seemed to have weakened her beyond recognition.

''I knew you'd be okay, Momma. You have to be. Only you can save Mommy now.''

This caught Emma and Snow's ear.

''What do you mean, Henry?''

The boy frowned, hoping his mother was joking. How could she not know?

''...you...you don't know?...Here-''

He pressed his warm palm against Emma's stomach and rubbed circles affectionately. Lea smiled joyously next to him.

''Henry...your Momma isn't feeling very well, could you just tell us what's going on?''

His hands still on Emma's stomach, he grinned and waited.

''In a second or two, you'll know, too.''

And, true enough, Emma gasped and grabbed his hand, still resting on her abdomen.

''I..he...she? Well...it – kicked?!''

Snow's hand flew to her lips, in shock, but smiling. Then Henry spoke up again.

''You and the baby have the power to bring Mommy back. Lea and I have tried all sorts of charms spells and incantations, but all they did was heal the wound from the outside. No more blood, but she's still in a lot of pain.''

He bowed his head, trying to hide his tears. He knew princes never cried. But he was still only a boy. Emma knelt by his side and lifted his chin with her index finger.

''Henry, sweetie...you can hear her?''

''Yes. But she's only strong enough for a sentence or two a day. She's too busy hiding the pain from me...and trying not to die.''

Emma's gut clenched in sorrow and she hugged both her children closer.

''Henry, darling...just one more question...and then you should go with Grandma Snow and get something to eat.''

''Okay, Momma.''

''Does she know about the baby?''

''No...I thought that if she knew that you were pregnant and thought you were dying, she would hurt too much. Much more than she's hurting already, I mean.''

Emma shut her eyes, warding off negative thoughts. She had to stay optimistic through all of this. Just liked her children had.

''Okay...Mom, could you take them please?''

Snow nodded, and the children obediently left their mothers to their mutual healing.

Emma nestled closer to Regina on the huge four poster bed. She looked like she was sleeping. Her raven looks looked even shinier, the red lips fuller and her complexion as flawless as that first day she laid eyes on her. And yet, all that really assured the blonde that Regina was still there were the steady, almost automatic intakes of breath.

Another set of tears escaped her emerald orbs,and she hugged the woman closer, the coldness of her body making Emma shiver.

Then, she lowered the arm that wasn't coiled tightly around Regina's waist to her stomach, for the first time processing the fact that she was going to be a mother. Well, that she was going to be the one to give birth to their child this time, anyway. Despite the emotional pain she smiled, and brought Regina's palm to the skin of her stomach.

The instant she did this, the strangest thing happened. Emma's heartbeat accelerated at the sight and she jumped up slightly. Her body felt warm, and so did Regina's. She realized that she was glowing. Just like Regina had explained had happened to her when she was carrying the twins. She listened closely, and her heartbeat was then combined white another one. A hummingbird beat, just like Gina said. The entwined fingers of their hands rested on her stomach for the rest of the evening until the children came back to find Emma sleeping next to a still unconscious Regina, though Snow could see the pale of her cheeks wasn't as white anymore and that her body temperature had gone up.

Henry smiled. Things were looking up.

It was on the fourth day of the fourth month after the revelation of the pregnancy that it happened. Emma was at Regina side, as usual, her supper tray balancing precariously on her knees, and she ate tiny mouthfuls of her chicken as she watched Lea playing cards with Snow and her father teaching Henry how to hold a sword properly.

Emma's smile was wiped off her face when she saw a flash of an image in her head. It was Regina. She was floating, as if suspended in between two different galaxies. In the one minute the vision lasted, Emma focused solely on Gina's face, the eyes that she yearned to see open for so long. The doe-like spheres were expectant, as if nothing in the world was wrong. Emma half-expected for the vision-Regina to stomp her feet in the air, huff indignantly, and say:''Honestly, Princess, does nothing come to mind to solve our little predicament?''

And then, Emma realized it. No matter how much she alone loved Regina, it would take the woman's entire family to bring her back. Like her mother always said, ''Love is the most powerful magic there is.'' And no matter how much the White and the Purple witch loved each other, alone was not the word.

Henry walked up to his blonde mother and nodded knowingly.

''Hey, kid, if you're in my mind without telling me, just wait until Gina wakes up. What are you smirking about, anyway?''

He giggled at her faux-threat and said:

''Grandma said I shouldn't tell you anything and that you'd realize it eventually.''

''Yes, well, Grandma did always have that annoying streak about her, didn't she?''

''You know, honey, I may be annoying, but I'm definitely not deaf.'' Snow countered from her seat by the fireplace.

''Yes, I know Mother, not deaf and aging in reverse, a special combo, isn't it? Now will you all get yourselves here, we need to start things up?''

James was puzzled, but still took his wife's hand as she led him to the center of the room. Lea and Henry already stood by Emma, waiting for instructions.

''Okay, I have to think...''

''Emma...Regina taught me a few things about all of this, as you may remember. You can't think when there's magic involved. It either comes to you or it doesn't. To you, it clearly has. You just have to let it flow freely.''

Emma pondered the words for a minute as she watched the children settle themselves on the bottom of their brunette mother's bed. She smiled, because that's exactly where she wanted them. Snow and James stood a foot away from the bed itself, holding hands, smiling hopefully. Finally, she climbed in, her lose night gown unlaced slightly to uncover her already protruding baby bump.

She combed her fingers through Regina's wayward locks and smiled at the always present, seductive scent of apples which came wafting from the woman's direction. Only Regina could pull off being in a coma quite this glamorously, thought the Princess.

She placed one of her palms on Regina's face and the other she entwined with Regina's right hand and placed it on the bump. The children took their grandparents' hands, gripping tightly.

Emma focused all her powers, all her magic, all her love and affection on Regina and the people in the room, for they were a family. Her mother, her father, Lea and Henry, herself, Regina, and ultimately, this little new baby. A baby that seemed - if the glow of her entire body was anything to go by - was adamant about saving its mother's life.

A dazzling light blinded all of them and after that one moment, it was gone just as quickly. Once their eyes adjusted back to the semi-darkness of the chamber, Emma looked down and smiled. Her very own Purple Queen was looking back at her, a smile on her face, and a happy twinkle in her eye.

The seven people – a family, they were complete.


''I will most definitely kill you,as soon as I'm able to walk again! Aaaaaaargh!''

''Emma, darling, I know it's painful, but remember, I went through this too, and I came out fine, and I carried our gorgeous twins! Just remember how happy you'll be when you first see her...or him...''

Regina's eyes averted when Emma's gaze snapped up.

''You said her. We're...having...a girl?''

She spoke in between ragged breaths and Regina winced at the thought of the pain she was definitely feeling.

''Yes. You told me not to tell you if I knew, and I didn't, up until last night when Henry accidentally let it slip.''

''Here comes another one. You better pray to each and every god there is to believe in out there that it's the last one or I swear Gina –''

Emma's anger was cut short by another contraction and she screamed at the top of her lungs, Regina holding her hands from behind, as Snow was waiting for the baby to come out.

''Will you two stop bickering and help me deliver this baby?! Emma, honey, I had you, Regina had the twins, don't be a martyr and just PUSH!''


''That's it, sweetie, one more time and it'll all be over.''

''You said that the last time, Mom, I swear, I'm dyin' over here! Why the hell didn't I go for the magical birth. No fuss, no pain, elixirs all the way...I blame you, Regina!''


Regina knew it was bad since Emma never called her by her full name. As she was getting her second wind, Emma continued her angry discussion.

''Yes! You made me look bad! You had the twins naturally, and of course, I wasn't gonna miss out on that! Aaaaargh!''

For once, Regina was glad for that one contraction. Mainly because it stopped Emma's fury, and because Regina sensed that this was the last one and that her daughter was ready to meet the world.

Emma felt a slight pull from when Snow cut the umbilical cord and then as if by magic – no pun intended, the pain was gone, replaced by relief at seeing her newborn baby girl. Regina was the first to hold the little bundle and was enraptured immediately. She sat next to Emma and placed their child in her arms.

''Oh my...Gina...she looks just like you.''

Just as Regina was about to protest, she saw the truth the words held. She looked at her youngest child's face more closely and saw herself. The deep-brown eyes, the dark tufts of hair that would surely grow to be long raven tresses just like hers...she was blessed. She looked at Emma and leaned in for a chaste kiss which soon turned more and more passionate. They separated reluctantly and smiled at each other.

''What are you going to name her?''

They'd almost forgotten Snow was in the room. Regina took the child from Emma and handed it to her grandmother.

''Her name is Alexia. Henry and Lea chose it. So, I figured it must be perfect, right?''

Snow smiled and took the baby to get her cleaned up.

Regina met Emma back on the bed.

''You did great, my love. I'm proud of you.''

''I'm sorry for yelling.''

''Oh, that's okay, I bet Snow was mighty pleased, at least a little. She helped me when I gave birth to Lea and Henry, and I think she was left partially deaf afterwords. One can't blame her if she wanted to gloat a little just now.''

''Alexia is perfect isn't she?''

''All three of our children are. And the others that may possibly come in the future...well, I'm more than sure that they will be nothing short of miracles.''

''I love you, Gina.''

''I love you, too, my beautiful White Witch.''

For once at peace with all the world, the couple kissed, knowing that the next day, and every day after that, would be theirs for the taking.