Chapter 1
"Kagome, dear! You're going to be late for your reservations!" Raina called up the stairs at her daughter as she wiped her hand on her apron. Kagome was supposed to take Shippo out tonight, a little mother, son birthday bonding time since Kagome had been so busy with school lately. She was happy her daughter was getting some down time, and Raina was excited to hear all about how their dinner would go.
"Coming Mama!" Kagome called down to her mother as she pulled her sweater over her head. Kagome looked at herself one last time in the mirror. Hair in a neatly made, messy bun, tight blue jeans, black knee high boots, and black sweater.
She hoped she didn't look over dressed for her dinner with her son and she put on her final touch, the silver chain that held the locket Shippo and Souta had given her, a picture of her grandfather, mom, and brother in one side, Dai and Shippo in the other.
"Well hurry, poor Shippo looks like he's going to starve to death!" Raina called up and Kagome laughed as she opened her door to see Dai standing outside it.
"Is there something wrong Dai?" Kagome smiled as she fastened her locked around her neck.
Dai smiled at her warmly, his ears perking up a little. "Oh, no, nothing. I just wanted to tell you thank you. I know Shippo loves you, and that you're taking him out for his birthday. This means a lot to me."
Kagome smiled as she grabbed her coat. "It's not every day my son turns 50."
"Yes, and it's not every day the 19 year old takes on a responsibility like being a mother." Dai grinned, and Kagome smiled as she sighed.
"It's feels like second nature to me. I know I'm not Shippo's real mother, but I feel like I am." Kagome giggled, making the fox demon before her laugh.
"Kagome . . ." Dai started, but was interrupted by his son running up the stairs and screaming.
"Kagome mama!" Shippo yelled before he threw himself into the young Guide to the Spirits. Shippo still wasn't sure what that meant, but he knew it was important and that was enough for him!
"Hello there, Shippo. You wouldn't be excited for something, would you?" Kagome grinned, and proceeded to tickle the boy in her arms. He may be 50, but he was only the size of a 5 year old.
Dai laughed at the pair and shook his head. He would talk to Kagome later, after Shippo's birthday dinner.
"Have fun you two." Dai smiled, ruffling his son's bangs and making the little demon glare at his father.
"Papa! I worked hard to make my hair nice!" The kitsune whined and Kagome laughed lightheartedly at the boy.
"You will be the most handsome man in the restaurant tonight Shippo, your father was just making sure no woman fell in love with you and try to take you away from me." Kagome smirked, and the boy stuck his tongue out.
Dai laughed and watched as the young Spirit Guide walked past him and out of the house. She was a magnificently strong woman, both in spiritual power and spirit. It didn't hurt that she was the most beautiful woman Dai had seen since the death of his first mate.
"I'll ask her tonight, after Shippo is in bed. . . It will be nice for him to awake to the news that Kagome really will be his mother." Dai said to himself as he walked downstairs to help Raina with their dinner.
Unfortunately, Dai would never ask Kagome to marry him, and Raina would never see her daughter again, nor would the rest of her family.
~three months later~
Kagome held Shippo tightly as they slowly walked toward the large homes down the stone path. The two that walked before her had promised that they'd take care of her and the boy she had grown to love as a son, but she wasn't sure this was a place of care. It was dark grays and black, with many stories and buildings that looked more intimidating that welcoming as it was surrounded by an immensely tall wall of trees.
"I'm not so sure of this place." Shippo whispered, not wanting the two humans in front of him to hear. The man seemed fine enough, but the boy knew the woman was one of those that killed demons, like him.
Kagome held him tighter. "I know, it's a little scary, but just think of it as a sleep over at one of the mountain shrines that never has to end."
"I didn't like those sleep overs. . . I miss my papa. . ." Shippo whispered to the girl that had grown to be his mother. His father had even contemplated marring Kagome after she finished her studies at the university.
"I miss all of them. My grandfather, mother, my brother and your papa, and my precious Buyo. I even miss that ridiculous dog we had gotten last year. You remember the one that would steel my undergarments?"
The man before them turned around to them at that with a raised eyebrow. "Was this dog a demon?"
Shippo smiled lightly. "No, he was just a very silly dog."
The man glanced at Kagome, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked her body up and down. Before he could say anything the woman at his side slapped him in the back of the head.
"Excuse my husband, he's just a pervert." The woman smiled back at the two. The college girl smiled softly at her and the young kitsune scowled.
"You're married?" Shippo nearly yelled, his youthful voice nearing a higher pitch than normal.
"Is that really so hard to believe?" Miroku asked his wife, and Sango laughed lightly.
"Yes, little man, I am married, unfortunately, to a pervert." Sango grinned back at the little fox demon.
"Well, if he's such a pervert, why would he settle down with only one woman? And if you're a demon hunter, why would you marry a man that teaches demons and other magical beings." Shippo exclaimed, proud of himself for making such a good argument, even for being 50.
"Answer that wisely, you lecher." Sango managed past gritted teeth, and Miroku cleared his throat before starting to address that boy, but the 19 year old beat him to the punch.
"Shippo, you know better than to talk to others like that. They love each other, that's the only thing that matters. Not what their jobs or personal preferences are." Kagome said softly, a mix of girls smile and mothers scowl on her face. She hated to be so motherly to him, especially in public where it embarrassed him, but she knew that his last statement wouldn't be dismissed as childish in this place. People, especially demons, didn't take jokes very well when it came to personal matters.
Sango smiled back at Kagome, and the girl smiled at her. There was something about the woman that Kagome trusted, but Kagome had the bad habit of trusting people when she shouldn't. Even so, there was something about the demon huntress that had Kagome at ease around her.
She wore a navy, pin-striped suit over a white silk blouse that she seemed to be very uncomfortable in, and Kagome wondered why the woman had worn such a formal attire just to invite the two orphans to live with her. She wore her long hair in a high pony tail, right at the back of her head, with what looked like ivory chopsticks in it and her bangs framed her face softly.
Her husband, Miroku, seemed more at home in his black suit, white shirt, and navy tie and it seemed that it was something her normally wore. His short hair fell just before his eyes, and there was a short tail of hair at the nap of his neck.
Miroku looked back at Kagome and smiled. "So, Kagome, I've heard that you used to help your grandfather with your families shrine. Is that true?"
Kagome nodded. "Yeah, normally after classes. He would help me with my spirit training right after to."
One of Miroku's eye browns went missing under his hair. "Can you read minds?"
"Only when I'm so used to hearing that series of questions." Kagome smiled and Sango and Shippo laughed.
"People like you ask Kagome that stuff all the time!" Shippo smiled as they finally made it to the entrance of the large haven for the occult. It was where Kagome and her little Shippo would be living now.
"Hey, mutt, check this out! This chick is hot!" Koga laughed as he stood in Inuyasha's office.
The wolf knew the half demon didn't particularly like him, and the jokes he made about his choice in mate, Kikyo, but they were comrades none the less. They were supposed to be talking about the next order for the bar, but Koga had gotten bored and had wandered over to Inuyasha's window where he now saw a shapely body walking toward the main house.
Inuyasha glared up at Koga. "Don't make me kick your flee ridden ass into the next room."
Koga rolled his eyes. "You wish, but seriously, Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku are walking up the path with the sexiest little thing I've seen in a long time."
Inuyasha got up from his chair mumbling about stupid wolves and walked over to the window. He pushed a few shades back and looked down, and was shocked to see a gorgeous young woman walking up the stone road of their haven.
She had long, midnight hair to her rear and was dressed like a young girl would be for this time, darker boot-cut jeans, a tight, red, v-cut sweater, and black boots, a black, fabric messenger bag over one of her shoulders. She was tightly holding a young kitsune to her chest, and it had short red hair and wore a t-shirt and jeans, seemed to have no shoes.
"She's not that great, lay off the weird colored mushrooms and get back to the bar, and your woman. Maybe she can knock some sense into you." Inuyasha growled, not letting the wolf demon know how pretty he actually thought she was.
Koga rolled his eyes. "Whatever man, you know she's hot. Though, a trip to my woman would be a nice break."
"What breaks do you need? You never work!" Inuyasha laughed with a sneer and Koga grinned at him.
"Hey, making babies is hard work!" Koga smiled before he walked out of the hanyo's office.
As he descended the stairs to the main hall, he laughed to himself as he saw the young woman clutching the kitsune close to her and Miroku and Sango smiling as they explained how their home worked.
". . . and we never interfere with your life outside our walls. We are dedicated to protecting those in our world, not limiting them or forcing them into a life they don't want. You're free to come and go as you please. The kitchens are normally stocked to the limits of. . ." Miroku smiled as he explained, and Koga laughed lightheartedly, interrupting him.
"That is, when the females aren't pregnant. The staff has a hard time keeping up with demand when it comes to pregnant demons. No worries, no one is pregnant, for now." Koga laughed and the young girl looked at his with deep eye that were closer to black then blue.
Miroku grinned wickedly at his wife. "For now."
Sango rolled her eyes, but continued to address Kagome. "We'll figure out your rooms later. I'll show you to the bathrooms so you two can clean up before dinner."
Koga snorted. "You are obsessed with people being clean! There's nothing wrong with a little dirt you know."
Sango rolled her eyes. "In your case it's never a little dirt. Kagome, this is the wolf demon Koga, he runs the bar on the other end of our land, open to both human's and . . . otherwise, we'll say. Koga, this is Kagome and her son, Shippo."
"Nice to meet the newest looker of the house." Koga smiled and offered his hand to Kagome.
"You know it is bad manners for a man to offer her hand to a woman. He's supposed to wait for her to offer her hand." Shippo glared, and everyone besides Koga laughed.
"You've got a mouth on you." Koga glared, and Kagome became tense as she looked at the demon male.
"I'm sorry, but never talk to my son that way, because he's right, and normally is." Kagome said as stern as she could, completely uncomfortable with the sound of it in her words. She turned to Sango and her smile felt much more comfortable. "Where is the room we can clean up in?"
"Right this way Kagome." Sango grinned as she motioned down the hall. She smirked at Koga after Kagome and Shippo had passed before walking behind them and away from her husband and the demon.
"Sorry to be so rude to him, but no one talks to Shippo that way." Kagome sighed, and Shippo squeezed himself around her neck and nuzzled his face in her hair, proud of his Kagome mama.
Sango laughed. "Don't be sorry. I love it when people put Koga in his place. His wife especially loves it."
"It was still mean. I don't want people to think I'm mean. . ." Kagome sighed.
"That wasn't mean. That was being protective of your kit. Anyone, especially demons, would respect that." Sango smiled. They walked down one hall into another. Sango explaining that at one end was the kitchen and the other lead to a private garden. They walked toward the garden door in silence.
"Can I ask you something Sango?" Shippo finally managed, still weary of the demon killer.
Sango smiled warmly as she walked beside Kagome. "Why is it, little man?"
Shippo fidgeted with the hem of his t-shirt for a minute before finally getting his question out. "Do you kill all demons, or just the ones that you don't like?"
Sango chuckled softly. "I only kill evil demons, or those who attack our home. The Shikon house is a sanctuary for those seeking peace, not a place to harbor criminals."
"Oh, well then maybe you're not so bad." Shippo smiled, and Kagome and Sango laughed as they made it to the bathrooms.
"You guys can clean up a little in these rooms. It'll be another 30 minutes before dinner, so you two are more than welcome to explore the gardens and yards if you want. I suggest not exploring the buildings without a guide. Walking into the wrong room can lead to unneeded trouble." Sango smiled before she bowed her head to them and walked away.
Kagome knelt down to Shippo and smiled. "I'll be out of the bathroom in just a quick minute. If you finish before me, wait right here, okay?" She smiled.
"Promise you won't be long?" Shippo asked, his little eyes watering lightly. Since their families' death 3 months ago, he hadn't left Kagome's side except for bathroom breaks and bath time. The first week he wouldn't even leave for that.
Kagome kissed his forehead. "I promise."
Kagome blotted her face with the clean, white towel and looked into the mirror. She was finding it impossible to keep a smile on her face in the light of all these recent events. Sanctuary or not, Kagome had only ever know life with her mom, grandpa, brother, Shippo, and his father, and being here was so new it was scary.
"I should have been there." Kagome whispered as she leaned against the sink, her head hanging low. She knew that if she had been there that night, her family would still be alive. Right now, she could be in the sitting room, Shippo in her lap, sipping tea with her mom, her grandpa, brother, and Shippo's dad arguing over what seasoning should be added to dinner, her mother laughing before the three gave up on relaxing and went to fix the food the men had botched. She could be outside, practicing with the bow her grandpa had given her, focusing her power and aiming to annihilate the dummy 50 paces away. Shippo could be in the garden's playing around with his magic skills, or swinging in the tree, cheering for his Kagome mama.
"I miss you all so much." Kagome whispered, before she shook her head and headed out of the bathroom. She stopped dead in her tracks when Shippo wasn't there, waiting by the door.
"Shippo. . . ?" Kagome asked as she stepped toward the door of the bathroom he had gone into. The door was wide open, offering Kagome an empty room. Fear shook her and Kagome felt her heart run at full speed.
"Shippo!" Kagome called, and saw the door open down the hall that led outside.
She ran to the door and looked around. There was large garden with stone paths between the sections of flowers, bushes, and tress. There were trees all around the garden, insuring that it stay a more private part of the sanctuary, and in the middle was a huge tree with a concrete bench around its trunk. There, standing next to the bench, was Shippo with a little girl in a yellow and orange spring dress. Kagome ran to them, but the children didn't seem to notice her.
"No, you wrap it this way to end it. Have you never made a flower wreath before?" The little girl giggled and showed Shippo the way to twist the stems of flowers together. It was made of brilliantly white Daisies and deep blue Morning Glories.
"Shippo . . ." Kagome asked and her dear little kitsune smiled up at her. A real, deep, happy smile. It had been so long since Kagome had seen a real smile on his face; she was speechless to see that one little girl could cause it.
"Kagome mama! Look what Rin taught me to make!" Shippo smiled, and he pointed at the crown of flowers that the girl was finishing tying off as Kagome knelt next to the children.
"You're Kagome?" The little girl asked, tilting her head in a way that reminded Kagome of a puppy.
"Yeah, I am." Kagome managed to smile as her fear only started to die down.
The little girl smiled brilliantly and set the crown of flowers atop Kagome's head. "It is so wonderful to meet you! Did you know we're alike, my parents are dead to!" The child smiled, as if the thought of death held no sorrow for her.
"This is beautifully made, Rin, thank you and Shippo." Kagome smiled, pulling Shippo close and hugged him.
"Are you okay Kagome mama?" Shippo asked as Kagome pulled back and had tears in her eyes. The kitsune wasn't sure why she was upset, but the sight of his Kagome mama sad made him sad, and before a second had gone by Shippo had tears in his eyes.
Kagome laughed lightly as wiped at her eyes. "I am fine Shippo, don't be sad. I was just scared when I came out of the bathroom and you weren't there."
"Oh, that was my fault. I had run into Shippo and asked if he would want to make flower wreaths. I am sorry." and Rin bowed her head slightly and shocked Kagome.
'This girl has some serious manners . . .' Kagome thought as she smiled at the little girl.
"You're forgiven Rin, perhaps next time I can be here to learn how to make flower crowns." Kagome laughed and all three of them laughed loudly.
"Rin . . ." A deep voice said behind them, sending a shiver down Kagome's back and making the little girl grin wildly.
Kagome turned and looked up to see a beautiful demon man standing over them.
He had deep, golden honey eyes that bore into Kagome, with a soft blue crescent on his forehead and magenta slashes across his cheeks. He wore a white button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to show more magenta along his wrists, and black slacks. His silvery hair was stunningly beautiful, his bangs just short enough not to fall into his eye, and it length cascaded down his back to softly flow and shine around him in the soft breeze.
"Sesshomaru-sama! I am so happy to see that you're home!" Rin smiled and held up a flower crown made of Lilies, Magnolias, and bits off red Sweet Williams. Kagome was impressed by the combinations of flowers and the sturdy way she twisted them together.
The man gave Rin a curt nod and took the crown in his hand and the girl looked as though she would jump out of her skin as he placed it on her head, careful of her simple pony tail. He gave another nod to Rin, and then stared down at Kagome, and Kagome felt like she was an exotic animal under a critic's analysis. He was brilliantly serious and his eyes held no emotion, it was disconcerting.
Rin giggled. "These are my new friends, Shippo and Kagome-san!" She smiled, and Kagome stood with her son in her arms and bowed her head to the intimidating man.
"Hm," was all he said, then he turned back to Rin, "this Sesshomaru asks why you are not in with Jaken for you lessons, Rin." Sesshomaru asked quietly, his deep voice rolling out of his chest and no emotion in his words whatsoever.
The little girl made a sour face. "I do not enjoy those lessons, they bore me. Flowers are much more interesting."
Sesshomaru did not look happy, but only his eyes gave clue to that. "Never the less, this Sesshomaru will have his ward attend lessons."
"Yes, Sesshomaru-sama." Rin smiled, and she bowed her head to Sesshomaru. The man nodded to the girl, then turned back to Kagome.
"Hi." Shippo smiled, trying to be friendly. Sesshomaru only nodded to the boy before glancing at Kagome one last time and began to walk back to the house.
"I'll see you ate dinner!" Rin smiled happily, and then bowed to Kagome and Shippo before she skipped off after Sesshomaru.
"This place is strange Kagome mama." Shippo said, and Kagome finally made herself look away from the gorgeous man leaving and look at him.
"I completely agree." Kagome chuckled, and she decided to go back into the house to look for Sango.