Note: The names Ramona Quimby and Howard (Read 2nd sentence) are from a series by Beverly Cleary, which is about Ramona Quimby from preschool to fifth grade. And Howie didn't exactly sound like an adult name, so I changed it to Howard instead. I will change the names later, but this is the rough draft I created. If you would like to read the inspiration for this (I will make more chapters later), it is called Ramona Forever by the author above. And the last name Quimby was supposed to be Kemp, but oh well. Meanwhile, enjoy this little story I wrote :D I don't own Ramona or Howie ^^

Ramona Quimby rubbed her head up and down her new daughter's head. She smiled up at her husband, Howard, who was looking awed at the new little miracle. "I can't believe there's another Ramona in the world" he said, kissing Ramona's forehead and smiling. "Yes, it's true," replied Ramona, longing to go home and rest. The doctor looked at the couple with their baby and said, "There is someone here to see you" he said, showing the door with his hand as a ten-year old girl, a five-year old boy, and another one-year old girl walked into the room. "Who is this?" "What's her name? Why can't we hold her?" Questions like this filled the children's' minds as they admired their new baby sibling. A nurse held up the one-year old-Samantha—,so she could see. There was silence when Howard spoke. "This is Malorie, your new baby sister." He smiled as his ten-year old—who was named Jennica—felt Malorie's tuff of short brown hair and giggled. "She's so small!" remarked the boy—Kevin—as he watched another nurse take the baby gently from Ramona's hands and put her in a crib to sleep. "She is, isn't she?" said Ramona, laying back on her pillows and sighing. "Well, I guess it's time for me to take the other kids home," Howard said, walking around the bed and taking Jennica and Kevin's hand. Little Samantha was taken by a nurse downstairs with the rest and put into the car. As Howard finally got the last child buckled in, Kevin asked, "Why are we leaving Mommy?" He started to cry. "Oh, we aren't leaving her! It's just that she has to stay at the hospital for a couple days to rest" Howard said as he seated himself and started the car. "But she can rest at home!" remarked Jennica as Howard buckled in and started to exit the hospital parking. "Well guys, it's just complicated to explain. I'll tell you when we get home." Kevin sighed and looked out the window at the passing signs and cars. In the reflection of the window he saw Samantha sleeping soundly, and he smiled. "Maybe having a new little sister won't be as bad as I thought" he said to himself, as he watched the car head down the freeway to home.