Hello all Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy fans a like! Welcome to my crossover, Divinity!
So I would like to welcome everyone old and new to the Reconnect Series. For all of you that are new, welcome! For you that are new however, if you want to read this story I recommend you go and read my other fanfics first, unless you are one of those people that catches on easily and just wants to read this story! And for all of you that are fans of the Reconnect Series, welcome back, and I must have you know that this story does take place after Kingdom Hearts III: The Keyblade War, almost like and unoffical sequel, so I am sure that will please most of you :)
So this is my first crossover, so I am really excited for it! And on top of that, it is my first crossover about one of my favorite fanchises, Final Fantasy. And for all of you that do not know already, this story will follow the story line of Advent Children, but of course will have changes to fit the KH chracters of course.
NOw of course, if this were ever to be turned into a game, it could not be complete without the opening cutscene! Now what you have below would be used as the opening, which is much like the opening for Advent Children. But please remember, this is only an opening and the good parts will start in the next chapter, so bear with me.
Please make sure that you imagine Marlene (FFVII) saying the words in italics. And also if you find any mistakes or something, please tell me so I can fix it.
So please, hold on to your keyblade riders, gummi ships, and banmuts and enjoy the ride...
Kingdom Hearts; that's what we call the heart of all worlds, the source of great power and wisdom. People saw it as the heart of everything, and people desired the power of the light it had. Some people created weapons called keyblades and fought over the light Kingdom Hearts had in order to forge the weapon that could control it: The X-Blade. Many keyblade wielders fought over who would get the X-Blade, causing a massive war, and bringing the worlds into darkness, even the true Kingdom Hearts disappearing into darkness with it. But thankfully, the light remained in the hearts of children and they used that light to restore the worlds, but also separated them from each other. The worlds were then finally at peace, but some people still wanted to take Kingdom Hearts for themselves.
There was one man named Xehanort, who craved so many answers to the questions he asked himself that he ruined countless lives, hoping one day to start a battle that would answer his questions: The Keyblade War. Twelve years after Xehanort started his plan, he succeeded, making his own thirteen darkness's clash with seven guardians of light and forged the X-Blade again. There were a lot of battles, with much sadness and unfortunately, one many people loved lost her heart and became one with the weapon. In the final battle of light and darkness, one brave warrior sacrificed his own light to save the seven princesses lost, destroying Xehanort and freeing the ones that everyone thought were gone.
In the end, the heroes separated, but promised themselves they would always stay forever connected. The three who were the first victims of the battle from twelve years ago went back to their home world with the master they though was gone. The four who thought they would never be whole, let alone their own persons, went to live a life they hoped would be easier than the ones they lived before. The two who went there to fight the darkness, in the end deciding to return to their home world to fix the destruction every one of them tried to avoid. And the three who have been together until the end, never giving up on each other, going back to their home, in hope they would see their other friends again soon.
After that battle, all the fighting, all the grief and sadness was washed away, almost like the darkness really left, even though it was still there. The Keyblade War was the price to see it end, to save the worlds, and even though some worlds still faced destruction, there would never be a battle like that ever again. It has been three months since they told me that.
"Tseng! Look at this!" A woman's voice said, her voice echoing as she spoke through her microphone connected to her headset.
"Pay dirt," the man who wore the name Tseng replied. He too was speaking through a microphone connected to his headset.
"Not a pretty sight is it?" The woman's voice said again.
One who was flying the helicopter, who would remind a lot of people of someone else they knew, only rolled his eyes at the two. He honestly did not care for the two's conversation, he just wanted to get this over and done with. "Who cares? Just get the damn thing," he said to himself, twiddling his thumbs as he continued to steer the helicopter.
"Reno, the copper." Tseng said to the man who must have been Reno through his microphone.
Reno grinned at this. "You got it." He said as he drove the helicopter towards a huge dome like rock formation, filled with fog. Reno was not sure how he would be able to see through this fog, since it was so thick, but he was a risk taker. So steered that cooper into the fog deeper and deeper.
As Reno traveled deeper into the fog, he heard a noise anyone would be afraid to hear, a gunshot, followed by several others. He then heard more gunshots, right around his helicopter, which made him whoa multiple times. "Reno hurry!" The woman exclaimed, nearly shattering Reno's ear drums since she was yelling so loud through his headset.
Reno then began to panic, which was something he never did. Reno then tried to look through the fog, being able to tell that he was bear the bottom. He then looked over to see a woman, with short blonde hair and wearing an outfit similar to his calling his name. "Reno!" She said again, Tseng being no were in sight.
Reno then looked over to the left of the woman, seeing three figures. "Who the hell is that?" Reno said to himself, not even paying attention to his language. He could not make out what they looked like due to the fog, but he soon had a good feeling that they were trouble when he heard a gunshot followed by the sound of the woman groaning in pain. "Elena!" Reno shouted through his headset, seeing his fellow partner fall to the ground.
He then heard more gunshots before he hear the sound of the woman, who was named Elena, call him out. "G-get out-" Elena could barely say as Reno listened to her and began to steer the helicopter up out of the fog.
"Damn it." He said to himself as he made it out of that hell hole and soared off into the sky, hearing the sound of gunshots as he left.
A Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII Crossover…
So I hope you like it so far! Please keep in mind however that I have 2 other fanfics besides this one out and they will also be updated. So do not be suprised if this fanfic is not updated every day.
So please R&R and tell me what you think so far! And dont forget to look out for the next chapter!