Title: Burden

Fandom: Resident Evil

Pairing: PiersxChris

Fiction Rating: M

Summary: Chris pulls Piers with him into the escape pod, but after Piers is hospitalized and the virus removed from his system, he is left scarred and his arm is no longer as strong as it once was. Being discharged from the BSAA leaves Piers broken, and Chris decides to take the young man in until he's back on his feet again.

RE6 Spoilers ahead.

Chapter 1: Confession Gone Wrong

Piers came downstairs to see Chris waiting for him at the kitchen table. The young man was really grateful his superior had taken him in, as he had no living family members that would. After being orphaned during his college years, he had decided to go into the army and found his passion there, quickly being referred to the BSAA...but his dreams were torn after a matter of a couple years.

He was really trying to concentrate on the littlest of tasks, even though his hurt arm was still weak, he'd have to try using it like he used to. It was the only way it would get better. Giving the biggest smile he could, he sat down at the small kitchen table across from his captain. Piers lifted up the glass of water in front of him to take a sip, but his hand shook.

The glass fell to the ground and shattered, the water spilling everywhere and Piers felt mortified, realizing he had messed up in front of Chris. He immediately got on the floor and tried to pick up the glass shards but it cut his finger.

"D..damn…" Piers felt like screaming in anger as he messed up AGAIN.

Chris knew Piers didn't want to mess up, though he did it twice in a row, he inwardly laughed a bit at how cute Piers was, scowling as he bent down to pick up the pieces of glass that fell to the floor. He didn't do anything because he tried to give Piers a chance to be independent and work his arm a bit, but as he saw blood, he immediately stood up and bent down next to Piers to help the other man clean up the mess.

"You shouldn't force yourself to get better too fast." Chris spoke gently, as he saw Piers's bleeding finger. Finishing the cleanup of the glass, he said "Give me a moment, I'll throw these out and get you patched up."

"Sir, yes sir…" said Piers sarcastically as he got up and sat back on the table. He would normally never talk to Chris that way but he was very angry now, and realized Chris thought of it as cute…the man would never understand how he felt. His disability was making him depressed, and he wondered if he could ever have a normal life again.

Chris heard the comment and threw the shards away, then made his way to the bathroom to go fetch the disinfectant and band aid and came back. Shit… Chris gulped and was working his brain to see if he could find a way to mend the situation after hearing Piers's words. Making his way back to the younger man, he knelt right next to his partner. But as he took the bleeding finger, he then realized he forgot to bring the disinfectant bottle to where they were. He saw it in the bathroom through the open door. Too lazy to get it…ah, saliva should work though… Chris took Piers's bleeding finger, and brought it to his mouth to lick the open wound, surprising Piers in the process. Chris tasted the metallic substance in his mouth, took out the finger and wrapped it in the band-aid.

"Feel any better?" Chris asked, cautiously. I might have made him even madder…oh boy, I hope not.

C…Captain…" Piers growled. He was looking at the ground before, but now he looked up at his captain. Did the man forget how Piers had confessed his love for him back in his hospital bed? And now he…teased him like that, sucking his finger? "What was that, just now?" Piers looked at Chris, not knowing whether to be angry at the man for teasing him, or happy he had cared for him. Chris felt like slamming his head against the wall because of his stupidity.

"Sorry, sorry, I..you….you know..I was just a bit lazy and a bit of blood wouldn't hurt me..I mean..huh…Sorry." he didn't know what to say, Piers's growl made him jump a bit. He didn't want to hurt his partner's feelings, he was just trying to help. "I'm sorry…" Chris was nervous, it felt like he had really fucked up this time, and he slumped his shoulders, looking at the ground. However, Piers was too angered to notice Chris's hurt, and got up, turning away from his captain.

"Don't be…after all, it's not your fault. It's all mine." Chris stood up, confused.

"What's going on, Piers?" He asked, shocked at Piers' behavior. Piers turned around to face him, and Chris could see angry tears falling from the young man's face.

"What's wrong? WHAT's WRONG?" The younger partner yelled. "Well excuse me, Captain…but I guess you forgot my feelings for you, and what you just did…dammit, Chris! It..wasn't needed…I mean, if you don't even feel for me that way then why tease me so? I get it though, I really do. I mean, who the fuck would ever love me, I'm scarred and broken now…all over my body. I'm ugly…anyone I fall in love with would never love me back, let alone you…the man I've loved for so long now." Piers punched his fist into the wall, looking away from an astounded Chris as he sobbed.

Things had happened too fast all of sudden, then he realized, 2 weeks ago, Piers had told him so many things in his hushed voice, in that hospital bed: No more tears, captain. Flashbacks were suddenly popping in Chris's head like fireworks. I have to tell you something…before it's too late. Chris looked at the ground.Captain, I love you.

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes, he coughed a bit then looked at Piers.

"Piers…I never wanted to tease you, know that you are a person I care so deeply about." he was advancing towards Piers "And you are not scarred, or broken or ugly!" He was now face to face with Piers, staring in his eyes, he was trying to find answers in those orbs full of anger and pain. "I never, EVER meant to hurt you!" He said as he took Piers and hugged the young man tightly. Piers tried to fight him, thrashing against him in protest. Every weak hit Chris took, a blow a million times harder struck his heart, he was mad at himself for making Piers feel miserable.

"I'm sorry Piers, I really am sorry but I don't know if I can answer to your feelings…right now…" Chris whispered.

Piers stopped thrashing, letting go and just looked up at Chris. In the silence, at that moment, something between the two partners changed. He watched as Chris turned around and left to go to the bathroom, in silence, and Piers made up his mind. He doesn't need me, I'm a cripple…he has a life, has to go back to the BSAA. I'll only be a burden. With these thoughts, Piers decided he would leave. He quickly ran up to the room.

He threw his clothes, which he hadn't even had a chance to put into Chris's guestroom cabinets, back into his bag, along with his other items…one of them was a picture of him, Chris, and Alpha team. He looked at it for a second, a tear falling onto it, before he shoved it into his bag as well, closing it and running back downstairs to the door. He quietly opened it, and left the house.

He grabbed his motorcycle that the BSAA had left at Chris's house, for when he was deemed well enough to drive. He figured since he was running away, nobody really gave a shit if he crashed or not, so he got onto it and put his backpack with his things on his back. He started the engine and drove off, he didn't know where…but all he knew was that he needed a drink.

He arrived at a bar that caught his eye, The Serpent's Emblem. It had the same name as the bar he had found Chris at, but he didn't notice. He walked inside and sat down at a table, ordering the barmaid for a bottle of whiskey, and started to drink.

Well that's it for now kiddos! Please, please take a moment to review. It'll really make my day and encourage me to keep writing!