Ok, ok, ok. I was too hasty, deciding that this chapter should be an epilogue apparently, because a lot of you were very indignant that our two lovebirds weren't going to end up together. So I decided to write you up a good long chapter with…a happy ending ;) Hope you enjoy!

Also, one or two people wondered why Elena said she had to leave and I couldn't really weave it into the story so I'll just tell you: she was too haunted by what had happened there. All cleared up? Good.

This is going to be the last chapter, so I'll write all of my thanks at the end.

(Please excuse my extreme lateness. Also, I wrote this over a loooong time so please forgive me if there's any mistakes.)

Enjoy it babies!

"Gilbert, there's tables waiting for you, come on!"

Linda, my boss, gave me a nudge and I shot her a grin before picking up a tray full of plates of the special of the day.

"I don't pay you to daydream!" She called after me and I rolled my eyes.

"Usually you forget to pay me at all!" I yelled back before elbowing open the doors to the main restaurant and bar. Chatter and laughter enveloped me and I smiled around at the now familiar surroundings. The Grill was a friendly place with a steady flow of regular customers, along with a few tourists every now and again. I had been working here for a couple of months now – it was about three hours from Mystic Falls. Linda had agreed to let me work and live in one of the rooms upstairs as long as I was willing to do a little overtime every now and again. After all of my months of travelling around the place, trying to learn as much as I could about the outside world, the thought of stability sounded like bliss.

I had written a letter to Damon from one of my stops, telling him about my discoveries and the people I had met. The world was very different, I had explained, from what I had believed it to be. I hadn't been able to put a return address on the letter as I hadn't been sure of where I was going to be when he wrote back. I had however promised to come back and visit at some stage in the next year. The thought of that didn't exactly fill me with glee but I missed him, I really did. I missed his laugh and his eyes and the way he looked at me when he thought I couldn't see. I felt closer to him than I had anyone else before. There had been no time in the past few months to contact him – Linda had me working like a madman, ensuring that I was paying my keep. She was kind of like my mom though and I liked that.

My memories still hadn't come back. Although every now and then I got vague flashes of something, I could never really be sure if they were true or not. I didn't really know if I wanted them back at this stage – I felt like that Elena was so different to what I was now. What if I didn't like her? Even worse, what if the extra memories of Damon made me miss him more?

I had spent a lot of time working through my anger and frustration about what had happened, most of it through writing. I had got pretty drunk one night and had explained my entire life story (minus a few bits) to the poor bartender, who had produced a notebook and told me to write down everything – what had happened, my thoughts, my feelings. It took a while but I eventually found myself writing until my hand was sore and the ink ran out of my pen. I loved writing and the escape that it brought. Reading over some of my stuff – I actually thought it wasn't too bad. Linda had caught me scribbling one night and had suggested that maybe I pursue a career as a writer. She proceeded to thump me on the head when I told her dryly that waitressing was my true calling in life.

"Gilbert! Tables!"

I was snapped out of my bubble to see Linda, speak of the devil, sticking her head out from the kitchens and glowering at me. I winked and she rolled her eyes, pulling back whilst cursing me under her breath.

I glanced down at the order that was on the tray – it said the first meal was for table number 43. I glanced across the various groups until I eventually found it. There was only one person sitting there, an elderly woman with curly white hair. She was reading a newspaper so I couldn't really see her face. I frowned to myself – I had certainly never seen a single old lady here before. She wasn't a regular anyway.

Just serve the damn table Gilbert, stop trying to analyse everything.

"Here you go m'am, sausages and mash, special of the day." I chirped as I set it down carefully.

"Thank you sweetheart." The woman said in a crackly voice. She looked up at me with a twinkle in her eye and a surprised thrill ran through me when I saw who it was.

"Mrs. Spinelli!" I beamed, nearly dropping the entire tray in my effort to hug her. It was lovely – and very weird – to see a familiar face from the Pail. I couldn't help but remember her kindness when I had been trying to help Caroline– when everyone was against you, the relief that even a small morsel of care could bring was immense.

"It's so nice to see you dear. And looking so well." She said warmly, setting her napkin on her lap.

"What are you doing here though? I mean, shouldn't you be in Mystic Falls?"

She shrugged, beginning to slice up the sausage into tiny pieces. "Well darling, an old dog like me has still got a lot of life in her. I was hardly going to stay cooped up in that little town forever, was I? No, after you set off, it rather inspired me and I took a bit of time out to travel as well."

I risked the wrath of my grouchy boss to sit down for a moment in the chair opposite hers.

"What's it like, in Mystic Falls?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager for information. She looked up with a sad smile.

"It's still healing after what happened. You can imagine that some of the old tensions still exist. But most people are trying to make it work. Your Damon has done a lot of building between the two groups."

My heart leapt at his name. "How is Damon?" I asked casually and she smiled. Apparently I wasn't that subtle.

"He's good sweetheart, although I haven't talked to him in a while. According to a letter that I got from Caroline – we stay in touch, you know dear – he's resigning as governor."

"Resigning?" I asked, a little dumbfounded. She nodded then her eyes flicked to someone behind me.

"Elena, I hate to break up our conversation, but I think your boss is shooting you very dirty looks and I'd imagine that she's going to be over here any second if you don't get to delivering those dinners. Now don't you fret – I'll be here for the next few nights."

I smiled, standing up and kissing her on the cheek. "I'll talk to you then, Mrs. Spinelli. It's so great to see you again."

"You too pet. Now go, before your boss lady comes over and kicks me out for distracting the staff."

I turned around to see Linda looking furious. Swallowing my laugh, I nodded soberly at her and gave Mrs. Spinelli one last hug before continuing to hand out the meals, my heart feeling even lighter than it had before.

The next few days passed in a cheerful blur. True to her word, Mrs. Spinelli came every night and after much begging, Linda had given me a 15 minute break in the middle of my shift to chat with her. Linda was all bark and no bite and I knew she was a total sweetheart, despite all of her complaining. So when the glorious time of half seven came, I was able to throw down my tray and plop myself down at the table that was now Mrs. Spinelli's favourite. I served her her dinner and then listened to her talk, often interrupting her with questions. She spoke freely and without any reservations and I heard as much news about Mystic Falls as possible in the limited time frame.

The town, it turned out, had been of a mess after I left. Nobody really knew what to do or who to talk to. Eventually, Damon got a grip on things and called for a huge town meeting. There, he explained that things were going to be different, starting with the knocking down of the wall between the Pail and the Shire. He had then set up a 'donor' scheme, where the humans could volunteer to give blood in exchange for food or money or whatever they wanted really. Nobody was pressured to join and although it took a few days, eventually people started coming forward and volunteering. It meant that new relationships were formed and apparently a few humans and vampires had even started dating. I had to swallow a little bit of bitterness when I heard that – the reaction of such disgust when I was with Damon had clearly been forgotten. But I let it go. The Falls needed to grow, to develop. I couldn't be angry that that's what was happening.

My father had retreated back into the house and Mrs. Spinelli claimed she hadn't really seen him at all since my mother's death. Jeremy was still a bit of a livewire but Damon had given him some job in organising the blood donations and he was working well with the new responsibility. (And lack of access to weapons.) Caroline and Stefan were still a couple, thank goodness and Caroline now talked to her family almost every day. I avoided the topic of Damon himself – I really didn't want to open than can of worms.

We talked for the full fifteen minutes every night until Linda came and told me that it was quarter to eight and I had to get going. Once or twice, we managed to get her sitting down and talking and she ended up listening to our stories for an hour until she realised what time it was. One of these days, I would have to get Linda to spill about her life but that was for another late night.

I put the tray down onto the counter. "Linda, I'm taking my break!" I yelled into the depths of the kitchen, unable to stop a smile spreading across my face at the thought of even more news. I was just about to go out to the table when Linda appeared, looking worried.

"Oh Elena baby, I'm so sorry…Mrs. Spinelli left me this letter before she went home last night. She said to give it to you and that she would see you soon. I don't think she's here tonight doll."

My smile fell and I frowned at the envelope in her hand. I couldn't imagine her leaving without saying goodbye. Linda offered me the letter and I took it, smiling to myself at the wax seal holding it shut. Mrs. Spinelli may have been old but she still had class.

"Can I just take my break and read this then?" I asked, glancing up at Linda who nodded kindly.

"Take your time."

She disappeared back into the back of the kitchen and I was left alone with my thoughts. I hopped up onto one of the counters and carefully unsealed the wax stamp, pulling out a letter. It was written on heavy, good quality paper and when I unfolded it, I saw she had handwritten it. Her writing was beautiful – like calligraphy, and I wondered where she had learned to do it when she had grown up in the Pail.

My dear Elena,

Unfortunately a girl like me can't stay in one place for too long – I get restless. I'm very sorry to leave without saying goodbye but I promise that it won't be the last time that we'll meet. It's been so lovely to see you again and I'm sure that I've bored you with all of my stories – but I wasn't completely honest with you. I told you that I came travelling on a whim – although this is true, I was given the task of attempting to find you by a certain handsome young man. He persuaded me to do this by telling me how much he missed you but wasn't able to leave the town for too long in order to find you. You know me Elena – I'm a romantic. I agreed to send him a letter if I ever found you – and I did, two nights ago.

Maybe I'm wrong and maybe you'll go out into the restaurant and not see any familiar faces tonight. But I wouldn't be surprised if a someone is waiting for you.

With best wishes,

Eliza Spinelli

I put down the letter carefully, my heart beating. I didn't want to let myself hope but God, I couldn't help it.

"Linda, I'm just…I'll be out the front!" I called shakily, not waiting for a response. I pushed through the doors and scanned the busy restaurant. It was full of people tonight – a festival had just passed through the little town down the road and so a whole group of tourists were looking to celebrate. I was about to give up when I spotted a head of raven black hair at the very back of the bar. He was turned slightly away from me, so he didn't notice me at first and I drank in the sight of him. He looked pretty much exactly the same – vampires didn't age. I stood there, smiling like a total idiot, when his bright blue eyes landed on mine.

As soon as they did, I felt something like a dam burst in my head. All of a sudden I was flooded with random memories, all which involved him and Caroline and Stefan and living in his house. I had to grab the door to stop myself from falling to my knees as a whole new world of information overwhelmed me. Squeezing my eyes shut, the memories slowly begin to piece themselves together. The final one that fell into place was a small red headed girl telling me that I would remember my memories once I found my love again.

My head stopped spinning long enough for me to look up and see Damon looking at me with alarm. I felt the stirrings of something in my stomach when I looked at him – butterflies – and I realised that I had found him. I had found my love again.

Laughing gleefully, I pushed through the tables and people to reach him. He looked surprised when I threw my arms around him.

"Why, Ms. Gilbert, one would think that you were happy to see me –"

"Oh shut up." I hissed, before pulling him down by his shirt and kissing him deeply.

He reacted instantly, holding me tightly to him and I felt a smile spread across his face. He spun me around so that I was pressed against the wall and I ran my fingers through his hair, his hands settled on my waist. I heard a wolf whistle from behind us but I didn't even care because it felt like I was coming home. It probably would have got even more heated had I not heard a distinct clearing of a throat behind us.

Mortified, I pushed him away to see Linda raising an eyebrow at us.

"I sincerely hope that this is someone that you know, Elena." She said dryly and I felt a blush rise in my cheeks. Damon had the graciousness to look embarrassed and extended a hand.

"Damon Salvatore. Elena and I…haven't seen each other in a while."

She rolled her eyes, shaking his hand as she shot me a pointed look. "Damon, huh? I've heard a lot about you."

"Only bad things, I hope." He grinned, and I had to restrain myself from vomiting at the obvious charm that he was laying on thick. Linda wasn't the sort to swoon at anyone's feet though and instead looked at me sternly.

"Missy, your fifteen minutes are up. Back to work please."

I stared at her, appalled. "But…Linda…" How could one explain that they had just rediscovered the love of their life – and had also just remembered him?

Linda pursed her lips at us and I looked at her pleadingly. "Linda, I will work extra late tonight. I'll do dishes. Just please give me a little time to talk to Damon."

She pursed her lips. "Extra late, huh?"

I nodded eagerly.

A smirk spread across her face. "Or, what if Damon comes and does the dishes with you, now?"

God, this woman was good. I turned to Damon with a sigh. He looked slightly aghast at the prospect but I figured that this was the only way that we were going to spend time together.

"Come on then." I said, taking his hand and trying to ignore the thrill that ran through me when our skin touched. I dragged him towards the kitchen, despite his mild protests.

"And Elena? When you're finished the dishes, the trash needs taking out!"

I turned around to shoot Linda a filthy look but she only smiled serenely at me and went back to serving customers.

"So Salvatore – what brings you around my neck of the woods?" I asked, as I plopped the first load of dishes into the soapy water.

"Well, Mrs. Spinelli wrote to me and she said that you were here and – what can I say Gilbert? I've missed you."

I grinned and began scrubbing. "I hate to admit it, but I've missed you too. What have you been up to –"

I was interrupted when he pulled me away from the dishes and kissed me hard, holding my face gently.

"Your memories came back, I can tell." He murmured against my lips and I wanted to reply but all I could do was nod breathlessly. (I had turned into that girl.)

"How do you feel?" He asked in between kissing my neck and I had to focus before answering so my knees didn't give out beneath me.

"I feel like a bit of an idiot." I admitted and he rolled his eyes.

"Elena, you weren't going to be able to overcome compulsion. Nobody is able to overcome compulsion."

"Yeah but I should have known, I should have trusted you –"

He pulled away then, cupping my face in his hands while looking at me intently. The blue eyes were making me a little bit dizzy.

"Elena, if you had been in the habit of trusting strangers, you'd be dead now."

I smiled, albeit a little sadly, and ran my fingers through his hair. "Where would I be without you?" I asked quietly and he shrugged, stepping back and looking around.

"Clearly doing pretty well. You've made quite a life for yourself, huh?"

"It took a while but I'm doing ok." I admitted, trying not to sound too proud. Truthfully, I was a little astounded at how…capable I had been. I had presumed that I would have dragged myself back to Mystic Falls by now in defeat but here I was.

Suddenly I remembered something Mrs. Spinelli had said and I raised an eyebrow at him as he looked around the kitchen.

"It seems like you've turned yours upside down though. Resigning as governor? Are you crazy? The Falls are your entire life, Damon. They need you."

"No, they needed me." He corrected, curiously examining a pasta strainer, something he apparently hadn't seen before. "What they need now is a change. And that's what I'm giving them. I've been governor for a long time, Elena. I've had a fair turn to shape the town and people need to forget the past. Stefan will do a good job." He put down the strainer and ducked under a row of hanging saucepans.

"Plus, I have always felt like doing a bit of travelling."

A smile began to spread across my face as I realised what he was hinting at. I struggled to keep it under control and turned nonchalantly back to the dishes.

"Travelling?" I asked casually. "Well, that'll be exciting. Although I've heard that travelling alone can be lonely. And dangerous."

"Dangerous?" He asked with mock fear. "Well, if only I had a companion to protect me. Possibly an experienced one, who is also an intelligent and funny and an extremely good kisser who can't keep her hands off of me. But where would I find such a gem?"

I pretended to consider this as I rinsed a mug carefully. "Well, I think it'll be hard to find someone who actually wants to kiss you." I said seriously, turning the mug upside down on the sink and starting on a plate. "I mean, you are pretty hideous. Where are you going to find someone who'll take one for the team like that?"

He laughed and then spun me around so that my face was only an inch from his. "Say you'll come with me." He whispered, his blue eyes burning into mine.

"I'd need time to finish up here." I whispered, tangling my fingers in his. "Plus, I'd want to come back every now and again."

"Whatever you want, I'll do." He murmured. "I just want you to be beside me every minute of every day. I can never go that long without seeing you again."

"I love you." I said quietly and he kissed me again.

"I love you too."

We stayed entwined like that for a little while, until the kitchen door banged open and Linda arrived in, toting a stack of plates.

"Elena, I have more dishes – are you kidding me? Get back to work!"

I pulled away from Damon and grinned. I didn't even mind – I would have plenty of time to be with him from now on.

Aaaaaaannd finished! Gosh, it's taken a while, but we made it, huh?

This experience has been amazing for me, it really has. I love reading the reviews (even the slightly negative ones from the last chapter – I've never seen such outrage :P) that you are all so kind to leave. This was kind of a new venture for me – I've never written such 'fantasy-esque' stuff before so it was all a learning curve. You are all so sweet, even when I (always) don't upload for weeks.

I'm sure I'll write something else soon, although it might be a whole different genre (would I be killed for Twilight?...) but I really hope that I did your OTP (or one of your ships) justice.

Love you darlings and until next time,
