
(Ok so I've been on an anime high, and this such show has never touched me like this before. When I finished it, it left me with a feeling of wantingness for over 4 hours. It felt like a heart pain. I dunno what it was. Anyways, enjoy!)

(Edit 1.2 2/10/13. Added a few words somewhere near the end.)

Flames of Disaster

Furuya's P.O.V.

Fire. The light of the orange glow. The light of the flickering flame pounced around my eyes as the lifelike form of Rea-chan lay above me. Her skin was so cold despite the heat of it.

She was a zombie. About 8 days ago my potion saved her from a fatal bodily harm that killed her instantaneously. She was dead, but right before my eyes she rose up. She rose up and limped to me, asking if I'd live up to my responsibility of taking care of her. Of course I accepted with no clue of something like this happening in the future. I must've been blind, because this is no laughing situation.

I found her here after she had fallen into her confused state. She bit me. She had lost control of her senses and attacked my neck. Apparently I was out for 2 days, but I was so worried about her. I found her here in the abandoned hotel after she had ran away, I was gracious enough to find her, but I had bigger problems now.

"I really...I really liked you!"

I shouted up at her, ignoring the intense pain in my wrist. I looked up at her internally begging, pleading, that'd she'd let go of my hand. I could feel her poison invading my veins.

"So please...When you're done eating me.. Please come back home with me...Rea..."


She muttered lowly, my hand slowly coming out of her grip. I looked up at her with wide eyes. She didn't move any further and she didn't seem to want to get off of me. I tried ignoring the pain in my wrist by averting my eyes downwards. Bad move. Her pink lace bra was exposed and her pale chest was right up in front of me.

"Please...I beg of you..." I looked up at her with pleading eyes. I can practically feel the tears forming in my eyes. I didn't care.

" lik-..."

She leaned downwards towards my face and started licking my cheek. "Ew...Uhh..." I gasped lightly as her slick, smooth tongue invaded the top of my skin. I stayed there in stunned silence as I felt her hands move up both of my arms.

"Rea-chan..p-please get up-."

My sentence was stopped short when she ran her tongue up and around my lips. I tensed up with I felt her teeth surround my bottom lip. She didn't bite down, but it felt as if she...was nibbling on me. What was she doing?

"Rea-chan..' I muttered as she slipped her tongue inside my mouth. I stayed silent and still as she gathered the flavor of me into her mouth. Her tongue seemed unusually long however, and she attempted to push around my tongue with hers. Did...Did she want a kiss? I nervously touched her tongue with mine and we wrestled with our wet appendages. What was wrong with her?

"Rea-chan I think you should st-."


As she exclaimed that, the fire seemed to roar up with the tension. Why wasn't it getting closer to us? Not that it wasn't already close, 5 meters away,.

"Please...I think you should..." I tried pushing her up but, no dice. Using her left hand, she shoved my shoulder back into the ground, hearing one of my bones make a cracking noise.

"Ouchhh!" I yelled in pain feeling my heartbeat quicken. She looked down at me with her crimson, glowing, eyes and began unwinding the bandages protecting my neck wound. "Rea..Stop...I need those.." I muttered softly. When she tried unwinding them from around my neck, I kept my head on the ground. She couldn't take them off if she was unable to right?

I couldn't be more wrong. With a low growl she shoved her index finger below them and ripped them upwards. I gasped as my bandages fly upwards and over my head, probably into the fire,. "Rea-chan I needed those!" She let go of my shoulder as I watched her lick her lips.


She whispered gently. With my shoulder free I attempted to push her off. That didn't work either, she weighed as much as an ox. "You're heavy..." I muttered as I watched her come closer to me. I felt my panic rise higher as I felt her tongue touch my wound. It burnt like peroxide would.

"Ow...Ow...Ow... Ouch!" I groaned slightly as each lap of her tongue burnt my gash. "N-No good...She's...She's injecting even more poison into me..." I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes as I felt each lap of hers. Each time I try pushing her off, I was greeted by her body weight coming back down onto my hands, I was pinned.

When she raised her head back up I breathed a huge sigh of relief. She had what she wanted. I need help... the pain in my shoulder, neck, and wrist was getting to me. I felt like I could barely walk, let alone stand. But I certainly wont point that out.

She still had her tongue peaking out when she let the piece of clothing she had slide off of her. My face lit up a little as the sight of her bra was present. She sat there on top of me laughing and reached for my right hand.

"Rea-chan?" I asked quietly. Her erratic and lustful attitude and the apparently slow fire was getting to me. My heart was beating so fast with panic that I felt like I would puke right then. I will admit I was slightly scared.

She guided my hand to the middle of her chest and rested it there, the feeling of her cold skin invaded the palm of my hand. "Rea! W-what are you doing?!" I asked out loud. She lowered my hand before she placed her index finger underneath the line that holds the front. I stared up at her as she ripped the line straight up. The piece of clothing fell off, and her breasts were in full view.

"Ahh!" I whimpered as she forced my hand onto her right breast. Even while cold, they...they had a soft feel to them. I squeezed them lightly as she stared down at me with a smile on her face. "Rea...We don't have to do this..You're too special...Too special for us to be doing something like this here.." I muttered as the feel of her nipple came to mind. At the same time I wanted to touch them, the blinding pain of both my open wounds kept knocking it back down.

"Oh wait a second.. I didn't.." I mentally scolded myself as I looked back up. "I called her special. Wasn't that THE reason she just..?" I gulped and looked up at her. Her hair was covering her eyes again.

"No Rea! Not special in that way! Special in a way that inside of me I feel-." My words temporarily stopped as I felt the power of her fist connect with my stomach. "Ack.." Droplets of blood flew out of my mouth as the sharp pain flooded throughout my body. I felt my stomach collide with the bones inside of me. I won't lie, It definitely hurt.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed between coughs. I tried as hard as my body would let me to gather air into my lungs. It was too difficult to describe in words. After a momentary moment of weakness, I felt small bursts of air infiltrate my lungs as Rea crawled over me. I held my tongue thinking that'd she'd crawl away, but as life would have it, being wrong twice wasn't uncommon.

I looked up at her and immediately was greeted with the sight of her white panties. I stiffed a nose bleed as she lowered her cheeks onto my face, cutting off my vision somewhat. "Rea! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, although muffled, up at her. This is definitely not her normal behavior!"

I started to sweat when her fingers slid underneath her. She slipped the fabric of her panties aside and retreated her hands. "Wha..What is this?!" I gasped lowly as the view of her very pale pussy literally came down onto my nose. Instantly she slid backwards until I could feel her crevice on my neck.

"Li...Lick..."She spread her legs while she sat on me and rubbed her index finger up and down it. Despite the situation...the fact that she, a zombie, was doing this...was slightly hot...Keyword slightly.

"I...I can't...You...You won't even feel it!" I protested with her. As enticing as it was, I had to maintain my humanity. It's simply too dangerous at this current time.

"Is...Is it...cause...I'm special...?" She said lowly.

"No no no! Please Rea don't think like that!" Oh my god..She was special to me..She shouldn't be taking my words into offense! My thoughts were interrupted by a small growling coming from her. "Rea..?" She looked down at me, licking her lips, and wrapped my head inside of her lap. She forced my head against her crotch.

"Ow! St-stop!" I said muffled against her lower lips. The strength of her legs and crotch was enough to trap my face there. "Rea I'm saying no! Let go of me!" She didn't move. My neck started to hurt from where she had me, so I adjusted my shoulders, painfully, until I was more comfortable "Please...Rea.." I pleaded with her.

She said nothing, but she patted my head in return and swung her legs up and down. "No...!" I tried to resist, but knowing that'd it'd do no good, I sighed as the scent of her sex fighting the resistances in my head. She tilted her head and poked at my still heavily bleeding left wrist.

"Ahh! Ok...Ok I'll lick you.." I sniffled, the pain becoming overbearing. I reluctantly stuck out my tongue and licked her lips. Instantly the taste buds in my mouth disagreed with the sudden arrival of her flavor. "Ick! Dead...Dead skin!" I blurted out my obvious statement as I waited for the horrid flavor of her crotch to leave. Dead skin and vinegar. It was awful! She looked down at me with a startling frown starting to form on her face. She was getting irritated.

"I mean..I mean it's very good!" I lied, not wanting to get her mad. I looked around and noticed the fire was taking its sweet time approaching us. "It's still that far away?! Why?!" I questioned myself. Sure the windows were broke and the rain was getting blown in here, but still the flames should've engulfed us by now..

I heard another growl coming from my dominator. I gulped and held my breath before running my tongue back over her lips. I licked up and down her, running my tongue over this small looking pea thing at the top of her. She didn't seem to make any noise, however I could hear her breathing slightly heavier with her tongue hanging slightly out. Did that count?

Eventually the rotten taste of her skin faded as I licked her slightly faster. I dipped my tongue inside of her and was greeted with a silence from her. She stopped breathing heavily as I ran my tongue up and down inside of her. "Why did she need this?! She can't feel any of this anyway!" I tossed that thought around in my head for a while. After about 10 minutes of me licking her pointlessly she gasped and let go of my head.

"Whew!" I gasped as the feeling of release calmed me. I looked in front of me and noticed that Rea was scooting away from me. She stopped in front of MY crotch and a grin appeared on her face. Oh no...

"Rea! What are you doing?!" I asked aloud as I noticed her hand rubbing me through the fabric of my pants. I shut my eyes as I felt her hands rub my waist as well. "P-please stop.." I begged aloud. Sure, this may be my fantasy...But here?! In an abandoned hotel? Wrong place and time..


She asked in a cold voice and tilted her head. She coughed and I watched a small amount of blood, my blood, escape her mouth. Oh god please don't tell me...

She unbuttoned my pants and, with her unlocked force, pulled them down to my knees. I gasped as my member rose up to the top of my boxer fabric. "Oh god.. Please don't tell me that I'm getting turned on from this...I shouldn't be!" I silently scolded myself. Rea pulled my boxer shorts down, exposing my now hardened member to the raging air.

"Rea! Stop this now! I...I'm still hurt!" I exclaimed aloud. It wasn't a lie, My neck gash was now seeping blood as well as my wrist, which was now gushing blood and suffering from numbness for over 15 minutes. NOT good.


I bit my lip as her warm breath brushed against it. She looked up and down it. Side to side. She seemed...She seemed to be inspecting it... I gritted my teeth as she ran her tongue slowly across the head of it. A small sensation of pain sparked my mind as she continued to lick it. It was as if she was licking a lollipop! Like a child!

"What...What are you...?" I asked quietly as I could feel liquid seeping down my dick. Wait...Liquid? I hadn't came yet, and Rea doesn't excrete liquid... So why is-?

I nearly puked when I saw covering the sides of my member with her mouth. MY BLOOD was being used as a...lube? Of some kind.

"Eek! Rea! That's disgusting! Stop!" I covered my eyes with my hands. This was sooo embarrassing and gross... I peeked up at her and realized this important fact:

Her hold on me was gone.

My ability to escape seemed to finally kick in. Once I realized this, I slid my legs from underneath her and scooted away.

She exhaled a soft breath as I grabbed my arm and struggled to get up. I quickly recovered my boxers and surveyed the area. The fire made progress as it proceeded to engulf the room with its orange light. I looked behind me and watched as Rea swayed left and right slowly towards me. Feeling my worryness rise up my throat as I limped around the room, I searched desperately for a door, a chute, or anything! I couldn't take the window.. We're on the 2nd story. A fall from here could be very damaging, and fatal of course,.

I noticed a door behind Rea. The white door that I used to come up here. I smirked and thought about running for it. But my hope, my chance for escape, quickly vanished. I'd either run right into her, or burn alive getting around in the fire. I lowered my head as the approaching Rea grabbed my shoulders.


She whispered as she grabbed my shoulders. I closed my eyes to prevent me from seeing her bring her face close to mine. I should've kept them open, because as soon as Rea placed her hands on me I felt myself being shoved back down to the wooden floor, my back cracking slightly. "Ahh..." I groaned from the slight pain and shock. I couldn't move. The pain was taking over some of my thinking. I feel...I feel like I'm hurt so bad that I cant see straight..

"Rea...Please.." I stared up at her still naked form. She slowly lowered herself back on me and stared at my somewhat softening crotch. She quickly made it re-harden by rubbing the top of it with her fingers. I half-way gagged before she took me inside of her mouth.

"This is insane! Stop this right now!" I said, fighting the urge to let out a noise. Once she had taken me to the hilt however, she finally let go of it. I looked up at her, silently praying that'd she'd had her fun. "Are we... are we done?" I asked. My prayer was only temporarily answered. She got onto her knees and rubbed her pussy with her hand. At that moment I knew exactly what was going on.

"Rea! What are you doing..?" I asked looking up in her crimson eyes. She tilted her head before positioning herself over me. She grabbed my penis with her hand and proceeded to guide it up to her.

"S-Stop! Y-your father said I couldn't! I even said you couldn't Rea-chan no please!" She let out a sigh before leaning forward and grabbing my shoulders once more, this time using force to pin them to the wooden planks. Seeing as how my physical strength was drained, I could only stare up at her as I felt myself penetrate her lips. I gritted my teeth as she slowly came down on me. She looked up at the ceiling with her glowing eyes while I lied there in agony. Cold. Cold and tight was the combination that flooded my pleasure senses.

"R-Rea?" I asked nervously. She wasn't flinching nor was she crying from the pain. She couldn't feel anyway, so that should've been the norm. She lowered herself all the way down on me before rising up. I struggled to keep my breathing under control as her walls practically smothered my member. It felt like her insides were squeezing it. Like a soft massage with her insides. "Ah.." I let out a small groan. This didn't feel good at all...She was completely dry inside, sickeningly using my blood as her lubricant, and she was still a virgin. It felt like a vice, or rather, a massaging vice.


She smiled down at me while continuing her downward thrusts. Her pale white body...her still pink nipples... I resisted the urge to groan from pain and clenched my teeth harder in as her grip on me tightened. "What...what was going on...Why. Why is she...?" I struggled to think as pain and slight pleasure both spread around my body. She wasn't holding back either. Every time she came down on me she seemed to get slightly heavier.

"This isn't happening...This isn't happening.." I fought the urge to puke from fear as she licked her lips. She leaned down towards my chin and proceeded to lick my bottom lip. I tensed when she did so. I was afraid I won't lie. What would she possibly do next?

I myself however, didn't notice my approaching climax. I wanted to reach up to her shoulders and try to push her off. Well, wanted. My arms weren't working. "Rea..? I'm going to...Get...Get off of me..." I clenched my toes as the slight pleasure stimulated my penis. It quickly turned from slight, to better, to fantastic in the course of a second. I whipped my head from side to side as I felt some of my essence leave me.

"Get off! I'm really gonna..!" When she stopped bouncing she immediately clenched me with her walls. I couldn't help it. I immediately exploded inside of her. I breathed sharply as my warm liquid invaded her cold lips. I groaned loudly as my virginity was stolen.


She moaned lightly as the last of my semen left me. She placed her hand on her chest and smiled, as if waiting for me to say something. She looked..Kind of satisfied..

"Rea-chan?" I asked.

She said not a word before falling asleep on me. I struggled to keep my eyes open. My body had finally decided that it wasn't going to take anymore of this abuse. As my eyes closed slowly a loud CRACK! Was heard around me. I looked around and noticed parts of the floor were beginning to break away. I gasped as the floor below me gave way. I was falling...Falling...

Then nothing...

To be continued...?

(Ugh. Why do I feel this was rushed? I just wanted to get it right. I might go back over it and see if changes need to be made. If not, then this is chapter one. Reviews and criticism is welcome. Thanks for reading!)