A/N: I hope you liked chapter 14! I decided to make Roy the uke for once. It doesn't happen too often!

Mustang had awoken the next morning alone, the only indication of the previous night being his sore muscles. Crossing the hall to his bathroom, he noticed that he had harder time moving about. He was much more fatigued than he had been in the past weeks. As the shower water washed over him, Roy struggled to keep his mind from wandering to what had happened. He simply stood there, bathing as quickly as he could before he collapsed from exhaustion. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the visions of last night out of his head.

That. . . I'm a monster. What have I done?

He grimaced, willing into his arm the strength to turn the faucet off. I've wanted nothing but to make him happy, and I've done everything to ensure that he never will be.

Not bothering to dry himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist and went back into his room.

I've used him.

Roy couldn't bring himself to touch the tainted bed, so he gripped the dresser and lowered himself to the floor. Every time he closed his eyes there were Edward's hands, touching him. There were Edward's lips, kissing him. Disgusted, he leaned back against the dresser, staring up at the ceiling. The tousled sheets almost pulsed at him, demanding his attention. He stood, turning his back to the sinful thing and reached for his clothes.

Eventually Mustang made it down the steps, fully clothed, suitcase in hand. He didn't even have the energy to pretend he wasn't sick anymore. Slouching, Mustang leaned against the wall and dropped his suitcase with a thud. The color in his face was nonexistent. Roy met Ed's eyes with a steady, masked expression.

The look on Ed's face wasn't of shock or even hatred. It was almost nonchalant.

"I'll call you a cab."

He disappeared to make the phone call. Tired, Roy nearly fell onto the steps. The silence was overpowering, his brown suitcase looming darkly just feet away. After what seemed like forever Mustang heard a car horn sound. Waiting a few moments, he expected to have one last goodbye. It quickly became apparent that Edward was not coming back from the kitchen.

He smiled bitterly to himself. Looks like the heroes of Amestris aren't so heroic after all, huh Hughes?

With that Roy staggered to his feet, tugged on his coat, picked up his luggage, and left, feeling more ashamed and betrayed than he had ever felt before.

Days passed and the loneliness crushed Edward slowly. He cleaned the entire house from top to bottom, erasing any remnants of his guest. With each day he wondered desperately when Winry was going to arrive, pushing Roy further and further from his thoughts.

He got what he wanted. I gave him all I could.

A week went by, and all of his time was spent perfecting every detail of the home he had built for his future wife and awaiting her return.

Edward was surprised to find a letter among his mail one day. Opening it, he soon discerned that it was in fact Winry's handwriting.


I'm not coming back. I know that I should, but I can't marry you. We can't go back to the way life was. I need to move on without you.

I'm sorry.


A single tear slid down his face, dripping off his chin onto the wrinkled sheet of lined paper. Clenching it in his fist, he turned on his heel and ran out the front door.


A/N: If you want to throw things at me, good. If you hate all three of them, even better! This chapter was short for a reason. I swear I didn't just get lazy. Things just happened in a whirl of horrible decision making on their parts. I feel that the actions are blunt and needed to be presented bluntly. I also wanted you to make up your own reasoning behind their behavior.

Wow, this story started out as a short excuse to write my own yaoi and it turned into this!

Thank you for sticking around through this roller coaster ride to the very end! I'm sorry that the writing isn't of the highest quality. Basically I'd type up a chapter and post it online as soon as it was done without any re-writing or editing. I'm so glad to have this finally done! PLEASE let me know what you think of the story, and thanks again!

NEW A/N! Everyone, thank you for your support and your time. I am proud to announce that I have begun a sequel to this story! The sequel is titled The Heroes of Amestris II so if you are interested or unsatisfied by my ending, please feel free to look up this new story to continue Roy's adventures!