"Noah, please just leave me alone." Rachel wiped away her tears; she had been sitting in front of her locker.

"Rach, seriously." Puck slid next to her. "You think I'm gonna leave you alone after what just happened?"

"I deserve to be alone, don't I? I mean, I'm spoiled, I'm selfish, I'm full of myself and I don't know how to listen to anyone that's not me-."

"And that's exactly what makes you the kind of person that doesn't deserve to be alone." He took her hand. "Rachel, you are the most conceited person I know…but even you deserve happiness, because you know how to appreciate it."

Rachel rested her head against his shoulder. "Why do I complicate things?"

"Beats me." Puck snorted. "But things usually end up okay."

"Oh, Noah." She dug her head into his shoulder to hide her face and her tears. "Finn must hate me for what I've done."

"You did nothing wrong." Puck insisted.


Puck and Rachel both looked up to find Finn standing there with his hand in his pocket and the other resting on the back of his neck.

"Can we talk?" He asked her.

Puck eyed him as he stood up and helped Rachel off the floor.

Before she could answer, Puck had stepped between them, poking Finn in the chest and whispering, "Make her cry and I will hurt you."

"Got it." Finn gulped, watching him walk back into the choir room.

Rachel kept her gaze on the floor; she was scared of what he would say, how he would react.

"Rachel…did you really do all that…to make me jealous?"

"No!" She answered quickly, finally meeting his stare. "I just…It was…" She didn't know how to answer him; she didn't want him to hate her, but she didn't want to get Puck in trouble either.

"Because it worked. You know that, right?" He stepped closer. "That's why I kissed you, that's why I fought with you. Because I thought Puck had your heart…and I didn't want to lose that."

"No one could have my heart like you do." She said aloud before quickly covering her mouth with her hand.

Finn lightly chuckled as he pulled her hand away. "Rach, I'm sorry." He finally apologized. "I'm sorry about Santana, I'm sorry that I blew things way out proportion, and I'm definitely sorry that I got back together with Quinn."

"But…isn't that what you wanted?" She whispered, feeling the tears well up. "Because you still loved her?"

"We'll always have a connection, Rach, I won't lie about that. But you, us…I want that, I need that. You're…insane, but you push me to do my best. You make me so angry, but it only leads me to loving you so much more. You talk way more than you should, but I end up paying attention to all of it because it means so much to you. You're so different from Quinn and that's what I love most about you. Because you're not the average teenage girl, Rachel, you're so much more."

Finn closed the space between them and pulled her into a tight hug, afraid to kiss in her in case she pulls back and slaps him for taking so long to realize his mistakes.

Rachel gripped his shirt in her hands, wanting to pull him even closer. She had started crying from the joy she felt as soon as he uttered the words "I'm sorry." Everything else he said had her heart pounding; he didn't normally say things like that, even when they were dating.

"But…" She pulled back to look up at him. "What does this mean?"

He smiled down at her. "It means I want you back, Rachel. I want to be with you and I don't want to let you go."

"But Quinn. Won't she be angry?"

Finn shrugged his shoulders. "I guess so, but I don't really care. I mean, yeah, she has feelings, but it's like she's a completely different person now."

Rachel sighed with content. "I love you, Finn."

"I love you, too." He dipped his head down to kiss her, feeling her smile in the process.

"Whoo hoo!"

They jumped apart, hearing most of the Glee club rush out and hug them.

"Finally!" Kurt hollered, wiping away an invisible tear. "I've waited so long for this moment."

Rachel and Finn laughed, welcoming their friends' embrace. Even Santana congratulated them while she hugged Rachel.

Honestly, Rachel and Finn getting back together wasn't as big of a deal as everyone was making it, but it was everything they went through to get to this point that made it special.

They had tugged and pulled for so long that it was downright tiring, and it was Finn who had finally decided that they needed each other way too much to play games anymore.

This chapter's really short, I know. I really don't know how to end it, and I'm still working on a couple of other stories that I'm waaaaayyyyyyy behind on. Forgive me ):