A/N: Hi everybody again! :) Here's my new story/replacement of SakuraXxXIchigo's story Alvin and the chipmunks & Brian and the chipmunks? FINALLY! XD

(I didn't really exactly know how to "continue" it, so I just made my own original story/OC's up xoxo)

Anywayzz, this is probably just gonna be another one of my weird ideas again ;P I hope this 1st chappie doesn't suck too bad XP Hope you all(try) to enjoy it! :D I love ya! ^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Alvin and the Chipmunks or any other AATC characters (Except mine of course)

- oXoXoXoXoXoXoXoXo -

"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well."

~ Vincent Van Gogh

I'm in Love With Who?

Chapter 1: Uh... welcome?

It was 10:00 at night in Los Angeles, and Claire (Dave's ex-girlfriend) had just got through making herself a cup of hot chocolate and walked out of her kitchen to her living-room and sat on a couch. After taking a sip of her hot chocolate she turned the channel on TV to the Late News Channel.

She smiled happily when she saw the reporter talking about The Chipmunks and The Chipettes' success.

Her smile grew when Dave's picture popped up on the corner of the screen while the reporter gave him and the chipmunks positive feedback.

Dave's a good Dad, Claire thought to herself. She took another sip of her hot chocolate and set the cup down on the coffee table that was in front of the couch and yawned.

She began to stretch and laid down on the couch comfortably, feeling sleepier. After 10 minutes had passed of watching the news she finally closed her eyes and fell asleep...

Outside, not too far from Claire's house...

"I can't walk another step!"

"Well, it's your fault that we're here in the first place ya know,"

"I know I know... Sowwie..."

"C'mon you two, we have to keep moving,"

The first voice (which belonged to a chipmunk ;D) began moaning in exhaustion at the word "moving". The three had been walking/scampering everywhere for a full 3 HOURS trying to find some place to stay. He felt like he was about to pass out in any second.

The chipmunk that spoke last rolled his eyes at the first chipmunk's whining and kept walking. "Wait, look over there," he said, pointing to a house where the porch-light was on at.

The first chipmunk shrugged. "Okay... What about it?"

The last chipmunk rolled his eyes once again and face-palmed. "It's the only house with the lights still on, so whoever lives there must still be awake.." He explained.

The second & first chipmunk looked at him as if he was crazy and were very confused.

He groaned in frustration. "Just follow me, okay!"

They all scurried over to the house and stood on the steps of the porch.

"We're here. Now what?" Asked the second chipmunk.

The third chipmunk nodded his head over to the door. "We're gonna go in through that doggy door."

"We're gonna do WHAT?!" The first naive chipmunk squeaked.

"We're goin' inside and spendin' the night there," The third chipmunk assured.

The first chipmunk quickly shook his head. "Uh-uh, no way! I'm not goin' inside that house," He protested, turning around and began to walk away, "Yall must be crazy.."

The second & third chipmunk playfully rolled their eyes and both each grabbed each of the little chipmunk's arms and pushed him through the doggy door while he was struggling from their grip.

When they were all finally in, he gave the two a death-glare which said 'I outta kill yall' while they both tried to hold in their laughs.

They looked around the house in amazement at how clean it was, even though they were standing in the living-room.

"This is very uh... homey.." Said the second chipmunk.

Suddenly all their eyes widened when they saw a woman with long blonde hair clad in a light-blue robe, sleeping on a couch.

The first chipmunk bravely scurried over where the woman was laying and jumped on the coffee table. He looked at the woman in her slumber, then turned around and mouthed to the two chipmunks, still standing by the doorway - "She's pretty,"

"Get back here!" The third chipmunk mouthed back.

The first chipmunk turned back around and sniffed the sweet aroma that was in the air. Mmm smells like chocolate...

He looked over and saw a cup of hot chocolate and licked his lips. It won't hurt to have a taste..

He walked over to the cup and began to drink the hot chocolate, making a loud slurp noise.

"Don't drink that!" The third chipmunk half-shouted scurrying over to him, followed by the second chipmunk.

Claire began hearing some kind of slurping noise coming from somewhere, and also heard a high pitched voice.

She became puzzled, now half asleep. Was this her imagination? Was she dreaming of hearing these noises?

Then all of a sudden she heard a different high pitched voice say "I was thirsty, okay!"

Then a different voice say, "Well you can't drink other peoples' property. That's trespassing!"

"But we've already trespassed inside the house, so what's the difference?"

I don't think I'm hearing things...! Claire opened her eyes and quickly sat up to see who had introduded her home.

The three chipmunks froze and jerked their heads to the awoken blonde woman, who's eyes were wide as frying pans at the sight of the chipmunks.

All 3 of them were thin, had pretty caramel-colored fur, and were very cute. One was tall, one was short, and one was kinda in-between.

The one who's height was in-between and his hair was just like Alvin's. His eyes were a deep light green. He had an open white jacket on wearing an orange T-shirt underneath.

The tallest one's hair was actually messy in wavy curls, poofed up in an afro (when let loose) but was pulled back up into a cute poofy ponytail with a fuzzy green scrunchie. His eyes were a beautiful hazel. He had an open black jacket on wearing a white T-shirt with a green peace sign underneath.

The shortest one's hair was long & down in two pigtails, which were braided. His eyes were a dark chocolate brown. He had an open dark grey jacket on wearing a purple T-shirt underneath.

(A/N: Just to make sure there isn't any confusion from the beginning: The 1st chipmunk was the one wearing purple; The 2nd chipmunk was the one wearing orange; The 3rd chipmunk was the one wearing white XP)

Claire was still frozen from shock, as the three chipmunks had relaxed a bit and slowly grinned sheepishly at the same time.

The orange-clad chipmunk blushed. "Umm... hi?" He slightly waved at the woman.

"Um.." Claire tried smiling a bit, "hello?"

The purple-clad chipmunk stepped up and smiled back. "What's your name?"

"Uh, Claire. Claire Wilson.."

"Oh. Hi, Claire!" He said, waving up at her. She waved back.

"Uh, s-sorry heh-heh," The white-clad chipmunk apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. "We didn't mean to wake you up. We were just wondering if... well I mean... erm-"

"Can we stay here?" The orange-clad chipmunk asked. The white-clad chipmunk gave him a look like 'Well dang! I didn't know it was that simple'.

"Erm..." Claire didn't know what to say. She hardly knew them, and she doesn't even know how they got here in the first place.

There was a silence. She looked at their hoping chipmunk eyes. Aww... I just can't let them back outside.. she thought, Maybe they can stay for just this one night...

Claire let out a sigh and smiled. "Alright. But just for tonight," She quickly added.

The three chipmunks cheered of joy.

"Wait, where are we sleepin'?" The orange-clad chipmunk asked Claire.

Claire got up and said, "Wait right there," and practically ran down the hallway.

The three chipmunks looked at each other perplexed.

Claire came back with a pillow and a blanket and she plopped the pillow on a sofa chair. "You're sleeping right here," she said, motioning them to lay down.

With no hesitation, the three chipmunks scurried over to the sofa and laid down, feeling very comfortable. Claire then put the blanket on top of them and smiled. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight, Claire," They replied in unison.

After Claire had turned off the lamp in the living-room and went to her bedroom to go to sleep, in a matter of seconds all three chipmunks were fast alseep.

A/N: X3 *squeals* They are so cute!

Tbh, I've kinda had this story saved in my computer for a while (1-2 months), but I didn't know when I wanted to update it on FanFicton :P

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter(I guess)! XD Review, please. :)

PEACE & LOVE! X3 #SpreadThePeace!
