
Hi guys, I realized it has been a very long time since I had last updated but I am here (maybe it is your Christmas Gift from me) but I am updating. I had read some Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and I was like…it's time to update ^^ I hope you aren't mad for my absence and I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter, I am sorry for making you all wait but you will see I have improved a lot as an author. Please remember to review, follow and favorite.



Masamune's Point of View

The kitchen didn't feel right, sitting down at my kitchen table, checking my watch for the 12th time. Ritsu had said he would be home and he would see me in the evening, his absence beginning to startle me. The rational part of my brain told me there were subway delays, there were traffic delays, but my worried brain warned me of the dangers he could be in, the terrifying world that was out there to hurt him. It was this side of my brain that made me pick up the phone and call his mother.

Ritsu's Point of View

I sat quietly staring blankly at the white wall before me. I had lost track of how long I had been here, first of all I had woken up and it was broad daylight. Was it the same day, or was it the next day…the next week? The sun was beginning to dip below the cityscape, the wall I had been staring at turning an orangey, yellow. A click sounded, the door opening to reveal none other than my mentally ill teacher. "Ritsu, you are awake, good thing I have dinner prepared, you must have had a tiring day to fall asleep like that after lunch." He chided as if I was a child. What he says confuses me, but also explains to me that I had been asleep mere hours and not the days I had dreaded. "Sensei, I need to be returning home I have people there worrying about me." I began, dusting off my dark jeans and pulling my (masamune') green sweater closer to my thin frame.

Wellford Sensei's face twisted into one of displeasure but he quickly composed himself, allowing a cheery smile to take its place. "Ritsu, are you having a memory laps again, this is your home. Did you maybe forget to take your medication?" He asked, concern seeping into his tone. Medication? Memory…what is he talking about, I have to go home, Masamune is waiting for me there, we are supposed to eat dinner together his evening…I shouldn't be here eating with my old teacher…the teacher who used to provoke and tease my body telling me not to tell. "I am not on any medication?" I questioned, more like stated as I stood up.

"Ritsu how the hell am I supposed to start over if you refuse to go along with this! This is your new life, You live with me we are married stop forgetting me!" He shouted, my body tensing at the sudden sound of his booming voice. I shook in place, my eyes wide staring at him with wonder and confusion. "I am sorry sensei but I am not married to you, I am engaged to Takano Masamune…"

This only displeased the man more, showing as he marched with heavy steps towards me, pulling me by my shirt and bringing his face down to my level. "You live here, we are married and we are going to be eating dinner and watching movies like we always do. If you need to remember I will get your medication and we will take a short nap and we will remember everything when we wake up" He threatened, his eyes wandered over to the bottle of liquid that was placed on the table. Then it all seemed to click; he wanted to build up a fantasy…start a life with me as if we had lived together forever…like I hadn't graduated college and left him back in America…like we had gotten married and engaged…like we were happily in love with a normal routine like eating together and watching movies. With this realization, dread seemed to pool in my stomach as I realized it would be a while until I got out of here.

It had been 3 days since I came here and I was sure Masamune was pulling his hair out from worry. I missed him dearly, how he hugged me close to his body, how he held my waist as we cooked, how he laughed as I sang off key…how he would become jealous over the cat and even our little tiffs we had when we didn't agree on what movie to watch or how to correct a manuscript. Of course he was always right but my stubborn pride wouldn't let me admit that so easily.

My depression I had accumulated since I came here worsened, making my appetite less than it already had been. Pushing the meal away I watched the clock. He would be here soon, his schedule was easy and very routine like, he never broke this routine, he would cook dinner for me and then we would watch a movie together closer than I would have liked, on the couch while I thought of ways to escape his sexual advances. His advances were getting more and more serious as the days went on. On the first day it had just been a light brush of the thigh, now he was pulling me into his lap, his hardened member pressing uncomfortably against my back.

I wanted to go home so badly, I was so sick of this atmosphere, I was sure there were broadcasts about me on the news but I didn't want to look. I was also sure that my work was piling up and that Masamune was worried, my mother flustered with worry and my father struggling with his worry as he lost his only son. I wanted to go home…there was no way around It, he had taken my cell phone…the only way I assured myself from being hurt and or raped was going along with his sick fantasy. I would welcome him home with a fake smile plastered on my face, he would smile pull me into a 'loving' embrace and we would eat dinner.

The door opened snapping me from my thoughts, my dreaded teacher marching through the door, his briefcase in hand. "How was class today?" I inquired with fake interest. "Some kids were buzzing about news, don't worry about it, I am just glad I am home and that it is a Friday" he smirked pulling me into the embrace I had described earlier. "Sensei…when can I go back to work?" I asked cautiously, looking at the floor. "What do you mean, You hadn't worked in year!" he exclaimed, stretching his lie. "But with my medication and finally being stable about what is going on in life, I want to help you pay the bills." I murmured thinking quickly. If I could just go to work I could find Masamune and he could call the police and have this man arrested for kidnapping. "I am a well-known professor I need no help in paying our apartment bills." He scoffed pulling water from outside of the fridge. "I know but I still feel bad for you having to support me all the time, I want to buy you gifts." I pressed lying through my teeth.

He looked back at me with a bit of shock but quickly twisted his face into a happy one. "Ritsu, you don't have to buy me anything your presence is enough." This conversation isn't going where I want it to… "But when we go on dates, I don't want you to have to pay all the time…and when we adopt kids, I want them to know that they have two smart dads." I am just becoming a great liar huh? "You want a family?" He asked bewildered, his eyes clouding over and him spacing out as if he were picturing his life with me and a family…I felt bad for him, having his whole world revolve around me, having such a delusional view on the world…when I just wanted to throw him away in a psychiatric ward. "Ritsu if you are so serious about work I don't see why you can't, just take it easy your illness might not be able to handle it…if you forget where you are and who I am again…I don't know what I'd do…knowing you want a family with me warms my heart, I don't want you to be in danger" He sighed tiredly plopping down on a kitchen chair while the food cooked. "I will be careful, I just need to keep myself busy and plan for our future" I added as an afterthought so he wouldn't think I was trying to get rid of him. "Okay I will let you go to work tomorrow but take it easy okay?" he uttered in defeat, pulling me into a tight hug. "Thank you." I mumbled against his shoulder, a grin spreading over my frowning mouth and this time it was genuine…Masamune, please wait for me.


I hope that was all up to your standards, please wait for next time ^^

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